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@FlorianMargaine I'm trying to talk to you on gtalk
can i be added to the list of room owners now ?
Best Jquery graph plugin?
Anybody have an opinion?
Need a simple graph
Q: Javascript Loading Effect to URLs

Ryu IshidaI have found the youtube loading effect which I want to use in my wordpress theme. As this demo shows the effect triggering with button event. I want to add this to my wordpress theme by triggering URL event onclick. So how to call this effect in our theme, when any URL on page is clicked? Any...

I declared var:
var imgpath="https://graph.facebook.com/<?=myid ?>/picture?type=small";
which gives error : `SyntaxError: unterminated string literal

var imgpath="https://graph.facebook.com/<br />`
I already have terminated it!
<?= $myid ?>
@user2129623 Try var imgpath="https://graph.facebook.com/" +<?=myid ?> +"/picture?type=small"; if

<?= $myid ?> must loading a value....
Q: Clear custom field when new tag is added

NateWrWhen adding a new tag in the admin interface, WordPress doesn't reload the page. It appears to send the data with an ajax call, clear the fields and add the tag to the list on the right. I am working with a custom taxonomy that operates like tags. I have added a custom field to that taxonomy. Wh...

hey guys
someone have idea ?
Q: Find the toggle state of my toggle slide for insert this in the DB

Dave-88i will to find the state of my toggle slide (on the right side) for the insert or update post this in the DB. I need this for customer seetings. How can i solve this? This is what i have now: jQuery('.menu_filter').find('.toggle-slide').eq(0).click(function(){ jQuery('.dark_red_gradien...

@Zirak awww
The zombie ant thing is fucking dope
but failed
Watch the video
Mind-control, insane AI and AMI (Ant-Machine Interface) IS AMONG US
It's insane
Holy shit!
I hope humans will never be a suitable host for such fungi.
I like this topic
Bringing zombie ants to kids of all ages.
@OctavianDamiean seriously, I do
A similar fungi for humans would have to be undetected due to other humans being able to burn the host. There might already exist (besides babies).
@jAndy because you're a douche!
I mean.. yes... but not in this case..
How would you want that?
hi friends.. i have one doubt in javascript..
It'd be so cool
in that BBC video there is a very good point, it has a positive affect, "Parasites like this, stop any one group of animal getting the upperhand"
Aren't all the zombie apocalypse movies and TV shows enough reason not to want that?
I just love when someone has a doubt in JavaScript
this is what humans totally are immune against and thats why this society and world is so fucked up :p
How to store a value to a variable in java script permanently?
@jAndy Solution: Kill the unworthy
@JasperManickaraj what do you mean with "permanently"?
@JasperManickaraj Nothing is permanent. For a reasonably long term, you might use localStorage.
!!/tell JasperManickaraj mdn localStorage
@BenjaminGruenbaum I just like the phrasing of that sentence
"I have one doubt in something"
@JasperManickaraj You take a chisel and a small hammer, then you chisel it into your monitor. Permanent variable.
@GNi33 something being a head
@Zirak define unworthy = bankers, financiers, lawyers
oh don't forget about politicians
This is probably populism but it's hard to argue against that...
That means, i assigned the value to a global variable.. but when i assign that global variable means it shows "".
@JasperManickaraj Write a fiddle to be clearer
@OctavianDamiean lol
yup will write it..
Why does everyone always suggest using fiddle, btw?
I myself think codepen, jsbin or plunker are way better (not to mention faster)
@Kippie but that's easy to answer. If you want to tell someone real quick to look something up on the internet, how do you tell him?
Bing it!
Of course.
jk. Altavista fo' life
Hi, need help. when i double click on the page the popup is not coming jsfiddle.net/CJGc2/1
@copy, @SomeGuy (especially the latter, because of the subject) kongregate.com/games/scriptwelder/deeper-sleep
Haven't finished it yet
I like letmebingthatforyou better than letmegooglethatforyou
Why is that?
I have many doubts in JavaScript.
@BenjaminGruenbaum at least you don't have one doubt.
I have one doubt several times :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum Tell us three of them now :)
@dystroy Can I do ES6 or does it have to be < ES5? I can do both if you'd like
Also, does it have to be JavaScript or can it be DOM?
Quick question, can stress lead to hair loss?
I won't help you : js only :)
Heh :P Gimme a minute to type
no worry, I understand that
@OctavianDamiean nice needle asshole
@jAndy what?
Why is undefined not a literal but a name? What semantics allow us to use it as such, and if it's a name - why is it not a getter with a setter throwing an exception?
or at least not failing silently.
Why is delete even in the spec? What use cases are there for it?
Ok, for the two following ones, you can't use the "why was it stupidly designed ?" kind of question. But that makes one.
@jAndy Captain, our sensors picked up high amounts of bullshit waves.
Ok, let me come up with other three questions. Because I have like a thousand "why was it designed like this" ones :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum Is there another way to delete a variable/property ?
Deleting a property of an object makes no sense.
@OctavianDamiean you made jokes about the state of my hair
There is no reason whatsoever to do it.
Anyway, to actual language questions.
@OctavianDamiean Lieutenant, fire at will, lets have a bullshit splatter
Does JSON serialization or deserialization treat state of object properties defined with defineProperty? I know it only works on enumerable properties but does it have an opinion about frozen properties for example?
The "Why is undefined not a literal but a name? " question is pretty good.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I wouldn't say it makes no sense, it pretty much how you use it
The answer is obvious, backwards compat - Old IE let you write over undefined.
@jAndy No, it really makes no sense, it breaks JS OOP which is pretty amazing otherwise.
JSON serialization is actually something I'm not sure about in the spec, especially edge cases.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes, but how was it designed at first ? Was it even designed or just directly hacked ?
I can't give a precise example, but lets say instead of checking if a property has a non-undefined value or not, you can just test for the presence
@dystroy Not sure really.
@jAndy Give a precise example and then we'll talk :)
I want to see a use case, really.
But the fact it's a property of the global object is, really, stupid.
ofc you can always re-write the same thing with checking for non-undefined values
@jAndy Nope, I was asking because I've noticed that I'm losing hair.
So, other than JSON behavior on defined properties. I have to leave :P Got a meeting with my dad but there's a bunch more.
but I'm.. just saying it can make sense, depending on how you use it
Like block scoping issues with with clauses and dynamic scope resolution, or autoboxing quirks when boxed in function calls.
All sorts of problems I don't actually run into.
Not to mention I'm never sure about the heavy algorithms such as the abstract comparison algorithm or the abstract equality algorithm all the way with the different type hints things have.
Took me longer than I expected.
Or the exact semantics of eval code, even this question we talked about is funky and I wouldn't get this behavior had I not checked the spec.
I would have totally had a bug there if I had something similar in my code.
Anyway, I'm off - ttyl
dad waiting
@BenjaminGruenbaum Neither I, but the only time when it matters is when answering SO. Good practices usually make us avoid those problems...
Exactly :) See you around
Hah, Chang is amazing.
I never had issues with with clauses because no-one uses them
and there is no dynamic scoping in ECMAscript after all
Perl for instance has dynamic scoping
Perl is gay.
Black Perl ?
omg omg omg.. a new episode of group therapy is available
Who cares, that show is lame.
@Rodger Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Q: How to call jQuery code on the option of select control on the change event after removing the error in following scenario?

PHPGeekI'm having an HTML select control code as follows: <select name="select_option"> <option value="0">--Select Action--</option> <option value="1" class="delete_user" href="#deletePopContent">Delete User</option> <option value="2" class="disable_user" href="#disablePopContent">Disable User</o...

I put link in your code :) — Snake Eyes 10 mins ago
@arun Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Q: How to Convert JSONP Server data to HTML through Ajax request?

RodgerWe are getting trouble to transform JSONP data to HTML Table. please look at this jsfiddle.net/pritpal21/6yqDV/ We are looking to set the Server data into new HTML List view. We are getting this JSONP Data from PHP Server, How can we set it on HTML Source. jQuery110201094877861905843_1381...

Alright alright, so far so good. No problems with the 13.10 so far @SomeKittens
It looks very solid.
@jAndy Let me be the condescending jerk on this one: js has two dynamically scoped variables, this and arguments
Also, I just got a heart attack in game (and almost in real life). I'm too easily scared. Shit.
Now I'm afraid to go back.
What game?
Point-and-click, psuedo-puzzle pseudo-horror.
Oh. I don't do flash
@Zirak you won't have time to play BF3 anymore, eh?
@Kippie That's a bit weird. I mean, it's shit and all, but for games...there's a lot of great content.
Shit now I'm scared and there's no save.
@Zirak Damn, that's not the kind of game you can do while working in a few minutes...
FUCK I accidentally closed the tab
...I still didn't get the medium badge, and I was right at the end...
@Zirak Hi. OK. I don't know how though.
I'll suggest it to them. There must be one of us that knows something enough to figure it out.
@Kit Well, it's just a matter of running it like any other bookmarklet: github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot#running-the-bot
It'd probably be a good idea to write something extra about it (how to change certain things, etc)
@Zirak Yes, but I don't know those things.
I'm sure it's easy if you've done it before.
But I'm a virgin.
Haven't yet ever ran bookmarklets? Just pieces of js code inside bookmarks?
Um, not intentionally.
@Zirak Now I wonder what to do with my needle and how to get that gold key which is too high...
Oh hello, job offer from Google.
But London.
But free everything.
And play time at work
We can drink tea and eat cucumber sandwiches.
I'll have to call that recruiter just to make sure it's actually real and not some sort of fake stuff and to ask him why the hell they keep asking me. It is the third time now.
Google has some nerve.
I didn't mean it in that way.
@OctavianDamiean 99 problems and Google asking to recruit me for the third time, is one.
I meant it more like, I'd know at least 10 more competent developers than me.
I'd be interested to know based on what metrics they found me.
You were the only guy with a visor
Dashing good looks and and delectable charm?
I am really bad at spelling
It's the sexy Austrian accent.
@mikedidthis hell, I'm a fucking dick in even in actual SO answers, so if they found me on SO, it's definitely not because I'm charming. :D
Well in that case, its the visor and accent.
I won't tell my family about this last offer, my dad wanted to beat me with a stick when I turned down the last offer.
I'm afraid this time he'll do it.
Can I ask why you turned the last two down? Location?
Yes. I don't want to relocate.
Hello all..
K, makes sense. Send google this: 37signals.com/remote
@OctavianDamiean tell me how they found you. Seriously.
Friends I have a JSON like this { "Employee": {"ACQUISITION_DATE": null, "ACTIVATION_DATE": null, "ADJUSTED_SERVICE_HIRE_DATE": "10\/27\/2003", "BIRTHDATE": "06\/20\/1967", "BUSINESS_AREA": "161", "BUSINESS_AREA_TEXT": "Corporate Administration", "COMPANY_CODE": "1008", "COMPANY_CODE_TEXT": "Disney Worldwide Services", ...so on
I might regret it when I'm old but on the other hand, I might regret a lot of things when I'm old because chances are good that I'm going to be grumpy all the time.
I have to replace Null by an empty string.
@FlorianMargaine He said it was my SO profile.
Do I have to use looping over that?
@techie_28 uh, why?
Maybe they are looking for an Android engineer now?
I have no idea, will have to ask him.
Its the requirement..else it shows up as a NULL in string
I mean in first name last name..
its says John Null
In case they want an Android engineer it is a no-brainer.
@FlorianMargaine would you relocate to London?
@Kit github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot/wiki/Bot-Handling it's most likely missing many-a-thing I take for granted, so hit me up if there're any problems.
@OctavianDamiean nice :D
I mean it's not really like it would be a final offer or anything, I'd still have to pass two interviews. I'd probably pass the telephone interview but I'm more than sure I'd fail the actual real interview.
How would i go about debuggin in the following case?

I'm writing a simple XHR Manager with a Buffer for requests.

I'm using `XHR_NUM` xhr objects to process the requests.

Now if i have 5 xhr objects, and a buffer with 94 requests, everything works fine.

But if i change it to use 10 at a time. On the last 2 to 4 requests, the `onload` event of my xhr object doesn't get fired, and it doesn't release the objects
Q: How to call jQuery code on the option of select control on the change event after removing the error in following scenario?

PHPGeekI'm having an HTML select control code as follows: <select name="select_option"> <option value="0">--Select Action--</option> <option value="1" class="delete_user" href="#deletePopContent">Delete User</option> <option value="2" class="disable_user" href="#disablePopContent">Disable User</o...

Would it be a bad idea to set a timeout in onreadystatechange when readyState is 4 which recycles my xhr object if onload hasn't been called within 1000 ms or so
Hello Guys, can anybody tell me why my onKeyPress is not working in android PhoneGap ?
@C5H8NNaO4 It doesn't bring any advantage but takes some code to implement and is therefore a violation of the KISS principle
I have write JS function for validating Only Alpha and Only Number but its not working in Android Device using phone gap
@copy That's indeed true, how would i then go about releasing my object from the "used" state. Do i need to expose the onload event to the public or is a success promise enough ? I could then use onreadystatechange to handle releasing of finished xhrs'
@Zirak @PHPGeek Has dysentery
Very mature @Shmiddty :P
@Zirak Shmiddty is afk: hometime
Well that's a hell of a ride
@C5H8NNaO4 I don't quite get what you're saying
16 mins ago, by C5H8NNaO4
How would i go about debuggin in the following case?

I'm writing a simple XHR Manager with a Buffer for requests.

I'm using `XHR_NUM` xhr objects to process the requests.

Now if i have 5 xhr objects, and a buffer with 94 requests, everything works fine.

But if i change it to use 10 at a time. On the last 2 to 4 requests, the `onload` event of my xhr object doesn't get fired, and it doesn't release the objects
@copy Mhh i'm bad at explaining my problems :D
Just don't reuse xhr objects
@copy Really ? Create new ones instead ?
Why is this shocking?
Yes, KISS principle
@copy Your birthday is in a few days
@Zirak Thanks.
@Zirak That is correct
Actually I don't know, i thought about simply creating new ones. But also thought, why not reuse them if they already exist.
And decided to do the second.
@Zirak Did you manage to use the sewing machine to repair the bag ? Did I miss some piece of string ?
@dystroy You don't use the sewing machine. It's subtle, but outside, look closely in the area where you have to turn on the flashlight. Took me ages to find it.
@C5H8NNaO4 Just create a function that'll return new XHR objects with all the stuff you need set according to the arguments you pass to the function.
@Zirak Found it, thanks
@OctavianDamiean Yeah, i already have one for the initial xhr objects I'm using.
node-webkit is awessooomee
@rlemon so, if you want to make some html5 exe's screw qt
use node-webkit
its so damn easy man
!!are you alive? just making sure
@Zirak No way
@Zirak Lol that was years ago
So here's what I did last night.
wow grats @KendallFrey
Best part: No debris. Even the rover comes home.
@rlemon ^
@KendallFrey Huh. Congrats!
@Loktar ...damn it. I had an awesome idea in mind, something which uses node-webkit. And now I forgot it.
dude I used it last night to make rift exe's!
OH! File manager
Normally you need to install a plugin for chrome blah blah
"WebKit is the jQuery of Browser Engines" - John Resig
which normal people dont want to do
hah, nice. Better than mine
its cool because you can package plugins with nodewebkit
and make fully self contained exe's
even including the dll's
I made an exe out of my game too and it worked
@Shaz "The Internet is a strange place." - Stalin

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