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46 mins ago, by Jhawins
I honestly don't think it's ok to deter so many people from PHP. Fact of the matter is that you people just don't like it. You also don't like Java, but there are thousands of careers waiting for Java developers, and PHP developers. So who made you god of programming languages?
Moral universalism (also called moral objectivism or universal morality) is the meta-ethical position that some system of ethics, or a universal ethic, applies universally, that is, for "all similarly situated individuals", regardless of culture, race, sex, religion, nationality, sexuality, or any other distinguishing feature. Moral universalism is opposed to moral nihilism and moral relativism. However, not all forms of moral universalism are absolutist, nor are they necessarily value monist; many forms of universalism, such as utilitarianism, are non-absolutist, and some forms, such as ...
Strange thing is that I'm not evev on the office network right now.
I believe in Moral Relativism.
I don't think it's wrong for me to believe that. I don't think sex with minors is ok, and I don't think sex with animals is ok. But I don't have the right to choose absolutely anything about anyone else's beliefs.
@Jhawins That's not moral relativism
If 1 person wants to eat another person, you'd say it's wrong for sure. But what if the other person literally wants to be eaten, as in they agree that when they die, they'd like the other person to eat them.
@Jhawins that is an example of moral relativism.
@Shmiddty I don't think those things are ok for me
beliefs are not the exact same as a persons morality
@rlemon That's what you believe. I don't believe that. Before you edited it
Ooh, all I see is Moral Universalism
this'll be good
just because you believe something, doesn't make it true
!!wiki moral relativism
again, I believe I am the King of the world.
Moral relativism may be any of several philosophical positions concerned with the differences in moral judgments across different people and cultures. Descriptive moral relativism holds only that some people do in fact disagree about what is moral; meta-ethical moral relativism holds that in such disagreements, nobody is objectively right or wrong; and normative moral relativism holds that because nobody is right or wrong, we ought to tolerate the behavior of others even when we disagree about the morality of it. Not all descriptive relativists adopt meta-ethical relativism, and moreover...
@Jhawins now go make me a sandwich
!!keep following a very weird conversation or go play Minecraft (@KendallFrey)
@OctavianDamiean keep following a very weird conversation
guess how much weight my beliefs hold in the real world.
@rlemon That's childish come on. You're just picking at my words now.
Every single one of your arguments is incoherent and picking on words our of context.
@OctavianDamiean Challenge: Create a Grey code counter with redstone.
@rlemon If you were around when the world wasn't completely claimed (or basically) and you found yourself an abandoned island, took a girl there that shared your morals and started a country, your beliefs are all that matter.
@KendallFrey damn, it's been a while. :D
^ incoherent argument which has no context to this discussion
@OctavianDamiean you MC?
what are we arguing about now?
@mikedidthis I'll MC now, yes.
@rlemon It's totally relevant.
in a conversation about social morality on a global scale why would you bring up people from hundreds of years ago in a VERY DIFFERENT social / economical / moral grounds.
@OctavianDamiean damn. I haven't played in months, do you have server?
Is there something I can use to scan a page/website and it'll tell me all the things I use that aren't compatible with IE9?
I'm saying that we basically have a few sets of morals that different areas live by but it wasn't always like that.
@SomeKittens It's called IE9
@mikedidthis Not yet but I have a VPS, I have a TS, I have the knowledge and the incentive. I should be able to craft something out of that.
@Jhawins seriously, you couldn't carry an arguement if it had handles on it.
yea, i'm done with this argument. it's horse sex all over again. cool bro, your opinions on the world are all that matter. I hope you don't reproduce.
@rlemon Do you personally believe homosexuality is ok. (please just ride this last thing out..)
@Jhawins yes.
This is some weird JavaScript
@OctavianDamiean well if you do set up a server with outside access, I would like to put my name forward to join. Thank you please.
comparing homosexuality with Zoophelia or cannibalism will just get you hated by a lot of people (if you are going down that slope)
@mikedidthis you're always welcome. ;)
just saying..
@OctavianDamiean thank you good sir. The MC server I played on went bye bye and I have no were to craft.
@OctavianDamiean ugh, why Minecraft?
@mikedidthis the idea is to craft some funny things with Redstone and I'd also like to build a huge Death Star. :)
what is the point of the server?
just to make things?
Ok, I share that opinion, don't interpret this wrongly.
In Nigeria (around)98% of the population agrees that homosexuality is an abomination.
Do you think that they have the right to decide that that is against their morals, as a people?
@rlemon because you can build more things.
Harming a living creature that is innocent (defined as having done no harm to any other living creature) is wrong.
@rlemon because 3D > 2D yo!
@rlemon server = pretend friends.
@Jhawins and this relates to the JS rooms general down look on PHP how?
@rlemon a MC server is like a water candle in Terraria, if you're holding it the changes for mods to spawn increases, except that the mods are friends.
I think they have the right to live as a people without homosexuality. 98% of the population agrees. Should the other 98% change their beliefs for the 2%? They whole heartedly believe that it is morally wrong, can the 2% change that? I think that would be wrong.
and let us define harm as unsolicited physical or emotional attacks
@Shmiddty no point man. I'm giving up and just ignoring him from now on.
That's the best way I can explain my point. That's all.
@mikedidthis not in flatland!
@Jhawins To be contrary to the rest of the room, I'm following your point.
@Jhawins I believe that not having a beard is morally wrong. If you don't have a beard, get out of my country.
@Jhawins so to clarify, if a majority believe in (a) everyone is forced to believe in (a)?
@rlemon we are in our own flatland
Well. That was strange. And scary.
@SomeKittens I'm not saying you should agree with me, it's just good that you at least can understand what I'm saying, whether you think I'm an idiot or not.
@RyanKinal bathroom break?
I thought my network admins had blocked chat.SO for me.
I would have cried. A lot.
@RyanKinal "for me" like we're a bad influence or something.
@RyanKinal: SSH tunnels to the rescue
@ThiefMaster Nah, it just magically came back. Not sure why it was ever gone.
@Jhawins have you read "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis?
@Jhawins I understand your argument, I just think it has no real basis for comparison in this discussion - also, on top of that, when people in here disagree with you, you have in the past gone off the deep end and insulted them.
@SomeKittens And yeah. You, especially, are a terrible influence.
@rlemon But did I do it today? ;)
@SomeKittens Yup.
Being all "Hey, how's your startup going? Did you quit your job yet? Make it big so you can hire all of us."
^ bad influence
no, but today you were || <- this close to comparing homosexuality to cannibalism on the levels of acceptability ??? seriously, just knowing where you were heading makes me not like you anymore.
@Jhawins (re) reading it now. Fascinating philosophy. I like how he takes a look at the massive commonalities we have, instead of the differences debates like this tend to focus on.
The relativism in it is all I was comparing. I totally agree with you that cannibalism is wrong but I don't think I have the right to tell someone he can't eat someone else if the other person wanted to be eaten. Even if they were alive, it's his choice how he dies not mine.
@RyanKinal Network admin: "ack, he's being encouraged to quit! BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK"
This coffee has the after-taste of pumpkin seeds. It's strange.
So. Who has tried Ghost already? In case you don't know what it is, here's the shortest possible answer.
@Jhawins See, I understand that point. And no, the 2% should not change their beliefs. But you're living in a society, which means there's some give and take. You don't have to be homosexual, or even associate with homosexual people in your personal life. You just have to realize that being gay is a socially acceptable choice.
Just like gettin' totally drizunk is a socially acceptable choice - you don't have to agree with it, or do it yourself, but you have to live in the same society as those who do.
@SomeKittens Yes!
yea I think i'll just not be on SO for today
@SomeKittens Exactly. I suck at finding those points. I took classes from 16-19 on religion/morality (I was homeschooled so those are the only actual classes I ever took...) and learned a lot. The thing that sucks though is that most everything I learned really just points to relativism and now I have a hard time accepting things as absolute truth.
Holy shiz! My VPS isn't nearly good enough to host a MC server. :(
you people make me sad and worried for mankind
@kaiser I just like that there's a nice example of a 'large-scale' node.js app
@rlemon hug?
you can learn so much from just reading code
@rlemon I <3 you. And the rest of mankind.
@RyanKinal It isn't a socially acceptable choice in many places in the world... I don't think it's wrong for a country to decide it isn't acceptable in their borders.
@SomeKittens what's large scale about it? honest question.
@OctavianDamiean :(
@Jhawins Relativism is a wonderful cop-out until someone steals your seat on the subway. If it's relatively moral for them, what right do you have to be angry at them?
@Jhawins Unfortunately, "the world" is the society I'm mostly talking about. We're an increasingly global society. I mean, look how many nationalities exist in just this chat room.
I don't think anyone really wants to continue this. Can we just leave it at that?
Aside from @SomeKittens...
I mean, apart from the Canadians, who don't count...
!!afk smokey the bear
@Shmiddty Why are you leaving me!?
@kaiser In terms of things they do, it's not just a simple example someone cranked out in a day
@Jhawins oddly, that didn't ping me.
> . INDIVIDUAL RELATIVISM: The view that what is ethically right is relative to each
and every person. For instance, if person A believes bribery in business is
ethical, it is; if person B believes bribery in business is unethical, it is.
@SomeKittens... Now that there are multiple periods is it working?
@Jhawins Nope, got hit with that
what about italics, @Jhawins
@SomeKittens Got that. Multiple periods broke it, right?
Blah blah blah. There is no universal justice or morality. We're talking on the level of societies here.
> CULTURAL RELATIVISM: The view that what is ethically right is relative to
one’s culture. For instance, if culture A believes using “sweatshops” is
ethical, it is; if culture B believes using “sweatshops” is unethical, it is.
Aside from @Jhawins...
@SomeKittens Didn't get a ping. The italics didn't do it though, I think it's the ...
@Jhawins Fair enough. But if you happen to live in a culture that doesn't agree with you, either change it or gtfo.
so one period doesn't break it, but three do. Sounds like a family man with two daughters.
@RyanKinal That's what I was saying.
@SomeKittens.. does two?
Anything more than 1.
!!afk smoke. Calming down ha
@Jhawins Can you pick up some milk on your way back?
@Jhawins so if you don't like the PHP bashing, change our opinion or GTFO?
@mikedidthis Jhawins is afk: smoke. Calming down ha
@Jhawins yep!
@CapricaSix Thank you for the reminder!
Also, I really like Nick Zakas' latest post: nczonline.net/blog/2013/10/15/…
wow @KendallFrey @mikedidthis Minecraft account since: 24 June, 2011
@noboundaries Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
So, I'm not crazy, I just have a different opinion. Also I didn't insult anyone. So I don't have to take any shit like that.
@Jhawins Turns out I already have milk. Oops.
@OctavianDamiean eh?
@mikedidthis I just realized for how long I haven't played it.
@OctavianDamiean lul, I was on it a lot around 1.0 - 1.3 iirc correctly, before Jeb took over
@rlemon did you really ignore me..
@rlemon Did you ragequit?
@mikedidthis pssst... "iirc" stands for "if I recall correctly"
Discovering the boundaries of an echo chamber does that.
6 hours ago, by mikedidthis
I am really bad at spelling
And English in general.
Fair enough :-)
@mikedidthis you should get on TS sooner or later (sooner is preferred).
Who here owns/manages/created @CapricaSix?
!!/tell deep help
Owned, managed and created by Zirak.
@dystroy not helpful, but thanks.
not helpful ? Did you look at the URL ?
@deep How about you click on the link?
@deep that is the definition of helpful?
@OctavianDamiean Out of interest, what language is she written in? and i have seen the link
24 secs ago, by Octavian Damiean
@deep How about you click on the link?
@deep Once again, click the link
I have seen the page many times.
Now click the repo name?
Do you know what github is about ?
Wait for it....
@deep Wait, have you never been on GitHub before?
ive been on it once. I have an account, but i use it purely to link it with stuff so i get free extras
Free extras?
@deep Your noob is showing. Pull up your pants.
I have never ever heard anyone use Github for that purpose.
Guys, its been a pleasure but after the last 30 mins, I am out.
!!afk drinking Ethanol
@mikedidthis Why are you leaving me!?
Sorry @KendallFrey, Doing it now. and Free extras include "Link with your Github account an get free storage space!"
@mikedidthis don't forget to leave me in your will
@eazimmerman mikedidthis is afk: drinking Ethanol
He did it for Koding.com
@eazimmerman Ethanol isn't that toxic.
They give you more space if you link your GitHub account, and that's where his site is "hosted". They also give you 250mb of space for every person you refer.
Oh, my gawd...
> The denied site has been categorized as: Alcohol
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eth...
No shit, Sherlock
@KendallFrey i was expecting him to just drink a gallon of the stuff
Must. Choose. 6 from this wall.
The local wall... It's usually not that good. But it's Tuesday..
What are those plastic things?
I finally will work full time on what i have alwyas wanted to work full time on :D
Real Time Clock?
Religious Technology Center?
Real Time Communication ... more specifically audio encoding and decoding, video processing and all this really amazing shit htat i love :$
Fair 'nuf
@rlemon ... i love canada for this one ^
hey guys
Q: toggle doesn't work rightly

Dave-88i implement a toggle event but it doesn't work rightly. Here my Testsite(view in browser 550px width): http://devel.hoevermann-gruppe.de/ if you click on the search glass icon you see the bug. Here my Code: jQuery("#search_icon").click(function(){ $('.search_mobil').slideToggle()...

Q: Javascript sleep/delay/wait function

user2704237Sorry if this question has already been asked here before, I could not find a suitable answer. I am wanting to create a Javascript sleep/delay/wait function that I can call anywhere in the script, like jQuery's .delay() I am not able to use setTimeout, as I have a script that is generated by ph...

Someone distract me
@Shmiddty Welcome back!
I need to not smother this girl that I'm completely infatuated with
@Shmiddty lose some weight :p
dick. :P
is what you shouldnt use
well said
@CharlieBrown if you didn't have the :p on the end I would star that.
I'm being serious here. I really like this girl, and I don't want to scare her away.
With pouchDB, do you use a .html file or a .js file? or both?
@shmiddty don't Get Drunk.
i prefer felineDB
never heard of it
Q: Using objects to make state with AJAX functions as properties

wootscootinboogieI'm using bootstrap 3.0 to display a tooltip (this example isn't specific to boot-strap) where the html inside the tooltip is fed from an AJAX call. In the future I want to be able to use the same element to fire different AJAX calls (something like fire a different AJAX call if the shift+click ...

Q: How to get the post_name when in preview?

Scott HelmeI'm using the below code in my functions.php file to include some JS only in posts I want. The code works fine for published posts and I can target a specific post, but how do I do it for posts that are not yet published, like viewing a draft post? global $post; if( is_page() || is_single() ) {...

i never heard of pouchDB
interesting, i stand corrected
@dystroy did that guy comment ?
i have no idea how to use pouchDB. im looking at the tutorials thinking: "What?"
anyone? clear things up a bit
Sometimes, I don't know why I associate with my business partner
Matthew: when you wanna roll over here?
Ryan : Sometime soon... I've finished my coffee.
Matthew : i still need to poop
Ryan : Well, umm... keep me updated on that
Matthew : how updated?
Matthew : play by play?
Ryan : No. Hell no.
Matthew : max wipe count
Ryan : I hate you
what's with all these <random word>DB for json databases?
@eazimmerman hey... couchdb is super comfy
@RyanKinal yeah well... something something couch potato
@eazimmerman chouchdb is amazing
@AbhishekHingnikar I've been meaning to check out crouchDB but i hear people can't stand it. ;)
@eazimmerman depends
> crouchDB
i think you missed the pun
i tried postgres loved it -> mongo loved it more -> i gave a shot to baucis + mongo i fell in dep love -> then i tried couch and i was like omfg this is friken awesome !
on a serious note, i have looked at mongoDB
but i couldn't find any good hosting
why not simply use a (virtual) dedicated machine
how? wouldn't my isp block incoming requests?
Depends on your ISP
Ask if they offer a static IP
i wasn't talking about hosting it at home
Ohai, CouchDB discussion :)
Any suggestions for hosting providers for dedicated machines
@eazimmerman mongo has tons of hosts :-|
10gen itself
@eazimmerman also u can just setup a virtual box
or even better get a vagrant and digital ocean :P
install mongo on it ?
@eazimmerman hetzner.de if you are in europe
@eazimmerman Yea, Hetzner even has used dedi boxes that are way cheaper.
Why not simply run it and use it locally?
@FlorianMargaine because that's not a good solution for a production site?
@ThiefMaster you can run it on vagrant and push it to production
you get almost the same environment and all
@dystroy I assumed all the solutions submitted will be butt ugly
@dystroy huh, weird, thanks. Could you raise an issue as well, just so I won't forget it?
@FlorianMargaine Means you'll be able to submit changes directly to the bot repo
@Shmiddty Yes?
@rlemon Are you free for bot-reign transfer?
So, we're discussing infix notation for JavaScript.
Being able to do func(a,b) as a::func(b)
@Zirak sneaky.
!!> (1e+100).toString()
@Shmiddty "SyntaxError: missing name after . operator"
@Shmiddty "1e+100"
I was surprised about it too, actually. We were using the same approach, and that extra test case invalidated mine too.
So for example, even if you don't have map/reduce/filter (or any other method) you can do var {filter,map,reduce = Array.prototype; document.getElementsByClassName("div")::filter(e=>e.tagName === "span")::forEach(e=>e.style.display = "none")`
Opinions please.
@Zirak @Shmiddty
Also @Zirak get some sleep.
yeah yeah
Ok, now I'm sure it's the military.
@BenjaminGruenbaum could you format that?
I have about 15 minutes if you're free on TS
@Shmiddty Yeah, consider having func(a,b) as a::func(b)
We're four people on TS.
But yes, I'm free.
@PatrickFalize Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
anyone thad could help with dropzone.js ? i'm realy stuck
Oh I see the context now. I've never worked with infix notation
A special gift, to all y0 smokers here
from jAndy with love :P
@Shmiddty Think of method calls.
right, the concept seems pretty simple
Right now you do [1,2,3,4,5].map(...).filter(...) , now let's say you want to shuffle and then filter again. However, you don't want to write ugly syntax and you don't want to extend a native prototype, you could do [1,2,3,4,5].map(...).filter(...)::shuffle().map(...)
Is that something that would interest you in the language @Shmiddty
excuse my ignorance, but what is so wrong with having a reference to that array and just call it via that a second time ?
This is one simplified example.
or I don't get it
The idea is to enable you to chain.
var {reduce} = Array.prototype; //destructuring
"321312312".toString()::reduce((prev,cur) => prev+digitValueOrZero(cur),0);
What would be the difference between [1,2,3,4,5].map(...).filter(...)::shuffle().map(...) and [1,2,3,4,5].map(...).filter(...).shuffle().map(...)?
This is @Zirak 's digit sum without having to do the extra .split("") in the middle.
I'm Zirak!
@Shmiddty In the second example, you had to put shuffle on Array.prototype and alter a native prototype. In the first you did not.
I see
shuffle is just a method accepting an array as the first parameter. It can be generic or not, up to you.
Yeah, that'd be useful.
what is :: in js lol
@FLCL New syntax we're discussing. What do you think?
I feel like it could create some confusion.
@BenjaminGruenbaum is this in any form of "official" discussion or just private in here ?
@jAndy Yes, and you are very welcome to participate
@BenjaminGruenbaum, javascript++
no I mean, is there any draft or something ongoing
i hope they do not invent pointers
var map = function(item,index,...){...}; [1,2,3,4,5].map(...)::map(...) Might lead to confusion.
@Shmiddty Elaborate.
could someone give a link to latest specs?
the (likely rare) instances where there is a function definition which shares a name with a prototype function, and both are used.
@FLCL What's in browsers right now? es5.github.io
@Shmiddty Yes, the current suggestion is that :: is explicitly not the object's function. You'd have to do ::[].map if you want the object's function.
I apologize, my head is swimming right now
Take your time.
Everything ok?
a bit of anxiety
which I haven't experienced in a while.
Everything ok?
x is a span element. x.style.textOverflow = 'ellipsis' does not work in IE9 (no change in the overflowing element). Am I missing anything?
@Shmiddty Happens to the best of us. Take it slow.
!!tell SomeKittens mdn text-overflow
@RyanKinal ...how does that help?
Apparently it doesn't :-P
So apparently :: doesn't take the first argument, it takes this instead.
Which is a very OO-oriented construct
Yeah, it is a very OOPish construct apparently. I just wish for Haskell's nowI'mInfix notation
Well, those had back ticks around them but the formatting here messed those up
you can escape backticks. ``
you can backtick escapes! `` (you just won't get very far)
hello, is there a way to prevent jquery's .hide() on element, without js? There's this e-commerce solution for joomla, with this: `<?php
// the display:block CSS is a "fix" against JSN poweradmin which hides the menu bar of HikaShop since Joomla 3.0 if we don't do that
?><div class="navbar-inner" style="display:block !important;">` but it doesn't work, jquery still hides it. What would be the least intrusive solution?
@enrey Don't use Joomla
@SomeKittens slowly figuring this out.
But hey, wordpress isn't any better, drupal is dodgy, joomla is broken, php is utterly broken, javascript is inconsistent, css has weird syntax, html is old, and I have a rent to pay, so whatever..
@enrey Uhm, rather use something like Drupal or WordPress instead of Joomla.
Joomla's a problem because all the plugins overwrite each other
And no one knows how to write proper plugins because the free docs are terrible
@enrey Javascript is what you make of it.
because they're trying to make money off of their books
@enrey Well said
> Procedures can be accessed as procedures, or by treating pdb as a mapping object.
hah, love how that sentence reads, especially the first part.
@Zirak go to bed after bot transfer!
Is there some kind of workaround for the backspace key in an onkeypress event?
Hi Everybody, can someone help me loading a JS async?
this old asian lady is going to drive me crazy
@OctavianDamiean Sent @rlemon the instructions, waiting for his response, but I cant wait much longer.
@Zirak He'll be back in a second.
I'm trying to send key data over a WebSocket connection, and the onkeydown event always sends capitial letters, but the onkeypress event doesn't seem to capture backspace key presses.
yea i'm here
@rlemon rl Look this jsfiddle.net/montogeek/A2KR5 the external file should write a text in the document, but it doesn't
hey, fuck motorbike users here
i mean here on cyprus
some faggot just decided it would be great to take his bike, tune up his muffler and ride as fast as he can from red light to red light, in 1 o'clock at the morning
he's on a street 3km from me and my glass is shaking in the window
@Jhawins ^

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