Another example would be my site. I like promoting the future of browsers, and I use HTML 5 and CSS3. That doesn't work in older IE, so I use a script to fix it. just for IE, I display a message when scripting is disabled.
@Nathan there is lots of places, Like military bases, Hospitals and some banks and alot of organizations that are using they are own browsers with no JS.
It doesn't matter why. It just matters that they do. You can't change that, and a good dev. will respect that. Scripting should not be required to make a site look or work correctly!
Yeah of course, but I wish there was more of good developers who cared for these things and we had internet full of code good, which is not the case these days.
Also can someone help me with a lightbox plugin that I'm creating? It's called WowBox and I am using rel="wowbox" for a tags. I need to be able to detect if the href of the a tag is an iframe (I already know how to detect if it's an image or if it's an HTML element on the page). Will anyone be willing to help me? I will put the code into a jsFiddle if you would like me too.
$('a[rel="wowbox"]').click(function() { var element = $(this).attr('href'); var content = $(element).html(); var title = $(this).attr('title'); var lightboxContainer = "'#lightbox-container'"; $('#lb-content').ready(function() { $('#lightbox-container').center(); }); $('#lightbox-overlay').fadeIn(700); $('#lightbox-container').center().delay(100).fadeIn(700); $('#lb-caption').html(''); $('#lb-content').html(content); $('#lb-title').html(title).fadeIn(700); return false; });
@Shaz that code you have there I see it only has https? what about if it is just http?
room topic changed to JavaScript: Discussion for JavaScript and the many frameworks - jQuery, Prototype, MooTools, et al. Weekly Topic: the face of "foo"
So, I have a function which has two params: string and match index to replace and i need to replace only match with that index. How can i do that?
replace('a_a_a_a_a', 1)
The reason why you can access "out of scope" or "free" variables in ECMAscript is the such called Scope chain. The scope chain is a special property from each Execution context. As mentioned several times before, a context object looks at least like:
Variable / Activation Object
@Raynos: Liaarrr. I mentioned it in my answer
I was so happy to be 99% sure of how ES3 works under the hood. the conceptional niftys with Activation/variable objects, the exec context stack tables and so forth
I was shocked when I read the ES5 spec
now it's all about VariableEnvironment & LexicalEnvironment.. doh even the this value was renamed into this binding
@Darkyen: I would not let other people get me jobs or something. That will always end up in bad business for yourself. If you're serious about it, visit pages like and get some jobs yourself.
@Darkyen: I can only repeat myself. I don't know about age restrictions on most freelancer/job sites, it's probably restricted to 18+. However, better use that one year to learn even more and earn money somewhere else for that time. Getting jobs over a third person will lose you so much profit it's not worth the time. I'm sure people here will have noble meanings, it's just a general advice for free.
and is there any way to delete an element from the middle of the list (array) in javascript say arr = { 1 , 2 ,3 } we want to delete the 2 so array becomes arr = { 1 , 3 } .. .i want an inbuilt function for it. thats much like unset in php
i mean i = 1100 // something which is not defined in the array. i mean i is an index in the array which aint defined.. in array