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*grumble grumble* And right before I have my coffee too
Why would repeating a string be a common thing to do?
@Yi nothing worse than being surprised with ugly baby pics before your coffee..
Also, for the record, I am not a static server. Just FYI.
is it weird if I want to write my next program in C?
Hello, is there anything wrong with this keypress function for enter? Thinking may it have something to do with the html? codeshare.io/7KALk
co-worker: and look at little susan, isn't she precious?
me: SHIT WOMAN! Don't do that! I haven't had my coffee yet.
it must be this book's influence
onkeypress = handle() not handle
inline events you pass the function to be called (I.e the string to be evald)
you are doing eval("foo") when you want eval("foo()")
@Pinocchio Don't know, but previously we used to do new Array(n).join(string) to repeat a string, so at least this is cleaner
however protip: Don't use inline event handlers. They are messy and poor practice.
Gotcha gotcha. Cool, let me try this out.
@YiJiang Yeah. i can understand it's cleaner but im sure jQuery has a plugin for that??
Uh... Why do you want a jQuery plugin for string manipulation
How was it created ? What decided to create those, on how that thing decided to do it ?
(for @Esailija)
you know what question i've always wanted to ask @PaulIrish, Why when you wrote the rAF shim did you not just over write window.requestAnimationFrame ??
brainfuck "interpreter" via c++ templates github.com/knome/metabrainfuck/blob/master/bf.cpp
@dievardump well for example if we compiled this pseudo code
obj.prop = 3
the entire program would have only 1 inline cache.. at the property assignment site
and that is a storing inline cache
so the result for this program would be
named, because we have static name like "prop"
we would have keyed if the program was obj[prop]
STORE is because we assign something
ie we store something in the property
@Esailija how u get so smart? u rob a smart guy or smt?
Ok I did understand that. But he does not explain anything on that and was not sure
He doesn't say that this is the result of some intepreter at I don't know what time
you will place inline cache at every property assignment, property load and method/function call site
this result is generated code that runs
like... var string = compile(lua) //we now get code like you just pasted
and then you just do eval(string)
with machine code you just jump to the byte array instead of eval.. same thing really
function compile( luaCode ) {
    //just pretend we somehow came up with the following string:
    return "var STORE$0 = NAMED_STORE_MISS; ... ";

var machineCode = compile( "obj:prop = 3" );

ignore the fact that obj.prop = 3 already works with eval
pretend like it doesn't
yeah yeah I completly see the point :)
imagine this language has colon for properties.. now it's easy
I do understand what happends
function PatchIC(kind, id, stub) {
  this[kind + "$" + id] = stub;  // non-strict JS funkiness: this is global object.
how in the hell is actionscript so high ?
AS devs get a lot.
@dievardump well in JS the only way to patch a function is make it global and just overwrite it
it's just because only the managers (i.e. has-been) use A.S. because it's easy
it doesn't actually patch it literally then but yea
Yeah yeah I saw that
I would have expected c# to be above c++ as well. nvm
never would have thought that ^^
that was silly of me
why is Javascript so low :(
because jQuery devs count in that category i thinks
although it has insane amount of data points
more than 3000 datapoints for js and only 110 for as3 - the average is probably lower
if some guy is working for me slinging dollar signs, those are coming out of his pay.
though $97k = 60K€ = 5000€ per month would be crazy for me ...
I would be rich
I have a problem with :
function CompileNamedLoadFastProperty(klass, key) {
  // Key is known to be constant (named load). Specialize index.
  var index = klass.getIndex(key);

  function KeyedLoadFastProperty(t, k, ic) {
    if (t.klass !== klass) {
      // Expected klass does not match. Can't use cached index.
      // Fall through to the runtime system.
      return NAMED_LOAD_MISS(t, k, ic);
    return t.properties[index];  // Veni. Vidi. Vici.

  return KeyedLoadFastProperty;
Every time it calls CompileNamedLoadFastProperty it creates a new KeyedLoadFastProperty ?
Hum he prefers using closures
yes he is not very good with js
sigh, why doesn't chrome provide a way to disable javascript timer throttling in background tabs
with crappy one click hosters having to keep the tab in foreground during the 30-second wait time is so annoying
@ThiefMaster userscript, have it skip the timer entirely.
won't work since it's usually checked on the server side, too
So if we have

     obj:prop = 3

We want something like this in the generated javascript:

    if( obj.hiddenClass === SOMETHING ) {
        obj[4] = 3;
    else {
        missed( obj, "prop", 3 );
@ThiefMaster Paul Irish was here today, let him a message :p
who? :p
One of Chrome something lead dev
this is simplified to make it easier
obj[4] represents something crazy fast because it's constant offset calculated at compilation time
where as the missed code would look it up through iteration
Heyo, I’m Paul Irish.

I’m a front-end developer,
a Google Chrome dev relations guy,
a jQuery Team member,
a lead developer of Modernizr, Yeoman, CSS3 Please and HTML5 Boilerplate,
a curator of HTML5 Rocks,
a creator of HTML5 Please, mothereffingtextshadow, mothereffinghsl, Move the Web Forward, Mothereffing Animated GIF, W3Fools, chromestatus.com, HTML5 Readiness, Front-end Coding Standards, Type Rendering Project, Infinite-scroll.com, jQuery plugin stuff.

a former host on the yayQuery Podcast,
@Esailija ok I see
Well after re-reading (and adding the good ponctuations) I just was able to understand almost everything
Now I think I have a lack of technical skill :o
But from now you'll not see me adding properties to an object that was not already define in the prototype or the constructor
@aurevilly Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
No more "No time to do that, left the browser handle things and add this new property coming from nowhere in those 30 nested if"
@dievardump here's the current state of affairs when it comes to creating props in constructor blog.appfog.com/…
tl;dr you get 8 props of slack for outside constructor props
after 8, more props added will go in the .properties array that was even in the IC javascript
 :(){ :|:& };:
but really, we should ask for 32 not 8 :P
if it's possible.. because this discourages inheritance way too much
fiou I did undertand your comment
you don't need inheritance
the mov thing reminds me of Assembly
I loved assembly
@dievardump it is
Oh, that's why.
I would lov to go back school to do Assembly again
never learned assembly. Except a little bit in there
you want, I want.
everyone wants
started writing this but then... meh ~~
> Eight-bit displacement, sign-extended to 16 bits
does that mean anything to you ? @dievardump
I would say malloc
@SomeGuy Yeah, that's me. Callum's one of four brothers
but it's far
@rlemon Congrats on your engagement to @copy
malloc means "memory allocation", and is a C function to allocate some memory
@dievardump it's from here.. en.wikibooks.org/wiki/X86_Assembly/…
I am trying to make the v8 disassembler bit easier to read
You have your own blessing to marry him.
@Zirak thanks. At first I was wondering how it would work out, him being a super codegolfer and all.
It was in french
So no :s
but I think we'll be happier than ever with eachother.
What? :(
@BadgerGirl yet another husband.
@BadgerGirl we can split him. you can have the top half. I want the bottom
lemons love dicks
it's proven now
It was enough with @Shmiddty
OMG I now want to find back my lessons
/me gotta try intelliJ
> I run gmake and gcc and I ain't ever called malloc without calling free. I'll beat your ass until it's coloured like a red black tree. ohh there is so much drama in the PhD
@FlorianMargaine every time I see malloc or free I think of this song.
damn, buzzed me made a few mistakes :P
anyone here have weird CSS issues in JSBIN?
like, its not applying any of my css at all
alright I fixed it
thanks rlemon
> "When you have a son you only have to worry about one penis. But when you have a daughter you have to worry about everyone's penis."
so true... so true..
who am i watching on codeshare.io?
@FlorianMargaine LOL. Awesome.
I've been using some RIA (for finance trend analysis), all on .jnlp, for this specific field I'm not sure javascript app have their place, only for simple clients reports and statistics, but fine-grained indicators logic are probably less easily codable in a js RIA app, or maybe there are less coder available
just polling your opinions
also a jnlp is a bit more flexible, not limitated to 1 window
is there a focuschange event?
I don't really like java but sometimes you have to use it..
@Esailija after some reading I think it came back. The mod is how instructions are addressed.
The MOD 01 just says that the value can be coded on 1 or two octets (8-16 bits), depending on the register size.

*MOV BX, 8* -> 8 will be adressed on 2 octets because BX is a 16-bits register.
yea I just found very good material and got it
omg I don't remember that much

If you program JavaScript you probably know that every function carries around a lexical environment that is used to resolve variables into their values when you execute function’s body.
Hmmm, I think I know a loooooooooot of Front end devs who do not know that.
well, many people just didn't bother learning js
indeed many java/dotnet programmers just don' want to see js
!!/tell Event-Horizon jspatterns
@Event_Horizon Don't be annoying, drop the @, nobody likes a double-ping.
@Event_Horizon Command jspatterns already exists
@Event_Horizon Command jspattern learned
do you create closures in constructors?
I create closure... a lot
note that it's actually the function identities that take memory if you do oopy stuff with them
although there is a lot of disadvatanges... still no inlining for example
a function identity costs 10 * pointer size
Ummm, how does this work? if (c <= ' ')
so in 64 bit node js... print profiles of 200 Person who have 30 methods each and we have 100 people requesting them at the same time
!!> var pointerSize = 8; 200 * 30 * 100 * 10 * pointerSize / (Math.pow(2, 20));
@Esailija 48000000
@Esailija "SyntaxError: missing ) in parenthetical"
@Esailija 45.7763671875
45 megabytes of garbage to sweep through
@Pinocchio " ".charCodeAt(0) === 32
Asked this a bit ago but still somewhat confused on how to correctly call another function within a new function: codeshare.io/7KALk Any input appreciated.
So c can be <=
Want to turn your text area into a javascript console? Run this code:
var sb = $('#sayit-button'), btn = sb.clone(false).attr('id','con').html('console').css('margin-left','5px');btn.insertAfter(sb);
btn.click(function(){var t = $('#input').val();$('#input')[0].value = "";window.location = 'javascript:'+t;});

then type valid javascript into your text area and click the "console" button to the right of send.
I can't find this anywhere, are displacement always signed? @dievardump
@dievardump What would be less than the space though?
> Addressing modes with 8-bit displacement fall in the range -128..+127
cool... but what about 32
I don't know. Not sur we went that far. And if we did, I was either not listening, either drunk
lol ok
And it was 7 years ago
@dievardump ok so you can check a chars charCode but what would be less than a space?
var t = [];
for(var i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
All theses characters.
Tab is 9
there also is empty space
!!var p =(" " < " "); p;
@dievardump "SyntaxError: syntax error"
@dievardump That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
Hum seriously ?
@dievardump i thinks its !!>
!!>var p =(" " < " "); p;
!!> var p =(" " < " "); p;
@Pinocchio true
@dievardump true
So tabs < space
so everything that has a charCode less than 38 is a whitespace character?
or 32...
!!> var p =("¿" < " "); p;
@TravisJ false
No, everything that is less than ' ' is whitespace?
!!> ' ' < ' '
@Pinocchio true
!!> var t = []; for(var i = 0; i < 256; i++) { if (String.fromCharCode(i) <= " ") t.push(i); } t.join(',');
@dievardump "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,2‌​9,30,31,32"
!!> var t = []; for(var i = 0; i < 256; i++) { if (String.fromCharCode(i) <= " ") t.push(String.fromCharCode(i)); } t.join(',');
@Pinocchio "\u0000,\u0001,\u0002,\u0003,\u0004,\u0005,\u0006,\u0007,\b,\t,\n,\u000b,\f,\r,\‌​u000e,\u000f,\u0010,\u0011,\u0012,\u0013,\u0014,\u0015,\u0016,\u0017,\u0018,\u001‌​9,\u001a,\u001b,\u001c,\u001d,\u001e,\u001f, "
So there is like 40 types of spaces then... wtf
hm doesn't work if there is more text though
will try to sleep reading those crazy articles
See ya !
Anyone know a good music playlist on youtube?

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