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@rlemon Generally I do, but I forgot to take it with me.
again, WP is horrible. fuck WP. Sure they do a lot right, but they do so much more wrong. @mikedidthis do you support WP themes?
@RyanKinal No, the width on the element below wasn't set to 100%, so even though it had a height, the stuff below would move up because the browser thought there was enough width for everyone.
how much more of a PITA are they to write / maintain with each release?
Oh yea @rlemon saw lots of anemones.
from my experience WP development is horrible and backwards.
@OctavianDamiean they are cool eh :P
@SomeKittens Ah, makes sense.
I wish they were not as dickish
With little fishes swimming around them.
they eat most fish and sting corals.
video :D
aww yes ;-D
@Darkyen You can totally code with that hand.
@Darkyen You know, that's what happens if you wank too much.
@SomeKittens cant :P ... my skephoid is broken :-(
Should have stopped ...
Heck, I managed to play Guitar Hero with a cast up to my fingertips on my button-pushing hand.
Too... much... ?
if i move my finger even a little it hurts like hell
when I was like 8ish I broke my arm and the doctor gave me a special cast with minimal thumb restrictions by my request because "I needed to game"
was the best 3 weeks off school.
Contra and I became close friends.
@RyanKinal fatigue fracture
I just don't even feel like doing my job and I can't focus on it. I feel like everything I do is just me being robbed a little more.
@rlemon 3 weeks? I didn't get any time off (except for gym, where I played Bioshock instead)
@SomeKittens i am actually minimally coding with that hand too but reduced speed a lot
Abhisheks bitches be talking back. Abhishek doesn't take no trash talk from his bitches. Little did he know as he applied his talcum and raised his arm for a backhand that his bitch was really wearing a metal helmet that just looked like a nappy hairdo.
@SomeKittens i was 8yo
3 weeks because some shit with not getting it dirty / wet and I don't remember the deets
I played a lot of contra
and after they took it off I had so much dead skin on my arm...
getting casts off is a bad smell as well.
even if you do keep it clean.
one handed keyboards
@rlemon dafuk ?
@rlemon damn
I'm making up a better story for your broken hand. "Rubbed one off with such force that I broke my own hand" was the other alternative.
Told you ... fatigue fracture ... too much ain't good.
Q: jQuery each() finish outer function after the end of iterations

user2364328I have a function that needs to loop through all the select tags and the cheackboxes, take their name and value and then assign it to the "data" object. Here's the code data_query:-> data = {} $('input[type="checkbox"]').each -> data[$(this).attr('name')] = $(this).is(":checked") ...

^ this is why changing the semantics of implicit returns of an existing language might be a bad idea
Would you wrap your car with an energy drink ad for $300/week?
@rlemon Absolutely. Do I get the car, too?
@rlemon I would.
This means I can code two programs at the same time. If I can teach my hands to be ambidextrous why not the two hemispheres of my brain? >:)
@SomeKittens can u test it for me please ?
Sorta works.
Original video is too big, perhaps side-by-side instead?
ahhh fuck my eyeballs would look retarded though. and i think the bottleneck is at the neo cortex because that doesnt muiltithread :(
It's also detecting the brick behind me
@SomeKittens no it is your car.
@rlemon Then no. $300/wk would barely cover the costs of commuting by car.
(I'm assuming I have to drive it everywhere instead of leaving it in the garage.)
ah, well for someone who already drives.
Looking into it 99% of the people offering this are scammers. but the 1% are legit :/
how to be sure ... how to be sure...
I drive anywhere from 1,200-2,500 miles a month.
I drive at minimum 60km a day
@SomeKittens hues.. and its primitive :D
can u profile it btw ?
instead of the 500 line code this code is much smaller and faster
I think you got the wrong site. Maybe you meant to tackle your issue at careers.stackoverflow.com ? — Benjamin Gruenbaum 1 min ago
I only have to drive about 18miles/day. But I usually do 60-90
@rlemon How fiscal will the quarterly earnings be?
cya .. i am going to bed.. tomorrow this + threads === awesomeness will occur
@rlemon People pay money to advertise for brands...
@rlemon Absolutely.
@rlemon that looks really awkward
@Shmiddty yes they do. but some brands pay you to advertise for them
@Zirak one million dollars!
dude it's so hard to write a watcher in nodejs
'use strict';

var fs = require('fs'),
    exec = require('child_process').exec;

fs.watch('src', function() {
    exec('make debug');
ahh I knew it was from somewhere
couldn't remember
that eppy wasn't one of my favs.
I drive to a lot of major cities weekly. I'm going to sign-up with one of these companies I think.
"How many miles per month do you drive?" and the biggest number is 800?? I'm double, sometimes triple that.
SO chat rebuilds the user list every time it changes...
(I think)
I have, as part of my user script, $(".ignored").hide()... but they keep popping back up
@Shmiddty I didn't observe this when just adding classes to the lis
I just solved it by appending a style tag with .ignored{display:none !important;} to the body.
it's been months since I wanted this
Alternatively, I could have .ignored users not be resized, and apply some other effect to indicate their ignored status. The resizing of their icons causes layout problems with the user list.
is the yes command real?
@Shmiddty yes, one of my solutions was to just remove them all together.
@rlemon yes
@Shmiddty basically you are seeing things I've had to deal with time and time again.
half of it I gave up on because SO chat is annoying
@rlemon but I occasionally unignore people, and I don't want to have to go to a separate screen to do that
@Shmiddty eh, then a style change would work
maybe mask them with a big red X
or trollface all ignored users
a greyscale filter
my mustache userscript keeps tabs on the live updates
@JanDvorak might look bad - inactive users are already faded out and the grey might not be enough
also what of @OctavianDamiean - I would always assume he is ignored.
@rlemon what?
@Shmiddty keep the size the same and insert a rule into the stylesheet to make up the w/h with a thick red border.
.ignored .user-gravatar32{
    margin:0 auto;
@OctavianDamiean if ignored users were greyscaled instead of shrank. I would always look at you like you are ignored.
@OctavianDamiean they were thinking of making a userstyle that turns ignored users greyscale
@rlemon also, some users are already gray (*ahem*@Shmiddty* @OctavianDamiean*ahem*)
@JanDvorak I already covered that ;)
ignored users are now red
and normal sized
what about Shaz?
Overlay ignored users with some sort of other graphic indicating what they're ignored.
I could
but effort.
@Shmiddty the other alternative to inserting or editing the style rule would be to listen for gravatarUrl calls and check against the user object passed in
every time a gravatar is loaded this function is run
but inserting the style is so much simpler
so every message sent / received. Users entering / exiting and shifts in the userlist
and doesn't require updating anything
yea, but it's good to know if you have future things you want to do
sudo implement what rlemon said
I'll cross that bridge when I get there
@OctavianDamiean o_O sudo worked.
Yea, sudo always works.
sudo compile with no errors
!!xkcd 149
oh yay
Q: Any good Jquery UI builder/CSS builder?

jonneyas the title says is there a good editor? i am currently using Dreamweaver and it is not really great for building UI's and creating and editing CSS styles on the fly like you can do in the android framework using eclipse IDE to drag, drop and position the ui components and access its properties...

close ^^^^
for all problems there is VIM. VIM solves all. Those ST2 or EMACS guys are insane. VIM4LIFE! — rlemon 5 secs ago
troll comment ;)
it isn't often I branch out and troll on main site.
So you have to empty a roomba like every ten minutes right?
How can I output the unicode escape sequences from a normal string?
e.g. \\u0057 for 'W'
escape the slash
@Shmiddty I suppose it probably depends on how dirty your floors are.
Q: Accessing Database Entities from Controller

Benjamin Gruenbaumtl;dr In a good design. Should accessing the database be handled in a separate business logic layer (in an asp.net MVC model), or is it OK to pass IQueryables or DbContext objects to a controller? Why? What are the pros and cons of each? I'm building an ASP.NET MVC application in C#. It use...

!!> "\\u0057"
@Shmiddty "W"
I've been having an argument with a friend all day
@Shmiddty "\\u0057"
@Shmiddty ?
I think you misunderstood me.
oh, you have "W" and you want to get \u0057?
I have a string, e.g. var x = 'W'; alert(test(x)); should alert '\0057'
@BenjaminGruenbaum I argue with most of my friends. It would help if my friends were not all raging morons
@rlemon That's what I just thought!
!!> "W".charCodeAt()
@Shmiddty 87
I come here to humble myself. It isn't good to feel like the smartest person you know 90% of your day
@rlemon does that work?
I come here and feel like a noob again.
var topLeft = [10, 10],
    topRight = [10, 490],
    btmRight = [490, 490],
    btmLeft = [490, 10];

function drawButton(ctx, config) {
    ctx.fillStyle = config.button.color;

    ctx.moveTo.apply(ctx, topLeft);
    ctx.lineTo.apply(ctx, topRight);

@rlemon Move to the Valley
@Shmiddty Gives me 87
@FlorianMargaine I don't see what it wouldn't
@SomeKittens possibly for a few years work. never permanent
!!> "W".charCodeAt(0).toString(16)
@Doorknob "57"
@ComFreek it's hex.
@FlorianMargaine are you having issues with it
yeah, there's nothing displayed
@Doorknob @Shmiddty Perfectly! Thanks for your help! Now, I can encrypt a string in a Java source code :D
config.button.color === 'red'
@FlorianMargaine ok let me put it on tinker and see
@ComFreek "encrypt?" How is that encryption at all?
@Doorknob I know ;) I have a Java (not JavaScript) program in which I want to hide (in the sense of making it more difficult to read) a string. This is only just for fun for a friend.
oh ok :P
@FlorianMargaine hahaha
it's stupid
so stupid I missed it first time
oh wait
lines stroke (unless they make a fillable area) and shapes fill
got it ._.

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