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String str_blah = (String)(new String(something.toString()));
@rlemon maybe not the coolest name, but seriously one of the coolest dudes on reddit
@Zirak the title of the question is "Programmers last words"
@GNi33 which makes it the coolest name
hehe, well, yeah
js has tainted me with the == ===
so many compile errors
@FlorianMargaine Awesome
guys i'm looking for a slick timeline 'plugin' or script
think like history / timeline type display
@FlorianMargaine Looks like JS too. Everything has a web front-end these days.
anyone have any diamonds they wanna share?
@NagaJolokia except JS has ===. C/C++ only have =/==, hence more confusion
@FlorianMargaine According to JSLint, JS only has = and ===.
It must beeeee MAAAAGIC. — Neal 19 secs ago
JSLint is stupid.
JSLint assumes you are stupid.
I usually am however, so I tend to do what it says. :-/
@phenomnomnominal BRO
@eazimmerman cool
Work or no
Hey @Loktar, did you ever get into orbit last night? :D
@eazimmerman anything vertical
@KendallFrey yea but he crashed and burned
In orbit?
@KendallFrey haha barely so not technically. I got a full loop.. but the loop was inside the atmosphere
skimming the atmosphere coming around
the loop connected was at like 20k ^
Not bad.
dude, I never thought watching someone stream themselves play a video game would be entertaining to watch
TweenMax is a pretty damn good library (to use)
@rlemon Who you watching?
@rlemon haha yeah man.. but when people are watching you its more nerve racking
@NagaJolokia JSLint can fuck itself.
@rlemon I thought the same thing about all streams, and then I watched notch coding during hours...
@Loktar Oh hahaha, yeah I have streamed I know the feeling x.x.. Twitch deleted like all my VODS though I don't understand
you guys are better not talking about Kerbal Space Program ;_;
@OctavianDamiean :-D
@Loktar your avatar is pretty gay. Like it.
@GNi33 why?
yeah man its so terrible
does it make you sad
heh, reading some deleted SO questions
the greatest pixel art ive ever seen
@rlemon I couldn't believe it either, but now I do watch Markiplier on a regular basis
"Surprise for a programmer on his birthday", asked by a programmer's girlfriend.
@rlemon it makes me sad that I don't have it
I saw this hardcore minecraft series on youtube where 7 guys try to kill enderdragon and if they die, they're out
@GNi33 are you sad? you look sad... is it the room? sometimes the room makes me sad too. Lets go for a walk.
That was surprisingly entertaining
@FlorianMargaine hahaha
@rlemon I'm too depressed to go for a walk :(
@GNi33 I will carry you until the end of time
in Python, 1 min ago, by ThiefMaster
user image
@GNi33 if you had Kerbal would you promise to join @Loktar and I in some stream-a-thons?
^ would be cool
I sure would
who are you on steam
do I even have you friended?
if I had a decent system that I could play some games on, I would've bougth Kerbal a long time ago
@Keith Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@FlorianMargaine 16 classes. :-S
omg @Loktar, is "oh shit" your favorite expression ?
hahah probably
Or maybe "oh god" or perhaps "damn it"
> Nothing complex, just a little bit more extensive than Hello World.
man i was so tired last night too towards the end
I updated my question if someone has a chance to look please: stackoverflow.com/questions/17725361/…
@Gacnt Twitch deletes videos unless you tell it not too? right?
@Zirak Does emacs have a safe paste from X clipboard (ie., it inserts the text, and doesn't interpret it as input)
I read an interesting article which talks about how data is, in a sense, stored on the wire since it takes time for the signal to travel
@mikedidthis yeah
@GNi33 add me on steam
It went on to talk about how much memory the entire internet holds just in data being transferred across the wire
@rlemon don't think so, I haven't been on Steam since ages, like I said, my laptop just sucks too hard to play games on
does it annoy anyone else that stupid ass chrome doesn't give you the http:// for links
I know Loktar just pasted in one just like me, so I assume he is annoyed by it as well
@rlemon No, not really
@GNi33 don't game on your laptop
and add me to steam bitch!
annoys me
@mikedidthis If they do, I had no idea they did
@copy I've never heard of such a thing
@rlemon it does add in the http:// if you copy from the address bar.
OMG the codeinthedark thing
@Gacnt @mikedidthis its in their TOS or FAQ
@rlemon that's the freaking point, I don't have a desktop system at the time :D
they send you an email letting you know its ready to edit as a reminder
@mikedidthis not if you are looking in your addressbar auto complete history
because after a few days its gone
@copy emacs doesn't fuck up the pasting as much as vim
@rlemon request sent :)
@Gacnt yeah sadly you have to go to each video and select to keep it
@copy Are you abandoning vim?
@GNi33 "derdernixtrifft"
@dievardump yeah, but it's Paris.
@rlemon urm... ok.
500 km
like... nothing !
@mikedidthis like, goto address bar, type 'sta' and let the auto complete give you 'stackoverflow.com' then WITHOUT hitting enter c&p it
you don't get the http://
Needs some emacs perspective
yea, I don't get the http:// just stackoverflow.com
I got the http:// ?
when send it to chat, its removed
http:// is from an outdated era when the only way you could write a serial number like a string in excel was by adding a "'" in front of it
@mikedidthis like magic
@Neal yep. I like magic
as if we need reminding that we're looking at a web address and not your mom's baked cookie recipe
@GNi33 I don't feel particularly interested in the game, but my system can't play it either
@rlemon lol, is that still in there? :D
changed my nick to that ages ago while playing counterstrike
pretty much translates to "the one who can't hit anything"
@Amaan yeah, I'm absolutely sure that it won't run on my macbook
Will The Walking Dead run on it?
Kerbal isn't too intense rendering
I've got an extra key for that just lying around
more so the physics
@rlemon The 3D Modeling was intense for my computer -.-
I don't think so, Half Life 2 barely runs when I have most of the settings on low
@rlemon My 720p is way better than your 720p Nevermind, it was just YouTube not actually updating to 720p.
@Amaan what?
it's a cropped screen as well
I didn't want to show my 3840*1080
I think everyone trying to watch it on youtube appreciates that
Yeah, I remembered you having a gigantic screen
Mine is just 1366x786
nahh, just two 24"
which is not HUGE in todays market
i've seen some designers with some horrifically large screens
It isn't huge, of course
Oh, oh, did anyone end up getting Dark Souls?
I have the feeling I already owned it?
@copy Yeah, I always do :put <register> in Vim.
"Not Constructive, a place for the discussions not allowed on Stack Overflow"
@SimonSarris saw this on HN, sounds like the guy wants a forum...
@rlemon Makes it sound like you haven't played it :p
@SimonSarris wth
@rlemon no idea then, works for me.
@rlemon holy crap, dude
@NagaJolokia I have
vmap <C-c> y:call system("xclip -i -selection clipboard", getreg("\""))<CR>:call system("xclip -i", getreg("\""))<CR>
nmap <C-p> :call setreg("\"",system("xclip -o -selection clipboard"))<CR>p
@GNi33 shhhh
@Amaan nahh don't own it
thank you so much, man. Will be trying if I get it to run, but I highly doubt it. But it's time for a new system anyhow
hey man, you own it forever. doesn't matter if you dont get a system to play it for another 4 months
it is still under development
in PHP, 48 secs ago, by Neal
Anyone wanna go for Kosher lunch in NYC today? :-D
Anyone? :-)
if you're buying and picking me up
omw @rlemon
We're having a no-pants party
aint no party like a gangsta partyyy
kids only no pants candy party?
@Gacnt You're almost as creepy as @BadgerGirl
ok so what would we call the facebook vertical timeline shit
@Amaan hahahaha
if I wanted to search for similar plugins
@copy I'm not sure what that does. I don't tend to use visual mode though.
@rlemon facebook time line
thanks tips
there isn't a more generic name
I can't imagine they coined the concept of a vertical timeline
or that overall style
sorry about the jQuery reference, but that's all I can seem to find
@SomeKittens If you want to play some Awesomenauts, ping me!
We'll have to see if the ping in the game is bearable. I usually don't get a good ping with people out of Asia
pretty neat
and what I was trying to make in the twitch stream last night
Noone for lunch? :-(
less nerve racking to work off camera
@Neal I'd be up for it if you'd asked 2 weeks ago
@Amaan haha. Not in NYC now i take it?
And we were actually looking for places that served Kosher meat
Hotdog stands were our best bet
@Amaan None of the hotdogs stands I know of sell kosher meat
(Hebrew National is "kosher style", not ness kosher)
Next time you are in NYC let me know :-) @Amaan
Well, in Manhattan, most of the hotdog stands had "halal" printed over it, which is the Islamic way of cutting meat, which is the same as the Jewish way
@Amaan ehhhh Kosher is considered Halal (i believe), Halal is not necessarily kosher.
Aah, did not know that
@Amaan And now you do :-)
@Loktar lovely!
@jackrugile did one as well. I was coding live! He tried his hand at the effect
I like his lighting, I need to add real terrain colors to mine
If you are interested in this please could you follow it
wow thats random.
Waouw, nice.
@Loktar It's more on-topic than Java. :-)
makes me think of this judaism.stackexchange.com
Q: How did Hevel offer an animal sacrifice, wasn't it forbidden to kill animals?

MenachemIn Bereshit 4:4, Hevel offers his choicest sheep as a sacrifice to G-d. However, in Bereshit 1:29-30, Adam is told he is only allowed to eat vegetables, and Rashi explains that he was forbidden to kill meat (There are different opinions about what exactly is forbidden, but the Mizrachi explains...

> as a sacrifice to G-d.
Not as much on-topic as tabs vs spaces though. :-/
I didnt know all these existed
@FlorianMargaine mi.yodeya.com is the "real" url
@Loktar i occasionally browse the stackexchange - list
so much cool stuff on there
tried to be active when the History - SE started out, but lost interest due to my lack of expertise pretty soon
meee :-)
Q: Shoe-tying order when tying another's shoes

msh210Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chayim 2:4–5: ינעול מנעל ימין תחילה ולא יקשרנו ואחר כך ינעול של שמאל ויקשרנו ויחזור ויקשור של ימין One should don his right shoe first but not tie it, then don his left and tie it, then tie his right. Mishna B'rura explains that we tie the left shoe first דלענ...

Someone smells like salami
@NagaJolokia yea it is a superstition thing...
@Neal Oh right, gotcha. That's multi-faith then!
@NagaJolokia superstitions? oh, but of course :-D
@NagaJolokia lolwtf
@BenjaminGruenbaum You never heard the shoe tying rule?
Just people being people, I guess :-)
@Neal I don't believe in stupid shit, sorry :)
@Loktar lol, just had a look on History.SE again after some time, I'm still repping there on a regular basis :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum haha I just put on my shoes as everyone else does -- one at a time.
@Neal That's so noob.
@NagaJolokia What do uuuu do?
@Neal Frankly, taking Jewish philosophy and reducing it to this level feels really horrible to me. There are a bunch of interesting stuff and then stuff like shoe tying order.
@Neal A well-timed leap.
That, and hot water containing demons ^_^
@BenjaminGruenbaum that is true.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I have never heard that one before.
@Neal It's in the Zohar, reading which was a total waste of time :/
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well, if you are not Madonna I guess.
@Neal Haha, got to love aging pop singers/porn actresses that find meaning in all the wrong places :)
having trouble with my regular expression, using it in the 'pattern' field of my input
@BenjaminGruenbaum ha
throws error on any input, any length, any character
Anyone coming to NYC anytime soon and want to do Kosher lunch one day, let me know :-D
pattern="\s{0,30}" doesn't work either
maybe i should just do validation with jquery..
@JL That's a shame. :-(
@Neal I don't eat Kosher most of the time :P Only when I happen to eat someplace that happes to serve kosher food.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well I do. So if you are going to lunch with me you will have to suffer through it :-D
@JL Your pattern is zero to thirty white spaces. I assume you didn't mean to do that :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum of course i dyslexic read documentation wrong
@Neal I never got the point of Kosher, always sounded like getting the wrong impression from a beautiful concept. Animal cruelty rules and moral laws being translated into silly stuff :)
@JL Maybe you meant \S ? (not whitespace, note the capital S)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well a lot of people just eat Kosher because it is clean. or it just gives order to life. Me? I am not totally sure, but I am sticking with it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ideally I'd want both \S and \s so can I do \s\S{0,30}
@Neal If I was living in the states I might be feeling different about that though.
@BenjaminGruenbaum about what?
@JL .{0,30} (dot means pretty much anything)
@JL [\s\S]{0,30}
thanks guys
@Neal When you're in a foreign environment you seek identity, eating Kosher is something that distincts you from non-Jewish people.
@BenjaminGruenbaum mmm hmmm that may be
@Neal It's a lot harder to get bacon here than to get Kosher food :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum ha
Bacon is the symbol of man
@Gacnt Never had it. Probably never will.
It's delicious :P
I walked on Lava! No need to eat bacon..
where's that?
@GNi33 Hawaii
oh, awesome
Some parts are quite empty
> "Trust me, you can dance!" -- Whiskey
rrrg I wanna go back :-(
@Neal well, I don't doubt that
it was an awesome trip
Hawaii is definitely somewhere on the top of my "need to go" - list
I'm scared to travel, seems like people are animals in other countries.. I enjoy my bubble.
gf will get kidnapped addicted to drugs and sold to a drug ring, and I'll be murdered
Seems like people are animals in my country.
wth... there is an ad on my video?
Hi guys, I'm using reflection.js and it doesn't work for IE... Is there a function to make that plugin not working with IE??
I've found this to know what browser I am using alert(window.navigator.userAgent), but I want to know if it's IE, I don't care if it is 7, 8, etc.. I just want to know if it's IE.. Thanxs
@GNi33 Pssst. Have you played The Walking Dead?
@GNi33 it should be :-D
whispers no, i haven't
I just want to get out and travel now
@Gacnt Try visiting somewhere other than North America?
I'm 25, the furthest away i've been was Egypt
Canada for life bro
Even better! Free games!
@GNi33 furthest from mainland USA (NY) I've been was Hawaii. Then Israel. Then recently Europe.
Niagara would be the furthest for me
How can I know if the browser is IE?
a friend of mine (my girlfriend? I'm still not sure) has been around, it just makes you envy so freaking bad
has been around
@QuinDa If it doesn't work, you're in IE
@QuinDa Should say Internet Explorer at the top of the browser bar.
I think he wants to know if the client is using an IE browser
@Gacnt So you say.
@Gacnt You're so smart, you must be Jesus
You guys are really funny...
It's hard to sense sarcasm over the internet with no tone of voice you fuck faces
I didn't know if you guys were pulling a Jan
@user2501239 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
and that was a courtesy laugh, both your jokes were unoriginal, expected, and unfunny
so blow me :D
@Gacnt :D
haha, now that's a creative way to try merging an array :D
@GNi33 lol i guess...
oohhh mmyyy goodddd @phenomnomnominal He just admitted to Deb!
Time Lord!
Q: Is there are tool for replacing linked resources (scripts, stylesheets) as inline

JordanReiterI have an HTML file with a lot of external links to stylesheets and scripts. I'd like to replace them with their inline equivalents instead (so that I can send the HTML document as a self-contained file that has all of its needed styles and scripts). Is there a tool out there that can do that? I...

cool. Five flags and two stars
@Gacnt yeh bro

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