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give me a headsup ?
I'm noob!
In that area, so am I. I've never had to snoop around /proc/, so uh, gluck?
@GravityWell Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BenjaminGruenbaum your UX... laptop isn't heating at all no?
actually, my machine got hacked via an old, very old account I created for some friends to upload pictures. So some russian address bruteforced the shell/ssh pwd, that much I know. It got in and uploaded a shitload of stuff and additional bruteforce programms to the userdir, trying to get root access
@cx Nope, not at all :( Also I'm sleeping
which failed, I cleaned up the shit and deleted that account, but still.. I'm uncertain now
ah that's why :) no ok I think it's good techno
You're probably safe though. Do a clean reboot (try running without daemons and stuff, drop into root terminal) and try netstating again
@jAndy Yeah, that happens a lot in Windows too.
@Zirak Also, a big problem users face in Windows
@Gacnt Beats by Dre are fucking awful headphones,
@Gacnt My dog does stupid stuff like that
Yeah. It's a shame I have all this info.
@phenomnomnominal Forgot the 'over'
@phenomnomnominal That's why it makes me sad
You shouldn't even expose ssh via passwd, only on hash
@Gacnt also, did you like the end of s2?
@Zirak how would I do that
The seasons seem to stretch out, then race to conclude on the final episodes, but yeah I liked it, such a drama filled season
(arch wiki is filled with awesomeness)
doh, yeah !
The only reason I don't use Arch, I can't figure out why it won't save my nvidia settings
@Gacnt @Darkyen would laugh about that traffic
Yes really
Q: My nvidia-settings /etc/X11/xorg.conf seems to not be saving or running?

XCriticsI've got a fresh install of Arch-Linux, I'm running Gnome/GDM/Nvidia proprietary driver from pacman -S nvidia I then went sudo nvidia-xconfig and sudo nvidia-settings changed my monitor to 1920x1080, 120Hz refresh rate, but when I restart my computer it's only on 60Hz and I can't figure out why...

The guys answer didn't help at all
Then why didn't you tell him that?
He seemed really confident, I didn't want to upset him.
If you close a tab by accident in chrome, CTRL+SHFT+T will re-open it, fun fact.
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space ..
@Gacnt duh
@phenomnomnominal in your guitar tuner how did you get mic access?
sshguard looks pretty convenient, I guess I'll go with it
Got a good AngularJS question if anybody feels like debugging CORS --- has a plunker: stackoverflow.com/questions/17517584/…
@phenomnomnominal ta
the source is there, just read it
1 hour later…
@SB2055 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@SB2055 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
ie> "15.Prototypal-Inheritance-and-Refactoring-the-Slider.txt".split("// ",1);
!!> "15.Prototypal-Inheritance-and-Refactoring-the-Slider.txt".split("// ",1);
@FabrícioMatté ["15.Prototypal-Inheritance-and-Refactoring-the-Slider.txt"]
@FabrícioMatté ["15.Prototypal-Inheritance-and-Refactoring-the-Slider.txt"]
!!/ echo <> !!/ echo hello
@JanDvorak That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
@JanDvorak <> !!/ echo hello
Oh finally, I've solved the mystery stackoverflow.com/questions/17517990/…
@monners Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@FabrícioMatté What a bizarre regexp!
That's not even regex I believe (since it is enclosed in quotes), that thing made no sense so I was just WTFing at how the guy got that result
No, you're right. I think it's blown my mind.
Well, what's crazy is that he thought he had the correct separator.
wait, why is my bot doing the welcoming? For one I don't even have it turned on, and I never even set up any welcoming system... :O
!!/echo witchery
@FabrícioMatté That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
@FabrícioMatté witchery
okay, I'll try leaving and coming back
there. now I shall test:
yup guess the OP posted that nonsense just to prevent people's auto-downvoting reaction for no code in the question
!!/echo testing 123
@Doorknob testing 123
!!> (''+{}).match({});
@NagaJolokia ["o"]
@NagaJolokia ["o"]
I left the room! Okay, I will leave all rooms, then close Chrome, then come back and try.
What're you doing?
a bot invaded his chrome
I see!
alright. try now
@NagaJolokia the chatbot is taking me over :(
@FabrícioMatté 2
yay! I've destroyed it :P
lol gratz :P
maybe i should do something productive tonight
@FabrícioMatté productive? what's that? :P
dunno, guess it means playing some games or watching anime I think
and tomorrow i have to discuss this month's work schedule, mehz guess I should finish testing the phpbb mod that I developed yesterday then
though there's not much use in testing, if there are bugs people will complain the next day anyway lol
and then I'll call this, AGILE DEVELOPMENT
Don't joke ...
okay, better test it before it goes live and explodes the server
[ ] I am willing to participate in beta-testing this site
well, it is been live for over 8 years already so this is pretty much continuous integration, I won't link 'cause nsfw. Nevertheless we have enough guinea pigs for testing.
@phenom seriously. Release it.
so many projects to work on gets tiring, I should probably take a couple projects more seriously so I can get 'em done before 2020.
i'll push a super buggy version soon
@Zirak Thoughts so far?
!!> escape(Math.pie).match({});
@NagaJolokia "ReferenceError: window is not defined"
@NagaJolokia ["e"]
Guys, I want to simulate jQuery's importing module mechanism for fun so I want to do things like
//Importing Logger module into CPU class
var CPU = (function(_){
  _.log(this.logging, "test desu");

and I need to define Logger module but I forgot how to do it like jQuery. Any helps?
!!> escape(Math.pi).match(Math);
@NagaJolokia ["e"]
I wonder whether are there any IDEs that integrate with git like NetBeans does.. as in highlighing added, modified and removed lines between the current and last revision real time
i'd switch to cloud9 but this aspect of netbeans is excellent for people that like to constantly check what they've edited
No wonder it takes you so long to produce :P
isn't Vim more of a text editor than IDE? Well, I'm not much the vim person but i'll check it out again then
You have 'Phenomsyndrome'
rofl yeah :P
@Gacnt bro. whatevs.
Sublime Text 2 integrates with Git
@FabrícioMatté Yeah, but a powerful one.
oh great thanks!
i'll check vim again sometime, but from what I saw so far, it takes a while to get proficient with vim
@Gacnt I find it very hard to call something finished.
@FabrícioMatté Yeah. It helps if you have some time on your hands.
It's much easier to be efficient with something like ST2, than it is to be with VIM or EMACS
is it bad practice to do event listeners where you parse variables (other than event)
@Gacnt yes I'm more used to emmet-style autocomplete and ST/Ace snippets than anything else
@Dave what?
@Gacnt Can't tell if you're trolling. :-)
well i want to parse values and the event
but doesn't work im wondering if thats done on purpose
show some code
can somebody answer my question above?
@O0oO0oOO0ooO That one?
div.addEventListener('mousedown', function_name(myVar), false);

This will mean i cannot do :

ST Easier to learn / master, VIM/Emacs harder to learn, harder to master. But at the end of the day, the text editor isn't really going to decide if you're gonna reach a dead line or not (unless you're writing in like notepad)
function_name(myVar) invokes the function immediately, you can't do it like that. You can however use ES5's .bind probably
@O0oO0oOO0ooO The answer is 'no'.
@Dave unless that returns a function, that wont work.
well i also tried:

Function(){ function_name(myVar); }
but i can't send e aswell
@Dave you are executing event handler function
instead of linking it
yeah make it return a function and you have a closure with myVar.
what's wrong with div.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) { function_name(e, myVar) }, false);
but if you want to pass extra arguments, you may use .bind function
ah so thats how its done @phenomnomnominal
i was getting close :P
but that looks dodgy, what happens if myVar changes???
I think you probably want to us bind or a closure
this is so god damn cool
3rd time watching it
@Gacnt Yes, but we haven't established an answer to the most important question.
or if you want to overcomplicate things
Hmm, I guess yeah
@phenomnomnominal not sure i follow the issue with it changing
    return function(e) {
        //e and var_name are accessible here
div.addEventListener('mousedown', function_name(myVar), false);
@Gacnt Is ST any good for code golf?
div.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) { function_name(e, myVar) }, false); is better
@NagaJolokia I don't know I don't golf
@Dave myVar will be the value of myVar when the function is called, not when the function is declared.
^ yes have to take that in consideration.
If you want myVar to be the value that myVar is when you declare the function, you need what @FabrícioMatté just put, a closure over the value at that point
couldn't i just use like function_name(e,200); if it was static
Otherwise, use it as Phenom posted with a function that calls the function passing the current value of myVar
@NagaJolokia what?
encase u wonder what im doing, im making a slider bar where by it starts 1 and to max(myVar)
I didn't ask a yes or no question!
8 mins ago, by O0oO0oOO0ooO
oh that
yeh its fine now, it was just the (e) that i was confused with :P
hmm any one see why i can't read style.left of my div: jsfiddle.net/6QZAr/10 ?
@Dave because this is not what you think this is
that because the second event listener is not assigned to the div like the first one is?
ChromeOS Is building, we we we so exciittedd
ok fixed it :)
@phenomnomnominal LOL Deb: "A Baby???... A rolly-polly chubby-cheeked shit machine????"
Is call or apply cross browser compatible enough to use?
Both are.
@phenomnomnominal can't use what you suggested for : div.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) { function_name(e, myVar) }, false);
doesn't allow you to use this in the function
or do i have parse that aswell
you can always use this
well when i console log i dont get my div i get window
it isn't jquery
why would this be the div?
because the event listener is assigned to the div
normally when i console log "this" from the function the listener is calling, i get the div it is assigned to
this is resolved at runtime separately for each execution context (a function usually)
@Dave Do you want to pass scope of 'div' into function_name function?
So this in one executing function is likely to be different from this in a nested function call.
because inside function_name() function, the scope "this" is probably "document"
yeh i just solved it now parsed it through
its working just getting strange behaviour with the slider now
getting close xD
you can always use either call or apply function
if you want
div.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) { function_name.call(this, e, myVar) }, false);
like that
var function_name = function (e, myVar) {
    console.log(this); // won't be the div.
    console.log(e.target); // will be the div, will be Window;

div.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) {
    console.log(this); // will be the div
    var myVar = 200;
    function_name(e, myVar);
}, false);
yeh i fixed it by function_name(e,myVar,this);
then scope of div binds to "function_name" and "this" is div
just assign it to a variable
that's awful
why ?
var function_name = function (e, myVar) {
    console.log(this); // will now be the div.

div.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) {
    console.log(this); // will be the div
    var myVar = 200;
    function_name.call(this, e, myVar);
}, false);
because using call, you don't need to explicitly assign a argument in "function_name"
I prefer Dave's way. I don't like this much.
but access this and still has "div" scope
ah so .call parses it on
you're confusing parse with pass
Dave: 'passes', not 'parses'.
pass makes me think "skip over it"
"parse arguments"
parse makes me think "forward it on"
neither of those words mean either of those things
That's because you are pronouncing it incorrectly. Parz
lol i often when i say no just say "ill pass thanks" :P
From the Latin pars, splitting into parts.
do Americans pronounce "parse" like "pel-se"?
well i'm british so. no idea
It's 'parz', for everyone.
^ yeah 'parz'
Do people normally assume you are virgin and socially inexperienced if you have look of an adolescence ?
can .call work if u have :
    //event listener to call function_name
      //event listener to call another_function
     //event listener
@phenomnomnominal You pronounce parsley like it has a 'z'?
i guess?
@Dave .call works on any function
i say it like like "par -sss - lee"
@NagaJolokia I pronounce it like "Paaassly"
i'm suddenly questioning everything
R sound is not acceptable
for instance in America they go "Teacherrrr" but I do "Teecha"
you say "pay-slee" ?
Let's make a less good coffeescript and throw random stuff in k?
where you from @O0oO0oOO0ooO
It's even worse?
Also, let's make random stuff language features k? Cool ckknight.github.io/gorillascript
only teenagers say theacha here
@BenjaminGruenbaum, that looks meh
I do like to and til
'Lexical scoping in loops'. Wat.
He's actually made them dynamically scoped. head in hands
@Dave I'm from Korea
@Zirak Whelp, tried it for about 5 minutes, hated the feeling of being boxed in and stuck to viewing chrome, it literally feels like chrome on fullscreen mode, which if I wanted to do that, I'd just do that. Let me know what you think.
> [...] rather than abiding by JavaScript’s normal function scoping.
Which would be what, lexical by any chance?
> Don’t worry about losing the bitwise and operator &. It is now called bitand.
@O0oO0oOO0ooO do you watch running man tv show?
No, sorry
its my fav tv show ever
its daebak
its not even in english yet i laugh more than any tv from the west
>yo dawg I herd you liek to shift ur bits so I added a biturshift so u can bite ur shifts while u shift ur bits
immutable variables by default?
how does SO afford their servers with no adverts
i never see any adverts
@Dave turn off adblock
ohh true
forgot i even had that app
their servers cant be cheap tho given how much traffic there must be
plus all the live updating
live updating is cheap
well it adds to the traffic volume
live updating is exceptionally cheap as far as traffic is concerned
oh right
when i was learning about requests when making a chat room all it ever focussed on was the demand it puts on the server =/
do they use the cloud at all ?
way .call() works.
@phenomnomnominal i have updated it to call but its not responding: jsfiddle.net/zyD7J/12 no console error either =/
@jAndy m scared of roads now
Hi all, I'm changing an img.src using jQuery on mouseover()...was wondering if there were any cool transitions I could use
most transitions I've found online require two seperate images to be overlayed on each other...I'm looking for something that occurs when 'src' element is changed
@JL why not use pure CSS?
don't want to do messy overlays with divs and css
you can't transition one image into another using javascript without actually having two images
Made a super simple reflex tester
Best I got was 0.17
how would it display both images if only one is loaded after all @JL
I have img id="notebook"... $('#notebook').css('src','newimage.png') <--- I want effect to occur here
like a slide
or fade
but it sounds like both images must be loaded and css must be used
is it the same count down length each time @Gacnt
  background: url(imgs/normal.png)
  -webkit-transition: 600ms
  background: url(imgs/hover.png)
@Dave wtf is your code
no messy coding, just an element with a background
@Dave Random between 0-15 seconds
and a single vendor-prefixed CSS property
ok Jan I will try using CSS in that way...looks easy enough
@phenomnomnominal i couldnt get it to work any other way =/
-moz- for firefox
-o- for opera and -ms- for IE
yes, i am aware
side question: is everyone coding on Macs these days?
isn't there a -khtml- aswell ?
@JL I'm not
ok, update: transitions are already unprefixed
@JanDvorak what OS and text editor?
just transition: 600ms
@JL I'm not coding professionally right now; Win7/Chrome/jsfiddle suffices for me
@phenomnomnominal sorryyy i gave you the wrong fiddle :P
@JL no need to star this. It's not useful for the transcript
@Dave it's all shit.
this one works but if you drag it - its behaviour is incorrect
@JanDvorak ok, thank you for your help, good night
well you said to use call.
@Dave XY problem.
I'm fixing it for you
thanks. not sure what XY problem means
> alert 30roots // valid gorillascript
dashed identifiers - just in case you wanted to subtract
I'm having some trouble in D3, can anyone help?
@JanDvorak I think we all agree (hope?) that Gorilla looks very amateurish
@JanDvorak x = x-1 ?
yep, but it looks serious
is there something like a this.removeListener when the listener is triggered?
you want to remove as soon after you added it?
@NagaJolokia invalid syntax; x := x-1 translates to x = x1
Well x1 is a valid identifier.
@JanDvorak so does jTypes plenty of horrible ideas have time put into and a nice site :)
@NagaJolokia x := x -1 translates to x = x(-1)
you need a space after the dash
@Dave it's not done, but it's closer to what you want
x- 1, surprisingly, works just fine
Oh dear.
@Dave check the link again, updated
I'm having a problem with D3JS, is anyone able to help?
@phenomnomnominal ok it works untill you mouse up then mouse down to move it seems to vanish
well that's because your calc function is stupid
fix it
how come the listeners are assigned to document.body?
because otherwise you have to keep the mouse inside the slider for it to work and that is a shitty UX
ah smart
thanks for the code simplification :)
also what is the difference with this and +this
not seen the + used before
@Dave +this converts this to an integer
that's just to force it to be a number
is it some kind of parseInt
jsbin.com/alaken/3 final version //end bed time
oh nice
and it shouldn't be this
i fixed it one second
oh sorry yeh +el
does anyone at all have D3 experience? at all?
dont worry ill edit the this's
@BenjaminGruenbaum what's interesting that for i in x to y produces a clean loop but for i from x to y creates an iterator and the entire forest (lots of helpers).
seemingly just to support break
@BenjaminGruenbaum nested cascades are pretty cool, however
JavaScript needs a Generator namespace with a range method

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