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Invalid flags are without merit
Valid flags have merit
Water is wet
Water is moist
get it right
Like your mother
Ban all flaggers
"Each child in an iterator should have a unique key blah blah"
Water is the essence of wetness
Why is that, exactly? I've just been blindly doing it
@hilli_micha get it right
Water isn’t wet
@Cereal react I assume?
@ndugger good point
@Cereal Say you have <span>1</span>....<span>10</span>
you need keys so it can track the elements you need to actually update
And you want to remove <span>3</span>
@ndugger and Tag is an outdoor dog
but... it already has an index
Wanna fight about it
why do we have to supply one?
Why didn't you name your dog 'Meme' or something
Without keys, React doesn't understand that a single element was removed, from its perspective, each span's content was changed, and the last was dropped
@KevinB because index can change but the key may not want to change?
@hilli_micha because nick was a good human and adopted
@SterlingArcher nuhuh, he came inside after a walk all on his own today. #ProudDogDad
@KevinB Because then you're dependent on the order
Very proud he went that route
@KevinB probably fringe cases, but I agree. Why not default to an index, then allow the user to specify a key if issues occur?
@ndugger awwww <3
@SterlingArcher That name is the reason the dog was in a shelter, he needs to give it a fair chance with a good name
@ndugger why haven't I seen a pupper pic yet?
Pretty sure any dog named "Meme" has cancer
@ndugger congrats on the puppo
@rlemon i posted a couple. I’ll get one. One sec
@ndugger just prankin dude, love the dog btw
@MadaraUchiha That makes a lot of sense
He's so pretty <3
Oh Tab not Tag, my bad
I love how the tag just says 'TAB' in that assertive fashion
@ndugger that's a great dog right there
good pupper
How old is he? His fur color is misleading
One of my coworkers suggested I rename him “Space”
Your house looks like it would smell cozy
@ndugger kill that coworker
@SterlingArcher they said he’s 2, but who knows
My brother sent me out to get new tags for Moose, and I came back with "For a good time call: [phone]" and his wife was not happy but eventually found it funny lol
space... to close to spacey
@ndugger awww so he is just a pup
@ndugger ohh he's pretty
looks like a ball of energy too
God dammit I want a puppy now
@TheOneWhoMade To summarize, and I hope we won't have to bring this issue up again - by comming here, one agrees to play by the rooms' rules and to act respectfully towards other people here. As long as this is met, you are welcome. If not... well, you aren't welcome and you will likely be kicked. Let's hope we won't have to discuss this again.
He definitely has bursts of energy on our walks
goty 2018
@Loktar lol
@Loktar You're going to hell dude
@Loktar fuck LOL
@Loktar OMG LOL
10/10 troll
Second screenshot
I can feel @Loktar's smug ass smile from here "I made a funny. Hey Cat come check this out the internet loves me!"
> Say you like to inflict pain on people
@SterlingArcher lmao
@KamilSolecki I'm enticed
I didn't know it would get that type of feedback, but the video cracked me up
We made his week, which is good, because as old as he is, it may be his last
and I was reading some of the reviews
> Didn't get a girlfriend with advices I got from this, but I did get some p*ssy from her. And that's all that does matter.
steam reviews are just as good as amazon reviews
> Stealthily creep up on them from behind the sofa
> 1) Trap the person you are going after.
> 2)Lock them into conversations they can't get out of.
> 3) Don't give your number away, Always take theirs.
@KamilSolecki Clearly a user wrote the rules. But I will abide by them.
the user who wrote them has kick privs.
Yes, it's a room owned by users.
so, that's all that matters.
i'm really tempted to buy that game
I keep trying to get Ashley to watch the Bachelor, maybe this can be the catalyst
There, fixed that for you.
!!ban Madara Uchina
@hilli_micha The user will be thrown into mindjail in 1 more invocations
So, I know we established you can't ban ROs, but can you ban Mods?
Oh, madara isnt a RO
Yeah.. so I think he actually can be mindjailed
lets see
!!ban MadaraUchiha
@rlemon I can't mindjail MadaraUchiha, they're an owner.
I hate being wrong
@rlemon its easy if you have access to caprica's browser
but he's not italic
@TheOneWhoMade no shit
No he's israeli dummy
use !!refresh
@KendallFrey i think isPossibleOwner checks mods too
oh weird
Yes it checks mods. @rlemon thats why you own all caprica deviated bots.
@TheOneWhoMade please understand this, rlemon is the bot. you don't need to update him on how I work. thanks.
She's evolving
No shes not
@rlemon instructions wil be given to remove @MadaraUchiha
!!are you a chick
@KamilSolecki But of course
!!are you a dude
@KendallFrey Yes, absolutely
this will be fun
!!are lemons a meat product
@hilli_micha By all means
knew it
@ShrekOverflow That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Too simple
I've known this song for years but only just realised it's about the movie
in Sandbox, 45 secs ago, by TheOneWhoMade
'cus I try to be helpful and fail.
sick movie
@ShrekOverflow You gon' get a hush, without a trailing slash!
should rewatch
what happened
@Mosho I love this kind of metal, and those guys are from Tampa Florida, fun fact
one of my favorites
the band, not tampa
tampa is dumb and so are the people who live there
!!s/a is/ons are/
@KamilSolecki tampons are dumb and so are the people who live there (source)
@Loktar You need to STEP UP YOUR GAME youtube.com/watch?v=8SIdd52z4gE
@Jhoverit do you wear riding pants? (cc @HatterisMad)
I wore riding pants
but it got old quick
then I got knee pads over jeans
that got old too
@KendallFrey hah that's pretty cool
I rode while wearing pants. that's about it
I got armor-undies and knee pads
I'm confused about typescript right now... So I think you have to add a string index to access within an object, right? But now it's saying I can't access certain properties
bike was my daily commute
no way I could keep that up
sounds uncomfortable
I have armor undies for snowboarding
well, padded undies
@KendallFrey basically shorts with armor
@KendallFrey he gets kicked there a lot, gotta have protection!
@SterlingArcher here we call that a jock
I guess I should get riding pants for non-commute riding
export interface ImageSpec {
  width: number;
  height: number;
  backgroundColor?: string;
  blur?: string;
  [key: string]: ImageSpec[keyof ImageSpec];
@KendallFrey lol no it has hip, thigh, and ass armor
lose the index
shockingly no jock protection
missed optty
@Mosho when I do that, it doesn't let me access the properties how I want to
@Luggage I'd say 80% of my riding is commute too, very hard to keep up
I should have said attacked instead of kicked D:
I don't go over 40 on my way to work so it's not like I'm blazing fast
@corvid that's redundant. it's adding keys of itself to itself?
@corvid and how is that
@SterlingArcher my commute was also my joyride
only thing I miss in canada
export default function Image({ height, width, ...filters }) {
  const filters = Object.entries(filters).reduce((total, [key, value]) => {
    if (!isUndefined(value)) {
      total.push(coerceURLComponent(key, value));
    return total;
Unfortunately I live 2.2 miles from work so it's less joy more practical
But on a nice spring day I'll take the long way home
function coerceFilter(key: string, value: ImageSpec[keyof ImageSpec]) {
  if (!value) {
    return '';
  if (value instanceof Boolean && value) {
    return `${key}()`;
  if (value instanceof Array) {
    return `${key}(${value.join(',')})`;
  return `${key}(${value})`;
Validate that flag please, attempting to circumvent a kick to stir the pot.
Yup, wonder what his problem is..
@corvid not reading all that
!!giphy superhero landing
but destructuring should work
Oh my!
reproduce your problem here if you want
and I'll look at it
is Image() supposed to take this ImageSpec object as it's argument?
good question
Sorry ImageSpec is the typeof its arguments
this still makes no sense. you can't say "take all props my myself and stick on myself: [key: string]: ImageSpec[keyof ImageSpec];
47 minutes to download 1.6gb? Nuuuuuu
does that even compile?
also value: ImageSpec[keyof ImageSpec]
it does
TS is lenient like that
lemme make a gist
@SterlingArcher he's spamming flags now?
@SterlingArcher No. I should... My riding style is less worrisome for sliding and more for blunt trauma
@KamilSolecki He's telling people in the Sandbox to make messages in here on his behalf.
Like I'm not in town like you generally. Or on highway. Since I have slow bikes
@hilli_micha UGH
ban him from there too
@Jhoverit yeah my upper armor provides more blunt protection, but it will slide too, I have no hip/leg protection
Which I found out when I found bruises and scrapes in places where I didn't even realize too an impact/slide
Yea my legs are fucked if I end up in a slide. In my area I wouldn't be on pavement for long tho lol...
I had half my jeans ripped off and hips fucked up before
Nothing like wholesome dirt in some gravel rash xD
@Mosho mods will handle it soon if he continues
pants lookin like you just got mauled by a shark xD
@Jhoverit holy shit hahahaha
@Mosho I did lol
omg the fucking pings from a room I'm not in
Eh, let him tie his own noose. No need to make it a topic while he's not here
!!afk pho
Fair ppoint.
What ever happened to @AwalGarg
he went AWOL while Gargling
He comes by every now and then
I am not spamming flags
$$afk Please don't bother me.

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