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I'm not clicking any more of your videos or youtube will put more MGTOW shit in my feed
@rlemon I didn't know XD
That made me choke
damnit, I clicked and it was what i feared
saw the intersection. knew it was coming.
@Luggage I'd never even heard of it before 5 minutes ago
but still made me chuckle
hope he's okay
heard of what, mgtow?
what's a mgtow
a women-hating group of guys who blame women for them being lonely
@Luggage yeah
@KendallFrey what's wrong with ya, brutha?
MGTOW: Men who Go Their Own Way
who cares how they write Go
and who also can't acronym very well
not everyone has to follow a style guide @Luggage
I write It Golang
what on earth
@rlemon oh, that's a big deal in go
most of the "go editors" just autoformat your code, they don't even ask
as it should be
does go have significant whitespace?
it's awful
no significant whitespace, thankfully
then why
As long as they use double-space for indentation, then good
I could kinda get it if the lang had sig whitespace.
just curlies everywhere, like Sterling's shower after a long weekend
but otherwise, don't touch my code :P
@KendallFrey how could you ever watch 35 minutes of that?
I didn't
Do you want a synopsis?
Kendall is capable of things you can't imagine
@KamilSolecki That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
He watches 60 minutes in 5 minutes
Oct 16 '15 at 15:11, by Kendall Frey
I can do goatse
I tuned out once he started talking about other comments and topics
Just did the bit about boys being smarter than girls
That's important to drive home
@Luggage you warned me too, which is why I feel particularly stupid
there are some people who call themselves mgtow and are reasonable about it, but it's like 85%+ cringe. the whole topic
I thought the solution to extremism was an intelligent moderate. I suppose now it's better to just jump on the opposite end of whatever extremism you detest
@Loktar LOL
Well, yea. That's kinda what I am saying. There ARE some intelligent moderates. But.. it's a topic that attracts people with extreme views.
this is one of the reasons I loved you
you didn't timeout like a idiot
inactivity lmao
how long were you listening for?
all day
@rlemon spotify is superior
@Vap0r what the opposite of both white supremacy and radical feminism?
like I always do
Weirdos passively listening to their music
A: Why does Windows convert the operator "=<" to "= 0<"?

Oliver SalzburgTo answer the initial question, as @grawity pointed out, =< is just a short form for = <0, which is perfectly fine syntax and actually works as expected (once you test it correctly). So there's nothing wrong with the output and it was just a red herring when I was investigating a different issue...

CC @KarelG
@KendallFrey forced genetic homogeneity, radical masculism?
Brown men everywhere, got it
@KendallFrey Ironic, he could save others from whataboutism, but not himself
the opposite of white extremism is the trend of "your opinion doesn't matter, you are a white male oppressor". We already have this.
rare, though, thankfully.
@Vap0r He didn't even bother with whatabouts, he just skipped straight to "the subjects that women do better in are bullshit subjects"
The opposite of white extremism is white not-so-extreme-I-guess
> omg, you're white, male, and straight. you ARE the problem. get away from my safe space.
@Luggage rare outside of social media and campuses.
those two areas are pretty bad
Really just social media
but those aren't real places
people who think like that don't actually go outside
cis is for poor people
they are safe spaces for people so far up their own butts that they can't stop rolling downhill
@ssube took me a second but that was a funny image lol
@BenFortune I can't tell if that second one was spam or a wiki paste
@KendallFrey I no longer know if we're in agreement
@Vap0r about what?
@BenFortune same place it's always been: in my imagination
@BenFortune that's not a great test
we say "man, that sucks"
@KendallFrey you haven't been picking up on my sarcasm?
> a woman can have many things in her taco
@Vap0r what sarcasm?
@KendallFrey quality
@Vap0r Sarcasm doesn't translate on the internet
That's champion, that
Who's job is writing requirements at your job?
@KamilSolecki ;)
Cc @SterlingArcher
@Jhoverit the SCRUM lord
"user stories" I guess.
aka Agile Ninja
whoa whoa, "requirements"? Your users need to know their place. "requests".
@Luggage stories
the scrub lords hide in their wizard cave and brew new requirements from lizard eyes, various feet, etc
Requirements as in what we want to implement in the product..
I prefer to call them adventures
Just to keep everyone confused
We have a scrum master. That position has NOTHING to do with creating Stories
can scss get variables from outside of scss?
@Jhoverit I just wanted to say agile ninja and SCRUM lord
basically can it read env vars?
I really wanna know tho
@Jhoverit we've got product owners
just thought it might be nice to have a build conditional css based on production or not
if scss can't i bet webpack has some loader that can insert them
webpack can read them for sure
At our job it's always been structure so there's a PO who makes decisions. A BA who interprets those as implementable requirements which are handed to an engineer to implement.
I usually end up writing a file that I include later
@rlemon depends what you're trying to do.
that tends to be safer across the board, but then you have to manage a temp file
43 secs ago, by rlemon
just thought it might be nice to have a build conditional css based on production or not
like just generate a variables.scss file from the values?
@Jhoverit so your BA should be doing it
My teams BA just complained that requirements are the repsonsibility of the entire team and that he isn't to blame for deficiencies. I'm just trying to find out if there's truth to that in "agile"
@Luggage ohh that's a good idea
yeah, just catting them out
@Vap0r I am asking how other agile environments do it.
The BA just attended some Agile training. So he isn't saying this without some sort of reasoning. He couldn't explain it tho..
@Jhoverit well our PO has meetings with the engineers. But the POs also have "slight" technical skill so they know what to ask and can understand basic performance and other requirements
So that's how the stories are created and "pointed-out"
I'm talking about completely non technical requirements. Like we want X to do Y because of Z. It's my job then to figure out the technical aspects
hrm, maybe I can just write this into a robogist stylesheet actually.
then I don't need to flip flop. users won't have my sheet.
@Jhoverit oh our PO does that on their own
Thus far...
Then while pointing it out we turn those into technical specs
parole officer?
Well. The BA does that here lol but the BA says there's some objective reason that it's also my responsibility. And QAs responsibility.
@KevinB Product Owner, or Probation Officer
Sounds like you do about what we do
but in my current stage in life it's Product Owner (thank god)
I think QA should be involved in almost every step in the SDLC
@Vap0r are those really different?
Idk what SDLC means lol
@rlemon Semi Downloadable Content?
i don't know any of these abbrevations
software dev life cycle
either way they keep you from doing anything fun or interesting
@Jhoverit yeah, I just started the job about a week ago and the process side of this company is a good part of the whole reason I accepted the position
So the specific thing here is that we are getting huge copy pasted PBIs that are multiple pages long and mostly irrelevant / redundant
The BA says that's on everyone lol..
@ssube I don't need any help being depressed thank you
@rlemon as much as possible without wasting their time. Quick feedback is good, but they don't need to test every random snippet.
Even tho he writes them
@Jhoverit we have a company road map that drives the priority of tasks
Sounds like it's as I thought. Just a cop out lol
Tasks are project-dependent, and prioritized by most important
so right now our microgrid stories are #1
@ssube ohh no, but QA is there to save you money. so having them involved in every step should be beneficial.
just don't give them any power in these steps. :P
@Jhoverit if he says that they're on everyone, ask him the process for ensuring that you get more concise requirements?
Yea not about prioritization tho
I'm talking about the contents of the PBIs
Tell him you'd like to take ownership of the issues you see in the process
yeah, you just need to make sure QA is involved in the right way
@Vap0r I did and he had absolutely nothing for me to act on lmao
Yea that's what I said tho
the earlier in the process, the more hands-on the devs are, the less hands-on QA should be imo
What a jackwagon
oh nice
I said well I'm available for you any time
early tests should be automation QA writes and hands over to dev, to run before they push (or when, or w/e)
when I was a QA we'd help the devs write their tests, then write our own automated tests, then manually test black and whitebox
We just have an extremely inexperienced (and therefore underpaid) product team
That's basically the root of every issue here haha
but we were doing elearning. and ISO certified. so everything was a nightmare of procedure
Yet we are working on a like 400 million dollar product.
oh god ISO
This BA is half QA
His job is dual. He's 50:50 BA and QA. It's a joke lol
@SterlingArcher I get the need for ISO, but every company I've worked for that has done it.. such a pain in the ass
SOOOOO much paperwork.
Especially if it's the initial certification
But whatever. Requirements come to me and I implement them. Oh well
@SterlingArcher we're doing that at work right now
THANKFULLY not my software tho
just the hardware we produce
we had to do ISO and I think.. FISP? idk at SNC
it was hell
what bout the produce you produce
I eat it
We just had a PO and a BA quit and they're just sort of shuffling responsibilities instead of hiring positions lol
About to lose another BA
I suspect about to lose a dev... Or two..
where will you and loktar work then?
Exactly lol
Target with duggs
Unless they hire... the shuffling of responsibility becomes a landslide
We're probably going to need another React person aorund June, just saying
I'll be living in Indiana :)
At least I'll have experience working full time remote come summer
Live with me
I have Tasha with me
Q: React JS: Function undefined when called in .map function

Shabi RayanWhen I am using a map function in React, I am unable to use a function which I have already binded in my constructor. In the following code, imageClick is undefined when used in the map function below although I have binded the function and included this as an argument. Any idea what could be wro...

She can have the couch it's whatever
Guess you're used to living with a couple tho haha
is there a dupe target for this?
I'm vested in May so I'm not going anywhere. Too little time to be worth losing like $5K in retirement that I put in at age 20.
@rlemon looking, I'm sure there is
@rlemon found it
not quite
oooeewww not quite
if I want to put a powershell class in another file, do I just dotsource it?
i misread
I got a thank you card signed by the product team today LMFAO...
Because last sprint my team delivered all our commitments.
he needs to arrow the map fn' and bind (or arrow) the onClick fn
but the latter isn't a problem yet
but will be
> powershell class
@Luggage I guess I've been out of IT for too long but that makes no sense to me lol
Coincidence that they try to appreciate in some way right when all the staff is leaving haha
you may not know powershell, but surely the concept of a language having classes is not foreign to you
Powershell is a language
Not a tool
i guess it's both
Well yea
god dammit this is epic
@SterlingArcher imgur.com/gallery/siShD pls
start doing this.
yyyyyyyyup i need that
The comments lol
that's a skit by a comedian .. can't remember who
> as a kid they'd tell me people would be offering me free drugs. where are my free drugs? drugs are expensive.
Yea dude and cigarettes
Yeah I gotta tell you I was not once offered free drugs as a kid
probably more than one comedian. but the one I'm thinking about I remember thinking it was funny.
My friend tried to seem tough and told us people were offering him drugs lmao
> yeah just out back
@SterlingArcher No joke, the singer of that band was my roommate in college
eh, you were never offered to try something your friend had? in such a situation where said friend wasn't requiring you to pay first?
My friend was me
I didn't even see mints or alcohol in person until I was 18
Like okay I saw booze. But never a bottle I could have sipped
@KevinB never
we grew up in a low income area
alcohol: 16, mints: 30
if my friends got pot, alcohol, or smokes. fuck you that was theres. get your own or pitch.
i mean, this is a pretty low income area too
@corvid like, the actual dude
I grew up basically in a corn field.
or some dude who looked like him
Oh wait
My brother had weed once. My friends and me wanted to be bad. We stole his pipe and smoked tobacco out of it...
@SterlingArcher yeah, UofU, he's a super cool guy. Super into oldschool heavy metal
@Luggage pitch money or pitch a contribute to the session.
So you were roommates with Jake Rogers? @corvid
Dude that's dope
He's got a killer voice
i was offered mints, booze, cigarettes, etc growing up, usually around people that weren't really that great of friends, mostly when out camping
yeah, he's in insanely skilled musician
@corvid can you introduce me to him lol
neighborhood friends and closest school friends knew me better
@KevinB okay maybe smokes, but that would be like if I was with friends and they knew I was out and didn't wanna ask them
so not really offering me smokes, but offering to curb my habit when I was down and out
if that makes sense
@SterlingArcher Probably, not sure if they're on tour atm, last I talked to him was a show in Boston like a year ago
heh, I remember looking for change and pooling it to buy a pack when we were all broke
@ssube good times.
@corvid you've been holding out on me bro!
better than smoking butts :D
we were high class.
They just released an album last month
we'd roll our butts into new smokes
They'll be on tour soon i bet
we were very much not, smoked halves from the ground a few times, when all the adults at the gas station said we were too young for them to sell to
I think so, also Jake had another band called Gallowbraid, it's actually bretty good
On my 18th birthday I bought a cigar and I wasn't even carded
I was very upset
he could have named it GallowBoob and everyone would hate them
I had such a good streak of not being carded and then somewhere stupid, like the grocery store, checked it the other day
I don't get carded at the beer store or the lcbo
but.. they know me :(
so yea.
they're technically supposed to always check everyone here, regardless of age
they do that at the few grocery stores that sell beer
everyone gets carded. if you are caught not carding someone. fired.
old people get pretty angry with them
let shape = e.target.value;
let status = e.target.dataset.status;
this.setState(prevState => {
    let item = prevState.shapes.find(e => e.status === status);
    item.shape = shape;
    return {
        shapes: prevState.shapes
Q: Code is not working in IE5. How can I get to work in IE5?

ginny//The code below will displayed when a timeout is reached. The blackout page does not work in IE document 5. function queryTimeout() { var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); var black = document.createElement('div'); black.setAttribute('style','font-family:a...

jesus fuck
Is this a safe way to update an array in state?
yeah, the state occasionally send secret shoppers to make sure they card, I used to live with a girl who did that briefly
but for the most part if you have a beard, they don't care
I couldn't find a good answer on SO, almost everything was a cluster fuck of modifying state directly
or, like, white hair and wrinkles
@SterlingArcher no documentfragment in ie5. setattribute doesn't work either just reassign the style property directly
Everything else should work
I can't bring myself to answer anything though
@Vap0r I never developed in those days so idk
I supported IE4 for MAC
I do not speak the ancient JS
> JANUARY 2, 1998 3:50 PM PS
I was 7
I was 5 so what?
I speak english and it's older than me
I didn't get into developing until I was 20
I will help ya. But it would help ^^ — TheOneWhoMade 2 mins ago
@SterlingArcher I started development so I could modify my myspace profile template
@rlemon I flagged as too chatty, contributes nothing to the question. I think he's stalking the transcript
I feel watched
let him stalk.
He's in the room. Just can't speak
@Vap0r I wasn't allowed to have a myspace :(
Oh did my kick actually go through
If he's starting to get creepy and stalk-y, do ping me. Most people forget that they can also be suspended from main.
@SterlingArcher you said you were emo. Your parent's obviously had your best interests in mind
@MadaraUchiha maybe just a warning that Main is not a place to be chatty or trolly?
How do I main SO?
@SterlingArcher This was the warning.
Be creepy af in chat but it's hard enough keeping Main clean
@MadaraUchiha oh ok
@Vap0r it's true
@SterlingArcher not stalking. ginny, I think you could put the black DIV without the fragment. — TheOneWhoMade 45 secs ago
@MadaraUchiha yeah ok time to go
@SterlingArcher that's really creep-o dude
@TheOneWhoMade don't fuck around on Main, the mods take it much more seriously.
@SterlingArcher likely trolling?
@Vap0r I don't care, I just actually take Main SO seriously to an extent
I spend a lot of time trying to clean up crap
@BenjaminGruenbaum oh absolutely, keep the trolling here though
@SterlingArcher I don't go there anymore :/
@SterlingArcher I didn't know he was here
I'm always hunting for gem questions
@BenjaminGruenbaum he's suspended by madara for 3 days
after trolling for the past few days
last straw was joining the room, sending a quick msg, then leaving before a kick could register.
the OP in the question isn't who we're talking about trolling. that user is
@rlemon that's actually pretty smart, I wonder why we didn't think of that before
@rlemon that OP is trolling for sure
@TheOneWhoMade I appreciate the apology but please stop using that poor persons question as a means to communicate with chat.
Just chill out for a couple days
main is my sock
ssube is my sock
Member since today, asking about a platform no one is using, poorly researched "on purpose", no research etc
@Cereal you use him for cleanup? ew
Why isn't there an Air BnB style way of renting real housing
Like not vacations
@Jhoverit there is
one sec
Anybody feel like making it with me
@Jhoverit the legal liabilities are not worth it
@Jhoverit homeaway.com
All you can do on Zillow and Trulia is send messages. There's no service provided. The renters market is ripe for modernization
That's the one I've heard of
landlording in general is a legal nightmare in VA at least
@SterlingArcher no? Same with Air BnB then. But they're rich :)
@Vap0r nah I mean for signing a lease
@Jhoverit basically because you want to scrutinize people who rent from you long term a lot more.
Like I can't even get a fucking property owner to call me right now
I signed my lease online
Other than the viewing, the entire thing was online
@Jhoverit oh yeah this is a bit different
@BenjaminGruenbaum do you (the renter) if the insurance and liability is managed by this hypothetical company?
they can insure things, but if a tenant trashes the house, you still own it (hold the title)
@Jhoverit in my own home I'm renting? I would likely not trust a company to do it - although some people do
Okay well. Spin it such that it makes sense. I feel there is a hole for something along these lines
I rent from a property mgmt company and would NEVER rent directly from the owner (done it before)
Also, there is an advantage (to the renters) to not show listing prices too publicly, it's mostly done in Facebook groups here actually (lol), used to be a bunch of sites
@ssube and then you have to deal with insurance, which is never fun
@BenjaminGruenbaum good idea man I'll get on Facebook!
renting from owners is a shitshow, they never get the legal side right, the fees are worse (the homeowner pays the rental co fees here), maintenance is fucked
@Jhoverit small story of being a landlord in VA: back in the day my dad saved up, bought a townhouse, rented it, saved, bought another, etc etc. The county pressured him into doing Section 8 because guarantee of rent payment.

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