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@Zirak replied! sorry was afk
Zirak, so is there a way create and/or write a file in JS that will work across browsers
@SimonSarris Just ಠ_ಠ
I am trying to avoid install php or some other server side tech
this seems to work but this is not what i need. and i cant trigger it with an event because .change() and .click() wont freakin work
My original question is at this link stackoverflow.com/questions/17411701/… any help would be appreciated
tinker.io/0ed21/1 I made a clock
should be #1 pick on codepen
@SimonSarris Awesome, thanks. It'll take a day or so before I make the order, I'll keep you updated
@OctavianDamiean :(
@rlemon make us canvas pr0n.
Nah, you basically already did with all those balls.
@Jhawinsss ^
@user2533789 I have the root of your issue, but with the information you put in the question you are no closer to a solution
		, get_URL = function() {
			return view.URL || view.webkitURL || view;
^ this is called on on line 81, and 'view' is obviously not what it is expecting - what browser is this on that you are noticing the error?
@SimonSarris You don't want to trade books. :(
@dystroy yep, I like what I see
codepen.io/rlemon/details/hnzuA you know, I wouldn't even be surprised if this did make a pick.
some of the recent picks have been pretty bad (imo) including my last pick.
@rlemon I was testing on firefox 17.0.7 and I saw the error with firebug insttalled
@FlorianMargaine Good. Did you also try the new version of the game ? BTW, progress is now saved, so that you don't have to start from first level each time you come to the site.
@rlemon Better make it work cross-browser (Not IE...) at least.
Anyone have experience with Google Charts? I'm trying to convert a timestamp to an acceptable 'date' type, but not having much luck
let me try :-)
@user2533789 idk, window.URL.createObjectURL should work then
@MatthiasHoldorf Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!/choose "Make new stupid arbitrary changes and look for a new job later" "Just start looking for a job now"
@SomeKittens Just start looking for a job now
Sounds good.
so with node/mongodb, is mongoose the best choice for making something "schema"-ish?
@twiz Yeah, it's pretty good at that
Also eliminates some of the arbitrary pain of Mongo
@SomeKittens what happened to the job you had?
@dystroy the upper arrows don't make much sense tbh
@FlorianMargaine I should draw a home icon, yes.
I just don't like how easy it is to just accidentally add in random shit with mongo
@OctavianDamiean I would not read that book :(
@OctavianDamiean but I will send you mine for free if money is tight :D
@Zirak ya I am not sure either wierd, and I just followed the developer instructions
@twiz About two weeks ago, boss (20-year-old CEO/Founder) told me to make some entirely arbitrary changes to our product. Just now he checked in with me and told me that there was a "miscommunication" and about 80% of the work I did is worthless.
well... that sucks
@SomeKittens But you got paid, right?
I didn't move all the way out here so some 20-year-old can learn from his mistakes managing me.
Q: Pattern for treating zero as truthy

djechlinI often do stuff like this: delay = delay || 24; // default delay of 24 hours But I actually want to to permit 0, and 0 || 24 === 0. I'm wondering what the best pattern is to take user input from command line, or input from wherever, and do the same logic, only treat zero as truthy. I think t...

@Jhawinsss true. But I can get paid much closer to home.
Go for it! Haha
hey guys!
@SomeKittens at the risk of being rude, are you certain it is not your fault?
@SomeKittens would he be offended if you started asking him the reasoning behind his decisions?
I have learned to be aggressive with clarification
20 minutes of clarification can save days of programming
@SimonSarris Absolutely not rude to ask, it's a valid question. It is at least partially my fault for not checking in with him sooner.
@FlorianMargaine Would a left oriented triangle make more sense (using the unicode char is easier than drawing) ? [going to eat]
@dystroy How about just saying "menu"? haha
is that what you're even talking about?
At this point, I'd just be happy working on low-priority bugs. At least at that point I'd be contributing to the product.
@SimonSarris so much this: Always paint the exact same picture back to them ten times over then get it in writing before you even touch a keyboard.
Yeah, I asked for the new thing in writing.
    Lets say that:
    <span id="testone"></span>
    var spanone = document.getElementById("testone")
    spanone.onclick=function () {
        spanone.innerHTML="<a id="meh">meh</a>"
    var aone = document.getElementById("meh")
    aone.onclick= function () {window.alert ("it works!")};
would this throw up any errors?
@SomeKittens and when you get it in writing, clarify with them that you do understand the requirements. do this in an email chain for accountability - and if done in person email the minutes to the parties involved for a e-paper trail.
@deep I dunno, does it?
cannot call 'onclick' of undefined
but that is just an (educated) guess.
i havent tried it yet, and i know if i did and asked Someone would rage.
I wanted to do like a file tree thing
// js reads top down....
var spanone = document.getElementById("testone"); // ok cool! an element!
    spanone.onclick=function () { // hey! someone wants me to do some shit when i'm clicked! cool! I'll ignore this until i'm clicked! sounds awesome!
        spanone.innerHTML="<a id="meh">meh</a>"
    var aone = document.getElementById("meh"); // waitaminute..... ???
    aone.onclick= function () {window.alert ("it works!")}; // it fails!
^ hint
Im off to google, but holler if you have any ideas. i think ill have to check it exists.
if you are making a 'tree' menu, then you have to make one decision right now: static tree, or dynamic tree. Meaning: will the tree menu all load when the page loads, or will opening a sub-tree use ajax to get the items from the server?
Ermm. Brace your self.deepschool.kd.io/Pages/Experiments/divtest.htm# when you hit maths, it will load all the stuff in maths, then when you click one of them, the div is filled with content (an iframe for testing)
A: Pattern for treating zero as truthy

Chris HealdHow about: delay = isNaN(parseInt(delay, 10)) ? 24 : delay

also, is this one of the places where jQuery useage is correct?
oh yeah, @rlemon. ive made a theme for you :P
@Shmiddty as a rule of them I try to only ever use || 0 when doing that shortcut
I assumed this is what you meant by tree menu
Thank you.
its got no styling. But THANK YOU!
whats e?
rly... bitching that I gave it no style when showing you how to do this?
e.target that is.
and if you need to ask what 'e' is in context to an Event listener..... I can't really help you anymore.
you need to hit the books
Hi, can anyone help me in this?
and sorry bout the style
javascript: the good parts,
Eloquent JS,
javascript: the definitive guide.

Eloquent JS is free. start there
im reading the 3rd one
well start reading eloquent, it's shorter.
@Shmiddty nowhere is int a requirement mentioned
then read the definitive guide.
purecss.io any good?
@Shmiddty lol the OP is annoying constantly asking how to obfuscate his code with clever javascript tricks
@SimonSarris Nah, money is not a problem. I want a signed book. :D
A: Pattern for treating zero as truthy

Simon SarrisNowhere is int a requirement mentioned, so assuming you want any number, otherwise defaulting to 24, you could use this: delay = isFinite(delay) ? delay : 24; If you wanted to be cute and floor the number, you could do: delay = (isFinite(delay) ? delay : 24) | 0;

If you really want to be cute, that's how you'd do it
@twiz That's an idea too. But the reason I didn't use "home" is that it was too long for the screen where you can choose a mission except if I used a small font.
baboom (again)
> Yes, I am looking for a condensed, one-line solution, since JS is rife with patterns and what would be clever in many other languages is well-recognized and readable and clear in JS.
seriously, wtf?
@rlemon not needed :D
but probably a good diea
it works differently
parseFloat(string) is not same as Number(string)
@SimonSarris he instantly bitched about isFinite(null) and isFinite("")
also, with is updated requirements I believe that will give you the checkmark :P
@rlemon Because of that I updated it with your suggestion
delay = isFinite(parseFloat(delay))|0||24;
remove whitespace to really make it look 1337
yes and because it's javascript it is perfectly readable for that reason
A: Pattern for treating zero as truthy

Simon SarrisNowhere is int a requirement mentioned, so assuming you want any number, otherwise defaulting to 24, you could use this: delay = isFinite(delay) ? delay : 24; Or the safer: delay = isFinite(parseFloat(delay)) ? delay : 24; Or the Robert Lemon special: delay = isFinite(parseFloat(delay))|0|...

var intDelay = /^(\d+)$/.exec( inputString ) ? Number( RegExp.$1 ) : 24; .... why is RegExp.$1 a thing?
I feel so dirty
haha, nice. I was just replying to Jan with that code then I see the edit :P
it is a thing, and it's quite dirty
I added a caveat
Of course having someone else understand the statement at a glance is more important than syntactic sugar. You're writing code to be understood by man and machine, not to ward off industrial spies.
@SimonSarris Should be posted on half the questions here.
I'll take that as a no :) gud nyt.
!!> -1|0
@eazimmerman 1
@eazimmerman -1
@SomeKittens I've posted stuff like that before ~_~
Would anyone else have any ideas on this: stackoverflow.com/questions/17411701/…
!!> /^(\d+)$/.exec("123"); RegExp.$1
@Shmiddty "123"
Eval instead of exec? Maybe? i dunno...
A: Javascript if short notation

Simon SarrisYou could do (i === 0) && onlyMyTrueValue;, but you shouldn't, for readability sake. Compare your original: (i === 0) ? onlyMyTrueValue; And plain old if: if (i === 0) onlyMyTrueValue; That's only one more character, and an identical number of characters to the && method. Go with the reada...

shhh deep
oh @BenjaminGruenbaum already commented on that :D
@user2533789 looks like a missing }
@user2533789 also don't use <!-- --> in javascript
use /* */
Anyone else have to work in an office where they are the only male? Gettin tired of this shit.
you are asking that on a programming language chat?
probably not likely
@Jhawinsss aaaaaaaaaaand now you know how female programmers feel.
i thought OP wanted a one line answer? — dandavis 36 secs ago
@Jhawinsss Please, Gimme your job
@FlorianMargaine zingggggggggg upvoted
@eazimmerman oh I changed to the js comments already. I am not see where I am missing a } ????
AAAAAAnnnnd after making all of these comments I realize you probably don't want to set 'delay' to the return of the check :P — rlemon 4 secs ago
seriously, there is no common sense in this thread
@FlorianMargaine You're surprised at this?
@FlorianMargaine I already warned you about that dude
check his attitude getting 2 upvotes
Javascript has a lot of well-accepted patterns that let you do in a readable one line of code what would take 8. I prefer "clever" patterns when they're well-understood (and hence not clever). I'm fairly novice in Javascript hence don't know these yet. — djechlin Jun 25 at 17:59
!!> 240,000,000 * 240,000,000
@Darkyen 0
@Shmiddty ONE LOOP!? (late response)
if you understand what happened, you can laugh..... others just ... (XD)]
@nderscore yessir
comma operator is awesome when generating code though
you don't have to check if you are in expression or statement context
it is :-)
please tell me it doesn't involve bit shifting
ok I updated the code in my question : stackoverflow.com/questions/17411701/…
@user2533789 nevermind. you just have horrible indentation
@Esailija I give up now
if( false, 0, null, undefined, NaN, "",  /* no really, this won't execute! */1) {
  alert('trolololol'); // because fucking with js devs is fun.
@SimonSarris But they aren't programmers... They do like, data-entry and proof reading. And they're all hardcore bitches.
@deep No, you don't. It's no fun dealing with these chicks.
does anyone know why html5 elements in ie7 are fu**ed and they are formatted like this </header/> my doctype is <!DOCTYPE html>
I've got a for loop... since it repeats a hella lotta time the browser will not respond.. is there any way to wrap this so it'll show a loading indicator and not cause lag on the window itself?
@Connor because IE7 is old
and new Elements created years after are ofc not going to be included
is this google worthy? if so, what should I google? >_<
Guys, how much maths have you done(like a-level, degree, phd etc) i dunno what they have in america.
I mean seriously, IE7 was released two years before the first draft for HTML5 was even proposed. How in the hell did you expect it to understand the elements?
+1 to that
AP calculus in highschool
and then nothing after that.
   var hide = true;
        function foo() {
            if( hide ) {
                alert('varvarvarvarvarvar');var hide;
@lawm chunk the loop
@FlorianMargaine maybe like numberOrDefault(input, 24);
besides the odd trig messing around with canvas/drawing
@rlemon You mean like partition it? like 5 for loops insteada one?
@lawm what is going on inside the loop?
yeah @rlemon i dont know whether my site messed or im stupid, ive completely got rid of styling, and the ul's still dont work.
@deep stop working on the site and pick up your books
@rlemon Im doing some shitty tile based world generation... the for loop chooses a random number and then adds that to the array
@deep go to the root folder of your cms, select all files, press delete.
Times forty times twenty
Today is my last day. i cant read until tommorrow
@lawm can I see?
@rlemon sure
hang on
Well actually
because I loop 40 000 items 60 times per second and it's not horrible
@deep last day of what?

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