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how did we survive before copy/paste?
the great China wall
Sorry guys, it was an accident
/afk time for 3pm poop

I have a question about developing FireFox extensions, i.e., what exactly are they capable of.

I'd like to automate my work on a certain web application, that spans across multiple sub-pages on a single domain (just like a regular website).

Will a FireFox addon be able to control the browser's behavior? I.e. will it be able to follow links and keep its internal state separate from the web document? (E.g. I am pretty sure Google Chrome extensions sometimes restart themselves once the page they were working on is reloaded.)
I missed a religion discussion ?
@Yannbane Bananas.
@phenomnomnominal what was the name of the function you mentioned where i can still use `this` from the function ? it was for something like this:
inpt.addEventListener("keyup", function(e,max){ int_inpt_only(e,max); } , false);
@SomeKittens any hints for me?
@JeremyD What exactly is going wrong?
@Yannbane localstorage, webdbstorage
so i want to change the checkJson = checkContentFromURL(program.url, program.checks); to another function, which will call this checkContentFromURL only when the loading will be done
@Shmiddty So basically the plugins will reload themselves, and I have to save their state ... ?
@Yannbane probably.
the problem is that: $ = cheerioURLContent(contentFromUrl, loadUsingCheerio); is really confusing me
i dont know with what i should replace it
$ expects to receive a function
Do you know how callbacks work?
Seems like I'm better off scripting the browser from the outside then.
$ is a variable
$ will be undefined if cheerioURLContent is async.
@SomeKittens not necessarily.
except if there is a jquery hidden in nodejs
How in the world do you get a backbone marionette template
template: Handlebars.compile(template)
to contain data thats been fetched into a collection?
$ is a function in my case
Nerd PSA
an object
@JeremyD so cheerioURLContent returns a function?
@Gacnt Absolutely disgusting
var cheerioURLContent = function(url, checks, callback) {
rest.get(url).on("complete", function(result){
return callback(result, checks);
k. What's the problem?
oh wait
so in this caseit will return the callback
You're missing a closing bracket at the very least.
so i need to return a function in the callback
yes i have it
i failed the coy paste
and i failed to write copy too
coy paste
but anyways, it looks like you're returning the callback in the callback of .on("complete"...
@SomeKittens koi paste (source)
this is what i do
So basically the pitch is that the girl isn't allowed to identify herself as a nerd because she "kinda likes videogames I guess" - and then the guy flat out says that he's a nerd because he plays Skyrim?

Anyway, the video is awful and I wont discuss it further.
so it won't be assigned to $
and the callback will just call cheerio.load
because i thought i needed to call this load, and return cheerio.load(result) in my callback
i m really confused about this part
7 mins ago, by SomeKittens
Do you know how callbacks work?
i thought i knew
ok if i dont return my callback
but if i just call it
it doesnt change anything
@Zirak How come you pinged me in this, I don't watch Radiohead, was it something I did?
callback shouldn't be called like that
Oh hahaha
if i have $ = cheerioURLContent(contentFromUrl, loadUsingCheerio);
and i do :
var loadUsingCheerio = function(result){
return cheerio.load(result);

var cheerioURLContent = function(url, checks, callback) {
rest.get(url).on("complete", function(result){
callback(result, checks);
i wont still work
@mirkokiefer Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Your invocation pattern should probably be something like this:
cheerioURLContent(contentFromUrl, loadUsingCheerio, function(result, checks){
    // do stuff
// This line will be executed before "do stuff" above, fyi.
i understand that
so it is not fixing my issue
what should be the do stuff part
cause $ will be undefined in this case
whatever you want to do with the result...
what i want to do with the result is to do loadUsingCheerio
but this will still be asynchronous
i dont understand how it will fix the problem
cheerioURLContent(contentFromUrl, checks, loadUsingCheerio);
ok i dont need the checks, that was just a try
well that's your invocation pattern...
cheerioURLContent(contentFromUrl, loadUsingCheerio); so in this case loadUsingCheerio will be my callback
i dont understand why i should have a second one
if you change the definition of cheerioURLContent...
@Zirak I was reminded of a cruel netflix joke. I thought you might (not) appreciate it.
This is what they posted on April 1st.
why you be all screaming and stuff
everyone was so excited. :(
@jbolanos Because brick walls can hear if you scream at them.
@rlemon That's just...cruel
@Shmiddty Then I must be whatever comes after brick walls - or I'm just too old for this crap :)
@ruda.almeida Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
now I want cereal.
@rlemon Do they still make frosted cheerios?
ok - I'll have the honey nut cheerios then
@Gacnt wait for season 7
@Gacnt nope.
@Gacnt and yeah, I'm not a huge fan
@Zirak jsfiddle.net/PEv6P/1 i need it like jquery .$("#foo").css( any idea ?
@Gacnt I was glad when she was murdered by Trinity.
@Samithaą° _ą°  Have you tried learning anything about selectors? They're a complex subject
Parsing selectors is difficult, executing selectors is difficult
You have to learn how to learn
@Zirak i see.thanks
I didn't say when
I only said by whom.
@Gacnt, you need to watch it
well get your fapping in while you can.
season 4 is stunning tv
John Lithgow
omg, he was so compelling
He's amazing aye
@rlemon ^^
  |   |

!!hang e
  |   |
!!hang n
  |   |
  |   O
e, n
!!hang s
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
e, n, s
!!hang a
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
a, e, n, s
!!hang r
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
a, e, n, r, s
!!hang i
!!hang electrocardiography
@phenomnomnominal Correct! The word is electrocardiography.
room topic changed to JavaScript: Bow before Thoraxis -> read rules.javascriptroom.com SPOILER ALERT! [2.9] [consistency-of-suckiness] [ecmascript] [javascript]
room topic changed to JavaScript: Bow before Thoraxis -> read rules.javascriptroom.com CRY MOAR! [2.9] [consistency-of-suckiness] [ecmascript] [javascript]
in (for example) video games, when you have to choose an option, and there is a word in the middle with left and right arrows to select the right choice, what would you call that?
@TroyCosentino a menu?
If you mean a Mass Effect style one, a radial.
hmm I was thinking there might be something more specific
radial sounds sort of right
But it's really as Shmiddty says, a menu.
thanks guys
@TroyCosentino oh that? that's a zappydoozer
It's really just a zappydoozer.
@TroyCosentino I haven't a clue if that has a special name. The people on ux.se may know
@Zirak zappydoozer!
Q: Perl operators are "discovered" and not designed?

kobameJust reading this page: https://github.com/book/perlsecret/blob/master/lib/perlsecret.pod , and was really surprised with the statements like: Discovered by Philippe Bruhat, 2012. Discovered by Abigail, 2010. (Alternate nickname: "grappling hook") Discovered by Rafaƫl Garcia-Suarez, 2009. Discov...

@Zirak some perl for you
zappydoozer?? what the hell sort of name is that haha
no wonder i couldn't find anything
@Shmiddty Just to make sure there aren't flumbersnapper...
> Goatse =( )=
@BenjaminGruenbaum haha
> If you don't understand the name of this operator, consider yourself lucky. You are advised not to search the Internet for a visual explanation.
@Schmalzy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@TroyCosentino I'm sure you'll find it in your local lexigrammicon
This is one of the many reasons Perl is awesome
Made by a linguist
@Shmiddty i think i may be catching on
@zod Functions are first class in JavaScript since it's not a broken language. That means we can assign variables to them. f is a function. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 13 secs ago
lexigrammicon is almost a real word.
My hovercraft is full of eels
!!/tell Zirak tobacconist
@Zirak Drop your panties, Sir William; I cannot wait until lunchtime!
My nipples explode with delight!
2 messages moved to Trash can
why does keypress and keyup event listener keycodes are different?
I mean, keycode of same keystroke is different depending on keypress and keyup
Does anyone know how close Twitter Bootstrap 3.0 is?
@O0oO0oOO0ooO one's the keycode pertaining to the key on the keyboard, one is the ascii character code.
13 messages moved to Trash can
I tink I taw a putty tat
SomeKittens is already one kitten too many. but he's ok because he doesn't post his gravatar over and over....
I say we ban photos of people holding starbucks cups
new rules: unless you own the cat - don't post it :P
@jbolanos Niagara falls has limited TimHortons
ah - well then
the murican's like their StarBucks.
more $$ for shit coffee I have garnish myself.
I never saw the appeal.
<< just finished off starbucks iced mocha
if you go for their specialty stuff... ok. but I'm a coffee guy. there regular coffees suck ass
Ok - tomorrow I tackle that 241 line JS function - see ya
@rlemon It's convenience/laziness more than anything
starbucks is everywhere
here tims is
Where I used to work in SF there's a Starbucks across the street from a Starbucks
there are places with 3 starbucks' in the same parking lot
a standalone starbucks, one in the grocery store, one in the something else
we have a tims every two blocks. sometimes sooner
there are malls with 3 or 4 starbucks in them.
I live 15 minutes from a Tims -_-
not only the marker, all of the orange dots are tims.
@KendallFrey you don't live in my city.
bite me hick boy :P
where I work, I have three tim hortons all within 2 minute drive.
at my house there is two in a 2 minute drive
and the sad part is they are all always busy
North Americans drink too much coffee.
coffee is good for you
also, looking at these maps... and living in a semi - large but still small city - your population density scares me. I could never imagine living in a country like India or China
it's the sugar/creamer that makes it bad
@Shmiddty I know. Dr.Oz says so
but after consuming his recommended 6 cups a day to help reduce my risk of cancer I ended up getting an ulcer.
yup. now pentaloc (however you spell it) and no more than two a day
first week was tough.. let me tell you (I also cut out energy drinks at the same time... however my consumption of them was not nearly as high)
@monkeydeveloper Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon Denver really isn't that dense...
@Shmiddty I realize. but average. and your small cities (outside of farm land) are a lot more dense than ours. Source: you have less land and 10x more people than we do.... logic.
@Americans: Every time you visit Canada do you feel like the entire country is playing one big game of Monopoly?
@rlemon yes
We have Boardwalk == winning
to us your money feels fake.
feels too much like paper.
American money was made from cotton for a long time, I'm not sure what it's made from now
some mix of various fibers, I'm sure
the new $100s feel so fake.
(again, compared to our money)
*shrug* I don't really carry cash
I should get goin
seeya'll tomorruh
eh, last time I visited I cashed out at the border to USD and they gave me all mint $100's
past that I only got dirty old re-circulated bills.
first time I ever visited the states It didn't clue in that none of my bank cards would work. :/ I had a small panick attack until I remembered my Visa should.
Gotta love when some guy who answered with a competing answer downvoted your answer saying that "it doesn't work"
A: CSS pseudo class overrides class

Benjamin GruenbaumHere is another option not using !important: input:not([type=submit]):not([type=file]):not(.filterTextbox) { width: 500px; } input.filterTextbox { width: 150px; } Since the upper rule is the 'excluding' one - adding one more exclusion seems more reasonable than using !important. I w...

Some people are assholes today
Gave ya a mark, and up voted some select comments as well
I was tempted to downvote the !important answer, because outside of the case of overriding page styles with user styles I don't see a need for !important other than laziness or lack of understanding of css.
Yeah, it's stupid to use there
it also amazes me how quick !important is whipped out
I'm more pissed off about another question :P
@GuilhermeOderdenge StackOverflow is not a "write this code for me for free" site. While I love answering questions about design, and how to structure your code, or about how to accomplish general things - like your original question which was about how to find the item in another collection in KnockoutJS I have no intention to solve application bugs that are not the question nor do I intend to write your production code. This is not how this site works, this will teach other users facing the same issue nothing and is generally a bad approach pedagogically. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 24 secs ago
@SomeKittens My socket.io.js is still not being served by the server: gist.github.com/anonymous/9719333ebbb041b8b38f
@BenjaminGruenbaum this is why I stopped answering on main site. :/
@rlemon There is a ton of material about that in meta
@rlemon But you still answer here, right? xD
in the chat it is easier to be a dick honest with them about how much they suck at google and writing their own code
@SomeKittens The require io isnt even in there !!
some of the less experienced people here get annoying when you link them perfectly good resources multiple times and they come to you with basic questions time after time asking about topics you know are covered in these resources..... blankstare.jpg
And if I haz my index.html in the public
Q: Load custom script on a single template

StenWSo I placed two scripts in the plugin folder, but I canĀ“t figure out why they wont load. I created a custom template where I have placed the following code: <?php function my_enqueue_scripts() { wp_register_script('ajax', plugins_url('ajax.js', __FILE__), array('jquery'), 'false', 'true' ); wp...

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