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@monners Certainly better than this piece of shit that was just about to drive me over the edge :) youtube.com/watch?v=mf8JU7kYAhg
How... rejuvenating
Not even joking, that shit was playing and my chair is squeaking like a ....... not good man.... trying to code as well.
I usually code to Infected Mushroom
Or the sound of my victims breathing
Or... not... breathing
hi @monners :)
@LogicalAngel Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@monners better than the SPA music
@BadgerGirl Quit badgering me, girl!
How would I remove the xmlns attribute in an XHTML document using javascript?
Must admit, i like listening to this while coding youtube.com/watch?v=FOIjvHjK0Rw . but I'm bored of it now.
Hi guys!
I need help i am developing something where i need to user access token!
and user need to copy access token from url
but some people put full url rather then just copy access token from url
Now i want to get only this part from url ( 314267597.ba75ca7.50754063b971 )
and I want to remove rest of part
anybody can help me please :D
@MalikUsman Whatever you're doing, you're doing it wrong.
Thanks now tell me how can i do this ?
@Pinocchio These guys ain't bad if you're after ambient stuff
@MalikUsman Why is the access_token even in the url? Shouldn't you be using GET instead of POST for that kinda data? (or the other way around, I forget which is private)
Is there any way to remove the xmlns attribute from the root node in an XHTML document?
!!tell LogicalAngel mdn removeAttribute
I want to remove the attribute, write the documentElement's outerHTML, then add it back.
I've tried removeAttribute already.. no effect at all.
function showText() {
document.getElementById("textArea").value += document.getElementById("targetIframe").contentWindow.document.documentElement.outerHTML;
Though, the text appended to the TextArea still contains the html element's xmlns.
@LogicalAngel code improvement!
function showText() {
   var target   = document.getElementById("targetIframe").contentDocument,
       textarea = document.getElementById("textArea");
   textarea.value += target.documentElement.outerHTML;
Thanks. Forgot about contentDocument. It still doesn't work, though.
Is it even possible to remove it?
Maybe I need to work around it and just append "<html>" then documentElement.innerHTML then "</html>" instead.
@monners Do you want to be my friend?
@BadgerGirl I don't know. I don't know you.
Does outerHTML work for XML documents?
!!/google XML outerHTML
@CapricaSix you can't google'it for shit
is it ok to have a new method?
@JeremyBanks hi
No problem ...
You know what frustrates me. I tried to work around the xmlns attribute by writing "<html>" then documentElement.innerHTML then "</html>" and the innerHTML property applies the xmlns attribute to EVERY OTHER ELEMENT INSTEAD! X-<
@LogicalAngel Wan't to make your life easier?
Yes, please. :)
@LogicalAngel then make a demo jsfiddle.net so that it is possible for people to help!
@JoshM Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
otherwise you're on your own
I'm fairly new to Javascript and I was just wondering if there was a way to get all of the characters in a string?
I then tried to load a blank XML file with what I would have presumed to have been a random XML element named <html> and then tried to reference the innerHTML of that, and you know what? It came back with a GDMND xmlns...
@JoshM you mean all seperate?
@Pinocchio Yeah, similar to how Java has String.toCharArray()
@JoshM try yourString.split(''); i don't know Java
so 'something'.split(''); produces ["s", "o", "m", "e", "t", "h", "i", "n", "g"]
You can access any character in a string as though it were an array item
So, it looks like I'm going to have to manually write every single element name with a for statement or something. I can't believe how difficult it is to write the source of the page to a textarea without the damnable namespaces included.
for instance yourString[2] // 'u'
yeah String[2] === 'm'
@Pinocchio Oh, I see. Seems simple enough, thanks.
Another question though, I noticed that you used ' ' instead of " ", is there a real difference between the 2?
If not, which one is preferred over the other?
@LogicalAngel Yeah well if you don't help yourself no1 will help you
@JoshM well if you done this ' ' then it would split on a space, the single or double quotes don't matter
Words of wisdom.
@LogicalAngel Make a fiddle or stop moaning, my recommendations
@Pinocchio Oh okay cool. Coming from a Java background, I always like to use " ", probably because I'm already used to it.
I have been trying to avoid Jquery for quite some time now, but I can't seem to figure out how to 'simulate' a key press on an HTML element.
Do you think you'd be able to help me resolve it if I posted it to a jsbin?
@JoshM then use "" that's fine, i just find using the shift key hard graft.
@JoshM simulate?
Yeah, like 'trigger' an event. In Jquery you could do something like $("#element").trigger({type:"keyup", which:keyCode});
@LogicalAngel i would be able to help you more than guessing
Alrighty. I'll get on it.
@JoshM well you have a function assigned to your keypress event yes?
then why don't you just call that function? that's basically triggering all the actions that you want to take place upon keypress.
But if you use jQuery i suppose you may be able to make the keys on the users keyboard move. jQuery's good like that
@Pinocchio Well, Javascript seems kind of similar to Java so I believe I understand the basis (plus I watched ~40 tutorials on it) and now I need to practice. So, with that being said, have you heard of something called TamperMonkey?
@JoshM yes
How can I use an XHTML document instead of normal HTML?
@LogicalAngel Defined Normal HTML lmao.
@Pinocchio Well, I've just been creating some highly trivial scripts through TamperMonkey just to get some more practice, and it seems like you need Jquery to do everything. I try to be as independent as possible so I want to avoid using Jquery as much as possible.
!!/tell LogicalAngel google doctype
I've tried looking at some previous SO answers on how to dispatch KeyboardEvent's to an HTML element, but none of them appear to work.
@JoshM If your using tampermonkey you don't need jQuery, jQuery is mainly a framework used so you don't have to write all cross browser code, and seeing as tampermonkey is on chrome you don't need cross browser code.
I mean with JS Bin.
@LogicalAngel i don't use JSBin.
What should I use, then?
Can I use XHTML documents with that one?
@LogicalAngel just use this jsfiddle.net/J8c4h My god!
@JoshM Tell me why you wan't to dispatch a event? you shouldn't need to do that, just call the function
@Pinocchio Well, the very first script I wrote using TamperMonkey was for 10fastfingers.com/typing-test/english because I thought it would be simple.
And basically you need to dispatch a KeyboardEvent with a keycode of 32 (which is the space) in order for it to go to the next word.
@JoshM no
@Pinocchio If you want to see the code (which works as expected), you can see it over here gist.github.com/anonymous/af7963d807d5e2c25688
Could not find a way to simulate the space bar being pressed without using jquery
@JoshM ill tell you what. ill make one of those now. and ill see if i need to dispatch any events.
@Pinocchio Fair enough, thanks. :P
I'm not doing the timer though, because its irrelevant
Yeah that is fine, I just want to see if you could do it without using jquery at all.
@JoshM jQuery can't do anything javascript can't do
It tells me my function is undefined..
@Pinocchio I see.
Makes sense though.
@AndrewLively Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@LogicalAngel hold on busy a sec
Alright. Looked at the source and it seems to be trying to execute my function on window load. Don't know how to change that.
@JoshM piece a cake :D jsfiddle.net/6sxtm/1
@LogicalAngel link?
On my original attemp, I have the target objects in an iframe, but I don't know how I would do that using this interface.
@LogicalAngel well i seem to have removed it quite fine jsfiddle.net/J8c4h/13
@JoshM sooo...
@Pinocchio Sorry, I went downstairs for a bit.
:O, very interesting @Pinocchio
@JoshM Do you know what the trick is?
I think it may have something to do with line 18?
It doesn't work when I try to remove the attribute in an external document loaded into an iframe.
@JoshM no, i was going to say "Don't over think something"
@LogicalAngel Well, it's probably read-only then.
@JoshM line 18 just listens for a keyup event
Can I change that?
you could use keypress
@LogicalAngel Whats the src of the iframe?
It's simply "temporary.xhtml"
@LogicalAngel you know how to use the console?
Yeah @Pinocchio, I have a question about line 2
No, not really.
Oh sorry misread, nevermind
@JoshM do you want to know what jQuery actually is?
@LogicalAngel are you using chrome?
@LogicalAngel You really are close to making me cry
@Pinocchio Isn't it a library designed to simplify Javascript? (Although in my opinion, it looks much more difficult)
@JoshM Well lets just say it cannot do anything javascript can't do, really you need to learn javascript before you start with any library. you know jQuery.hide();?
well this is all that is
function hide( element ) {
   element.style.display = 'none';
that's jQuery.hide() basically lmao
Yeah I think I need to learn more about Javascript
I think I just need to familiarize myself with all of the different types of functions.
@JoshM It's really not that hard. the only thing that is hard is IE but it should be abandoned already!
Some of the functions look very very familiar because in Java there are multiple HTML/DOM parsing libraries (such as Jsoup and HtmlUnit) and the function names appear to be very similar.
Yeah it doesn't look that hard at all.
@JoshM Cool. well if you need anything...
I'll be sure to ask, thanks. :P
Well, if you don't mind, could you maybe give me a really simple TamperMonkey script idea?
keyboard shorcuts
What do you mean?
like CTRL + ALT + J will take you to javascriptroom.com
Oh I see
Tbh though, it seems like once you account for one shortcut, the rest would be extremely tedious.
@JoshM You mean adding more and more?
@Pinocchio Yeah
That would be the easiest part. remember re-usable code
Would just seem like a bunch of if statements from that point on
Q: Try to resize image by HammerJS in iOS not work

UFOI try to make image resizable on iOS by Hammer.js gesture. This jsfiddle code work OK on desktop, and this is my converted code (run on iOS safari) var startX,startY,startW,startH; var canResize = false; $('img').hammer().on("touch", function(events) { canResize = true; var e = event...

Hi All, Please help me on above question ! Thanks!
So, what do I do with it?
If it were me i would create a shortcut like this. var shortcut = 'ctrl alt 78'; Simple? @JoshM
@LogicalAngel well, you got a console up?
@Pinocchio Yeah, seems fairly simple. What does 78 represent?
I'm assuming the keycode value?
@JoshM a key code.
F12 Developer Tools has a console.
Ah yes.
@LogicalAngel ok, now somewhere in your script do console.log('Hello you\'re using IE10 OMG!');
@JoshM i don't mind walking you through the steps..
Oky, got a response.
Sure @Pinocchio
@JoshM go to jsfiddle and create a keyup event like i did using document.addEventListener
@LogicalAngel What do you see in your console?
"well hell"
Alright @Pinocchio
@LogicalAngel You should see IE is dead
Would I do window.addEventListener or document.addEventListener ?
Did it
Click save and send me the link, im putting the kettle on
Not dead enough, it seems, MS keeps rollin'em out.
I wish they hadn't have removed the expression implimentation in CSS, though.
@JoshM you know how to use the console?
Well @Pinocchio I've never heard of jsfiddle until now.
Seems pretty cool though.
@JoshM when you remove your attribute do this console.log(!documentElement.removeAttribute('xmlns'));
I'm guessing it's pretty similar to ideone except strictly for javascript/html/css ?
@JoshM the console is built into your browser.
@JoshM chrome?
@JoshM press F12 and click console
Ah I see it.
Alright it's visible
type in clear(); what does it say?
ok, cool are you in the console on the jsfiddle page?
ok in the event listener you need console.log the event.keyCode which is in the event object. understand?
I updated it
ok 2 sec
If I wanted to check for ctrl alt a
Wouldn't I just do
if(event.ctrlKey && event.altKey && event.keyCode == 65) { ....... }
@JoshM yes
And then like you were saying earlier about opening that url
window.open(url, "_blank"); ?
@JoshM yeah
I see
you want to create a new blank string in the eventListener and you will create the shortcut out of that then you will check that shortcut against the pre-defined shortcuts you have
Updated @Pinocchio
Ohh I see.
I think what I currently have is very different
ok so outside of the event create an array like this [key: 23, url: 'http://google.com'}, {key: 55, url: 'http://ebay.com'}];
actually no
Oh I did that
I thought that was a pretty good idea
Kind of similar to a map it seems?
this would be better
var shortcuts = {
	55: 'http://google.com',
	22: 'http://ebay.com'
I'm not sure what that means
Also why did you use { } instead of [ ]
@JoshM that's an object not an array
{ } is an object?
Oh yeah I should know this
so you can have something like this
@JoshM It's Object Literal notation
I read a tutorial about this
 var people = {
    	john: {
    		age: 55,
    		children: 0
    	mary: {
    		age: 5,
    		children: 8
then you can do people.john.children; // === 0
Ah I see
@JoshM hows the fiddle coming along?
i still need to remove that switch though
yes and put the array outside of the event
alright updated
Also it's up to you but i usually do this if( !event.ctrlKey || !event.altKey ) return; this way your not wrapping loads of code in brackets and it stays cleaner
Then put all of you code underneath
@Esailija (byte << 24 >> 24)
Yeah I changed it
yeah :P
ok now you need should to store the keycode in a variable
@Zirak I'm confused
im not really sure what to do next tbh
alright put it in a variable
ok now you need to check that that keycode is a key in the object so update the fiddle
so you would do if( shortcuts[keycode] )
im not really sure how to o that
i updated
ok so shortcuts[keycode] would be the url so you just open the window
@Esailija Yeah, they are
ok will update
ok updated
it works you just need to add the http://
then do ctrl alt a
yeah i figured
you could also do 1 improvement
which would be what
@JoshM jsfiddle.net/2dEE3/12 there you go, you have a shortcut plugin with 10 lines of code :)
oh cool
i dont get !shortcut
@JoshM You could also make it better as well
is that similar to
shortcut != null ?
@JoshM no its checking if it is null or undefined or false or 0
oh i see
that is pretty cool
question @Pinocchio
when you said make it better, did you mean something like this jsfiddle.net/2dEE3/13
no i mean't something like this jsfiddle.net/2dEE3/15
would it make a difference if you did e
instead of E
@JoshM yeah
this is cool
becuase String.fromCharCode returns it in caps but you could do String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode).toLowerCase()
Just for fun. jsfiddle.net/2dEE3/17
I have to code
a 1 liner lol
@JoshM Just remember in javascript you can put a function basically anywhere, i think that's amazing how it works
i don't know about java
yeah i noticed that
and java is pretty cool
especially since the early release of java8 with lambdas and method refs
should check it out sometime
@JoshM Umm. I have just married Angular.js I'm not ready for a divorce right now, heres a helpful link for you quirksmode.org/dom/w3c_core.html

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