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Q: What about the (implicit) reference of the not-called callback?

aremieQUESTION: Since there are two functions 'open', but only one is ever called (error or success), what about implicit references? Or just the references? Does it introduce a leak somewhere? I just want to be sure. cbe = cbError cbs = cbSuccess This one is only useful if you do something with the...

@Loktar Sweet. Haven't seen that before!
yeah it was easy to find when like no canvas stuff existed lol
Might have to try to recreate that
Looks interesting
yeah its a pretty neat idea
reminded me of gish
Gish reminds of Mutant Blobs Attack
yeah Im sure they used a lot of ideas from Gish actually
Mutant blobs attack is a fun game
mixes gish with Katamari Damacy
Oh, yeah, it was awesome
I've never played Katamari, but I really can't tell from the videos why people like it so much
I never played Katamari but I played a clone on Steam.. end of the world or something like that
the devs who made ARRRrrgghh made it
its "ok" but idk not amazing at all
The Wonderful End of the World I think its called
Did you play mutant blobs attack on the pc then?
It was a launch title for the vita so I played it on that
Be right back
@Loktar @SomeGuy IS THERE SOMETHING like an online equation plotter ?
WolframAlpha does it
so does google
bleh chat breaks the link
@Loktar (x^2+y^2-1)^3-x^2y^3 < 0.
how about that
Any library does good OCR (just English, and computer monitors/newspapers) in JS?
just wait a second and youll get the chart @AbhishekHingnikar
Assuming no one built one for wp8
No node c++ wrappers please
@Loktar yea I thought about that work-around
I wish there was a overflow-relative-to-parent: hidden; for elements themselves.
so on the body, I can hide the bubbles but nothing else.
@KendallFrey that is the service not the bot
!!mustache KendallFrey 3
@rlemon The service works if you pass the unescaped url.
works when you are not being silly
@Loktar the fast canvas blur is pretty good
@RAj Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hi guys, I've an issue with OAuth in my unit test. Karma reject error - "Some of your tests did a full page reload!". How I can fix this?
So, I didn't participate in this year's JS13k (because Terraria), and now I don't get an awesome free T-Shirt.
well, I might make them sway. then i'm done
and that should work well on IE8 :/
IE9 was actually not as bad as I expected
One of my games actually worked right out of the box on IE9.
@rlemon How was I being silly?
if( foo > 1 ) {
  foo = 1;
} else if (foo < -1) {
  foo = -1;
can this be optimized? it seems ugly as shit to write
@KendallFrey and you were being silly trying to copy pasta your link and not just mustache on your username
@rlemon 1. Mustache on username doesn't work outside of this room. 2. It's designed to allow a custom URL.
Should questions about a javascript framework include the javascript tag?
not sure if I'd call it 'optimized', but foo = Math.min(1, Math.max(foo, -1))
foo = Math.min(Math.max(foo,-1), 1);
@Pinocchio Generally those questions are about JS, so yes.
damnit @nderscore lol
Internal Server Error. See?
@Loktar xD
@KendallFrey Well, I would do it, but just wanted to be sure wouldn't want to make an invalid edit.
It's probably because of the encoded URL.
And that should be fixed.
I think Mustachify.me is bugging out
@rlemon or this maybe... foo = +(foo >= 1) + -(foo <= -1)
@SomeGuy You forgot the http:
@KendallFrey Try it with it.
I removed it in case the slashes were doing something
I don't think 9 is a valid mustache type
Anyone else following this "Video Games === Murder" Faux News scare copypasta'd from 1999?
@KendallFrey Ooh, yeah, it works with 4
I guess the problem is in the randomizer in the bot
@SomeGuy That seems like a problem too, but the url is broken as well
in Sandbox, 19 secs ago, by Caprica Six
user image
The encoded URL works
I'll give her nine inches.
I'm pretty sure something's goofy near "identicon"
There are 6 mustache types: 0-5
%26d%3Didenticon%26 %E2%80%8B r%3DPG
What are those?
Anyone here use phonegap?
The phonegap/cordova nonsense is really confusing me
@KendallFrey Yeah, something there makes it bug out too
@SomeKittens I'm pretty sure you'd at least need to do some typecasting to get from video games to murder.
@Retsam THis is Fox we're talking about: foxnews.com/tech/2013/09/12/…
Quick Q
Im using $.get
Running it every 6 seconds
Sometimes it returns nothig
It loads, but does nothing
It will not load anything for like 10 minutes
And then ill come back like 10 minutes later and it will be working again
@SomeKittens Yeah, I think I saw some backlash to that floating around the internets earlier. I was attempting a joke on "===".
I can access the page its $.get the whole time
But its like it locks
@Retsam OH. Heh. Nice one, now that I see it.
jsfiddle is so disappointing
plunker, jsbin, and codepen are all much better.
But yeah; I'm tired of the whole "video games cause violence" nonsense as well. It's not even just a Fox News thing, though I wouldn't be surprised if they're the worst about it.
I'm tired of the whole "I heard this on tv, so I'm going to believe it" nonsense.
Tonight, at 11, we show our complete inability to understand the difference between correlation and causation.
Also the "I prefer to believe what I heard on TV, so I'm going to believe it"
I wonder how many of the killers watched Fox News.
@SomeKittens Or wear the color black.
So I put those bubbles on my company website as an easter egg. Showed the boss. He fucking loved them, wants them to be there always.
"Tonight we investigate the shocking connection between the color black and school shootings. Is it safe for your children to wear this potentially violence-inducing color? Find out after the break"
TONIGHT: Mass murders tend to do things that are popular!
@Retsam haha I could see that being on TV
Let's start a news company that is as credible as Fox News, but just make connections like "90% of all serial killers say their favorite show is the Jersery Shore"
make the world a better place
And what's fun, is I'm quite sure there would be a positive correlation between the color black and being mentally unstable.
@Retsam Racist.
Seriously though, Phonegap's docs kind of suck...
@SomeKittens I probably should have seen that coming...
*wearing the color black.
@twiz I could also see how that might induce one to go on a murderous rampage as well.
@Loktar :-) thanks for your amazing help mate
you rock !
!!love.hingnikar.com or hingnikar.com/love
@AbhishekHingnikar hingnikar.com/love
!!use_ghpages or not
@AbhishekHingnikar not
!!should i listen to you or not
@AbhishekHingnikar to you
@AbhishekHingnikar not
Caprica Six trolling the humans since forever
Abhishek you are weird.
!!should I let a bot with a known random percentage calculation run my life?
@rlemon I expect so
Caprica always returns 4
@CharlieBrown Really? That's awesome.
@ptgamr Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SomeKittens What's Techendo?
A group of hackers in SF
though we're expanding
Yeah, I'm looking at the first video right now
The cat's neck moving is one creepy animation
I was in the last two shows, but those aren't up yet.
@SomeGuy I just bought Borderlands 2 because peer pressure and now I hate Zirak.
How much did you pay for it?
@Prefix Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
$11.90 or something like that.
@OctavianDamiean Oh, that's a good deal
if I wanted to save the entire innerHTML of a form to localStorage when a user submits a form, how would I do that (without jquery)?
That's pretty easy
Have you tried anything?
@Prefix Write it on a post-it
I'm new to javascript.
@Prefix Don't you want to save the values of the form instead of the HTML?
@SomeKittens Hahaha
Oh great. I think my CSS is fighting against Bootstraps...
@SomeKittens Many things can be labeled Not a Number; a delay should not be one of them.
@Retsam Grab some popcorn and let 'em continue till the end.
@OctavianDamiean yes I do, although I was thinking it might be simpler to just save the entire form (html and values) and then just stick it back into place
Huh. I can edit deleted messages, but can't un-delete them.
this is just for if the captcha fails I dont want them to have to re-enter entire form data
@OctavianDamiean Unfortunately bootstrap's is currently winner.
@SomeKittens Yeah, it's strange
@Prefix That's a horrible idea, it has 14 horrible units.
@OctavianDamiean watch that video I posted above
@OctavianDamiean Unoriginal, aren't you? :P
@OctavianDamiean sorry, why is that a horrible idea?
@SomeGuy You're right, next time I'll invent a unit name.
@Prefix Because it's one of the sillier ways to approach this problem.
You're wasting space by saving HTML that you'll be serving anyway.
And saving HTML is ugly.
And putting that HTML back from a string is too.
@SomeGuy okay enlighten me :) what would be the cleanest approach to saving a large form data?
Let me build you an example.
Hmm, or maybe it's not bootstraps problem? I'm trying to change a font-family inline, but it seems to be being ignored because "font: inherit" was set somewhere.
I was considering storing just the values, but I have textareas and text inputs and checkboxes and a ton of crap, if I had to write up a case for each input I thought it'd be a bit much.
do I have to encode a json string to send it through a post?
@jbolanos Yeah, twice. For compatibility.
@OctavianDamiean welcome aboard!
eval("(" + JSON.encode(obj) + ")"); // ensures compatibility
@Prefix Actually, I'm a little busy, so I can't make you the demo right now. But the best way (according to me) would be to make an object or an array, and store all the values / selected indices / checked values / etc. into the array, and then you just stringify the array and store it in localStorage
Hmm... is there a way for inline font to override a style sheet?
it's called specificity
And then when you reload, you see if the localStorage contains something. If it does, then you loop over the elements, and you fill the values in.
@SomeGuy RE: Terraria: I'm hoping it'll be added to the latest HiB or there will be a discount with the new patch. If neither of those happens, I'll just buy it.
Terraria is less than a case of beer.
how is this a debate for some people
@SomeKittens Ooh, I hadn't considered that. It could be on the HiB, but I'm not too sure. You can definitely get it for cheap if you're looking properly, though.

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