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Just bought a 6870, which put a dent in the budget.
Q: Slider show white screen after ends

Arif KhanI download a sample CSS3 Fade Slider form internet & use it on my website. But my problem is after showing all images it show white screen(no image). How to code it so it repeat form the beginning showing all images. Thanks in Advance. <div class="slides_fade"> <ul> <li><im...

@SomeGuy I'm hoping Analogue: A Hate Story gets added to the HiB, personally.
@SomeKittens Damn. I'm looking to buy a graphics card too, but I've been putting it off for months. Probably will for a while, because I think they're all way too expensive.
I've heard good things about it but to pay a whole $10 for a video game? Unheard of.
!!computer or furniture
@RyanKinal computer
Six, apparently, sides with the slightly irresponsible side of me.
@nderscore thank you for the example.
@Retsam Hahaha. I've done that a few times
@SomeGuy Steam may have spoiled me just a little.
@nderscore You, sir, are a cunt.
Don't give people jQuery when they're trying to learn JavaScript!
@SomeGuy My real issue right now is Gone Home... I sort of want to get the game while people are still talking about it... but it's like $20 for a couple hour game.
@SomeGuy jeez, you're blowing up my trolling methods
@Prefix Don't use the code @nderscore gave you
Argh, I'm going to just have to write all that code, won't I?
@Retsam you get paid $20 for a couple hours work right?
fiiiiiiine I'll do it without jQuery
@mikedidthis Yes; I'm at a point in my life, where I really could buy almost anything within reason that I want (unmarried, well-paying job, few expenses)... I but I still struggle to justify that sort of purchase to myself.
@Retsam Like mentioned above. Its a takeaway, a case of beer etc.
There's no real reason to pay full price for games on PC unless you just want to support the developers.
Which is the only reason I've bought a few games full price.
@mikedidthis I also agonize over whether I'm spending too much on those purchases too.
Well that's an odd statement. You know, coming from a developer.
Hahaha, yeah.
Well, not quite so much, but I don't have the same backlog of takeaway and cases of beer as I do video games...
@Retsam yeah I understand.
@Prefix here: http://pastie.org/private/9v1zwss1ckgcefnteym0iq
@SomeGuy happy? :)
@Retsam That is an excellent statement.
@Prefix - you should also clear that sessionStorage value out once they get a valid form submission
javascript passed PHP in the tags section! stackoverflow.com/tags
thank goodness
@CharlieBrown (Translation: Join the dark side, Luke)
1 message moved to bin
Trying to patent being a patent troll
Any of you Guys Heard of Meny?
@MatBloom Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Yeah, it's old
Really cool, though
http://jsfiddle.net/5TPX8/0/ with X jitter
or http://jsfiddle.net/5TPX8/1/ without X jitter
@SomeGuy ??
ohh and Ryan
looky looky
@rlemon !!
They both look too jittery to me
because of how I calc the velocities
particle.vx = Math.cos(time / 1000);
particle.vy = Math.sin(time / 10);
Can anyone explain why my font is Helvetica Neue, even though it looks to me like it should be Andale?
trying to figure out 'cheap' ways to make a nice smooth 'floating down' effect.
body:hover { display: none; }
ash / snow
Yeah, it looks like this could work if it was smoother
Now it just looks like they're all possessed
@Retsam as its first and has the same priority as Andale Mono
Also your font-family property looks fucked.
Even though Andale is marked !important?
And, in what way?
sans-serif; <- looks like the end of the property and then suddenly you have more declarations
Andale is not marked as important.
also .property .value-provider option - ain't no font I have heard of before.
If you can link me to a live example I can take a look
Oh, this is the Chrome element inspector
We can tell :p
I don't think you can blame Chrome for bad code.
I'm not; but then I'm confused by your comments.
I, also, would like to put in my vote for "Your code is bad"
My guess is you've accidentally combined two rules, possibly by leaving out a closing curly brace.
These aren't "more declarations" this is showing the inheritance
I'll put in a vote for "herp's derp syndrome"
".proprety .value-provider option" ain't a font, it's the css selector
@Retsam Are you writing the code for some CSS pre-processor?
@RyanKinal yeah, that would be my guess.
room topic changed to JavaScript: We would like to put in our vote for "Your code is bad" – Read rules.javascriptroom.com [bad-code] [garlic] [guess-what] [space-gun]
@Retsam but it part of the body font-family according to your screenshot.
You mean like LESS?
@SomeKittens +1
Guess what?
Ruined it..
I was going to do it..
@mikedidthis I don't think so; that's indicating where I inherited that setting from.
@Retsam Chrome, for me at least, shows inherited rules via grey bars showing "Inherited from [rule]"
!!mustache SomeGuy
I've got in my LESS stylesheet:
@rlemon Dancing snow? :p
    .value-provider {
        option {
            font-family: 'Andale Mono', AndaleMono, monospace !important;
I can't really see it much...
@SomeKittens Wizard!
!!tell mikedidthis wiki Tarrare
font-family: 'Andale Mono', AndaleMono, monospace !important /*my ass*/;
@bcm360 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
you asked for it
Missing {
@SomeGuy I would have probably shot him in the face.
@SomeGuy seriously, how did you get so knowledgeable? too much internet
@rlemon Ooh, I like this one!
@OctavianDamiean This isn't my "ideal solution" this is me screwing around trying to figure out why changing the font won't work.
@mikedidthis Teehee
"You can eat everything? Well then eat some of my .50"
"Faux News"..... Hahaha
@Retsam It seems @nderscore is correct. You're missing an opening brace.
.property {
    .value-provider {
        select {
            font-family: 'Andale Mono', AndaleMono, monospace !important;
Oh, sorry, that's in there. That's a copy and paste error.
@mikedidthis !!wut
(There's other things inheriting from .property that I cut out)
@Retsam Is there any chance we could see a functional demo?
@OctavianDamiean Haha, yeah, but imagine nothing being able to satiate your appetite, and there being nothing to eat. It'd be like being stranded on an island with either death or cannibalism as your only options.
He probably saw it as having no choice.
@Retsam have you tried styling the select and not the option?
Also, guessing is bullshit, can we get an example.
@SomeGuy No choice my ass, the ate live animals in shows.
I can try to make a minimal example if that doesn't work; but this is from a pretty big system.
@OctavianDamiean Can you really say that's any more unethical than eating dead animals?
@SomeGuy Yes.
I don't disagree, but I can't figure out why.
deepschool.kd.io/Pages/Experiments/newversion.htm Whats wrong with this? it should look like this:lab.hakim.se/meny but for some bizarre reason, it doesn't work (Note: I do not have access to the JS Console.)
So I get the feeling that I'm mislabeling disgusting as unethical.
@SomeGuy The killing process involved is completely different.
Ah, yeah.
One is as painless as possible for the animals, his isn't.
Yeah, good point.
> Refused to execute script from 'https://raw.github.com/hakimel/Meny/master/js/meny.js' because its MIME type ('text/plain') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.
@SomeGuy two days in a row you have me looking like my avatar reading a wiki page.
I never want to see the phrase "Functional demo" in a discussion about cannibalism ever again.
@SomeKittens its the only place I want to see it :D
Hmm... styling the select worked.
@SomeGuy So basically it boils down to severe cruelty to animals.
@mikedidthis Hehe, I can try to make that happen more often.
Unfortunately... that's not much help for the problem I actually wanted to solve.
@SomeGuy two for two, you're on a roll.
@SomeKittens I never want to see the word cannibalism" in a discussion about functional demos ever again.
@mikedidthis you're* and roll*
Come on, man. XD
Since I really wanted to style each option individually using view model bindings...
@SomeGuy that's just weak. It is Friday.
I hate you
rage quits
@SomeGuy getting owned by someone who is half my age.
Awww, I hat you to
@Retsam before I get jumped on, don't. Styling options is a PITA.
@SomeKittens does that mean that I sit on your head, gripping it with my butt cheeks?
... nevermind
I don't want to hat anybody
@Esailija dude come here
The people here are mostly lame
Let's make something cool
@mikedidthis From an implementation or a usage perspective?
There are good workstations and stuff\
@BenjaminGruenbaum thaaaaanks.
@Retsam implementation.
@RyanKinal too*
Yeah, I thought he was talking about us too.
I see your edit and reject it for my own
@SomeKittens I'm talking about the hackathon I'm in, in Finland
@rlemon :-)
You're welcome to come here if you want :P
@mikedidthis Ah; yeah, I may just give this up. Basically, I have a drop-down with a list of fonts and want each font to be written in its own font which would be nice, but it's probably not worth all this effort.
Sometimes, I want to correct good spelling with bad spelling.
For instance, I had the urge to correct Benjamin with "Your*"
Maybe it's a Friday thing...
@Retsam use a <ul>
@Retsam or radio buttons etc. Something with an element you can actually style.
@RyanKinal I used to do that to my friends in like 3rd grade.
What do you mean? Instead of <select>? Or inside <option>?
Loved confusing people.
@Retsam instead
@mikedidthis And have it take up a massive area? I've got like... 30 fonts in that list.
@Retsam Script it.
Thanks @RyanKinal IT works Now (Albit messily)
@RyanKinal Hmm... like manually implement a dropdown with <ul>?
@Retsam you can make a <ul> act like a select.
@Retsam Pretty much, yeah
I would go checkbox + label hack.
Fuck! I can't find my any key. :/
@OctavianDamiean have you tried turning it on / off
@mikedidthis Do you know where I could find an example?
@OctavianDamiean Hehe
@mikedidthis That worked! Thank you kind Sir!
Guys guys. SpeechJammer. Find it on your appstore, and try it.
Second link is to pictures of hamburgers?
!!wiki DAF
Daf (Persian, Khowar: ڈف, Kurdish, Arabic, Urdu: دف, from ) is a large Persian frame drum used in popular and classical music. The frame is usually made of hardwood with many metal ringlets attached, and the membrane is usually goatskin. Daf is mostly used in the Middle East, Kurdistan, Iran, Armenia, Pakistan, Turkey, Tajikistan and Azerbaijan, and usually accompanies singers and players of the tambura, violin, oud, saz and other Middle Eastern instruments. Some dafs are equipped with small cymbals, making them analogous to a large tambourine. History The earliest evidence of the d...
!!undo -1
@SomeGuy I'm not sure how to handle that, see /help undo
what is the equivalent to ActiveXObject. That is cross browser. I want to open a file on a person's computer via button click. So, like Open notepad
!!help undo
Why does !!undo work across rooms?
@Retsam the menu at the top right :D
!!undo ~1
Ah, cool. @KendallFrey I don't think so
@SomeGuy Yes, you just deleted a message in C#
Heh, sorry about that
@EliteGamer: File API and an <input type="file">
@mikedidthis Ah, right. Thanks
!!wiki Delayed Auditory Feedback
Delayed Auditory Feedback (DAF), is a device that enables a user of the device to speak into a microphone and then hear his or her voice in headphones a fraction of a second later. Some DAF devices are hardware; DAF computer software is also available. DAF usage (with a 175 millisecond delay) has been shown to induce mental stress. Electronic fluency devices use delayed auditory feedback and have been used as a technique to aid with stuttering. Delayed auditory feedback devices are used for example in speech perception experiments, in order to demonstrate the importance of auditory feed...
@mikedidthis Have a look at that!
petals make it much better
@ThiefMaster Thanks! Do you know where some more documentation is?
This is exactly why I run my bot in a new instance per room.
on that, for this specific thing
!!mdn file api
!!terraria space%20gun
@rlemon Yeah. But it looks really predictable
@ThiefMaster does this have to be in asp?
um, WHAT?
How exactly is JavaScript related to ASP?
i heard to do this, i had to have it
i was confused too
Because elite gamers use ASP
Whoever told you this seems to be an idiot
ha, agreed
@SomeGuy ?
Delayed audio?
the truth is most people are not skilled enough to use ASP, so they use node and ruby cuz its for less capable developers
@ThiefMaster how would i even begin?
@mikedidthis Do you have an Android?
@SomeGuy I do.
Get this if you do.
Put on some headphones, and speak a few sentences.
You'll soon find yourself stuttering, and you'll have to concentrate to be able to pronounce things right and speak at a normal pace.
It was really amusing to me.
Windows has that built-in.
@SomeGuy you need to look at boobs more often and get off wiki.
@mikedidthis Hahaha

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