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@Vap0r a PHP fist?
I'm going to have to work with Laravel again.
@littlepootis are you going back in time?
joking, I feel the pain
I love the spam sometimes
@rlemon Henry Rollins!
RE: interfaces'n stuff. I'm trying to interface my services and type hint the interface instead of the concrete service (since backend people haven't actually done the api, that way I'll be able to better mock the services and just implement the correct routes when the api arrives)
@ssube all this stuff is talking about content scripts like I'm writing add-ons
in the services, we use get property() : return observable
I don't understand.
however interface { property(): observable } is not the same, and interface { get property(): observable } doesn't pass syntax check
@FélixGagnon-Grenier what do you mean "type hint?"
hum, in the constructor
it's just interface { property: observable; }
constructor (private service: ServiceInterface)
getters appear to be regular properties, you don't need to specify
well. I've already felt smarter once or twice in my life
the interface doesn't care how you implement that later. it can be a public readonly service or a public get service()
@ssube are there other way of doing what I'm trying to do?
@Vap0r a ton. Redux, MobX, everybody does it different and most of those are easy enough to write. I'm not sure where you got content scripts from.
@ssube searching "EventEmitter MDN" led me to this page: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/SDK/Guides/… which says that if you are looking to receive and create user-defined events, navigate to this page: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/SDK/Guides/Content_Scripts
So now I'm in content scripts???
:( oh....
the web section is better than the addons section
Thanks @ssube I'm much less confused now
that's specific to the DOM, but it doesn't have to be
kinda weird how the addons section would take you to an area related to addons
they're just using an element where you would write your bit
I don't really know what addons means. And it still said webdocs. I think it was understandable to be confused there
ffs. my life just shattered
y u no interface sanely javascript?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier interfaces don't emit code
they shouldn't, they're contracts
@MadaraUchiha nice one
yes, I think I understand that. I just assumed that, as other languages, you could "type hint" on an interface, and define the concrete implementation in the app module
@Neoares Reminds me a bit of "The Expert"
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I still don't know what you mean by "type hint"
do you have an example?
yes :) just a moment pls
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Yes, but the relationship between TypeScript and JavaScript are a bit special
Most languages can reflect on the type metadata to find matching implementations in the DI container
which is, imo, an antipattern
But the JS runtime has no access to type information
> Carpenter: Really, is that it? So I lost the job because I didn't have enough brown?
Will never happen to me since I'm literally a Brown
so, here is what I think I would like to do gist.github.com/Zvax/762b492648735c937c8ce1ab5e313810
@Loktar Still not enough brown.
I would like to "type hint" the interface in classes constructor, and define which concrete type to use in the module, or later on in a factory
@Loktar Shoulda named one of your kids Noser
@KendallFrey Should name one of your kids French
or Deep
@FélixGagnon-Grenier What's the problem?
Sounds totally doable
well, since interfaces do not work with typescript, this doesn't "compile"
compiles fine for me
hmmm... I get an ide warning that GetAllFooQuery refers to a type, but is used as value?
oh, I took that line out because the decorator was missing
why are you trying to pass the interface?
No one wants to have to have surgery
well, I am not aware that I am trying to pass the interface. I thought I was asking the module to provide the concrete MockFooService when encountering the GetAllFooQuery interface
that looks like a place where the interface should be inferred and NgModule is doing something dumb
@FélixGagnon-Grenier you can't "encounter" an interface, they are a concept.
yeah, I think I'm slowly starting to understand that
I sent @BadgerCat a duck pic
I crack myself up
I might be having a brainfart, but normally, run-time optimized languages like JS get a lot of their performance enhancement in large code structures, compared to only compile-time optimized languages like C++, right?
what do you mean by "get a lot of their performance enhancement in large code structures?"
get something from large structures...
the way I understand it, using what I think is called memoization and similar, javascript "gets faster" the longer is runs and the more relationships it can find across the information it has, right?
I don't know if that's memoization necessarily, but the functions do take time to warm up
@MadaraUchiha if you have a second, I'd be interested to see how you see that, because I think I am starting to undertstand that interfaces can't be used to infer dependency injection
what interfaces
typescript interfaces?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier you need something concrete to bind against. A constructor, string, symbol, whatever.
@ssube I have no clue what the actual mechanisms are. I guess memoization is one of them, but am I right?
they can't be used to do anything runtime period
well, as-is
as in, does javascript kind of get comparatively faster the larger the code structures (more relationships to find) and the longer it's run (unless you have a dumb memory leak)?
@towc maybe? "Large code structures" don't warm up a function, running it does.
@ssube so, I could hack my way around this by using a const, or something like that?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier well, that won't work very well
yeah, and it sounds as dirty as @KendallFrey
@ssube I once saw that JS just completely removed a property from some objects because it could be interpreted and used in another better way
Q: AutoScroll on chat exchange doesn't work in chrome 61

ArticunoI updated the chrome to version 61, and the auto-scroll stopped working, it is necessary to scroll down the page manually. The problem does not occur in the previous version or in firefox. Also, the reply icon no longer working when the message replied to is not in the current chat page. (Middle...

it was really weird
in this case, it was a Date property that I was using to sort the objects
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I've been using class names, but am moving to a system of UUIDs and internally held symbols.
it took a long time to figure out that it was just an optimization
Constructors are best, when they're available and make sense.
@towc it.. can't do that
but I'd think that JS looks for more than simple structures like sorts to see where it can optimize
@towc An optimization had a visible side effect? That sounds like a bug.
wait, I discussed it with someone in this room
let me see if I can find the conversation again
I don't think I'd be able to recreate it
The optimizers make multiple passes, but usually they try to turn larger structures into smaller ones that have a specific (known) optimization.
it probably was a bug, but it gave me a visible insight into what js might be doing to optimize
Like when you write code (or somebody with an interest in architecture), you want to find the small blocks and build out of those. The optimizer just goes the other way, back to blocks it knows how to work with.
@ssube as far as you know, does JS do something like that at runtime that can't be done at compile time?
That's the basis of all compilers and ASTs, in its simplest form.
@ssube for now, I believe I'll just abstract class my way around it stackoverflow.com/a/42422835/576767. I don't have the time for rocket science ;)
fucking hell the universe loves me this week
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I've used that pattern before and only left because it doesn't feel right. Specifying a partial implementation for DI is odd, but names certainly are not better.
my code worked first try, wtf
@KendallFrey that's a damn lie and you know it
some other test has got to fail, or something weird is going on
nothing works the first time
not sex, not code, not nothing
I'm just that awesome
what is sex?
i think it's when you look at a girls butt
I've been aggressively writing tests for the last few weeks and the feeling when you refactor something and it works, every time, is weird
holding hands is how you get pregnant though
I knew it!
that's why we give 2 kisses to girls and handshake to men
it's preventive
@Neoares you're just going around getting every man you meet pregnant?
ok, this was the first message about it: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/32070175#32070175
let me see if what I said made any sense
@ssube no, men can't get pregnant
oh, I didn't really discuss it
I just said it
that's why we don't do it the other way around
!!afk leaving work
@Neoares not with that attitude
Leaving work at 11am
@ssube :S
teach me, senpai
@Jhoverit yep :D
only Zirak can learn you that
new webstorm supports angular ! i need to get it
Is it possible to read media from a zip file that's on the server?
@Idle001 or you might want to not get angular
@JennaSloan sure
no i can jump that high
is it easy? no
not easy for people who are caught in humdrumic whirlpools
@towc yes
ZIPs are pretty good for random access, actually
zips in javascript?
that's why Java JARs and Quake PAK files use the format
thought that was for me
anywhere, it's a stupid simple format
oh, apparently it is
@JennaSloan unless you want to download the whole archive, the server will have to unpack it for you
I thought JS just couldn't deal with raw binary
why not
@towc sure it can, google uses protobufs everywhere
well, browser-side that is
ever seen a Buffer?
but still, apparently it can
Update: My code worked too well, and exploded everything.
hmm coming up with an algorithm that lets me know if numbers fall within a certain hundreds place
my api query returns 100, and i'm making a new api query whenever it goes past 100
nvm, got it
you have an api that returns numbers?
how the fuck have i never heard this song @Loktar @rlemon
it was a pagination related problem; the query can only recieve up to 100 items
so i wanted to be able make api calls when they select items outside the known list
if they picked 341 for instance, my i would make the api call with an offset of 300
so i have the returned list of entries from 300 - 400
heh, the "algorithm" for that is usually Math.floor(x / 100) * 100 and the same with ceiling
lol i feel so stupid sometimes
it was late at night and i couldnt think straight
I do my best programming late at night when I'm not thinking straight
last question help; css related lol

my css is pretty shotty
@media screen and (min-width: 480px) {
  .Feed {
    display: grid;
    grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);

.Card {
  border-style: solid;

.Details {

.Details-Name {
  text-align: center;

.Details-Description {
  text-align: center;

.Menu {

.buttons {
  background-color: #4caf50; /* Green */
  border: none;
  color: white;
  padding: 15px 32px;
  text-align: center;
  text-decoration: none;
  display: inline-block;
  font-size: 16px;
  margin: 4px 2px;
  cursor: pointer;
i basically need to style close to that
> i basically need to style close to that
that's not descriptive at all
yea; so i have 3 main divs, what's the "proper" way of setting the buttons to the bottom
Card is the Wrapper div
Details has the image, name, and description
Menu has the 3 buttons
lol that's basically asking someone to do the whole thing for them
it's also far too broad
anyone here use styleguidist?
@ssube what would be the best way to expose the event to both the parent and the children? I'm guessing it would be some type of global event factory that I build?
not global, but close. One object you pass from the parent to the children when they're creating, most likely.
I think people used context for it, but I don't know if that's a Good Thing or a Bad Thing.
Madara might know better
Madara knows nothing
Anything wrong with just passing it as a prop?
not that I know of
cc @MadaraUchiha so he knows it's a joke and I'm not shit talking behind his back <3
what's the css for placing a specific div at the exact bottom of it's wrapper?
@AK stackoverflow.com/questions/526035/… I googled literally what you just posted
@ssube this doesn't work in IE11?
will babel polyfill by default?
@Vap0r what? It's two tiny methods
"This constructor is supported in most modern browsers (with Internet Explorer being the exception)."
Q: Internet Explorer 9, 10 & 11 Event constructor doesn't work

mikemaccanaI am creating an event, so use the DOM Event constructor: new Event('change'); This works fine in modern browsers, however in Internet Explorer 9, 10 & 11, it fails with: Object doesn't support this action How can I fix Internet Explorer (ideally via a polyfill)? If I can't, is there a wor...

yea i'm trying it but it's not doing anything except placing my buttons at the bottom of the entire page
then don't use the constructor?
you just need the pattern
But how do I dispatch events?
@AK is your container the entire page?
@Vap0r First, you write an event emitter. Then, you pass it between components. Finally, you emit events with it.
You need some object with a map of arrays of callbacks and an on method that fills those.
hmm no; there's a lot of divs and i working on setting each individual container with it's own set of buttons situated at the bottom
emit should .get(name) and call each callback with the data
like this
it's super simple
Just write in plain english
@ssube alright I appreciate it for some reason it's not clicking I'm going to have to spend a bit of time poking at it
That's what I'm getting
.myDiv {
  goto: the fucking bottom;
  look: mostly red and half transparent;
@Vap0r gist.github.com/mudge/5830382 looks like much fancier than you need, but it should work
if only it was that easy lol
@Jhoverit I fucking wish
Haha yeah I was just looking at that. Thanks!
Came out to vape... there was a cat licking himself on my bike 👀 Y tho
@SterlingArcher Because you're now his bitch.
Congratulations, you've officially gotten the last pussy you ever will.
He's leaving
you're safe now
I tried to feed him a cheezit
he yelled at me
good cat
@SterlingArcher BABOU?
he didn't remember me :(
codesandbox.io/s/j2qo9w70l9 in the Filter class I'm trying to mock out how the emitter would work first.
heh a guy (maybe the same one) beat Darksouls using weird controls like that
Same guy
cc @rlemon @KendallFrey
should the emit take an argument with my filter's index?
proof the earth is flat
The image isn't real, but it is cool.
@Trasiva fake
38 secs ago, by Trasiva
The image isn't real, but it is cool.
@Trasiva faaaaaaaakkkkeeeeee
@Trasiva I think it's a photoshop
you can tell from the pixels.
You're a fake. HEY EVERYONE, @Jhoverit is a phoney!
It's all phoney. The gov. just wants your money
The moon is an egg. If it gets too close to the sun, it will hatch and give birth to Dragons.
Top 10 secrets NASA doesnt want YOU to know.
I have a parent component, Segment, which renders and is fundamentally a list of Filters, the Filters have to be able to delete themselves from Segment's list. What's the best way to do this in React?
@hilli_micha Reminds me of that Doctor Who episode.
ssube mentioned building an event emitter. Which I'm doing, but in the process of doing it I realized I still didn't know how to inform Segment which Filter to remove. Do I still have to pass an index?
@Vap0r pass some data with the event
emit(name, payload) and on(name, callback)
emit ends up callback.call(this, payload)-ing, more or less
@ssube so in this code: codesandbox.io/s/j2qo9w70l9 I'm trying to mock up that emit in Filter's handleDelete function
in real life those would all be copied, immutable little flyweights to a central structure that was monitored
and mobx would hand out updates as needed
@ssube that sounds wonderful
So I should just pass an index from Segment's this.state.Filters.map to the Filter component so I can then pass it back as my payload. My callback will end up looking like this in some sense:
this.setState((prevState) => {
  return { Filters: prevState.Filters }
something like that. setState is meant to work with that pattern, that's part of why it's async
custom events are no different from a click or keypress
and events aren't global, they live in groups
they just have new names
if you can think of that, and where your components live relative to each other, the message passing should iron itself out
@ssube not sure if I understand that last part about event living in groups
each event emitter and its receivers forms a star
the points are components
wow, printers, I remember those
But it would seem that the hub is "global" in this instance (in my understanding)?
one whole shelf of my basement rack/shelf is dedicated to printers
no space for 4d ones when they come up with those
@Vap0r you can make it global, but it doesn't need to be
as in, 4 dimensions?
yeah. We've got a 2D printer, a 3D printer, and eventually someone will make a 4D one
the fourth dimension is just time
So we'll be able to build a coat hanger that can abort Hitler from the future in the past?
a 4D object in 3D space is... well... our current reality
I feel like @KendallFrey would have something to say about that
oh sure
He'd just respond with Goatse
lets see what made up nonsense this is...
yep, still just a 3D printer
it just has 3D interpolation
What would be more interesting is a 11D printer
@KendallFrey We do. It's called a boiling pot of spaghetti.
why is 11D more interesting than 4D?
No, that's called lunch
other than a linear increase in interestingness
not sure it's linear...
@ssube dimensional increases are exponential, not linear
that part is opinion
@ssube Super string theory, supposedly it ties the five major theories together.
> in interestingness
basically, it would be a printer that prints out... every possible thing that ever has been, could be, or will be... in every possible space, condition, state/etc
@Trasiva I googled, and apparently superstring theory only has 10 dimensions
@ChrisRasys That's called the big bang
@KendallFrey I thought the 11th was supposed to be the 'master' dimension that unifies everything?
I haven't read up on the M-theory in a long time.
@Trasiva That sounds made up (I've never heard that)
Let me look
there's a pretty good video explanation from ages ago
Yea, it's still relevant it looks like, but nothing concrete evidence wise still (unsurprisingly).
@ssube am I supposed to make the methods in Event static?
so will it look something like this in Segment (the parent):
componentDidMount () {
    const filterEvent = new Event();
    filterEvent.on("delete", handleDeleteFilter);
well, you need to hang onto the reference
that's also not the event, that's the event emitter
is this pub-sub style?
@ssube good point
when you call this.emitter.emit later, that's the event
@ChrisRasys if you're working with the DOM or input, everything is eventually
> Speaking at the string theory conference at the University of Southern California in 1995, Edward Witten of the Institute for Advanced Study made the surprising suggestion that all five superstring theories were in fact just different limiting cases of a single theory in eleven spacetime dimensions.
@Vap0r you would also normally create the emitter when (or even before) your first ReactDOM.render call, but in your case, Segment might be the right scope if you don't want events moving between segments.
well, sure. I meant more along the lines of: are the handlers checking specific events, or are events subscribed to?
@KendallFrey Yea, basically the idea was that the five individual theories were all right, but they were all part of a bigger picture limited by our puny brains.
enter, m-theory
@ChrisRasys this is the simplest pub/sub, because he can't use redux/mobx
@ssube noted, and you are correct with the multiple segment events being a possible issue

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