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1:01 PM
^... hurts more
@rlemon I've confirmed it, iPhone now autocompletes rep to @rlemon lol.
Good morning all
well this is intelligent!
Looks like it was made solely for the gimmick
1:19 PM
Apparently somebody wants to translate Objects and the Prototype Chain to Spanish and use it on their blog.
They can steal it, why would we care. The more people who learn the better - that's the point isn't it?
@Darkyen but how to open it?
@web2students.com change ur hobby mate
@Darkyen what u mean?
@web2students.com I'll take a guess... just like you'd normally unlock a locked door... maybe
1:22 PM
with a foot
^ exactly!!!
@RyanKinal who cares, just say yes.
@Ryan sounds like free marketing
even hole should be disappear when locked
@rlemon Truth
1:22 PM
"link back"
You'll be the object god of all Spanish jsers
el Ryan
@Darkyen what u mean by change ur hobby?which hobby?
@web2students.com so, how would you unlock it then?
lol @Jimbo
Is Adobe doing anything about flash being overran by HTML5?
1:24 PM
> Its strictly a non profit project and we do not charge you anything
now that would be great, if they'd charge you for taking your content
@GNi33 i am not going to use it...so y should i think about it :P
@GNi33 I think that is a translation error
"you" as in the proverbial you
meaning 'the end user'
Andrew Kurtis doesn't sound like a common spanish name to me though
1:25 PM
might make more sense in spanish
Brian doesn't sound like a common Indian name. but every damn AT&T support agent....
Yes it very very possible is correct answer, user asks is it possible not how it's possible @jquery question
@rlemon hahaha
@rlemon Hahahaha
i like this one too
> You will be the first one to see the translated version of your page
well thank you, like I'm going to be able to read any of that crap
1:27 PM
IE on the right yeey...
> The translation will include the link to your original page
@GNi33 Well, it's still going to be awesome to see a Spanish translation of something I wrote :-)
the only part the matters.
the post contains this:
> I wear several hats, and I do a lot of different things. By day, I’m a mild-mannered web developer for McKissock Education. By night, I’m CTO and Lead Developer of SlickText.com – Text Message Marketing service. I’m also a musician, songwriter, dancer, and pretty cool guy.
@RyanKinal true to that
1:28 PM
@rlemon Yep. I've told him I'd like that kept in.
:10684450 No at ur comment. Ur post was just stupid (sorry, but it was)
i'm just messing around, I think you should give them permission to do it
reviews.cnet.com/8301-3132_7-57594265-98/… Whhaaaaaat?? This must be like $4,000,000,000,000,000
And, I guess, free advertising for McKissock too
Stupid is as stupid does
1:29 PM
@Neal It was a "don't use jQuery for basics" post, intent wasn't for votes, just thought "hey, I'll help before it's closed"
sounds like a nice project and if they keep the source and the author - info in, it's a win-win - situation
@Jimbo That is what a comment is for...
@Gacnt "Priced at $328.77"
I think you're a little off.
@Neal Wanted bullet points ;P
1:30 PM
Can't bullet point in comments, I wanted nice, pretty bullet points
@rlemon (500GB, SSD)
So I'm guessing double that price
where do you see that
yeah but thats for the 500GB
under the 328, to 484
that's not how that works
That means the lowest it can find it for is 328, but other vendors sell for up to 484
So I still say it's gotta be around double that price
Close to $1k
1:33 PM
will be around 600-700
they say it will compete with Crucial M500
256gb is like ~$100, 500gb is ~$400, 1TB will be ~$700 ?
seems their pricing split is a little messed up
that sounds like fun actually
While Samsung has not provided any pricing at publishing time, the “consumer focus” of this product should yield a price that is well below the OCZ SSD, and we expect it to compete with Crucial: ubergizmo.com/2013/07/samsung-ssd-840-evo
1:36 PM
(jQuery ajax method) : does contentType is counted when the request itself is a GET request ?
    type: "GET",
    url: "/webservices/PodcastService.asmx/CreateMarkers",
    data: JSON.stringify({ Markers: markers }),
    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
    dataType: "json",.......

posted on July 18, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Oh god. Flying out to SDCC this morning. See you all soon at the Ove

who the heck is he ?
@Saebekassebil Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@GNi33 that does sound interesting
I would like 1hr and you get a 'idea' given to the crowd or an emotion or something and they have to use html/css/js to make something kickass
1:44 PM
I'd probably be totally lost though. I'm sure I'd screw something basic up that would render the whole page totally wrong
like js1k but no LoC limit just time
alright my folks
see you in a few days
@Darkyen Where you going, gonna fight some crime :)
you know what.. i think I should set something up locally and host it
1:44 PM
the tazmanian devil is on the move :P
@rlemon and then you got a typo in there somewhere :D
better catch my devil mobile ... now cya lol
@Darkyen Haha, later dude
speed.js - everyone is given a single concept ("like summer breeze") and you get to use html/css/js (no libraries! maybe) to create something, anything. Only limitation will be the time alloted (1h?) Judging will be on pure 'wow' and aesthetics. who would join this? regardless of prizes?
@AnaMaria Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
1:47 PM
@rlemon i kinda like the video, how they set up the location like some total 90's techno hacker - party :D
anybody ever use the d3.js library here??
@GNi33 yea, I like that too. I will steal it for my comp
lazrs 'n shit
everyone on roller blades. rule #1
brilliant! :D
everyone on roller blades (and extacy) :P
1:48 PM
cept all contestants would be named "Zero Cool" or "Crash Override"
there would be one hot slutty chick we could dub "Acid Burn"
but she wouldn't be into me
@rlemon with or without "preview"?
nahh, you should be able to see what you are doing
yeah, especially when it comes to js
html and css are more forgiving in that regard
1:50 PM
the whole idea is to see how many different cool but similar things you can get a room of people to produce given a time constraint and competition
This file. So many trailing whitespace.
yeah, that would be fun. Although I'm a much too slow coder to do something cool in one hour I guess :/
{ followed by 47 spaces.
@GNi33 you can't make some fun css/canvas demo in an hour?
1:51 PM
} followed by 39 spaces.
swirling lights or anything
@Zirak sublime text!
well, that would be possible I guess
save = deletes all trailing whitespace
@SimonSarris with the right plugin, yeah
1:51 PM
@Zirak Visual Studio devs?
I mean the idea is that it wouldn't be anything polished. but it would be something cool.
hi btw :)
@GNi33 its a build in option now
think of demos you've done - an hour in they are cool, just not polished.
oh yeah? in ST3?
1:51 PM
@SimonSarris Emacs! (add-hook 'before-save-hook 'delete-trailing-whitespace)
@NagaJolokia Java again...
@Zirak It's the same in Vim, only unreadable.
@rlemon yeah. I really need to get back into canvas again, didn't do anything cool with it for some time
Posting anything publicly (even on Facebook) with a comment section is implicitly asking for people to chime in. discuss.
and FFS, finally publish some crap i do :/
@Zirak :-( I'm sure sloppy editing is indicative of something.
if they ever do the code in the dark in my area I will def join
but I doubt it
no one cares about Canada
Who cares that nobody cares about Canada?
@Zirak Shouldn't that be add-hook-grappler?
@rlemon Is that no monitor sort of thing?
1:54 PM
you get a design and 20 minutes to implement it with no code completion and no preview or browser
That could be fun.
how complex are we talking?
@Zirak I can't tell one US state from another.
doesn't seem too bad
but this is probably 'round one'
they mention 'finals'
before going in I would just memorize a bunch of google webfont urls and every single websafe colour by name
maybe memorize the bootstrap cdn
you know, be a cheap little bastard
@GNi33 in later builds of ST2 I believe
What is the most try hard 'sounds cool' name you guys have experienced in your lifetimes on the internet
1:58 PM
@GNi33 in the preferences:

// Set to true to removing trailing white space on save
"trim_trailing_white_space_on_save": false,
String str_blah = new String(something.toString());
He made sure everybody knew it's a string.
For us poor <10kers?
fukk... i'm so close...
1:59 PM
@FlorianMargaine subtle!
rlemon, Ontario, Canada.
9.2k 2 21 59
someone screencap it
@Zirak Code readability, you know
@Zirak It could do with a comment, mind you.
@SimonSarris awesome, thanks for the tip

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