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spent hours and hours to learn fact that changing strokeStyle, fillStyle and lineWidth on multiple element(which will be drawn on canvas) will slow down application drastic :S
Learning programming is fun, isn't it?
well im disappointed in canvas :P
this was my afternoons work.
@tarun_telang Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hello everyone.
i have a question about communicating between a iframe and containing web page.
@rlemon NIce
can i trigger an event in iframe and handle it in the containing web page ?
those are my three freshwater tanks now :) I also have one fresh at work and three saltwater tanks at home
and technically one of the saltwater tanks is two tanks. 46 gallon tank with a ten gallon under it, the water cycles from top to bottom then back to the top
so 4 saltwater tank I guess.
Are you asking for upboats?!
ALERT /r/KarmaCourt!!!!
ALERT /r/nobodyCaresAboutYourOpinion
But... my mommy said I was special. :(
Also, upvoted.
@synth3tk Wrong reply. Correct reply: What is Reddit?
Reddit is like internet crack.
shitty, but addicting.
Like SO in the first 3 months?
Then you realize it's just Internet points
Dangit. ESO is really fun :)
But these internet points can be traded in for boats and islands and a hot wife.
Take that, SO!
Also, some guy asked a question about iframes and event triggering. Pretty sure it's not possible, but I'm no expert.
where there's a will, there's a hack
it might be god awful
@Nikola Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
thanks synth3tk for your reply about iframe event triggering.
@Mahesh what hack are you talking about.
no problem. sometimes we get off-track talking about fish, boats, hookers, drugs, and illegal crime rings, that we forget what this room is about: hating jQuery.
Why don't we have a way to "flipFlop" variables?
@rlemon tell your gf that the patch should be awesome and that I will definitely be playing when it hits.
Like: `for (var i = 0; i > t; i.flip)` //.flip meaning each time the loop is run the value flips between true and false
Giving you the option to determine which half of the loop is being done and to alternate between functions if need be. It makes sense to me...
It would make a 3 loop function possible in 1.
Haha no idea how to put to words what I'm thinking of.
I'll write my own function and play with it in the morning and I'm sure I'll see why not afterward.
Its a saturday morning
and i ......
i am at work!
wohooo wo u
i want to include a still header in my website ... how i can do it any one tell me... i want to include this in top of my site radio.radiobornil.com/wp-content/themes/iMovies/player/… any one can help me?
@CoolBoy do you accept John Resig as your saviour and lord ?
-- as saint benjamin said
you need to unlock the jQuery inside you!
@Zirak Season 1 Episode 6 (Community) 13 minutes in look at the banner in the cafeteria. "Pencils and such!"
@rlemon \o
function request(){ $.ajax("/tags/friend/media",{
     'Authorization':'CustomAuth someId'
}); requestAnimationFrame(request); }
^ how i test my caching and responsiveness/response time of the api ... am i overkilling the server ?
@user2677350 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable
These guys deserve more fame.
@m59 Haven't heard of them before, are they good?
@CCInc I think he says they are good. I think so too.
Heck yeah, dude.
Not a lot of folk bands around :)
Haha check this out
How cool is this band.
That's so beautiful man
Cartman: Tooth fairy left me 2 dollars last night!! This is so intense!!
how to search a music if I can't remember the name
You can hum it on Midomi.com or something
What song is it?
I had a try but get nothing
Does it go like BA BA BA BAAHM
I can't remember the name or Lyrics
@O0oO0oOO0ooO no
@m59 so many folk bands around.
hmm, there are only a few I know AND love
Objective C is a beautiful langauge
Objects are beautiful
Hiya Guys
Do you know how could I get a float return number in this code jsfiddle.net/LCseR
Beg your pardon?
Do you mean you want to add extra precisions after the numbers?
I dont want to lose the 0.5
Then don't put math.floor
yeah, but I receibe strange numbers xd
If you want them to yield fixed precision then you can use .toFixed
@JuanFernandoz just don't use Math.floor?
Q: checkbox change event firering two times

ఠ_ఠI'm developing an app who can register for university courses. they add select their register type,course type ,batch and their subjects. i'm putting subjects on the table when they selecting a course type also the batch. So they can select subjects, after they add it will put into the selected s...

in Java and Android era, 5 mins ago, by chintan khetiya
@Appu @Indiandroid @KumarGaurav is it possible that the KEY CODE of computer key board & android keyboard are different ?
not for only android , for ios and other mobile also
I'm trying to think of a good name for a function that only gives you info if you're an admin
It will wrap resource.get()
resource.getPrivate() doesn't sound great
resource.adminGet(); :)
certainly better than what I had.
In Ruby, it'd be obvious: ruby.get is the "normal" one while ruby.get! is the admin version.
that's cool.
also, ruby.get? if it's a boolean predicate
Currently, a lot of ajax calls fire when you visit the admin panel, but the server isn't going to give you info unless you're logged in
So, all of it blows up and you log into a fail admin panel haha
I'd factor out a separate interface
that you don't load on non-admin pages
You're right.
Hahaa, it's pretty silly what I was doing.
I was doing it that way, but not naming wise.
The script that builds the site has a lot of stuff in it that the admin panel also uses, so I have it included in the admin index.html
So, the site's stuff is shared, but the admin's stuff isn't, just like you said.
admin.get should wrap the site's get
@JanDvorak +1 =D
thanks :-)
Then again, what about non-admin's but registered info?
I'll need a wrap in the site's service for that, too
I really get ignored everywhere except stackoverflow blog.trevnorris.com/2013/08/…
@m59 alternately, name functions by what they do, not by what they need.
I am caching json encoded string of a specific exhaustive query in a pgsql table
I wonder what will be a better option to invalidate cache ?
have a seperate process / script running just to clean them ?
or remove on encounter ?
or a hybrid system of both ?
you mean, deletion after they have expired? What would said encounter be, then?
yes deletion after they have expired
@JanDvorak When i make another query
Does it bother anyone if I kind of think aloud here? It REALLY helps me and I appreciate the thoughts if anyone chips in.
@m59 welcome to DuckOverflow! A place where you can talk all day and no-one will listen :-)
So...I'm having trouble thinking about how an auth tier will work on the front-end. While not complete, I do have the bones of a system for my api to make sure the user is logged in and that I don't give out anything they aren't authorized to get (req level is 5, your level is 2, denied)
that actually goes for regular users and admins. 0 = public, but the rest need to be flexible, probably in a config file.
@JanDvorak nevermind since multiple will violate the constrain so best is to clean them as soon as i found out they are invalid
So...server says they are logged in and returns an auth level which I now have in my js..
I'll save that in session
I guess the server also needs to tell me what they are
5 would be a meaningless auth level unless I know what means lol
Is there a standard for this kind of thing?
Hmm, I guess it would always be nice to be able to make custom levels though
Welcome agent. Your authorisation level is 3.25
hi all
can someone help me?
how to call php function in javascript with javascript variable
var postday= "<?php echo Agotime(&quot;.postdate.&quot;); ?>";
where postdate is the javascript variable
  title: moderator,
  get: 3,
  put: 3,
  post: 1,
  delete: 0
If the server gave me that, I could deal with the ui in terms of what they are allowed to do. What do you think?
@asifa what you're trying to do makes me sad.
Because php is a server side language.
@m59 I'm wondering if your authorisation level isn't too granular. Its representation in terms of code is fine, however.
@asifa how can you imagine that javascript code running on someone's computer can be processed during the execution of code on the server?
What you're requesting would require some epic usage of quantum mechanics.
i am using extjs
@asifa extjs doesn't provide that kind of magic as far as I can tell
Q: Reference: Why does the PHP (or other server side) code in my Javascript not work?

deceze Note: This is a reference question. If you see one of the many questions fitting this pattern, please close them as duplicate of this. I have this code: <script type="text/javascript"> var foo = 'bar'; <?php file_put_contents('foo.txt', ' + foo + '); ?> var baz = <?...

can someone please help me with this stackoverflow.com/questions/18670581/…
@JanDvorak i often wonder why i ask such stupid and retarded questions
on days
while on other days i am coding things that are really hard butter smoothly
that's not a stupid question
Ok, so if I did as I was saying, I was logged in as that person and I returned to a page with moderator specific things, the UI could automatically respond thanks to an angular service that would pull data from the session.
Now, if there was content there that only a moderator should see...
I don't want that call to fire unless they can see it
just to avoid any odd outcome that could produce
and that's where I'm lost :(
I think it's not possible
sorry; I don't do angular
It's np, not really an angular thing, just a logic thing
If there was only public, registered, admin
that would be easy.
registered makes sure they have access level of 1 or higher (2 is admin)
admin makes sure they have level of 2 or higher
registered.get() on anything that public people shouldn't see and I'm set.
alright, if there were 3 levels of registered that aren't admins
registered.get('path/here', 2) 2 being the auth level they need
registered.get and admin.get?
then they function would look at the auth level in their session and make the call if it's good
@JanDvorak yeah, everything I just said will work, BUT
I was passing in a value to that function
problem is, I wouldn't know the value if you're able to create auth levels
note that I suggested to factor out the interface to prevent excessive loading as well as showing the admin API to non-admin PPL.
Do you mean not have the admin panel hidden behind the login screen?
or even the associated code
It's actually the standard way with angular.
If you're tech savvy enough to go in and view the panel, you're also savvy enough to know it's useless.
if all interfaces are always loaded, just ditch the idea - it provides no benefit over just stuffing all methods to the respective data types (classic OOP)
I don't follow.
the point of having admin.getResource() is that you can decide to require('admin') or not depending on your authentication level.
That's not what I was getting at.
$scope.adminMessages = $admin.resource.get('api/admin-name/messages');

is very different than

$scope.adminMessages = $site.resource.get('api/admin-name/messages');
With angular, $scope.adminMessages will be bound on the page some place
the $site's function will return a promise and then the data when it comes through, but the ajax call is going to go through just because the page loaded
but the $admin's function will do something different
it will return the promise, but won't fire the ajax call until it checks if the person is an admin
the promise is rejected if they are not
oops, wrong
The promise never goes anywhere if they don't login
it waits
So, you go to the admin panel and some promises get made, you login, promises resolve, data gets fetched and displayed.
That's why I need that wrapper.
I wonder if you can perform previous action in Adobe PDF viewer
like if you clicked on a link then move back to previous position
and etc..
One of my most stupid errors
Inserting an array inside its child everytime an insertion happened , dunno why i did so but was generically stupid!
Interestingly, a single function returning itself is how you represent infinity in church numerals.
Then what's 0?
Hehe I forgot
I knew it few months ago
@O0oO0oOO0ooO a function returning its argument, I think
In mathematics, Church encoding is a means of embedding data and operators into the lambda calculus, the most familiar form being the Church numerals, a representation of the natural numbers using lambda notation. The method is named for Alonzo Church, who first encoded data in the lambda calculus this way. Terms that are usually considered primitive in other notations (such as integers, booleans, pairs, lists, and tagged unions) are mapped to higher-order functions under Church encoding; the Church-Turing thesis asserts that any computable operator (and its operands) can be represented un...
@JanDvorak That's not very surprising though :)
(Loves Church)
@BenjaminGruenbaum it's incorrect, though
@O0oO0oOO0ooO "undefined"
@O0oO0oOO0ooO "undefined"
zero is function(f,x){x}
infinity is function(f,x){while(1)x=f(x)}
var church_zero = function(f,x){f(x)};
Shouldn't zero be that
that would be one
I forgot how to read lambda
five would be function(f,x){f(f(f(f(f(x)))))}
you are right
but I think we need to put return x don't we?
ah, right
and 1 is
var church_one = function(f,x){return f(x)}
function(f,x){return f(f(f(f(f(x)))))}
Spoiled by RUby
Yeah, hehe
zero = ->(f,x){x}
infinity = ->(f,x){loop{x=f[x]}}
five = ->(f,x){f f f f f x}
@O0oO0oOO0ooO "SyntaxError: syntax error"
or (a cheating version) five = ->(f,x){5.times{x=f x};x}
We can live without church numerals right?
plus=->(m,n){->(f,x){m f(n f x)}} # λm.λn.λf.λx. m f (n f x)
(or curry more)
plus=->m{->n{->f{->x{m f(n f x)}}}} # λm.λn.λf.λx. m f (n f x)
@O0oO0oOO0ooO unfortunately, no. They are too awesome.
of course, you can't loop in lambda calculus, so inf=->s{s[s]}[->i{->f{->x{i[f[x]]}}}]
You can create a function called While
quite easily
What's the above written in lambda notation? λs.(s s)λi.λf.λf.λx.i f x?
Hey Guys!
I'm not up to implementing while in lambda calculus.
wait is that written in Ruby?
inf=->s{s[s]}[->i{->f{->x{i[f[x]]}}}] is ruby
->x{y} is a shorthand notation equivalent to lambda{|x|y}
FSI, While loop is this (* while-loop : (State -> Bool) -> (State -> State) -> State *)
IDK about infinity
Why would you want to know it?
@O0oO0oOO0ooO Abishkek placed an array inside itself, so I noted
28 mins ago, by Jan Dvorak
Interestingly, a single function returning itself is how you represent infinity in church numerals.
(of course you don't use church numerals in Ruby. That would be stupid. Or hipsta-ception, depending on how you look at it) *goes on to re-implementing everything in Ruby using only lambda calculus*
jsfiddle.net/mg3uU Is this a valid way of creating this effect? or can it be done without jquery?
@deep looks legit
wanna code review?
I think we don't really need to manually implement things like while loop or even need church numerals because langauges like Ruby have predefined way to do all these things
and they are multi paradigm languages
@Madhu13 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
So you guys wont kill me? and whats a "code review?"
@deep that looks fine
OK... you could use $(".overlay, .overlay-message") to dry out your code
k. Cheers Guys
cache that object. Every milisecond counts.
Of course, clicking .overlay should close the message.
These look like singletons. Maybe I would use an ID there?
question : In eclipse, I have installed JSDT, I am working with google maps API and jQuery, In the left side vertical error bar ( What to call this ) , it's showing error as $ is not defined or google is not defined ( google from maps api) how to overcome these errors, but I want other suggestions from it
@O0oO0oOO0ooO I don't have to, but I want to
bring Ruby to its knees
Also don't forget $(function() ...
And you're kinda misusing z-index
Cool, I'm probably going to try out everything in Erlang later too ... Just for fun
body {
    background-color: #fff;
^ pretty redundant
EEK didn't read the CSS
just saying, it aint my fiddle.
z-index: 1001; -- WTF
@deep show isn't an animation function, so the 'slow' does nothing
night homies
$(".overlay-message").show('slow'); therefore can be replaced with $(".overlay-message").show();?
opacity: 1.0 because opacity: 1 could be misinterpreted by some programmers as a 0-255 value?
@Madhu13 Hey, how do you even install google map API? Isn't it all about requesting stuff to their web service?
Why is the overlay message not inside the overlay?
I dunno.
$("#subjectsTable").off('change', '.selectedSubjects');
$("#subjectsTable").on('change', '.selectedSubjects', function (event) {
can we use delegate instead of this ?
@O0oO0oOO0ooO , You are right, my problem is when I define a marker var markeranit = new google.maps.Marker(); the eclipse is showing the error that google is not defined, how can I set eclipse to ignore this type of error
@ఠ_ఠ delegate is outdated. Why would you want to use it?
Don't know, maybe reboot your computer
I'm kidding, probably you didn't download the library file?
I will try that thanks
i was tried to used bind instead of .on so i found that delegate is more used full than bind
how can i get the opaque black div to fade in?
@ఠ_ఠ on replaces both
Why is everyone now silent?
is it something i said?
I've got 20 more minutes of owrk :P
what time is ti there?
@BenjaminGruenbaum ^^
I will leave soon
for kamppi
Cool, I'm coding in the Kampii right now on the top floor
do you know the address
Johto Cafe or something
oh ok
how long will you be there? I could meet you there
!!/google jQuery 1.5.2
can we remove disable when using this code ?
Try it.
Best Way to find out.
your query could have been $('.selectedSubjects:disabled') I think
jsperf.com/round-tofixed ouch 81% slower
@Esailija Sure that works
I'm sitting and coding here
cool :D
I need to charge my phone a bit and then I'll start coming
What kind of phone do you have?
I've got 3 phones here :P
ancient samsung galaxy s I
how i stop being print page url ???
i didn't found any use full article
some says(Mozzila) it can't because of the security issue
can do better^
@ancap Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
the only drawback of content-editable vs an input is placeholder missing
What can i improve on?
I currently only have a single Piss annoying bug.
The rest is perfect
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="upOpenDisplayPopup" runat="server">
<asp:Button ID="btnEChartDisplay" runat="server" ToolTip="Display and Filter options"
Text="Display" />
</asp:UpdatePanel> hv a button in update panel. $(document).ready(function () {
$("#<%=btnEChartDisplay.ClientID %>").click(function () {
notewizardcheckbox($("#<%= ChkNoteWizard.ClientID %>"));
the click event is fired only once why?
Don't post ASP code here - especially not horrible deprecated WebForms ASP
Post the resulting HTML
Guys i have a question. My drawing canvas has a bug, lets say you draw something a 15x zoom, and then you change the zoom settings, you lose the image, how can this be remedied? why is it happening?
the script is also there i want that if my control is in update panel .why it fires event onces .
@deep That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: listcommands
@deep 420, help, listen, eval, coffee, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, awsm, color, convert, define, findcommand, fuckable, get, github, google, hang, inhistory, learn, 5318008, bewbs, i_am_a_robot, aliens, ym, format, 3point14, camel, ihatelanadelrey, fa, knock, lick, insult, ultimateinsult, microlove, easytools, wherearethegoats, tobacconist, ninjad, sarcasm, adventure, w3schools, 3mdn, joystick (page 0/3)
!!lucky test
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's nice! How long are you supposed to be there for?
is it possible to set selected text from auto complete text box even page reload ?
Say I have multiple canvas wrapped in objects, and want them to resize with window.resize, should I put one global event listener, or one in each object?
@cc Do they ever get removed and added back?
@ert3 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
all hail saint benjamin the torchlight towards the of knowledge of JQuery, follower of lord Resig.
@MalikUsman i wanted to help you lol but then you said too many lol so now i know you are just a lol
lol .. besides nobody kills my somekittens lol ... @MalikUsman you were offensive lol but please dont lol so much thats a lol overdose lol ... i did the same mistake earlier lol but seriously it makes a fool out of you lol
The above post was co-sponsored by LolOverflow
@imvarunkmr Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Q: Selecting by class and applying styles by id with jQuery on click

AdrianHTML <div id="buttons"> <div id="answer_1" class="button"> </div> <div id="answer_2" class="button"> </div> <div id="answer_3" class="button"> </div> </div> What I want: Every time one of the divs with the class "button" is clicked I want to change the background of the div with the id "answer...

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