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in which case JS is required.
Again, you preload your page with a Javascript is required error message and then remove it with JS.
@OmeidHerat right.
Another example would be my site. I like promoting the future of browsers, and I use HTML 5 and CSS3. That doesn't work in older IE, so I use a script to fix it. just for IE, I display a message when scripting is disabled.
@OmeidHerat I like your mindset.
Thanks :)
(probably because it's pretty similar to mine)
it should be, cause people likes who thinks like them
True, but it's quite possible to like someone's opinions even though you don't have those same opinions. Like, say, if you'd never heard it before.
Facebook doesn't work without JS, Twitter doesn't work without JS. So having JS disabled it about the stupidest thing to do.
@Nathan just because big sites need JS doesn't mean you can assume your users have it.
And often users have a whitelist for scripts to run, so they may have scripts enabled for Facebook, but not for your site.
@Nathan there is lots of places, Like military bases, Hospitals and some banks and alot of organizations that are using they are own browsers with no JS.
@Nathan twitter is supporting users without JS engineering.twitter.com/2010/09/tech-behind-new-twittercom.html
But why do people not want to have JS running? It is very modern. And it makes form submitting much faster
@Nathan security, performance and also users has freedom of choice!
you shouldn't force your users to use JS.
It doesn't matter why. It just matters that they do. You can't change that, and a good dev. will respect that. Scripting should not be required to make a site look or work correctly!
@ThomasShields Yup! that is what every developer should know.
@OmeidHerat and, alas, few do.
I understand now.
Yeah of course, but I wish there was more of good developers who cared for these things and we had internet full of code good, which is not the case these days.
Twitter takes over 5 seconds for anything to show for me. With JavaScript disabled, it loads instantly.
@Shaz twitter guys are God!
@Shaz cuz their crappy JS tries to do AJAX when your connection is fast enough to make the actual page faster?
(don't have a twitter myself)
(and no, it's not cuz of an age limit :)
@ThomasShields ;)
I disabled JavaScript and I get a blank page and at the end is "?_twitter_noscript=1"
How is that useable?
I thought someone said Twitter is making it usable without JS
@Nathan Well I guess they changed that completely. You could still view twitter pages before
@Nathan it is.
Yeah they u[dated their site so it's better.
They made it much better than the old Twitter
But they should use the old Twitter for non-JS users
Old twitter was much faster though
That is what I get with no js.
@OmeidHerat Try going to Twitter when you're logged in ;)
@OmeidHerat holy cow you've got a lot of Chrome extensions/addons
@Nathan what is your browser ?
Google Chrome, my favorite :)
@ThomasShields Hahaha, yup! they make life easy :)
@OmeidHerat 1,491 of...?
@OmeidHerat true dat.
@Shaz of tabs closed in the last couple of days
Another thing is you can't use any sort of instant chat without JS.
@Nathan not true. iFrames and meta refreshes make it possible.
Not that those are good; I hate 'em.
But I mean this type of chat
The "modern" chats
I hate those old fashion refresh chats
@Nathan Nathan, you are right but that is no the point, your website Should function properly and display without JS".
@OmeidHerat Yes I know... My site works without JS too
But, most of the features do not work
Like lightboxes
And stuff
my site works without JS except for one bit i'm fixing tommorow; if you're using a modern browser. IE8 and under need JS to render the HTML5
@Nathan will you can try to get something similar with CSS in lots of cases, but things like AJAX load won't work for sure.
CSS will create most similar effects in 99% cases without a lot of coding
@ThomasShields I'm using Google Chrome, which is definitely a modern browser.
@Darkyen True, but then you can't actually click on a link
@Nathan of course. And my site works in Chrome w/o JS.
With CSS Modal Boxes, you can only hover over elements to pop them up
But once you mouse off, it wont work
<a download="somefile.html">Download now without leaving the page!</a>
Unless there is another way
@Shaz ftw.
saw that proposal, in favor.
Hey anybody want to collaborate ? if free ?
Also can someone help me with a lightbox plugin that I'm creating? It's called WowBox and I am using rel="wowbox" for a tags. I need to be able to detect if the href of the a tag is an iframe (I already know how to detect if it's an image or if it's an HTML element on the page). Will anyone be willing to help me? I will put the code into a jsFiddle if you would like me too.
@Darkyen spit the project man, I might.
Writing a chatting application using HTML5 something like xat but open - source
@Nathan iframe! i won't touch it with a 5 meter stick :|
@Darkyen Count me in for the backend.
Not an iframe, but an external web page in the lightbox.
i am using node.js for messages (realtime) wrote it on php had to quit as 10 php streams were likking my server lol
chats.ws << thats the all php version which runs blazing but ...... kills my server lol
@Darkyen I might have a look and do some optimization
its newer version will be uploaded by tomorrow
its all node.js
@Darkyen A question
how much do you hate your users ?
i dont (XD)
its just a very basic version.
@OmeidHerat Not an iframe, but an external web page in the WowBox.
then please at least ask your user before playing the music :D
@Nathan I think I have seen something similar I know what you mean, so what do you want to do ?
sowee... its just because my sponsor so far is a radio station . :'( lol
@Darkyen lolz I see.
@OmeidHerat Well, what I would like to do is detect if the href of the A tag with the rel="wowbox" is a url to a page..

Like this:

<a href="http://www.google.com/" rel="wowbox">Open google.com in the wowbox</a>
Using jquery?
what do you use to detect Image ? regex ?
@Shaz yep
the same should work for website
look at that
No I'm making my own. wowbox.yolasite.com
k guys chats.ws is shutted down for a lil ..
actually till i upload newer node.js version
$("a").click(function(e) {
	if($(this).attr("rel") === "wowbox") {
		//do something here
@Nathan Yup I got that, but look at they are method and search some other
@Darkyen I already have that part, I just need to be able to detect if the href is a url so it will pop it up in a iframe in the WowBox
Would you like to see my code?
@Nathan Regex on the href attribute ?
I mean
@Shaz I already have that part, I just need to be able to detect if the href is a url so it will pop it up in a iframe in the WowBox
@Shawn31313 Check out fiddle.jshell.net/qmhp7/1
i am lost . lemme get this again... processing....info....
@Darkyen Sorry, meant to put @Shaz not you
oh okay #process halted
$("a").click(function(e) {
	if($(this).attr("rel") === "wowbox") {
		if($(this).attr("href").match(/(^|\s)((https?:\/\/)?[\w-]+(\.[\w-]+)+\.?(:\d+)?(\/\S*)?)/gi)) {
			//do something here
@Shaz This is what I got right now:
$('a[rel="wowbox"]').click(function() {
var element = $(this).attr('href');
var content = $(element).html();
var title = $(this).attr('title');
var lightboxContainer = "'#lightbox-container'";
$('#lb-content').ready(function() {
return false;
@Shaz that code you have there I see it only has https? what about if it is just http?
@Nathan ...(https?:... Because of the ? it matches either http or https
Oh I see.. Awesome. Thanks, I;m going to try that right now.
@Shaz what's the e.preventDefault() for?
3 hours later…
RT @beverloo: Multiple profiles, disabling the cache and finding the audible tab http://t.co/REGtVpq #Chromium #WebKit
RT @hakimel: Excellent tutorial from @bartekd for those of you looking to get started with WebGL. http://t.co/AhKi9dF
RT @mozhacks: Answering some questions out there: the Firebug project is alive and well: http://t.co/uOFc9zN
Okay ?
RT @RPGJS: Engine for creating isometric games : http://bit.ly/rdy4AV nice map editor !
RT @dalmaer: Would you like an web undo stack that works? So does Ryosuke Niwa http://t.co/VwdVFFf http://t.co/rmaVyNq
1 hour later…
Hello everyone
First time in SO chat. About the topic, anyone here wants to discuss ?
I want to discuss why the weekly topic became the monthly topic
oh, that is a problem
my new suggestion was declined brutally: the face of "foo" :p
@jAndy you didnt give a new suggestion
the whole weekly topic thing didnt really work
you can find Foo there !
room topic changed to JavaScript: Discussion for JavaScript and the many frameworks - jQuery, Prototype, MooTools, et al. Weekly Topic: the face of "foo"
@jAndy you best back it up
hello world :)
haha :D ! the face of foo!
@Raynos: sure I suggested it, I also had my finished version of foo -> typeofnan.com/img/foo.png
foo according to bar.com
lmao, this is going to be fun :p
3 messages moved to bin
hey there
Do we have oops concept in JAVA scripting?
This is the JavaScript room, not Java. ;)
"oops" concept ? as in "oh shit , this is bad" ?
I asked the same lol
you're making not a lot of friends here by comparing java and javascript :p
do we have object oriented pardigm in Java script?
because I dont know what Java script is about so thats why I wanna go for it
@niko , javascript uses prototypal object oriented code
of course, yes
it is different from your class-based languages
I dont have the knowledge of oops like public and classes concepts so is that fine to work on with Java script?
@niko, and it is single word "javascript"
So you guys mean learning JAva script without the knowledge of oops or JAva does not give u any trouble right?
ok sorry Javascript
.. is this gut serious ? or just jacking our chains ?
im too serious see my face :)
not helping
His real name is Niko Bellic ( see wiki )
trying to learn javascript and then PHP
but just wanted to know from u what javascript is about
Javascript is ECMAScript and it has nothing to do with java.
so that i could make my moves in the right way becuase i never wanna waste time its something never paid back
Thank you Omeid
@niko this is the best thing tinyurl.com/3bk8gya
thank you teresko
@teresko I bet my link is ftw.
Im just planning to bring some thing new
Thank you guys for helping me out
@OmeidHerat , the correct link would be : tinyurl.com/3tevmcm
and i would add -site:about.com too ..
-web3schools !
I like that!
you guys dont fight
w3skools thats where Im learning the things lol
@OmeidHerat w3fools.com
@niko NO!!
what Omeid
read the link given to you twice
@Shaz I don't like w3schools website, I like -w3schools in the search query.
I have an idea but people might laugh down when they hear that
spit it.
read the w3fools.com
I wanna make something more than a social networking site im aiming to make it
cool I would go through all those things teresko and Omeid
so , you have "hello world" level skills, but you want to make a facebook clone
.. did i got it right ?
your right
forget it
give it couple year
that is why I said you need a web-developer in the other room.
can you give me the link to that web developer you said?
there is no "instant web developer juice .. just add water"
@teresko for experience*.
@teresko your right
I told him that if you wanna go that fast come back around 10 years later webdevelopment should be less pain by then.
and to hire one , you need money
But having to plan to create a virtual disk
but he don't believes me :D
becuase facebook or my space or google plus have their own limitations
@niko most of the limitations are not because they are stupid, they are because of a reason.
is it painful is webdeveloping painful?
why you people
saying after 10 years?
ignorance should be painful
is my idea to do is painful?
Q: JavaScript: how can I replace only Nth match in the string?

user860091So, I have a function which has two params: string and match index to replace and i need to replace only match with that index. How can i do that? Example: replace('a_a_a_a_a', 1) Result: a__a_a_a

@jAndy Doesn't the second param take a function?
String.replace(/something/, function(){});
I guess so, just saw your answer :)
I think it's actually a pretty wierd way to accomplish it.. feels hacky
but I like it anyway - I like the HACKS, HACK HACK HACK
Well if it works, don't try to fix it if it's not broken (unless we are trying to optimize I suppose)
@jAndy hacker
h4ck t|-|3 Pl4n3t
I can't help myself... ¯¯\___(ツ)___/¯¯
well .. you cannot do anything to planet
A: Is window really global in Javascript?

jAndyThe reason why you can access "out of scope" or "free" variables in ECMAscript is the such called Scope chain. The scope chain is a special property from each Execution context. As mentioned several times before, a context object looks at least like: [[scope]] Variable / Activation Object "this...

@Raynos: Liaarrr. I mentioned it in my answer
I was so happy to be 99% sure of how ES3 works under the hood. the conceptional niftys with Activation/variable objects, the exec context stack tables and so forth
I was shocked when I read the ES5 spec
now it's all about VariableEnvironment & LexicalEnvironment.. doh even the this value was renamed into this binding
are they kidding me.. jsconf 2011 is sold out already ?!
I just wanted to order some tickets and whaaaat... crap, no tickets available blah blah. they started selling on sunday for gods sake
1 question.. can we call firefox the kindergarden browser ?
@Darkyen If it is, IE is pre-school.
Chrome is MIT then lol
Firefox has soo much security restrictions.. chrome has like none and IE dosnt even knows what those code mean ...
btw any1 knows any job oppurtunity in web-design for a developer who is 17 and can code literally anything in any language
@Darkyen I could come up with a job opportunity for you working with Plankalkül
:D really ? will have to learn Plankalkul but i can !
I like the enthusiasm, though I was just kidding. ;)
;) lol okay
ever seen scratch.mit.edu
a language that could be learnt in 30 minutes lol
its a good timepass though :D
Ah yes, haven't played around with it much though
anyways i b8r go and start coding my chat app again.
@Darkyen I can find you job !
really ^_^
where at ?
its not that great but its good for making something at least.
Any where!
gimme your email and will send the information to you
is there private messaging in this chat ?
nope but you can create room
can I search you FB with your name ?
my fb is in on my stackoverflow account
@Darkyen: I would not let other people get me jobs or something. That will always end up in bad business for yourself. If you're serious about it, visit pages like freelancer.com and get some jobs yourself.
@jAndy hahaha!
@jAndy okay.
that is what I was going to say
@OmeidHerat lol thats my own project thats sponsored by a station ... the trouble is ,,, i need to pay bills lol
@Darkyen lolz I know, and I told you to put that music down, come I wanna talk with ya
which chat on there ?
i mean did u made ur own room there ?
just come in the main man
use chats.ws/weed/ for now
w8 something went wrong (XD)
my firebug is telling me "json error"
ah well .. jessus i shutted the php server myslf lmao
@Darkyen One of the few sites I can hear music / sounds from while using ubuntu :p
:) chats.ws ? lol it uses flash player.
@Darkyen: I can only repeat myself. I don't know about age restrictions on most freelancer/job sites, it's probably restricted to 18+. However, better use that one year to learn even more and earn money somewhere else for that time. Getting jobs over a third person will lose you so much profit it's not worth the time. I'm sure people here will have noble meanings, it's just a general advice for free.
@jAndy okay bro .. i will see if thats possible or else i know 1 place to get a job for sure , just to pay bills though
omeid is just explaining me how to use freelancer :)
aiight a javascript related question.. if we do something like
     if(!Peer[i]){ } // Peer is a list
assuming i is something thats not defined
in the list it should run the commands right ?
hmm.. if i is not defined most engines will just throw a reference error.
and is there any way to delete an element from the middle of the list (array) in javascript say arr = { 1 , 2 ,3 } we want to delete the 2 so array becomes arr = { 1 , 3 } .. .i want an inbuilt function for it. thats much like unset in php
i mean i = 1100 // something which is not defined in the array. i mean i is an index in the array which aint defined.. in array
first, Arrays are typically written in bracket notation.. arr = [1,2,3]
delete arr[2]
and yes you can remove items at any point use the Array method .splice()
delete will not work correctly on some engines
especially IE
always go for arr.splice(1,1)
first argument the index to remove, second argument how many items to remove
:) thank you :)
So wouldn't that be [1,2,3].splice(1,1)?
Delete doesn't remove the item, it just sets it as undefined
@Omeid: scroll down that page
even undefined will work.
as i am going to write a different function to assign elements to the array.
@Omeid Herat btw its supposed to run on v8 (node) and not spidermonkey
however, I also often seen IE throw or crash while using delete on pure Arrays
@Darkyen alright then.
@jAndy Microsoft ought to fix IE... hopefully windows 8's inbuilt HTML 5 support may do that
var array = [1, 2, 3];
delete array[1];
    alert(array) // "[1, undefined, 3]"
    alert(array.length); // 3

    alert(array); // "[1,3]"
    alert(array.length); // 2
@Shaz Thank Yew !!!
for the live example ^_^ o i love this community :D
@Darkyen check out this logchi.com
wanna give a hand ?
a hand with ?
btw looks ozome
a bit of JS and PHP, and testing.

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