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room topic changed to KaffeeSkript: Alles über JavaScript und seine vielen Bibliotheken. Inoffizielle Regeln: rules.javascriptroom.com [2.9] [consistency-of-suckiness] [ecmascript-5] [javascript]
.. was about time for a German takeover again..
Anyone here with a license to pilot an airplane?
!!/convert pb au
@Shmiddty Unidentified format; please see /help convert
Sprechen wir jetzt Deutsch?
Q: Implementation of String object as an exercise

hattennI am reading "Object-Oriented JavaScript" by Stoyan Stefanov to learn JavaScript and in the end of the chapter named "Objects", there's an exercise that asks you to implement your own String object. I have implemented some methods of String (not all), I'd be happy if you could check and let me kn...

where are @copy @Lukas @IvoWetzel @ThiefMaster @GNi33 @BadgerGirl @OctavianDamiean @jAndy
Wir brauchen copy.
@jAndy Sie Kinder sind Hosen
so many German (speaking) folks around here actually :P
there's a user nicknamed "Lukas"?
@Zirak Deine Frau hat einen schönen Busen
@Zirak I have a friend
@jAndy you forgot Octavian
wie ist noch mal sein Nick, achja :P
@jAndy Hure, machen mir ein Sandwich!
actually the official language should be German if I look the the above list :P
(how'd you translate "bitch"?)
@jAndy Sprich Deutsch.
eigentlich sollte die Amtsprache hier deutsch sein wenn ich mir die Liste da oben so ansehe :P
@Zirak probably "Schlampe"
@Zirak Schlampe
@Zirak daschund
Does it bring the slang connotations?
Like, "shag all the bitches", as we famously know it?
there is no slang around it, its just an good ol' insult
@jAndy Danke. Schlampe, machen mir ein Sandwich! Ihr Kinder sind Hosen!
Ich glaube ich könnte mir einen Aufenthalt my meinen Österreichischen Freunden wirklich vorstellen
ich LIEBE Apfelstrudel !
Schnitzel und Schweinsbraten ;)
@Zirak what is "Ihre Kinder sind Hosen" supposed to mean :p ?
I'm curious about that one too :D
actually says "your children are trousers"
Your children are pants
I still don't get it :P
Children, the small people, you know those?
ich verstehe Sie nicht, Herr Zirak
Now, pants, what people usually wear, but you don't at night, when you do the Tango for One?
just waiting for chrome to kick in and ask if I want this page translated
that part I got, but ... whats the thing about children being pants
Imagine that you went to your friend's house, said hello, and got introduced to their kids. Their kids were pairs of pants. What would you say?
Naturally, "Ihr Kinder sind Hosen"
semen coating the legs, forming "trousers"
You can also imagine the birthing. "Push, push!" and voosh, pants come out.
either your sense of humor is a few levels above me or a few levels below :P
thats what I think currently :P
There's no subtlety here, no tricks, no games. It's literally what I meant.
Your children are pants.
I'm a little confused right now...
Remove all complexity from that sentence, and you get its meaning.
Apfelstrudel mit Schnitzel !
Your children are pants.
naaah lieber Apfelstrudel nach dem Schnitzel
we should have language weeks
a German week, an Indian week and so forth :P
Spanish week?
Zirak knows spanish too.
Zirak knows how to use Google Translator
My Spanish and German are at about the same level
its not that usual for us citizens to learn a second language fluently is it ?
Isn't Indian the same as English except that you don't capitalize i and use u instead of you?
@BadgerGirl Su niños son los pantalons
and you use query instead of question
@Zirak What is your "second" language?
I literally would kill right now for a warm, fresh, Apfelstrudel
stop making me hungry!
@Zirak Hay un gato enojado en mis pantalones.
@copy Not sure if racist or to respond with "i find tht nt nice kind sir, u find bug in jquery.min code fr me k?"
@copy English, definitely. After that, it's bits of other languages (as you can see above), like French and Italian. Those you might come across casually.
@Shmiddty El gato es mi pantalón.
Es ist eine böse Katze in meiner Hose.
@Zirak and the first one?
So, nothing remotely as good as Europeans English
how can you ask
Ziraks first word was "closure"
I'm pretty sure it's Klingon
मेरी पतलून में एक गुस्सा बिल्ली है.
Indians speak hindi, right? (forgive my ignorance)
(function () { return "Hello, world"; })()
And then Crockford yelled at me that I should put the parenthesis right next to the curly-braces
well, I don't have Apfelstrudel available right now, but! I have nice fresh strawberrys Erdbeeren and I will create THIS right now
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ich lachte
@octav cgmasters.net/category/free-tutorials really good advanced / intermediate tutorials
@BenjaminGruenbaum Warum kein Windows?
@Zirak I'm pretty sure he said dog balls instead of parenthesis
Maybe. I was 0, my stack was full.
@copy For a tablet? Naa... iPads are better, they're easy to use and stuff. Windows tablets tend to kind of suck :/
room topic changed to JavaScript: Sometimes we mess with the name for kicks. Read the rules: rules.javascriptroom.com [2.9] [consistency-of-suckiness] [ecmascript-5] [javascript]
he really called it dog balls in a speech once :P
You didn't wanna go near me when my stack overflowed.
lol, wth did I just see
@BenjaminGruenbaum Windows tablets are annoying. Nexus is pretty nice though for a small tablet.
Q: Node.js command line application which shows your favorite lyrics in the console

yeexel#!/usr/bin/env node /* ************************************************* * nodycs - favorite lyrics in your console ************************************************* * Created by Oleksii Kulikov * Email: [email protected] */ var VERSION = '0.1'; var util = require('util'); var aparser = req...

The Hisense Sero 7 is actually really kickass. I have one that I get to borrow whenever.
I have an iPad 2 also, but I haven't used it in about 4 months. I just got bored with it.
@marabutt Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
by the way, as a random comment, I think every good boyfriend should by his girl an iPad once in a while...
just like that
Good thing we're not dating
My ex girl broke my iPad. I spent 2 hours and $80 replacing the screen.
You're not worth the money, @jAndy
@Zirak not yet!
@jAndy I completely agree with that.
Wanna know why she's my ex?
@Jhawinsss was it easy to replace?
Haha nah, she dumped me.
@Jhawinsss She later broke your heart, and you spent more than 2 hours and $80 repairing that?
@copy I don't understand that movie-clip at all, or what you were trying to say to me, I do agree with jQuery's comment though.
my last "date" just broke one of my 3D shutter glasses, by sitting down on one
@marabutt No. I got out a hammer and a few chisels and literally had to chip the glass out piece by piece. Putting the new screen in was easy, though.
just costs about a hundred bucks
AND NO SHE WAS NOT FAT, before someone asks
@Zirak Basically? That was a year ago and I'm still single so.
@jAndy Breaking glasses is easy, you don't need weight, you need buttivation.
I also took my favorite car through a telephone pole on the way to her house once. She broke my finger closing a door on me. And accidentally sliced my arm open with a razor blade from a utility knife. I had to get fucking stitches.
From the first week she was causing me physical harm. It almost seemed like she was abusing me hahaha
sounds like a very close relationship
but she was a bitch anyway
there is no way to insult somebody in indiana using the term bitch ?!
No. See that's the one line there is with that word. You don't ever call your significant other a bitch. Ever.
there we go
you call her what then?
slut is shorter
@jAndy Obviously context matters. In a fight you would be insulting them by calling them a bitch. But in casual conversation it's normal.
it's nicer because of the 'a'
You call her babe. Ha
@rlemon haha
redacted for reasons of google and shit.
@rlemon Watch out though, @Shmiddty may flag you...
I can't take this room.. I can't take it anymore
I think this is enough JS-chat for me today :D
@jAndy there there, it's ok... I have a room for you.. one with nice padded walls and you get to wear a sweater that makes you give yourself hugs all day long... doesn't that sound nice?
I'm stuck at the office for another hour because I came in 2 hours late after last night... Worth it.
@rlemon no I better want to be the Zirak kitten !
now I think Zirak flushes a cat every day like that
I googled "Zirak Kitten" and got this: secure.gravatar.com/avatar/…
Goodbye cruel world, I'm leaving you today.
Goodbye, goodbye...goodbye.
@rlemon The original !!mustache Zirak
somebody explain the term mercy flush
I also always ofc get nothing but links to images we've posted in here
@Jhawinsss [Mercy flush](http://mercy-flush.urbanup.com/1425120) Flushing the toilet, as not to clog it if your taking a big [\[crap\]](http://urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=crap)

-- Used if you are taking such a big crap that it might clog the toilet, so you flush 1/2 way.
@Zirak google's damn algo always gives me shit from here :/
we call that a courtesy flush
^^ Same here.
woot opera 15
lets see what blink is like
@Jhawinsss courtesy flush A flush in the middle of the toilet-sitting process in order to reduce the aroma...usually performed on a "foreign throne" as a courtesy to the owner of said throne... in other words, to be polite and not stink up the host's crapper too much.
woot, not opera!
Ah, they are slightly different.
@Jhawinsss not in my books
lol @ "foreign throne"
Not here either.
Nvm. Home time now.
@Zirak hrm, if I google search any of the 'high volume' user names in google images I get 40:60 images we've posted here.
hence the dupes
I both like and dislike how you can't google me. If you do, you get a lot of Kurdish things.
first match on jAndy
I get a lot of mustachify me links
fusion of @Darkyen and me
that could be a debian version
or OSX
no.... Android version !
why would someone use extend just to add a property on an object
depends on the extend I guess
if it has options to modify property flags for instance
in a ... less verbose way
just good old _.extend
but now, let me use my jAndy control panel
jandy looks like a typo for handy
You hear that ladies? jAndy has a built-in spa.
yea looks weird without capital A :p
apparently Shmiddty is associated with Koalas.
took too long
(sorry, I'll be back in ~1 hour)
@BadgerGirl wet koalas look tough.
I think it's adorable.
the earring almost fits @rlemon nice :p
I left it in on purpose
it lined up well
basically I cut out your face, skew it to match the other face (best I can) then using smudge tool just smudge the overlaps away
but they smudge behind your face so no one sees it
how do I mark-down tag?
[tag:some-shit] or [meta-tag:some-shit]
@marabutt thanks for bringing that to our attention, we'll have it closed momentarily.
goin home
I love ebonics..
"dass some shit rite der!" <- indicating it "is shit" and is bad
"dass da shit rite der!" <- indicating it is "the shit" or good.
!!/youtube big l ebonics
no bot
@rlemon You're like a bridge between two worlds
I try, but somehow the people I see no one else does..
god I love Big L
all the best rappers died too young. Left us with Eminem and "fiddy cent"
48 mins ago, by Caprica Six
(sorry, I'll be back in ~1 hour)
Man, I was 12 minutes off.
Yay for planting the seeds of dissent that will start us moving away from Backbone

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