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@SomeKittens I like his draw style
His comic's top-notch. Excellent characters, incredible plot, very funny
@SomeKittens so I've gotten pretty far in my nodejs websockets app... but now... the socket.io and my js files aren't being served with my index.html!!
@lawm Sounds like a personal problem
@SomeKittens yeah...
Do you know how to include a JS file in your HTML?
@SomeKittens It's that the server isnt serving them
Works perfectly fine on client side
in app.configure:
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));
    app.get('/', function (req, res) {
   res.sendfile(__dirname + '/index.html');
   res.sendfile(__dirname + '/js/client.js');
   res.sendfile(__dirname + '/socket.io/socket.io.js');
I'm doing something wrong?
Yeah. You shouldn't need to do the app.get call if you've got everything in your static directory
(You do have everything properly in your static directory, correct?)
@SomeKittens It's in /public
alright. Remove the app.get call
then try again
@SomeKittens I dont have the app.use http or path, or app.router. The app.router caused errors when I used that independantly
is that ok?
@NagaJolokia can you post a picture of yourself?
Besides this one?
Yeah. I want to know what you look like IRL.
@Gacnt, bro, I'm so close
@BadgerGirl has Darkyen put you up to this?
probably tonight
@lawm app.router is where all your app.get/app.post/etc routes are called
@SomeKittens So no.
@NagaJolokia No, she just likes collecting personal info on people
@lawm Yeah, you should probably add that back in
@SomeKittens oh..
Oh. It's for my dossier.
@SomeKittens And the http and path?
@lawm What do you mean by that?
, http = require('http')
, path = require('path');
you had it
@SomeKittens ok
@NagaJolokia Yeah. It's almost empty.
@NagaJolokia c'est pour mon file
!!define dossier
@phenomnomnominal You're lucky I have Dexter to keep me preoccupied.
does anyone here understand Knockout.js really well?
their page have a fucking good self explaining tuto
I wonder what else goes in such a dossier.
I decided to fuck around trying to generate trees. so far I have shitty twigs. tinker.io/cc38a
but it is a start.
I already went through the tutorial
@ExplosionPills Yeah, a couple of us
@SomeKittens Weird. My client js is being served but socket.io/socket.io.js is not being served
Sounds like a typo
coconut tree dude
@SomeKittens I never defined either of those though..
It just served /public
@lawm Yeah, that's the beauty of static
@SomeKittens Inside public was js folder , it served the js inside the js folder
But no socket.io inside the socket.io folder!
You don't need to write routes for all the things that won't change
@SomeKittens hmm
@SomeKittens Locally, socket.io.js is being served
But theres no static file...
Thats it!
@Gacnt soon my son.
I dont have socket.io in my static directory
@SomeKittens I'm just having a bit of trouble understanding when bindings fire I guess. Like if you type example.com into the input and hit Enter in this example: jsfiddle.net/ExplosionPIlls/GhCg4 it slides the parts in one at a time, but if you do the same here: jsfiddle.net/ExplosionPIlls/GhCg4/1 it slides them all in at once
@NagaJolokia Can I have your number?
Oh you had the line , iosockets = require('./sockets') I probs need that
I think it has to do with <div class=explanation data-bind="fadeVisible: {enabled: valid()} -- seems like that's causing valid() to update before transitionDelay: computeDelay() is done, but css: {'slide-in': valid()} doesn't cause that problem
Laughed hard, I regret nothing.
!!/wakeup dear
@SomeKittens I need sockets.io.js as a static file in my filesystem? Like in my repo?
your question quota will soon expire :p
I know
It may have already
yep normal when too many
@BadgerGirl What phone?
@ExplosionPills Unsure
@lawm ...?
Is there one you will answer?
@SomeKittens The socket.io client! It's not being served because it's not an actual file in my repo by default...
@SomeKittens well thanks for looking
@Gacnt now you're just looking for more stars
@BadgerGirl Not at this time of night.
@lawm Oh, yeah. It's pretty difficult for a web server to send a file that isn't there.
If I go in finder, I don't see sockets.io.js in /public/js
@SomeKittens But I thought if I NPM'd it..
@FlorianMargaine I don't see the awesomeness
Where do I find such a file then???
Oh just tell me when I can call you. Does your name start with an A?
@lawm THIS is where you should start Googling
But I NPM'D IT!!!
@lawm if nodejs is too hard or whataver for you I can teach you the equivalent stuff in erlang, pretty easy and performant torusam.com:8888/… websocket and cie done with ninenines.eu
@cx lol nothx
is erlang like the python of the nodejs
@BadgerGirl Yep!
@lawm Did you try just using the example on the socket.io website?
@Loktar you around?
ping ping
@BadgerGirl Why do you want to call me?
@Dennis YES !!
Check out my trees bitches: tinker.io/cc38a/2
@lawm if you want, it's just a functionnal language, used by telecom companies ericsson I think
haha neat @rlemon
@cx no thanks
I call everyone and I haven't called you.
@NagaJolokia Gl.
nodejs is more kewl I guess
@rlemon I like the animation, it's organicy
@Loktar only took like 2.5 hours :/
@rlemon Ah, js
@Gacnt Eh?
Good luck.
run it a few times ofc. some of the generations suck.
and when tinkering I end up making single letter variable names.. :/ shouldn't do that
@Dennis Its on heroku, however. :/
who likes forests: tinker.io/cc38a/3
work with me now..
@NagaJolokia can I add you on facebook?
memory leak somewhere :/
do not leave it open!
@BadgerGirl I don't use Facebook. (Yes, really!)
@rlemon lol
beware crashes
@NagaJolokia I added you anyways. :( G+?
Yep don't use it much, but occasionally.
Ok done. :)
#GTAV Official Gameplay Video Coming Tmrw. 10am Eastern. http://www.rockstargames.com/V http://t.co/hzSZGA6thZ
Cool. I think you're one of maybe two people who've added me now. :-)
jesus, that hammers performance.
Yeah, you use vim so we must be friends.
reminds me a lot of those trees
that is the tutorial I followed
so no wonder ;)
2.5 hours because it is one thing to copy a tutorial. it is another to understand it.
@rlemon ah
I thought I had simplified it, I suppose the 'useless' checks were to avoid too many loops
his generator is pretty cool
but no leaves
Copy paste is learning... Obvious troll is obvious.
@Gacnt reading the tut then coding from scratch. ;)
you learn a lot more
I know I was just talking out my asshole
outcome is very similar :(
I usually go through a tutorial and will do it over and over until I can write all the tutorial code without having to look at it (just so I remember order of precedence for certain things, as well as their names) and a long that time if I don't understand what is happening, I'll keep doing it till I understand
I need to check against the width of the branch i'm checking for recursion. I copied out his limit values blind and they worked until I added leaves.
@BadgerGirl Oh, yeah! I have a vim picture.
Dammit why is the desktop version of G+ so difficult to use?
@Raindrop UCLA?
Nice, I'm in SF
Not too close, but hey, same state.
I have a question..
Would I need to use a different compiler to build java applications for phone and PC?
@cpx this is the Java script room.
You'll need the Java room for that one
I know nothing about Java first off all.
Neither do we
Oh, okay.
NodeList.prototype.__proto__ = Array.prototype;. Opinions?
(enables stuff like document.querySelectorAll(...).forEach(...))
@Å imeVidas needs more prototyping.
No, seriously.
Looks promising.
No complaints here, but I'm still a beginner.
I'm not sure about the status of __proto__.
Is it here to stay, is what I would like to know?
Hm, may become standard in ES6
I guess their approach is to standardize stuff that's already being used. The "don't break the web" rule is valued highly over at TC-39.
@BadgerGirl Added photo.
@NagaJolokia Awesome :)
can some one give me a clue on where my maths has gone wrong for my calc var in this fiddle: jsfiddle.net/zyD7J/18 don't give me the answer just hints so i can work it out
@Å imeVidas Haven't followed TC39 for a while, but the last I heard they were arguing over it.
tinker.io/cc38a/6 fixed the generation issue by just limiting the amount of time it can generate.
i'm lazy
+ I spent way too long trying to get it working with actual leaf shapes using quadraticCurveTo but was failing and eventually crashed my browser.
im so confused if i do this:
console.log(el.parentNode); i get the parentDiv but if i do
console.log(el.parentNode.style); every thing is empty such as width="" etc i can't get any of its info
is there some reason i cannot get any info of the parentNode?
how did you define the style :P
it has #thediv{
width: 300px;
then it isn't in the style attribute
what attribute do i need?
it is only in the style prop if it is a) inline or b) set by js (and therefore inline)
abcde how to make it a/b/c/d/e/ in javascript?
window.getComputedStyle(el.parentNode).width ?
if you set it at all using element.style.width, then you can read it using that
or if it is inline, however I don't suggest pumping inline styles everywhere
no i try to avoid inline styles
but thanks for explaining :)
and iirc window.getComputedStyle(el.parentNode).width returns an int val, style.width returns a string.
oh nice
nahh, string on both
now look at my generated trees: tinker.io/b602e/1
could do with more greenery
anyone see my question?
abcde how to make it a/b/c/d/e/ in javascript?
@vzhen "abcde".split("").join("/")+"/" - you don't need to repeat the question
@dennis thank you
show some codepen love codepen.io/rlemon/pen/wJBds
and i'm done for now
@rlemon nice trees bro!
@rlemon does it allow assignments like this too : window.getComputedStyle(el).width = left + 'px';
or can you only do inline
use el.style.width
seen it
12 hours ago, by Gacnt
user image
you whore
had to be done bro
thats ok, I just posted my codepen on here, twitter, g+ and reddit
hmm i cant seem to get my slider to move properly: jsfiddle.net/zyD7J/97 it moves in exponential amounts each time =/
any one able to see what the cause it?
wow, /r/javascript is really hating recently. reddit.com/r/javascript/comments/1hwosg/generated_trees
i would comment but it would just say " i like turtles"
your trees are not working for me on codepen
it only produces a couple trunks no branches or greenery
I just told my Japanese friend "I want to destroy your home with a pearl harbor torpedo that Japanese jet bombers used to destroy US navy ships". Do you think I was being rude to him?
id imagine so yes
there doesn't seem to be anything here
@O0oO0oOO0ooO playing it a bit fast and loose with the term "friend" there?
@rlemon ^
worked fine on the other fiddle site
strange, works fine for me
i get no console error either
latest chrome stable
any one else tried the link from in here?
ahh, I know why
it is too slow on codepen
mother fucks.
I set a 2 second limit
yeh that link worked :)
@phenomnomnominal Do you use Bootcamp at all?
I have heating issues, just bootcamped right now so I can use pendrivelinux to make a bootable linux pen
good rlemon helps deforestation
generating trees helps the removal of forests which consists of trees? i don't follow :P
re-forestaton sry, sleep 4am..
it could be good for a nice 2D side scrolling game
@Gacnt yeah I have windows on my mbp
@rlemon I agree with Dave, it would be sick if as you progressed (e.g. To the right) and then the trees to the far left of the screen shrink and disappear the same way they appeared, and vice versa
Does it seem to get really hot?? My MBPR gets really hot right under the screen
my room is always hot when its summer with my PC on
codepen.io/rlemon/pen/wJBds now it is based not on time, but on number of segments in the tree
each tree has 10000 - 13000 lines :P
i noticed it slowing down once it gets to the green stage
makes for a badass effect.
yea, MUCH more going on there
what if u made them thicker but less frequent at the green stage
or infact use an image texture
yea, if it were to be needed in production
but this is just me fucking around
I want to incorporate it into a scene demo. I will work on performance then
the problem with having badass hardware (or at least good) is that I don't see the performance issues :/
doesn't chrome allow you to limit how memory etc much can be used
probably. but why bother for demos
best of the best amirite?
if you turn vsync off in chrome and you get like 300+ fps its probably going to be fine for those who don't have killer rig
well mine isn't "killer"
i5, 16bg ram, gtx 9800+
well your cpu and mem is better than mine by quite a bit :P
well still, isn't abnormal for those specs.
I imagine 8gb ram does just as well.
memory isn't bad, cpu gets upto 47% for me
you are rendering 200000+ line segments.
turn those into circles or squares and I can drop it down by a factor of ten at least.
tinker.io/c2b87 a visual of the segment count ( will slow results )
I got a noob qustion hope anyone can help me answer it,
in javascript .length, let say if i have

var message ="Hello World";
var x = message.length;

the alert will give 11 for variable, but what about an array?
@VincentChua what?
String is actually an array too. It is an array of characters
alert(message[0]); == H
@O0oO0oOO0 sorry i didnt say it properly , i mean something like var message = ["abc","def","ghi"];
message.length == 3
in that case
if you wanted it to say 9 you would have to loop it and count each array position's string array
@dave ok thanks :)
@VincentChua or you can even do
these are just properties to help you
@O0oO0oOO0ooO you don't the replace
yeah, just realised it
for bonus I will give you this:
js is fucked.
bot is down.
that return 9
can't personally see a reason you need to know it
arrays correlate to strings in js
you need to know it because it's a trick that you can use in programming competitions
why wouldn't you need to know
why would you need to know there are 9 letters in an array =/ i would normally validate things before i put them into an array anyway , and validation checks was only thing i initally thought of for its use
it's actually counting 9 elements inside an array of array
you are an array of array
and it is counting 9 code units in the string
In most compilers, they treat String as array of characters. But "String" array usually override "toString" function to print this array to look like a normal String instead of array like ['h','e','l','l','o']
well, it depends
if you ref IE i'll call you nuts
> At the top of the hierarchy, we find the class JSString. For each string in JavaScript, there is a corresponding instance of this class. Conceptually, a JSString is just an array of jschars with a given length. Under the hood, however, its implementation might be completely different; for maximum efficiency, SpiderMonkey contains multiple implementations of JSString, each of which is appropriate in different situations.
I will give you that.
but I wish to know what this "more complex" is?
however for all intensive purposes strings are strings.
treat them as such.
What's a good Linux session manager, e.g. GDM
@Amaan keep in mind it is a demo generating ~200K line segments. might be slow.

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