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Nah. Does is correct I think. Because "(10 siblings)" is in parentheses.
@Jhawinsss nope, don't think sooo
Because you can basically pretend the siblings part doesn't exist. That makes the sentence "My entire family do have Bible names." Which is incorrect and awkward to read.
@rlemon what about me? :(
What about you? I'm on mobile so can't see if it in response to anything
@Jhawinsss but they do. They don't does.
15 mins ago, by rlemon
I've never met many people who write generally "beautiful" code
I haven't seen much of your code. I've been over the bots code a number of times
rlemon liked my code once
only once...
"beautiful" is so subjective.
My family do take part in events. OR. My family does take part in events.
Hmmmm @Jhawinsss
Mah famuhlee dun tayk part n events
@Neal Does. For sure.
@Neal doest thou familiars partake in happenchance?
I think both can be considered to be correct depending on whether you want family to be regarded as a collective, or as individuals.
"My family do" is wrong.,
family is plural.
@Shmiddty Exactly.
It should be "my family does"
Yay slow internet!
I see no asynchronousnous... — Neal 16 secs ago
@eazimmerman :-P
Or, My family takes part in events.
@Shmiddty No it isnt
"he does go to school", she replied.
he is singular
does makes sense
He is a pronoun
therefore 'does' doesn't need to be with plurals
Just a random fact :p
@Neal What is your original language?
@Jhawinsss English
Born in Brooklyn. Raised in Long Island
@BenjaminGruenbaum Good answer, commented.
Well, I have no idea.
My boss has his Masters in English. I could ask him?
Yeah, it's a good answer. He argues much better than my friend :) I still dislike putting view logic in the controller which he completely ignored but his point is definitely well put.
It would be "They do take part in events". "He does take part..." "I do take part"
@Jhawinsss Sure?
the english language is stupid
@Shmiddty "My Family" === "They or I" no?
how to reset all styles of a class?
@BenjaminGruenbaum yep, which is why I commented. Having the extra logic in the model was a very limiting factor.
.thisClass { /* reset all */ }
@Neal I don't have a good answer for that, besides "it sounds wrong"
now with plasma coloring
@Shmiddty So what? It is right
@Neal It's "My family does take part in events."
@Jhawinsss as per whom?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Also, did you show this to him‽
Because family is actually singular and "does" is the "present 3d singular of do."
@Zirak Yeah, I sent him a link - he's reading it.
This discussion belongs in English Language & Usage
> Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
@Neal Says Doug, the guy who went to school for 8 years to get his masters in English and then started a print publication that's been running for 17 years.
sometimes what is right, is still wrong.
@Loktar sooo pretty.
thanks :)
@Shmiddty Most discussions that take place here don't actually belong here...
@mikedidthis @Loktar you are both my 'third party experts' FYI
all I'm saying is that they'd probably be more helpful
@rlemon I don't know how to take that.
"I know people who run successful websites and developed them themselves, take a look: <zg.net>, <mikes templates> - I will ask them what they think and get back to you guys!"
@bushdiver you mean override a previous set of rules?
Ahh editing @Jhawinsss
1 message moved to Trash can
enjoy your invite
@rlemon baaah
var groups = ['vendor','area','region','market','switch'];
var nextGroup = (thisGroup != "switch") ? groups[groups.indexOf(thisGroup) + 1] : null;
is that bad?
@mikedidthis just get rid of all style associated with a class.. am trying to use jquery-ui's menu() method, but it adds ui-menu class to the menu which completely changes the menu style.. im just wanting the dropdown functionality..
was going to try to empty the styles associated with ui-menu
@bushdiver Just grab a blank UI theme?
but i use some of the standard theme
Hey I was wondering if anyone here could help me with this question stackoverflow.com/questions/17730998/…
I wrote it there because it was a little too long for a chat btie
@CharlieBrown Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@bushdiver Ahh. Then your going to have override each property.
There isn't a one property reset all kinda thing in CSS.
@mikedidthis @Loktar that means you can never give me bad web dev advice ;)
no pressure, no pressure
@rlemon that's fine, as long as your aware that I may not give good advice.
@mikedidthis ah, i see - i guess i'll get started :| thanks
@bushdiver no worries.
@mikedidthis thats cool, but at least I have a scapegoat :P
@rlemon there is a reason for 'mikedidthis' :)
really it all started as "I need a third part subject matter expert to qualify my claims"
@bushdiver i have a css reset file if you would like to have it, or i can direct you to where I got it
you and loke were the first two who came to mind who have success in web dev outside of a parent company
@rlemon What?
no Right is a direction or an outcome. I said Banana.
Do you think a "how does one implement a Naive Bayes Classifier" question won't be closed on SO? I mean, people dedicate blog posts to that, and the answer will be quite big.
!!stat CharlieBrown
@Shmiddty Charlie Brown has 665 reputation, earned 6 rep today, asked 20 questions, gave 31 answers.
Q: JQuery element iteration returning null / empty values (not working)

arcade16I am trying to re-write a large block of if / else statements as follows: if ($('#InitialhidLeadType').val() != $('#hidLeadType').val()) bIsChange = true; else if ($('#InitialhidProductType').val() != $('#hidProductType').val()) bIsChange = true; else if ($('#Initialhid...

!!stat Neal
@Neal Neal has 56085 reputation, earned 78 rep today, asked 89 questions, gave 2402 answers.
> In using collective words or nouns of multitude [...]. There is no rule; either a singular or a plural verb may be used.
(Gowers, 1954)
Thanks for pointing me to stackoverflow.com/questions/2993563/… I wasn't sure what sort of problem I had
now im having an issue of my marker object not getting passed through
Sorry to be off-topic again. But I've never had a Skype interview before, I'm assuming some of you have or have even been on the other end ofthe interview. How formal should I be?
the plus is you don't need pants
and you only need to button up the top half of your shirt.
make sure the background of your home office is clean and tidy, there are no distractions from friends / family / pets and that you are clean dressed and groomed.
hopefully you don't have to get anything durning the interview if that's the case
You wear pants to interviews?
I haven't released any js github repo lately...
I think button down + tie is over kill. but don't be wearing your "420 4 lyfe" shirt
@Jhawinsss skype with video?
@rlemon Thats exactly what he wants to be wearing.
I wouldn't go as far as a tie for it. But I figured I would where a nice button up and such.
I've had skype interviews for the text part only
@Toiletduck Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
... at my old workplace.
wear an all velure track suit with "JUICY" written a crossed the ass.
I assumed video. Let me re-read the email... It's for a Jr. Web Developer position in CA that I found on careers.SO.
Howzit guys.
I don't have any pets/ family that will be at my house at the time they asked for so I should be fine in that area.
polo shirt is more than adequate
I want to write a terminal spreadsheet application
ncurses is really nice
it's like browser's canvas
unless this is for megacorp001, which i doubt, since they rarely do vid
@Jhawinsss then make sure you are at least shaven, and your area behind your camera is tidy
if it is your bedroom say, probably don't leave dirty laundry laying about
doesn't look so good
If it's for a strip club, BYOB (the outfit version)
take the sex swing down, put away the exotic oils and toys.
you know.. be professional.
Make sure your night-one stand doesn't wake up in the middle, asking "where am I?"
move your desk to have the white wall behind you, basically
@rlemon Sounds about right. Definitely in my bedroom, I don't think sitting on my couch would be very professional.
Just kill her beforehand
@Jhawinsss do what Florian says
if you can, sit at a place with a white or solid wall behind you
But no chainsaws, blood stains are difficult to explain
Interview is at 5pm in my timezone, 2pm for them.
Every wall in my apartment is plain dull white. Because I'm lazy.
@Jhawinsss yeah, but my desks are against the wall at my home. If I'd have an interview, I'd turn the desk around to have just the wall behind me and nothing else
Can I have coffee...? 5pm is coffee time if I'm not at work...
@Zirak "I dabble in expressionism"
@FlorianMargaine That's a really good idea actually.
Hang up a poster, "I <3 Work"
lighting is important
you don't want to look like you're in a cave
if you have a "inspirational poster", put it up.
it's 5pm...
Lightning is also important
except if you're in a windowless room...
Graciously add special effects
@FlorianMargaine Or in a windowless van.
Use one of those programs that replaces your head with a shark
His one night stand is 12.
Add glitter. People love glitter.
"Got milk?"
/afk lunch
no coffee.
a bottle of water is fine, coffee's not.
If you have a toilet under your desk, and you can pee discreetly, sure.
I will drink it before the interview.
You'll spill it or dribble or choke or something. Murphy's law.
But to a more pressing issue...why do you have a toilet under your desk?
Sick bastard
@Zirak I could put my desk in front of the toilet and sit up tall. They'd never know.
@Jhawinsss You should wear some makeup, like TV presenters do.
@NagaJolokia I'll just go grab that out of the "In case I come out today" drawer.
oh yeah, make sure your mother doesn't come in.
Especially not with a corpse.
@Jhawinsss You don't want a big shiny face during your interview, do you?
Covered in grease.
Unless your mom is hot.
Should the tests clean up after themselves, or should I have an external utility do that?
huh, the star ordering is...uncanny
"Unless your mom is hot"
"Just kill her beforehand"
@SomeKittens why do you think there are setUp and tearDown methods in most unit tests frameworks? :)
@kmurph79 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Anyway, thanks for the advice all. I don't think I'm interested in the company but it's good practice and who knows, maybe they'll change my mind.
When I have a potential job that I would have to relocate for I see it more as me interviewing them.
Remind me what your question was?
@FlorianMargaine For the tests I'm doing, it just seems more reasonable to undo the checks there (I'm already pulling from the db)
@Zirak mine?
I prefer this one

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