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@Doorknob Someone created a tag for jQuery and i used it to edit a question earlier and there was no tag, I was going to add it but the more i think about it, it seems pointless what do you reckon?
Knob extends Door
@Pinocchio hmm... I'd say kill it with fire. Maybe ask on Meta?
@cc :D
@cc Surely that should be Knob implements IDoor
(Sorry, don't mind me; digging through some C# code right now...)
hmm yea clean code
it's for dependancy injection
Knob constructor tells a Door
and Door tell House in his constructor, .. and so on
@Dimash Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Just set up my Das Keyboard. Oh yes. It's getting noisy in here
@SomeKittens Want a second DAS?
I might sell mine to get a CODE.
I'll take it
@OctavianDamiean yes, actually
Work bought me this one
so it kinda has to stay at work
It's an Ultimate though, so no labels except for the custom Tux meta key labels. :)
I love my G15, but it's getting old and dirty
Lemme grab some pictures.
@OctavianDamiean How much?
What do you do with different language posts? ok to translate & edit?
slowly acclimating my fiancee into gaming, she's getting my old components
Wait, the emphasis lays on might. I'm still not sure yet.
It's a tough decision because I love my DAS.
Yeah, I understand
didn't CODE sell out?
Oh, in that case. :D
Crap, yea ... the CODE is out of stock. :(
yeah, it went quickly
this room is awesomest place on the earth. ..... except this is not a real room
simplest irc server to setup?
like... 10 lines conf files and run
@FlorianMargaine Do you need a remote server to run it on or what are you asking for?
seems like java is married to xml
You can use JSON as well.
@OctavianDamiean I mean for configuration files
Oh yea, well I heard that they discovered the first Java specification in an ancient burial chamber in Giza.
JSON.stringify(object, null, 4) is nice.
!!> JSON.stringify({foo:0}, null, 4)
@cc "{\n \"foo\": 0\n}"
o prettify
    "foo": 0
WebSocketClientServer / src / client / src / main / java / com / meancat / websocketexample / client / java dir structures..
@OctavianDamiean remote or local
@FlorianMargaine Oh wait, so you need the actual IRC server?
I need a testing server
I see, can't really help you with that though. :/
and I don't want to spend an hour going through all the options of most irc servers if I have to set up one myself
I want something like python -m irc.server :P
How to do quotes in chat?
\> your quote here
minus the backslash
@FlorianMargaine heh, that'd be wicked. :D
> Like this
@Pinocchio "
> Google Chrome can provide smarter spell-checking by sending what you type in the browser to Google servers.
Yea, like that.
I tried that, and after the fifth time it recommended that I s/it's/its/ I gave up.
So basically what they mean is they are going to send what you write, when you wrote it, where you wrote it to google servers! .... Nice
@emispowder Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I can code modular and make code which can be re-used... I can write code faster otherwise ... Being a good programmer is knowing when to do what!
@Pinocchio That's been there like for ages.
@Neil Sup?
@jAndy Have you seen the big _ tonight? Did this make you lose _ ?
@OctavianDamiean just fyi, ngircd is what I was looking for. I didn't even open the config file and it works.
When Chrome shows the content-size of gzipped HTTP Responses, is that zipped or unzipped?
Oh hi Florian!
margaine.com/marriage <- cant u put pictures there ?
(In the network tab of dev tools)
it's working
@Retsam probably #1
@AbhishekHingnikar uh?
dunno... we haven't got pics from everyone
and no, I'm not going to put the picture on the open internet
but I'll share a password yes
Add authentication : basic
you are awesome :-)
Wrote the bouncer in CLisp?
has anybody used skrollr ?
The hell's that?
@OctavianDamiean yeah
@cc Ah, found something by googling. Content is unzipped; Size is zipped + headers
So it doesn't give you the zipped content size, per se, but it's probably pretty close to "Size"
@copy authored 8 months ago
It doesn't work, should I write an Issue?
@OctavianDamiean there is a web server, a websocket server and an irc client. Then, there is all the bridges around...
@copy no thanks
it supports one opcode though
@FlorianMargaine All the bridges to what?
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ',' + a ')'; // Is this readable ?
@OctavianDamiean between the browser and the websocket, between the websocket and the irc client and vice-versa
and handling multiple users
each websocket + each irc client is a new thread
I'm don't quite know what your goal is to be honest.
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(%d,%d,%d,%f)'.substitute(r,g,b,a);
@OctavianDamiean bnc with a web interface
Now the websocket part makes sense
so that I can connect on irc servers from the web
@AbhishekHingnikar try 'rgba(' + [r, g, b, a].join(', ') + ')'
!!urban bnc
@SomeKittens [BNC](http://bnc.urbanup.com/683702) What is BNC? BNC is a great IRC (Internet Relay Chat) proxying server under the GPL (General Public License). It allows users to connect to chat servers by bouncing off the computer which is running BNC. Basically, it forwards the information from the user to the server and vise versa.

Why do people use it? There are several reasons for people to use BNC. Some people use BNC because their computers do not have direct access to the Internet. Thus, inorder for them to chat from their workstations, they must have a proxy server to forward data
and always be connected
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(:r,:g,:b,:a)'.replace({ r:r, g:g, b:b, a:a });
@Doorknob i know that lol
@AbhishekHingnikar The first version.
sounds nice, but why is UD giving me dense technical information?
'rgba(' + [r, g, b, a].join(', ') + ')' or just 'rgba(' + [r, g, b, a] + ')' will work I think since arrays' toStrings are basically the same
thanks to python it made me do implement % in javascript ... i missed it so much
Except that you don't need any kind of special construct for such a minor string concatenation.
You can just use +
@OctavianDamiean why not just stick them in an array and toString?
(implicit when concatenating)
the best is the first one though
@Doorknob Because you're adding unnecessary array member lookup overhead.
but i use the third one with my urls now
@SomeKittens it's just something you connect onto, and this something is always connected to irc servers
!!>var r = g = b = a = 10; 'rgba(' + [r,g,b,a] + ')'
@Doorknob "rgba(10,10,10,10)"
@OctavianDamiean it's not that bad
so you can disconnect but your bnc is still connected
@OctavianDamiean it's a tradeoff between performance and less code
(which can allow him to keep some conversation for when you come back for example)
(or just to keep your nickname, although some services usually help to deal with that)
var url = "http://api.$service.com/$method/$queryString".substitute({
Well, I won't get into a performance discussion about this now, since a) it's not relevant if it's not run in a loop with a lot of elements and b) I actually don't give a dean.
b is the deciding factor.
internally its calling replace :P on keys of object passed
and on my browser, I get this whenever I send a message on a channel: #<IRC-PRIVMSG-MESSAGE Ralt PRIVMSG {100755B413}>
Now in that case, I'd probably use - drumroll - the good old +
which is the irc-privmsg-message object
I have no idea how to play with it yet.
but at least it works
so it's good enough to go to bed
I think I'll refactor to handle the commands in another way
like (defcommand join (uid channel))
go macros, go
Mhmmm, I'm not in a gaming mood today. I should probably go sleep.
@OctavianDamiean Not in a gaming mood? You feeling alright?
Happens sometimes.
Sometimes I lose interest in games for weeks.
Q: Getting tons of javascript errors in IE10, but no other browser

David TunnellI have been developing an ASP.NET web application on a computer with Windows 7. I have been testing on Firefox, Chrome and IE 7 and 8 using IE tester and IE 9 natively. All has been well. Today I got a new notebook with Windows 8 and IE 10 and am getting tons of javascipt errors. If I run it in I...

there's something fun in there
I can name my threads
Damn! How did I now know this? jsconsole.com
@OctavianDamiean what is it?
Remote JS debugging for mobile browsers.
@OctavianDamiean yea I use my remote for borderlands
play it like a console game
@OctavianDamiean oh fun
any ideas how to draw different types of lines in canvas, i need lines like this:
http://pokit.org/get/?bf0c33092ecc8e1b056ca4e9b736b0f3.jpg, lines are not only horizontal. Need them to conect shapes like this: http://pokit.org/get/?41cbc6c84080cf9fd4f0a1bee421e1a5.jpg
@Loktar jsfiddle.net/ZGskz/2 @rlemon
Calculate the slope m, if it's bigger than 1, iterate from y1 to y2, drawing a point at (x1+y/m, y1+y), otherwise do the same just with x
good night people
Good night, France
@AbhishekHingnikar wow really nice
maybe replace blue with red?
HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
handlers.setHandlers(new Handler[] { resource_handler, new DefaultHandler(), new HelloWorld() });
server.setHandler(handlers); //typical java code, 3 lines where you wish they could make 1.. make me sad
@FlorianMargaine replacing them all with bokehs :3
My girflriend birthday coming
i am making card for her !!! making it like a fairlytale experience :D
@copy, sorry my english is bad, by the slope you mean on (y2-y1) / (x2-x1) ?
!!wiki slope
In mathematics, the slope or gradient of a line is a number that describes both the direction and the steepness of the line. Slope is often denoted by the letter m. * The direction of a line is either increasing, decreasing, horizontal or vertical. **A line is increasing if it goes up towards the right. The slope is positive, i.e. m>0. **A line is decreasing if it goes down towards the right. The slope is negative, i.e. m. **If a line is horizontal the slope is zero. This is a constant function. **If a line is vertical the slope is undefined (see below). * The steepness, incline, or gr...
here you are
@copy, (x1, y1) is start point, (x2, y2) is end point, what is y in your answer?
The value you're iterating over
But you could also just use the canvas api for that
Can someone explain what F9 is supposed to do in sublime text 2? seems like it had a fit
you mean .moveTo, etc..? by canvas api
be careful F10 does autodestruction of the file
@copy, can you please provide example for any of these lines(just poorly)
@cc Thats F9,
Why does it do that?
@copy :P i mean on code :P
i suck so bad at coloring @Loktar hulp :3
@Srle You know, you should just google that
@Srle console.log('-----------------');
@AbhishekHingnikar idk why (because you are using RAF) but it bugs hard if you tab off too long
@AbhishekHingnikar what kinda colouring effects are you after
@rlemon i know it fires all of them together
@rlemon romantic :)
but it shouldn't queue them up
Fairly tale isque
well not that fast.
ohh wel. ok i'll work on it
:-D yay!
i am working on it aswell :-)
move your rendering and updating to different timers
let rendering happen on RAF and updating on a setTImeout loop
it will fix the off tab
@AbhishekHingnikar that is nice.
also, particle pool. don't kill and spawn new ones. re-use the dead ones
it is more efficient
yours is fine, but if you increase the particles or view on mobile :/
That reminds me, I need to keep learning canvas because it gets ALL THE STARS.
sadly, Ember's higher on the priority list....
@rlemon right now i am not killing anyone :D
Final submission ;D
she likes pink and purple :D
		function random(size,freq){
			var val = 0;
			var iter = freq;
				size /= iter;
				iter += freq;
				val += size * Math.random();
			}while( size >= 1);
			return val;
@AbhishekHingnikar I be all up in your code stealing your isInsideHeart functions ;)
@OctavianDamiean you awake?
var x2 = x * x;
var y2 = y * y;
// Simplest Equation of lurve
return (Math.pow((x2 + y2 - 1), 3) - (x2 * (y2 * y)) < 0);
thanks for the patches
@AbhishekHingnikar I thought it would help, didn't improve performance in Chrome at least
not on the scale that you are calling it
but generally speaking, some Math functions are pretty slow in animation loops
jsfiddle.net/dpRSd/3 my final revision
btw what is this even for :P

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