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help I can't seem to check for regex whitespace
i hope you don't mind if I ask here
i've been looking this up for like 40 minutes
i'll ask it on SO
You can easily trim unnecessary whitespace from the start and the end of a string or the lines in a text file by doing a regex search-and-replace. Search for ^[ \t]+ and replace with nothing to delete leading whitespace (spaces and tabs). Search for [ \t]+$ to trim trailing whitespace. Do both by combining the regular expressions into ^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$ .
Instead of [ \t] which matches a space or a tab, you can expand the character class into [ \t\r\n] if you also want to strip line breaks. Or you can use the shorthand \s instead.
basically [\t]
:D hey man
did u see my skin detection ?
at work yea
:-> thats the latest version..
iirc you did some recognition work in C# in past aye ?
@Darkyen doesnt work well in chrome :?
needs to reload a few times before the effect is shown
the recognition work I did was with NN and face detection
Is there something i can re-use ?
i am attempting for Motion Guestures
neural networks are slow.
@Loktar chrome has fault in its CORS implementation
the onload is fired without encorporating CORS
you can find a pre-trained network and use it
I am thinking of asking user to stand such that his face is in the box for 1 frame
brb college ... will join the convo from there
holy fuck
whats the difference between 'mousedown' and 'click' for event listeners?
click only related to left mouse button ?
Holy fuck man, FinalTerm is mind blowing @FlorianMargaine Great find dude, loving this so much
@Dave mousedown is for holding it down, click is just a click (mousedown and mouseup).
so click still happens if you right click it?
okay ive already blocked context menus anyway
im tired of trying to setup arch
it never works for me
data:text/html, <html contenteditable> put that in your address bar
@phenomnomnominal You done yet
@Gacnt some of us have jobs.
Like being slow as fuck is a profession.
Hello guys
@Gacnt, you won't even be able to comprehend what I have created
@phenomnomnominal Hey.
@Gorfi hello
I have a simple question
Ask and someone will answer
Its possible to generate a custom cookie
Exploiting the js code using fiddler ?
I mean, the session id
huh? The fiddler will show you the existing cookies directly; you don't have to read the javascript
There is a way to generate one just with the JS
its a game.
I am trying to check the code for exploits
generate a session ID? What should the server do if it encounters one it doesn't know?
Yeah that what i was thinking
i guess the server generates
the player object.
I reaslied real good people lose weight, pass exam, do something incredible and don't post about it on facebook. People who usually post it on facebook are addicted to people's attention
I was able to pass the login page but later on i get errors
Its quite hard to explain
@JanDvorak the session id is unique ?
@JanDvorak Just the server will be able to create and validate ?
!!tell gorfi define ID
I did some code which I hadn't done before. and I recommended to other user on SO. I hope it is correct...
A: Apply CSS style to child nodes

Mr_GreenTry this: (to just have only child elements, not all nested elements) var pDiv = document.getElementById('parentDiv'); var cDiv = pDiv.children; for (var i = 0; i < cDiv.length; i++) { if (cDiv[i].tagName == "DIV") { //or use toUpperCase() cDiv[i].style.color = 'red'; //do styling...

good morning.
    <img "="" src="images/common/filter-arrow.gif" sortdirection="desc">
^ I want to remove SPAN
using jquery or javascript
It seems I can't use unwrap() as there is textNode
Any help?
So you just want : Type
<img "="" src="images/common/filter-arrow.gif" sortdirection="desc">
I did this:
var tmp = $('span').html();
var txt = $('span').contents();
any other easy way to this?
loves OpenStreetMaps
isn't $(span).text() just working?
Hi guys, I have a question
the tag <input type="file">
is the result of this obtainable through js?
$('span').text() will just gives the text @Duikboot
haha lol
> Apologies for the length of this email, I didn't have time to write a shorter one.
once again managed post an answer after its closure. Even though I could post it due to the grace period, it feels like a wasted effort. stackoverflow.com/questions/17539977/…
@ReallyGoodPie There's the File API.
@Mr_Green does the pastebin help?
@Duikboot checking..
And what is the File API?
@ReallyGoodPie yourInput.onchange=function(e) { yourFiles = e.target.files };
After that, it depends on what you want to do with the files. Read them ?
I am storing the files in a folder (already achieved by PHP) and then I would like the directories of the files to be stored in a table
@JanDvorak Attempted to save the question somehow.
I just can't get the file locations the first time using PHP
Of course I meant save ...
@OctavianDamiean should I try to reopen?
Yea, I'll vote too.
If it should be closed then not for that reason.
what about the "minimal understanding" reason (not that I'll closevote)?
Hi. im new to js and jquery. i want to Check all checkboxes by checking one.
i would like to ask can someone show me the sample code of building this js?
in case i have master checkbox of id = "master"
and class of other checkboxes is = "group"
@user1939393 are you using jQuery?
I'm not sure to be honest, I'm between "minimal understanding" and "too localized" (if it would still exist).
i search online some others are using for loop. i dont really understand how it works.
$("#master").on("change",function(){if(this.checked) $(".group").prop(checked, true)}})
will it unchecked if i uncheck the master?
and. thanks
@user1939393 it won't. Changing it so that it will is a challenge for you
okay. thanks! ;)
hint: how does this work?
btw, should i add onchange to the master? in order to call the function
@JanDvorak You have implied globals
@Zirak yup. I forgot a pair of quotes. Thanks. @user1939393 can you spot the mistake?
All of your variables there are implied globals
In the answer, that is
Yeah you just edited
oh. I've fixed some. thanks
@Zirak I made a mistake in the chat answer above, too
Hopefully I've cleaned all implied globals
teehee OpenStreetMaps is fun. I'm adding lots of content to the map of the island I'm on. :)
I like that.
I feel like a discoverer that maps a just discovered island. :P
don't you have better to do on vacation?
Here you are
$(document).ready(function deOrselect() {
$("#checkall").on("change", function () {
if ("#checkall".checked) $(".chkBox").prop(checked, true)
something wrong?
@OctavianDamiean Except...everything in that sentence
@Zirak hah, that's awesome.
@FlorianMargaine The weather ain't so good today.
@user1939393 the string "#checkall" doesn't have a checked property
@Zirak What ye mean?
the element that was cliced does
@OctavianDamiean You're not a discoverer (maybe an explorer) and it's not an undiscovered land
how can i give it a property of checked?
@Zirak Shut up! Don't you ruin my little fantasy!
@FlorianMargaine ^
My watcher is now tested and functional
@NagaJolokia I like the principle, but it's so ugly
@FlorianMargaine Well, you could rewrite them to use scheme syntax! gist.github.com/disnet/3854258
@NagaJolokia I'd rather use something like lispyscript then
Yeah, well I've no idea what I'd actually use it for (small DSLs I guess) ... but hey, it's cool!
I don't think there is a compelling reason to hide JavaScript when you write JavaScript
Hi everybody!
If JavaScript were a verbose language I would understand but this smells more like "I like another language and I don't know JS well enough"
I wonder if somebody here could help me, I have trouble understanding how to properly access html-form elements that are loaded later on, with jquery? is there any good tutorial about it somewhere?
What do you mean access ? You can't access something that isn't there. Do you mean bind event handlers ? Then use on.
oh yes, sorry I lack of basic understanding of javascript and trying to learn it.. I think I ment bind event handlers. practically I want to read the value user submitted in a input box from a form which was loaded with php include
I tried this, but its not working:
	$(document.body).on("click", '#lookup_domain', function(e){
		//searchVal = $('#domain').val();
		$(document.body).on("click", '#domain', function(event){
live is deprecated. Use on
also, format your code please. CTRL+K
ah ok sory I try again
edit the previous message
so now, the lookup domain is the submit button
ah sorry I forgot one commented line in the code, cannot edit anymore
but the #domain is the name of the input field, as far as I could read on jquery and here at stackoverflow this should be correct, but the alert is not fired at all
do you have duplicate IDs?
no should not be, the form is loaded on other pages too but not this one
don't attach an event handler from within another handler. It's almost always wrong.
oh ok thank you I will remember that!
the only reasonable usecase is when you're attaching to an element you create within the handler, and even then you can use delegation instead.
ah ok
ah could the error be, that I attached the click to the domain, but the domain (the input field) is not clicked? the submit button was the clicked one
Oh me gawd! An owl!
ho hooo ?
is the submit button inside #domain?
I like owls. They're kind like flying cats.
no, the domain is the input field, sec I post the form code
			<div id="domain_search">
				<h5>hae verkkotunnusta</h5>
				<form action="#" method="get" class="domain_form">
					<input type="text" name="domain" class="domain_input" />
					<div class="select_wrap">
						<select class="custom_select">
							<option value="fi">.FI</option>
							<option value="com">.COM</option>
							<option value="net">.NET</option>
							<option value="me">.ME</option>
							<option value="info">.INFO</option>
					</div><!--/select wrap-->
					<input type="submit" value="Syötä" class="domain_submit_btn" id="lookup_domain"/>
well, then, if it wasn't clicked, the click handler won't fire
oh sounds logically..
how should it be correct? I want to save the value of the input and the select to variables to pass them on with ajax
octavian I understand, since owl like mice too.. :)
why not read the input on submit?
... oh.. srry that I sound so dumb but how?
you know, inputs remember their values even after the change event has completed
!!tell owl jquery val
also, look into jQuery.serialize
and the related
I tried this first searchVal = $('#domain').val();
but it says always searchVal not defined
live is deprecated with 1.7.1?
@Zirak I think Capria is deaf.
@Owl I can't see any #domain, just [name=domain]
could this be the reason? :-)
@Owl That wasn't aimed at you.
oh I am trying hard not to hate javascript.... sigh
np octavian
@Owl it's not Javascript's fault if you try to select an element by an ID it doesn't have
yes but I cannot hate myself so it has to be javascript :D
still not working, the alert is not triggered
@GNi33 sup bro?
How's Austria?
ah and the click is still there.. cannot work
@Owl put everything you have into a jsfiddle
@OctavianDamiean hey man
@Owl you're still attaching one handler from the other
Everything's fine here, how are you? Online in Croatia? :D
yes sorry I am so lost with javascript.. I learned it years ago in school and now I try to get through and get some sense in it :(
fixed some stuff.
@GNi33 Yea, I'm fine. :D
thanks! so ok I have to remove the click... thinking hard
ok, so what are you trying to achieve?
I cannot believe now its working.. the alert
this is a domain lookup script I had it working on a simple html site but I decided to include the php files because it was so messed up with the copied pages
I want to pass the data from the form to the php script.. I have to do it several times, so I hope this is the correct way of accessing the form data
Define several times.
define define
oh ok first the litte form with domain name, the script checks if its free, when its free I call a form with name and email
these are validated and then entered into database and send per email
Wait wait.
and this domain form is included 3 times at the page itself and one time with a slightly different version
Does it make any difference to the backend which script sent the request?
not 3 times at the same page, but in different pages, like prices, index and so on
for the first 3 not, it should be the same script, the 4th going to be different but there I am using different version from another file
its just started from 3 different places
facebook login on mobile device its not working from mobile
@Owl Alright, so that piece of information doesn't contribute to the solution of your problem.
sorry octavian I did not really understand, english is not my native language
What I was trying to say is that we didn't have to know that you'll include this script in three different locations.
oh syrr I thought you said define several times.. was this too much defining? :)
So basically, all you want to do is send the contents of a form to some backend?
no, not really. I want to first show the form with php include, when user submit, check the data with a script, when data is ok, show user another form, validate this, then enter data into database
how many post request?
@Owl We're talking about domain lookup form.
One thing at a time ...
yes a domain lookup your right
first form is GET, I just pass the domain with GET, then do lookup, then load second form which should be handled with post
So, you want to send what the user enters to the backend script to check whether that domain is available or not.
No, it's not GET ...
submit to broadcast to earth
yes .. and why not?
i have a question
// alert('hi');
$(this).val('Deselect All')
$(this).val('Select All');
> Requests a representation of the specified resource. Requests using GET should only retrieve data and should have no other effect
this is my code, and after i clicked the button
@user1939393 please format your code - CTRL+K
checkboxes will be selected. butwhen i want to deselect it doesnt work
@user1939393 live is deprecated. Use on
sry new here jan
indempotence is overrated
hi jan, i cant select now. after i change to on
@user1939393 instead of attr, use prop to affect the current state
@OctavianDamiean oh I do not understand.. can you please explain for non english persons.. ? sorry why should a GET only retrieve data? If I cannot pass data with GET, what sense make GET then?
@Owl I don't know your problem sry, but maybe just send multiple ajax requests
@Owl get should be only used for requests that you don't mind a search bot randomly sending
oh ok.. aha.. so I should send the domain name to the lookup script with POST?
@dystroy & @FlorianMargaine I agree. There's an opinion on good and bad uses of macros here. I also wonder if it would be good for implementing something like Design by Contract, which isn't possible to do properly without source code transformations.
Would (function(){return this}).call(null) always work? — Jan Dvorak 1 min ago
Huh. I recognise one of the contributors to sweetjs -- Tim Disney has written a DbC extension for CoffeeScript.
@dystroy didn't see that. Writing macros is beneficial for a lot of reasons: reusability, and mainly DSL. You make the language what you want it to be, business-wise. That's a huge value for reading code
ah thanks guys for helping me with the form, I can go on now! Since I started with javascript stackoverflow have been my live (and nerve) saving boat! THANKS!!!!
@JanDvorak What's that for?
@NagaJolokia finding the global object
Oh, I see, followed the link ...
I don't, personally, like DSL made with macro. I find it cleaner to parse the language and fill relevant data structures that can be handled as data.
@NagaJolokia btw, sweetjs is more like templates than (lisp) macro
@OctavianDamiean No problems pal, just let me know.
@FlorianMargaine Have I assumed it's more powerful than it is?
@NagaJolokia what?
if your question is: are lisp macros more powerful than C++ templates, then definitely yes
({valueOf:function(){return {};},toString:function(){return "lol";}})+({valueOf:function(){return {};},toString:function(){return "lol";}})
C++ templates are glorified C macros
Why doesn't this return [Object object][Object object] but "lollol" since I overrode valueOf
it returns lollol in my console
oh, sorry, misunderstood
@BenjaminGruenbaum + uses valueOf or toString
@JanDvorak Yeah, and I defined valueOf
and toString is used first iirc, then valueOf is used if there is no toString
I thought toString took precedence.
@FlorianMargaine ({valueOf:function(){return 5;},toString:function(){return "lol";}})+({valueOf:function(){return 5;},toString:function(){return "lol";}})
@FlorianMargaine valueOf is used first
Run that
That's 10
bye all, have a nice week!
@Owl jsfiddle.net/x6UNj/3 there you go.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think the return value is checked for primitiveness; opening the spec
@BenjaminGruenbaum It'll be in the spec somewhere. I guess + is checking the types of its arguments.
Right, but I expected valueOf to return {} and then objects added invoking the algorithm again and getting [Object object][Object object]
@Owl By the way, if you can, update to the latest jQuery version.
@BenjaminGruenbaum es5.github.io/#x8.12.8
> 2.b. If str is a primitive value, return str.
Where is [[DefaultValue]] called here?
Why not [[GetValue]]?
> Return a default value for the Object. The default value of an object is retrieved by calling the [[DefaultValue]] internal method of the object, passing the optional hint PreferredType
Hey ,What is the best way to construct classes in Javascript?
Right, but GetValue is called before ToPrimitive in the addition algorithm
@BenjaminGruenbaum getValue is just expression evaluation
getValue returns the object from the expression
@JanDvorak Right, but doesn't it use valueOf when available? I mean, look at running it with valueOf returning 5
@BenjaminGruenbaum it does, and discards its results if it's not primitie
4 mins ago, by Jan Dvorak
@BenjaminGruenbaum http://es5.github.io/#x8.12.8
Right but getValue is used before defaultValue which uses toString before valueOf
getValue uses neither
getValue returns the outer object
In this order:
Sorry, I missed that - it gets called with a number hint, checks if the valueOf is primitive, it's not so it calls toString. Thanks
It's using [[DefaultValue]] with no hint.
getValue performs scope resolution
Yep. ^^^^
Yeah, I realized that, thanks.
@Owl jsfiddle.net/x6UNj/4 with a comment for you.
Well really it gets called with no hint, which uses the same procedure as a number hint.
^ except for Dates
Yes, sorry, it's the same as number hint, in this case.
Q: javascript oop dependency inversion principle

rabI made an example for learning Dependency inversion principle in javascript oop programming . String.prototype.ucfirst = function() { return this.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.slice(1); } function textHandler(){ this.printRedbox = function( ){ return ' Red Box text '; } ...

Damn... Just caught a high rep user copying an answer from a duplicate without citation. Really not nice.
Q: Jquery Difference .html("") vs .empty()

MuthukumarIn Jquery what is the difference between $('#divid').html(""); and $('#divid').empty(); Are both doing the same operating internally inside jQuery.js? and which one is better to use.

(for those who can see deleted answers)
@dystroy Possibly not the first time then. :-(
@NagaJolokia I don't know this user. I'm not sure I want to spend much time reading his other answers...
@dystroy Heh! I answered a similar question recently. I had to the read the jQuery source!
@NagaJolokia I answered using the jquery source, but that was an exact duplicate, useless.
@dystroy I wouldn't call 6k6 high rep.
The behavior was not right nonetheless.
@OctavianDamiean I would. It took me about 2 years to go to 1K...
I would. :-)
@dystroy I took me a year to reach ~8k.
ok, let's call him a more reputable than most but not really high rep user. And a cheater.
ping @CapricaSix
no route to host
Yea, she's deaf.
@ThiefMaster Are you interested in being told when a user is caught cheating (I flagged) ?
cheating as in vote fraud? yes
cheating as in the first answer here : stackoverflow.com/questions/17543711/…

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