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@user2502227 yes, if you some type what like.
like document.getEementIdById("");
like this
@user2502227 That gets an element by it's id.
Glad we could solve your problem.
so from how many ways we can get the element
@user2502227 All of them.
@Esailija 12ish?
Whar all of them you havent told me one
@user2502227 Bananas, mostly.
@BenjaminGruenbaum 12 as in in the day or night? :D
@KendallFrey what you want to say
@user2502227 I don't know. What do you want to say?
i am asking that from how many ways we can get the element or say values
in javascript
This many: 1/0
!!> 1/0
@KendallFrey "Infinity"
There are an infinite number of ways to solve any given task in programming.
@SomeKittens That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
@KendallFrey go home you are drunk
Hi All :)
@user2502227 Seriously, you're not communicating well. We can't answer such a vague question. Please state your specific use case.
@user2502227 Go home and come back with a real, specific question.
Note that both me and @SomeKittens used the word specific
like we can get element by its id,its name so i am asking there are how many more ways
to do that
@user2502227 tag name, class, siblings, ancestors, and everything
@user2502227 Lots. Lots and lots. Literally thousands.
I don't understand why you need to know.
@user2502227 You can get a element with these
and more...
can you tell me how to get element by sibling?? and what really is siblings
!!mdn nextSibling
ping @rlemon
Siblings are elements that share a parent. Surprise!
3 messages moved to recycle bin
@user2502227 Well you get the element the you want the sibling of like this document.getElementById('myId').nextSibling
@asalsudhan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@user2502227 Read the doc This one.. My bad
thanx all for the help
@user2502227 no problem, for simple questions it would be quicker for you to google it.
@user2502227 document.getelementbyid value
@KendallFrey who wouldn't need to know?
and one more thing .i ma new to javascript .i dont know which book will be good to read apart from head first any suggestion for that .And even a good website to learn javascript
Too bad this was never implemented...
@user2502227 Google

Javascript Resources.

Sep 4 '12 at 13:36, 2 minutes total – 8 messages, 1 user, 1 star

Bookmarked Sep 4 '12 at 13:40 by rlemon

@Pinocchio Who cares about how many there are?
isnt there a way to put on intelecence to show when you type document.

Noob Javascript Resources

Jun 15 '12 at 13:05, 1 minute total – 11 messages, 2 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked Jun 15 '12 at 13:09 by rlemon

@user2502227 ^^^
@user2502227 Start by visiting w3fools.com.
@Nikki That depends entirely on your editor. There are probably plugins for that.
@user2502227 Eloquent JavaScript; JavaScript: The Good Parts; MDN
which is the best ide for javascript
@KendallFrey Well, anyone who thinks there is only 1
was just thinking for user250 that it would help him read what each thing does when he types it in
@user2502227 Very subjective. I prefer Sublime Text 2
and give him a list of options
@SomeKittens I wouldn't consider that an IDE by any means ;)
Tools like CodePen and jsfiddle are great for tinkering and learning...
thank you all for the support
@Shmiddty I suspect someone is trolling you...
@Dennis Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Esailija I'm in Omena Hotel in the city center, I have a local number and a local phone but I can't really figure out how to use them very well :)
you can give your number on facebook
@Hunter Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Anyone want to take a stab at this:
Q: Finding closest element without jQuery

HunterI am trying to find the closest element with a specific tag name without jquery. When I click on a <th> I want to get access to the <tbody> for that table. Suggestions? I read about offset but didn't really understand it too much. Should I just use: Assume th is already set to clicked th element...

Been trying to figure out the best way to do it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Finland?
@Hunter The answer on there seems bogus.
I wrote a function the other day... Hold on. Phones rining
@Hunter Desired compatibility ?
Would you be happy with
Q: Closest ancestor matching selector using native DOM?

hurrymapleladIs anybody working on a jQuery.closest() equivalent in the DOM api? Looks like the Selectors Level 2 draft adds matches() equivalent to jQuery.is(), so native closest should be much easier to write. Has adding closest() to Selectors come up?

thanks. yea the one on there doesn't work. only checks up ignoring siblings. I have a hacky way working with offsetParent
In fact, I don't think jQuery checks siblings
@dystroy looking now thanks for the link
@Benjamin How has your trip been going?
Is your boot camp thing as cool as they made it seem?
@dystroy example on how to use that? still new to js.
Anyway, @Hunter you want the easiest solution?
@Jhawins sure shoot
copy/paste closest in jquery src :)
Shit I can't find it
Not that hard to re-write...
What should I name him
Alpha 5
@rlemon "Tester"
i was thinking "two point nine"
> This is my Beta, 2.9
@rlemon Nice, sounds good.
@Hunter I wrote it and got sidertracked and ended up nesting for loops and shit and decided it was stupid.
Okay then haha. Anyone got a suggestion.
Q: Finding closest element without jQuery

HunterI am trying to find the closest element with a specific tag name without jquery. When I click on a <th> I want to get access to the <tbody> for that table. Suggestions? I read about offset but didn't really understand it too much. Should I just use: Assume th is already set to clicked th element...

I find it funny that the one answer, which doesn't work just downvoted me because I didn't like his answer
@danielh Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
fish a man's friends
@rlemon "Server"
"Free" the Beta
"Stack", "Swimmy", "Obsidian" <-cause he looks like water meeting lava
or "Derp" cause he has a derpy face.
"Freeze" - Because he looks like he's frozen on top.
^ goat-sea
Maurice (The Space Cowboy)
Name him "Fishy". I would name everything what they are plus y when I was a kid.
ive seen chat spiral down to cats before but never fish. a welcomed change
I got it! "Icy-hot"
@Hunter I haz working fiddle
@Jhawins awesome
I'm not submitting it as an answer because I'm at work and I just slapped some shit together to show the concept.
Also I didn't write anything for when one isn't found. It'll just return undefined. All I was trying to convey was the general approach I would take.
cool thanks. question. im new to this whole stack overflow thing. did I get downvoted for asking an obvious question?
the e-reputation does matter
You got downvoted because the guy is an idiot. That's a really good question, I wish we had a better way to do that in JS already.
Ah okay. Well thanks a lot.
@Hunter I threw you an upvote because I had the same question just last week or so :)
haha thanks @Jhawins
I always bring the chat to fish
^^ Yes.
Almost done my shrimp jar.
You seem bored, you should give me input on the method above for finding the nearest sibling with a certain tagName.
Note I said method... I would never use nested for's and such the way they are in that fiddle. But I'm on a deadline today and probably don't have time to be on here at all anyway haha
while( el && el.tagName && el.tagName !== tagName ) {
  el = el.nextSibling();
return el;
might not need that second check
not sure if whitespace nodes have a tagName
adn nextSibling might be a property??
Fuck that's way simpler.
I'm puzzled by this one :
Q: How to rewrite the following into an if AND else statement?

LeonI have a piece of Javascript code from http://detectmobilebrowsers.com/ Replacing the super long regular expression with just regular_expression_here to make it readable here is the statement: if(regular_expression_here.test(a.substr(0,4)))window.location=b Basically that checks if mobile br...

yup....and now i feel silly
Me too I just wrote some stupid-ass fiddle for it,
quick hide the fiddle. no one saw it lol
el.tagName !== tagName isn't going to help... At all...
is nextSiblinging enough? sometimes you may go to parent I thought
Oops. Wrong copy/paste... But now it's past 2 minutes.
Yo o/
Funny how they made all of the above look planned ^^
That green color is pretty awfull
I will never buy an XBOX ONE - I don't trust them not to go back to their 'Big Brother of 1984' plan
getting #text on nextSibling....white space node?
They're full of shit.
@Hunter use nextElementSibling
@rlemon nextElementSibling sovles it
no IE8 support iirc
function nextElementSibling( el ) {
    do { el = el.nextSibling } while ( el && el.nodeType !== 1 );
    return el;
} //for IE
iirc means?
!!/tell Hunter urban iirc
@dystroy iirc abbv for If I Recall Correctly
@Hunter iirc abbv for If I Recall Correctly
ah thank you
I never recall this one correctly :\
I always think of the IRC app iIRC when I see iirc
@Jhawins Not sure what you mean
Q: Are there any languages to replace javascript?

TruthOf42Time and time again I am surprised at how difficult javascript is to maintain or write proper programs in, mostly because it is so weakly typed. I truly find it akin to writing programs in assembly. Sure, there is some intellisense for it and you can get some tools to make it easier. You can even...

The only problem with javascript is the people who write it without understanding it. — Shmiddty 3 mins ago
@Shmiddty See the doodle about the meetup... Your name
what, that I picked every option?
No, your name!
@Jhawins Shitty (source)
At least they did it right.
If you go to my admin panel on any page, you'll have to be logged in (obviously). My server won't give out secure info unless you are, so I go ahead and load up the panel, but have it hidden and have the login div shown
If I went ahead and made ajax calls, they're only going to return public info, so all the calls for whatever section of the admin panel you're trying to load will have to wait until you log in
however, they're all in pretty different places
some of them even lazy loaded. (the code itself is lazy loaded, thus kicking off the call)
...wait, what?
why not redirect to the login page?
My cms isn't like that, at ALL.
@PatrickGeyer Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
No page reloads, ever.
I'm thinking a I need to use a promise and then resolve the promise when I verify the login
and all ajax calls depend on that resolve
@CapricaSix Is that automated?
I feel pretty confident that is the solution...so, I guess I would make a service (this might be too angular specific, sorry) that service stores the login promise and then any ajax call looks at that service and is a callback to the promise?
I think that makes sense.
@PatrickGeyer It is.
!!tell PatrickGeyer help
@KendallFrey That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: tell
@PatrickGeyer Don't listen to him, she's in to you
eval(form.display.value) -- this is almost definitely a WTF. Do you really want Joe Average to execute random pieces of code in the context of your function? — Jan Dvorak 2 mins ago
@JanDvorak It's not like Joe Average couldn't do that anyways
@copy I'm confused...
@copy Joe Average should know when it's their mistake when the code fails
Don't be confused, my son. Jesus is there for you
Well, I'm going back to PHP...
Q: Is there any GUI library for HTML5 game dev?

Denis NarushevichI wonder if there is any library to create HTML/CSS based GUI for HTML5/javascript games? E.g. game is rendered using Canvas element, but GUI is rendered using DOM.

Had the motorcycle running all week... 7 days is exactly what $253 in repairs got me. Back to the shop...
nothing to see here
Nothing indeed...
@Marko given that the user can type in random valid variable names by accident, he can break the calculator without even knowing. Reading them is one thing, but once he discovers he can assign, you have unleashed a monster best described as a "blind bull in a china shop". Something's bound to happen and he will blame you. — Jan Dvorak 46 secs ago
@rlemon needs a sunken ship
my work tank
complete with sunken ship
can anybody correct me please
	var inputs1 = $('#input1').val(text);
				    var inputs2 = $('#input2').val(text);
					var inputs3 = $('#input3').val(text);
					var inputs4 = $('#input4').val(text);
					var inputs5 = $('#input5').val(text);
					var inputs6 = $('#input6').val(text);

				   var $loader = $('#like');

					type: 'POST',
					url: 'me.php',
					data: {
						'postID': id,
						'c1': inputs1,
						'c2': inputs2,
						'c3': inputs3,
						'c4': inputs4,
						'c5': inputs5,
i am doing it correct :/
@MalikUsman Are all the inputs in a form?
<input id='input1' type='text' name='input1' value='Awesome picture'>
well not in form
its not in <form
posted on September 06, 2013 by Victor Rodriguez

Mega-Canyon Discovered Beneath Greenland Ice The Future of Design Go Ahead, Mess With Texas Instruments

@SomeKittens any idea my script is not working i dont know
can you tell me whats wrong with it :/
@MalikUsman Are you getting any errors? What's the context? What do you mean by "not working"?
!!tell MalikUsman format
@MalikUsman Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
Couldn't help it.
If you want free help, you should at least put some effort into asking.
^ Starworthy
lol well this script is not giving me any error i tested is by posting but its not working means not posting data
here is my full script check you where i did wrong
Check your chair, then check your keyboard. The issue is between them.
Don't you think this takes the piss big time?
if (window.getSelection) {
	if (window.getSelection().empty) {
	} else if (window.getSelection().removeAllRanges) {
} else if (document.selection) {
Ok done @SomeKittens for your information i am on bed lol :D
my keyboard is working perfect lol
And the "missing the point" award goes to the above post.
The funniest thing about this conversation is that I have whoever you are talking to blocked.
BLATANT overuse of jQuery, use of deprecated methods, raw alert, no evidence of attempted debugging === VAMP
@Jhawins Yeah
if you can't help better die - said by stephen malker
@SomeGuy It's pretty cool, we have stuff and lectures. Some is good some is bad but overall it's fun
@SomeKittens No such thing as too much jQuery
well anybody help me or shall i go lol
@PatrickGeyer Jesus is with you no matter where you go. Fear not.
@MalikUsman I'll help you, I just got here, what's up?
@BenjaminGruenbaum well i had one script which is working fine i did not make that script somebody made for me i made some changes in it and its not working now i want to know what i did wrong!
if possible you can help me :/
@MalikUsman Of course I can help you. Are you a believer?
Do you believe you can unlock the jQuery within you?
yeah but if you can tell me what i did wrong I'll fix it on my self
here is my script and i have added these lines in my script
'c1': inputs1,
                                        'c2': inputs2,
                                        'c3': inputs3,
                                        'c4': inputs4,
                                        'c5': inputs5,
                                        'c6': inputs6
Your faith is weak - that's your first problem. You must really believe in the jQuery in you. There is jQuery in each and every one of us and you must unlock the jQuery in you.
@BenjaminGruenbaum have you embraced jQuesus into your heart?
response = JSON && JSON.parse(response) || $.parseJSON(response); - fyi, you can tell jquery that you always get JSON and it handles it for you
additionally, i'm pretty sure $.parseJSON uses JSON.parse if it's available
@MalikUsman Do you accept jQuery as your true lord and John Resig as its messenger and son? Only then I can help you unlock the jQuery within and fix your code.
@phenomnomnominal Amen.
anyway, use dataType: 'json' and you can get rid of that line
@MalikUsman have you looked at the console for any errors
On the first day John Resig invented the AJAX and the DOM.
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token }

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