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@rlemon what the hell are u tlaking about ?
pssst, its a tutorial on how to become a pimp
well i am going to recomment my code now :P
to make it more college friendly
@Darkyen protip: the chat has a transcript... which transcribes the events which have just taken place... in writing...
@rlemon That's how ya do it...
@rlemon still cant understand you
Ok, excuse my perversion right now but something just came to mind.
sounds like you are stackDumping something
A: If my team has low skill, should I lower the skill of my code?

Benjamin GruenbaumOk, here goes my take on this big and complicated topic. Pros for keeping your coding style: Things like x = x || 10 are idiomatic in JavaScript development and offer a form of consistency between your code and the code of external resources you use. Higher level of code is often more expr...

if( transcript !== null ) {
  if( transcript !== undefined ) {
    if( transcript !== false ) {
      if( transcript !== 0 ) {
        // ..... have I made my point?
You guys know the song "Birthday Sex?" Well last night, I pick this girl up at like 1am for her birthday, we hangout and whatever. But then when shit goes down, right as everything starts she just starts singing the song. On her birthday. And I lost it.
Made my night. And made me late to work.
@rlemon I'm sure the next example will make me physically sick
@rlemon Read my answer :P
I just did
@rlemon I would be priceless if transcript was NaN there
it's a slippery slope - and i'm all for clear concise code.
however I think we should NEVER dumb down our own code to adhere to someone elses lack of knowledge.
SO is down for me?
or everyone?
up for me
works like expected
something bad has happened on Programmers
I guess CIA / NSA is just DDoSing your backbones with downloads guys, relax
@JanDvorak here too
I live in Canada. They can do whatever.
@zloctb Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
could be a DNS swap
they come up north? not likely. and if they do.. i'll just dress in all white and lay on the ground.
no one will see me
home times
Q: Going to any question on the site brings an error page

Benjamin GruenbaumI hope the staff can see this question, not sure if I will once I post. Update: This does not happen on meta, this happens in programmers, and in StackOverflow.

easy meta-rep
I don't think that stackexchange network can do anything about it
@Jhawinsss nice
We know; Top Men are working hard to fix it... — Shog9 1 min ago
what is that supposed to mean then
Where did all of these come from?? I'd never seen them before haha
if a lot of people can still access the site (europe)
lol, I capped on meta :P
@Kindergart Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Easiest rep you'll ever make
lol, the funny thing was it's not my first meta question today, I got meta rep capped after like 2 upvotes :P
lol you get 31 upvotes for asserting the obvious... ? nice play :P
35.. :p
This might be the anti-"anti badges" post
Already had this up which is an actual bug :P
@Zirak ....
Crap. Now I have to work. — Jason 2 mins ago
Ill create a thread obvious downtime is obvious
but I love the Crap. I have to work comment :D :D
@JakubKotula Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
still confused that those sites are only not reachable for some regions, something fishy is going on there or stackexchange runs their own datacenters with own DNS servers for each region
but then again, it can't be a dns problem whatsoever
if (maleBirthControlPill === true) {
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's definitely a new record
Jus' Sayin'
Great, it's up :)
Now everyone read [this](programmers.stackexchange.com/a/203476/56971 and comment :v
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
!!should I work on the node-project or go to sleep
@GNi33 That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
god dammit
i keep forgetting those damn commands
Yeah...I think I'll deprecate / once and for all. Just omit it, you probably don't need it.
@GNi33 You can just omit the /
@FlorianMargaine is that post a fictive scenario or do you actually MEAN it ?
@GNi33 You should work on the node-project
about the team coding skill
node it is
!!should I touch myself or fap fap fap
@jAndy You should touch myself
Thanks! I almost thought I had to go outside and talk to people :) — Benjamin Gruenbaum 1 min ago
ah darn
@Zirak it needs improvement there
ooohhh, way to go Nick Craver.
hm, I'm starting to like runtastic more and more
@Jhawinsss nobody here appreciates your misogynistic remarks.
Their logs must have exploded.
Over 700 views in 10 minutes
after @NickCraver 's explanation on Meta, I don't get why a lot of people were still able to access SO
Is it normal to be comment-vote-capped on meta? — Jan Dvorak 1 min ago
@jAndy caching?
@kmas Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@jAndy "and that path is very wrong for a load that has to occur when rendering the editor."
concerning me, I have all caching disabled, but I wasn't the only one
You were still able to see questions?
I could surf the site as usual
Most likely that got deployed to one server before it's deployed to all, something like that
yea that would make sense
the Ziracle again
I'd love to see how SO is built.
that word might be a mixture out of oracle + Zirak, obstacle + Zirak or testicle + Zirak
that's why you should always test on a dev server first
You think if I say "I'm a js chat celebrity", they'd hire me on my conditions?
@JoeBeuckman Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
"Really? Do you know jAndy?"
"Yeah I always play games with him"
"You're in bro"
precisely like that!
believe it or not, we already had an applicant at my company who mentioned "jAndy" in his interview
stackoverflow definitely is well known :)
@Shmiddty I've never said anything that would be misogynistic.
"I will require an ice-cream machine!"
"Right away!"
@jAndy haha, really? :D
Imagine...all that ice-cream
would it be pink?
@Shmiddty it's actually the exact opposite.
@jAndy How did that slip in the interview?
> shag(world.allBitches);
@GNi33 yea, I guess he just wanted to look like "insider"'ish or being "in the scenery", he asked something like "if jAndy doens't work here too", at least thats what they told me
^ Exactly. That isn't a hatred or dislike for women, it's the opposite.
something like that
I'm not the only one to say something like that, and I won't be the last.
Who just flagged @Jhawinsss 's post?
There's nothing wrong with it.
doesn't make it right.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I did.
@Jhawinsss Who just flagged that?
I felt like a star :(
@Shmiddty Why?
@BenjaminGruenbaum misogyny. I find it offensive.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Lmao Shmiddty did. He's mad because he says I'm being "misogynistic" by making a sexual comment about women.
I'm not worried about it. There's nothing wrong with it at all. It's just a joke. When TheifMaster shows up he'll probably just roll his eyes like most people would.
@Shmiddty Why didn't you just call him a retard and moved the message? You have the power to do that
I did kind of wonder why you didn't just bin it though @Shmiddty ?
@Jhawinsss I called her a bitch. Bitches love being called bitches.
^^ Oh shit! Better flag that.
@Jhawinsss I don't think it was in good taste either. I just think the flagging system is completely broken.
Flagging does nothing but annoy other rooms, @Shmiddty has the power to move messages to another room (and then edit that move message), or remove users from the room. Pinging other rooms doesn't make much sense.
@Jhawinsss It isn't very endearing to women when you "shag all the bitches"... (sorry, brain fart)
;) haha. I don't think "bitch" is the same word for everyone outside of Indiana. It isn't offensive here, even to bitches when you call them that. It's a casually used word and it has nothing derogatory about it here.
from now on I'll call you bitch, bitch
Well, it's not like I said I'd date multiple chicks and bang them all. I said shag. That implies casual intimacy. If people are ok with just getting down with each other it's far different from relationships and such.
"bitch" implies that they are less than human.
@Jhawinsss Right, however some users are from different cultures and might find what you say offensive, even if you don't. Being offended works in such a way where everyone pretty much has the right to be offended, and if that someone is a respected member of this community, like @Shmiddty is, we consider that.
Both parties know they're just having some fun. No harm.
..and I totally agree with that the flagging system is broken
@Shmiddty Absolutely not. That's just stupid.
Yes it does. "Bitch" is a female dog.
I doubt anyone in this room has ever used the word bitch to say that someone is "Less than human"
!!/define bitch
@Shmiddty bitch A female dog or other canine. In particular one who has recently had puppies.
cock is a male.... well, cock
And "shag" also doesn't bring the nicest connotations
@Zirak Cock used to mean a bird. Now it means a penis. Things change.
What did i walk into ?
so if a bitch calls another bitch bitch in indiana, thats not bitching at all ?
@Jhawinsss Under no circumstances does "bitch" have positive connotations, when referring to a human.
@jAndy sounds legit
Just try to understand that this language is interpreted differently where I'm from. And I'll try to give the same courtesy to the rest of you.
@Jhawinsss "Bitch" still is a female dog, and "cock" still means a rooster. I use both of these that way. The former was used in a derogatory way for a long time now.
@Shmiddty No, you're wrong. You live in a different culture is all.
@Darkyen You just sent me Java code :/
@BenjaminGruenbaum open git diff and read the older version
:-) its humour :D
People don't just say it to women. Other guys may walk up to me tonight and go "Hey bitch wassup." It's totally normal.
lol I'm getting chips, this is getting entertaining :P
@jAndy -_-
now i cant sleep... i feel hungry
@Jhawinsss You're their bitch, then?
I'm desperately looking for popcorn right now, I can't believe I haven't got any left
@Darkyen You need to work on your Java :P
passes some popcorn to @GNi33
i do @BenjaminGruenbaum this is the first java code i have ever written.. any code-comments and reviews on git / issues would be very highly appreciated
We live in different cultures where different things are perfectly acceptable to say here, yet vulgar where you are. I'll try to respect the culture difference, I ask that you do too.
@Jhawinsss "Faggot" means a bundle of sticks, so it's ok to just call anyone at random a faggot, and they have no right to take offense to it?
I think that solves our problem.
It's imaginary internet popcorn, but it'll do
well thank you
@Darkyen yea I do too, but I'm not really hungry.. but I have this deep appetite for strawberrys right now... grrr and unfortunately I have some in my freezer
I guess I can't stop myself
@Shmiddty Lmao. We call people faggots and fags all the time.
listen to the bitch
I miss the times when I could used the word "gay" to mean "colourful and happy"
@Zirak 82 years ago, you were like 10 !
@Jhawinsss So you're a 12 year old boy?
@Jhawinsss my friends and me call each other all kinds of fucked up words, that doesn't mean I can say that to anyone in my country
@Shmiddty I really would call a random person at walmart a faggot if we started conversing. They wouldn't care most likely if they're from around here and neither would I. Any other words you think may be offensive, yet aren't in my area?
@jAndy Your argument is invalid... Zirak doesnt age
@Jhawinsss Would you call a random woman in wall mart a 'bitch'?
@Jhawinsss really? haha, I gotta get a cheap flight to Indiana and try this
@IntheNoob Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Darkyen point
what do the cops think about this?
@Shmiddty Look, I've had enough of this. I'm being mature about this. I said I would try harder to respect the cultural differences between us and I'm asking that you do the same.
GN now its 3:16
i better sleep :-( though ur food thoughts wont let me sleep @jAndy
Remember South Park's episode where they just said "shit" a bunch of times?
but meh :P
@GNi33 no need to travel that far, just come here to Germany and try... nothing will happen to you... whistle.. whistle...
@FloodGravemind Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@jAndy i will not be tricked by you, i know you germans :P
@jAndy random question, do you ski?
okay okay, you probably would not survive because chances are high you wouldn't even talk to a german :P
@Jhawinsss You're an idiot, but in my culture that's not offensive.
I'm not saying all of Indiana is fine with this. I live in a small town and I'm saying in this town we are. I would not go to fort wayne and call someone a fag at random. I'd literally get shot.
@GNi33 uhhh don't remind me on that, it still hurts if I think about it
@Shmiddty See, that's the exact opposite of respecting each others' cultural differences :/
I tried, I failed, I never did it again
@jAndy :D
thats how evolution works right
but then again.. what if a species fails at having sex for the first time
well, if you ever want to try it again, I live in a town with a ski-resort, could offer a free place to sleep ;)
It's like you just want to have an argument. I've clearly stated that things are just different and that I was willing to conform to your standards more so as to not offend you. What the fuck else can I do for you?
how would evolution overcome that
but I keep forgetting that you live in north-germany
@GNi33 sounds legit, I was always trying to accomplish some 'stackoverflow javascript chat meetings'
I don't, its pretty much central germany, like, central central
bullseye so to speak
yeah, that would be fun some time
yea, northrhine westphalia
oh, how did I come up with north-germany now?
we really should organize a meeting someday, would be fun
haha, a friend of mine actually dated a girl from Siegen that he met in Mallorca some years ago
I'm in.
wow, that was one crazy chick
would we have to communicate via phone all the time @BadgerGirl
My wife loves her iPad I got her by the way
@GNi33 LOL
But I'm moving to Germany next year. :(
true story ?!
true story ?
@BadgerGirl oh, congrats!
@BadgerGirl && @GNi33
true story
the world is so small
seriously, she was totally nuts, but he still says it was the best sex he had yet :D
give me an address dude ?!?!?
haha, I can't even remember her name
try harder!
one time, we were drinking at my place before going out and she was with us, that didn't end well
what the hell, I can't think of the name right now
@jAndy @BadgerGirl Colorado is nice this time of year
ask your friend, I need the name, phone + address. Address is optional, but a number would be great
I'll pay good !
@Shmiddty Come with us to Germany.
@NSA @CIA .. Osama Bin Laden ("need some attention") be useful and figure the phone number of that girl in Siegen for me
@BadgerGirl I do like schnitzel
@jAndy need's more BOMB HIJACK JIHAD

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