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fanboys be fanboys:
@BenjaminGruenbaum getting Hello World written in Java is no more complex than in any other language. Just typing "Hello World" on a Python or Ruby console and seeing it echoed isn't programming... — jwenting 5 mins ago
@FlorianMargaine I hope you taught them what || does :)
that was a simple example
but for example if you have something like this:

function act(action) {
    var actions = {
        'action1': function() {},
        'action2': function() {}

that's also using "clever" features...
Yeah, I know, I was joking :P
@FlorianMargaine People have a hard time 'getting' decision tables, they're really crucial in JavaScript, I use them a lot
I usually even do something even worse:
function act(action) {
    return ({
        'action1': function() {},
        'action2': function() {}
I guess the more conventional lame style would be :
switch (action) {
    case 'action1':
function act(action) {
        case 'action1': return function(){}();
        case 'action2': return function() {}();
no, no function
that's so lame though -_- and susceptible to stupid stuff like fallthrough
@FlorianMargaine You can name the function :P
But yeah, I pretty much hate switch/case
yup same
but in other languages you sometimes don't have a choice
and using polymorphism for this is sometimes overkill
why use switch/case at all where a lookup-object is much more convenient
that's what we're saying :P
just shot anybody who doesn't do it :p
Q: If my team has low skill, should I lower the skill of my code?

Florian MargaineFor example, there is a common snippet in JS to get a default value: function f(x) { x = x || 'default_value'; } This kind of snippet is not easily understood by all the members of my team, their JS level being low. Should I not use this trick then? It makes the code less readable by peer...

o/, you got another upvote
> Is it wise to say "I work with under-skilled people" while having a link to your employer in your profile?
We are the lamers - lower your skill and surrender
@corsiKa who told you it was my current employer? — Florian Margaine Jul 3 at 14:49
@dievardump 9 left :P
We are the lamers. Lower your skills and surrender your code. We will add your syntactical style distinctiveness to our own. Your coding convention will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.
!!/google thoraxis
This doesn't make clear the room description :\
@AndreyNelubin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!tell dystroy youtube bow before thoraxis
@Zirak Caprica won't show us the hangman board.
Q: Peform a function per occurance in a string

Andrew Junior HowardIn jquery, how can I perform an alert each time a video tag occurs in a string. Could I base something upon the each function? Let's say the string is called "getTheCurrentResults". $(getTheCurrentResults["video"]).each(function () { alert ("hello"); });

       // $(this).closest('tr').remove();
       var answer=confirm("Are you sure?");
         if (answer)
                alert("right choice ");

        else{alert("wrong choice");
            return false;

    }                                                                                                                         why is these code hiding my contents event though i click on cancel..
Hi everybody, I've got a newbie question:
I've got this function: $("#banner_apps").click(function () { code });
I want to exec the above function from this one:
$(".fill_in").click(function () {
exec $("#banner_apps").click(function ()
what' s the code to do it
$('#banner_apps').trigger('click') if i understand you correctly. and please post your code formatted properly (ctrl+k)!
@QuinDa you should store that handler somewhere and call it directly
+1 and 1 are the same in every sane programming language. And while that adjective is questionable when used in front of "PHP" while not prefixed with "in", +1 === 1 does apply for PHP, too. — ThiefMaster 31 secs ago
@ThiefMaster thanxs, it's working
jquery parent append in overlay puts this element on the bottom of the overlay. Does anybody know if parent in overlay is not working well?
i need to choose between 3 libraries
@JanDvorak ThiefMaster's answer is working for me, shall I do what you said or is it right to do .trigger('click')
i dont know which to pick
DropzoneJS or fineuploader or jQuery File Upload
@QuinDa trigger("click") will trigger all click handlers
they all seems good and promise cross browser support
is anyone tryed them out already?
@JanDvorak yeh, well I ment $('#banner_apps').... in my case
grr i cant deside
@Kuraiinazuma if they all do the same thing, choose file size
if they don't choose the one that does what you need
can some body tell me how can i prevent multiple confirmation box on a single trigger??
im going with 2 last then
@user2206616 generally, you can't. You'd need access to the code that generates the confirmation box
ok im going with jQuery File Upload, i already studied its code alot and 2 others i just saw now
!!youtube Feel The Night - Koncept Remix
Q: CDN Fallback "library"

kentcdoddsFor the fun of it as well as professional development, I wrote a small "library" (js file) that will allow a developer to double check that all external libraries loaded and to reload them with a local copy as a fallback if the CDN is blocked or down. Double Take Script Loader This is a simpl...

@rlemon my fireworks are 3d you're missing some maths! :P
jsfiddle.net/ezaLc When you clicked on "Test" you see the new element is on the bottom of the overlay, and not under "Test". Does anybody why?
@Gacnt I dual boot to ubuntu and use sublime text on the chrome book
cloud 9 ide should work in the browser though
/me drives to work
@Loktar no, 3d iz hurd. fakk dat
Oh I gave it about 10 minutes and decided it was too closed in
@Arthur because you are 'appending' it to the parent
you are not inserting it
I just lost the game.
You bastards.
append means add to the end.
@Arthur look at insertAfter jsfiddle.net/ezaLc/1
@BenjaminGruenbaum I guess the best way is to ship one to me and I ship it back
@rlemon I learn so much again, thank you. But it must be after <div class="clear"></div>
well look into insertAfter
my example is enough to get you going
$('<div class="clear"></div><p>New element</p>').insertAfter($(this)); Thanks
@SomeKittens @Raynos is this really what SF is like?
Does anyone know if you can draw using both normal canvas context and webgl context on the same canvas?
use two canvases and stitch them together not an option?
That's what I'm doing
It's just pretty slow
is that what I think it is
@DarshanNReddy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
no :(
wtf is it
its creepy
it looks like a robot boob
@Loktar Damn that's nice!
@loktar Do you have a site where you used that for?
@Loktar why is that boob staring at me
I need of create a special function for submit the form
@Arthur the robot boob?
it is possible?
@Loktar Yes
lol no its not mine
haha ok
@Caponera Use jquery malsup form malsup.com/jquery/form
with javscript is not possible right?
thx for suggest @Arthur
@Caponera Jquery is javascript...
@Arthur but Jquery is not the pure javascript right?
@Loktar does closePath not annoy you
shouldn't it be endPath
beginPath / endPath
it should be
makes more sense
I probably twice a week write endPath because my brain thinks that is what it should be
@Caponera jquery makes working with javascript easier
^ false
@Caponera what's "pure javascript" for you?
jQuery makes working with the DOM less verbose
And it makes animations easier.
Actually, it makes pretty much everything less verbose. But a lot heavier.
document. all attributes
and all loop without $ this is pure javscript for me... @FlorianMargaine
@Caponera so, you mean "using the DOM API"
because jquery is pure javascript
I promise you, there is not a single line of not javascript in jquery
jQuery is made of JavaScript so jQuery is pure JavaScript
congratulations, you just repeated what I said
jQuery 3 will be written in CoffeeScript
I don't believe you
Dem trollz ;-)
@FlorianMargaine hooray, I recently echoed what you typed
i.imgur.com/NrgNl2C.gif // Deal with it
forgot how to cat
jQuery 3 will be written in Ruby
@rlemon For me it write also easer "Write less do more"
@RyanKinal jQuery 3 will be written in Dart (source)
jQuery 4 will be internet explorer 13.
@dievardump @RyanKinal jQuery 3 will be written in LiveScript (source) (source)
@phenomnomnominal Is this why you haven't released your site yet?
I would say fake
@Loktar @RyanKinal All wrong, CoffeeScript will be rewritten in jQuery
Ryan.mind.isBlown = true;
u ALL art wrong
@Arthur you know why that is their motto?
when you write less, you force the browser to do more.
usually this isn't a good thing
v8 4.0 will be implemented in CoffeeScript which would be rewritten in jQuery
jQuery and j_query_min are already in the standard php build.
@rlemon I'm sorry of course
@NagaJolokia In the php software on the server?
Too deadpan?
posted on July 08, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Hey Sci Fi geeks! The third book in The Expanse series came out! It'

@rlemon waaaat
that's bs
you are bs
> The jQuery and j_query_min built-in functions accept strings (single-byte only) as input, send the codes to a jQuery server (e.g. a web browser), where the codes are run, and the result is sent back to the client php machine via XML (AJAX). However it's not recommended that you use the functions directly for security reasons. Instead you have to first sanitise your input by copy-and-pasting one of the user-written functions on php.net.
pattern game. given a loop 0-60 output this pattern.
0,2,8,16,8,2,0,-2,-8,-16,-8,-2,0,2,8,16,8,2,0,-2,-8,-16,-8,-2,0,2,8,16,8,2,0,-2,-8,-16,-8,-2,0,2,8,16,8,2,0 ...
var nums = [0,2,8,16,8,2,0,-2,-8,-16,-8,-2]
for (var i = 0; i < 60; i ++) {
    alert(nums[i % nums.length])
@rlemon how about that ^
thats cheating :P
but it still works! :P
Q: Levels of user permissions in a RESTful API

Benjamin GruenbaumLet's say I have a company that ranks the cutest cats on the internet. I offer a resource at /cats/ which provides users with the latest, cutest adorable cats. Users can either get just the top 3 cats if they haven't paid at all or registered. The top 10 cats if they paid 337 dollars and are lo...

what about /cats/count/10 which returns an error if the user isn't privileged?
let the clients choose the count, and only bound it server-side
@Angel Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@JanDvorak That's an interesting idea, but it would force the user to know in advance how many items it can consume
not really. If they undershoot, they don't want more. If they overshoot, tell them by how much
or serve them less than requested
@BenjaminGruenbaum Could you ask users if they want to upgrade when they log in, rather than when they make a request for cats?
@NagaJolokia I want the page to check against the server and suggest an upgrade. I'm kind of wary of keeping global state on the application and checking against that although that's quite and option.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm not sure I understand now. Is my answer what you're asking for?
@rlemon I hate your not-quite-powers-of-2
@Caprica Six: thanks my friend. I'm happy to find SV site and all of programmers that are members of this site.
Awww, Caprica made a friend. How cute.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hmm. Well what causes a user's status to change? Would that event trigger the 'would you like to upgrade' message?
@Darkyen LOL
I have photosynthesis disease
@FlorianMargaine why did you trash that? :-(
because it is
FlorianMargaine++ on that
Here's some aww for your morning
it's afternoon
too late for any aww
clients are all over me already
In real life it's morning
and it's not /r/aww here
The cat's not saying 'aww'. It's saying 'wtf?!'
aww??? what's meaning?
I think it's a mushroom
@Angel It's a noise you make when you find something cute or endearing.
Or distraught
@FlorianMargaine I upvoted it, but I'm looking for an idiomatic way. Your answr is a valid answer to the question and it's one of the options we actually considered (I removed it from the list I added not to be an ass). I'm just interested in what the community there agrees on.
That's the 'wtf?!'
@FlorianMargaine FWIW we're not ranking cats, we're ranking analysts.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah I know :P
but my suggestion remains
@nagajolokia: ok, thanks
a permissions object always makes sense for many reasons
or a meta object if you prefer
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well in that case there's not enough 'aww' in your question and I'll have to downvote. :-)
Anybody working on any fun personal projects, maybe a codepen or something. I'm bored..
@Gacnt Man, you've just given me a great idea! Thanks!
when i sort my hash table.. the function i use the sort changes all the original id#'s to sort it which is kinda screwing some stuff up... is there a different way to sort hash without changing the original id#'s ? here's my sort function pastebin: pastebin.com/u1DgHWyg
@NagaJolokia What's that?
I'm writing a compiler for a project. I could stick an interactive demo in a fiddle or something for my tutor to play with. Why didn't I think of that before?!
@raynaya Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Glad I could be of help.
Now if only I could find something for myself to do.
> Upcoming Beta Test Schedule: Jul. 10th 2:00 a.m. to Jul. 15th 2:00 a.m. (PDT) / Jul. 10th 9:00 to Jul. 15th 9:00 (GMT)
Well I know what I'm doing my first day off.
@NagaJolokia kitten analysts? With furry paws and sad eyes?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hrm. Apparently you can only upvote once. :-(
You'd probably make more money from cats. Have you even thought this venture through? :-)
Good morning
In the java room
@RyanKinal Speak when you are spoken to, young Ryan. Now fetch me my slippers.
Who are you again?
@RyanKinal Apparently, he's your better. Where are his slippers?
Any way I can improve my Queue Class? :-)
Nvm, it made some sort of sense in my imagination!
int[][] dilate(int[][] image){
    for (int i=0; i<image.length; i++){
        for (int j=0; j<image[i].length; j++){
            if (image[i][j] == 1){
                if (i>0 && image[i-1][j]==0) image[i-1][j] = 2;
                if (j>0 && image[i][j-1]==0) image[i][j-1] = 2;
                if (i+1<image.length && image[i+1][j]==0) image[i+1][j] = 2;
                if (j+1<image[i].length && image[i][j+1]==0) image[i][j+1] = 2;
    for (int i=0; i<image.length; i++){
what language is it ?
puffs on pipe
@Darkyen Java, i think...
oh yes :-|
a LOT of image processing code is in java
and in open domain
but i wonder why would someone use an int[][] for image especially just to store 01
bool[][] sounds better no ?
I'm writing some docs for some client in latex
feels fun
and the pdf is soooo nice compared to all the word-generated pdf we always have
that's because all of the styles that are not used in Word
yet included in the PDF
I am writing erode and dilute
such a beauties :3
@FlorianMargaine cant be c
[][] iirc .. err i have never seen somebody returning that in c;
can't be C because of image.length
[][] is perfectly viable in C
really ?
arent we supposed to tell it atleast one size ?
not sure for function signatures
duh am confused again :P
PS writing this image processing shit.. i am really starting to believe c++ > js here
I mean i can seriously use some MOAR pefurmance
@FlorianMargaine So's image.length, though rather unlikely.
oh right, forgot about structs.
@NagaJolokia i dont think any sane person would do image.length in c
Yeah, but they're not structs. Scratch that, I've read the code now!
that would rather be image.length();
that is java
@Darkyen C++ is not a C superset, just for the record here.
@BenjaminGruenbaum i know
PS did u guys read my skin detection src ?
its bad code style .. no ?
Skin detection?
Link please
So no improvements ness here? ^_^
jsfiddle.net/darkyen/ANJDY/37 @ShotgunNinja its primitive
@ChristianWerther Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Require.js, if you shim jquery plugins (ie. underscore, address) do you need to include them in your main app logic?
@Darkyen What's the point of the ~~ on lines 354-356?
@ShotgunNinja canvas likes integervalues :P
and so do i
A: What does ~~ do in Javascript?

PleaseStandIt removes everything after the decimal point because the bitwise operators implicitly convert their operands to signed 32-bit integers. This works whether the operands are (floating-point) numbers or strings, and the result is a number. In other words, it yields: function(x) { if(x < 0) retu...

^ appropriate
@Darkyen I still didn't see it, sorry -_-
@RyanKinal <3
@Darkyen What's that fiddle of florians face suposed to do
good morning for real
posted on July 08, 2013 by Peter Beverloo

A wild Last Week post appears! That’s been a while. This post describes the 1,326 commits which landed in the Chromium, Blink and v8 repositories during the 4th of July US holiday week, until Chromium r210375. Chrome DevTools windows won’t disappear anymore when an interstitial page is being displayed, for example warnings about self-signed certificates [...]

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