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Where are you at?
charleston, sc
oh, neat, now it's multiple crashes
Tampa, FL checking in here letting you know there's no reas
unless it jumps florida and just skims up the coastline
Zirak has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
honestly, I'm more worried about all the dumb people around here freaking out than the actual hurricane
did you know that the chrome dev tools has a dark theme?
@Zirak thanks dude
So does SO chat
I'm trying to find a dark theme for Slack
i'm trying to find a not broken theme for hipchat.
@Luggage heard the news from Atlassian today?
Anyway, great new things in devtools in chrome 62, check them out developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/08/…
hm. have to read.
this better work with the existing hipchat server. tired of giving them money.
if you're self-hosted, you might be outta luck
though they're still "supporting" it
so... who knows
I don't have that unicode in my font...
It's the putin-straddling-a-bear emoji
what are you on?
I meant what OS chris was on, but that was my next question.
anybody see anything wrong with my ajax call? jsfiddle.net/kL8u2vxo
debian 8, specifically
get a decent font
i get errror '500 (Internal Server Error)'
.cfc... you poor bastard. :)
that's not the ajax side then
@Luggage thanks
yay! traffic time is going down!
@ChrisRasys well i know for sure file exist
is it friday yet
it is friday yet!
no, it's Thursday
isomorphic here we come
Pleebs, what would you prefer as setup for coding. A 3-screen solution, lets say 22-24 inch each or 2-screen with one giant 34 inch curved screen?
I have this déjà vu
@Arrow pretty sure you mean polymorthistic
no, I mean isomorphic express apps
server client all in one!!
Yeah, as usual I suck at obscure references humor
@jAndy one giant 34 inch curved. hopefully with an option to be two/three virtual monitors
I use a single 27" 4k with side-by-side apps.
I am assuming you mean pol·y·mor·phism
otherwise, the reference completely missed me. I consider myself a polyglot
but I am assuming you are polyamourous
I believe that is the best iteration of that meme I ever was given to see
wow I just search the word with quotes and this is what came up chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/38678261#38678261
google is indexing our conversations, I feel violated
this is stackoverflow, not irc.
we are indexed.
It's funny though, the word was said a lot of times but my comment apparently scores higher than the other previous ones
This is an important public resource. :)
stop grammar shaming me :( i have a fragel ego.
Wait, was @Arrow the one to actually invent that masterpiece?
Nah, it was done other pita wasn't it?
Hmm shit drop topic sry
I invent a lot of things :)
I watched a youtube video on why the French hate Quebecers
I said that half jokingly
It happens to be a thing.
what's so surprising about the french hating someone?
most of the french hate most everyone else
umm, touche
@jAndy I prefer multiple smaller screens. With the 4k 32" I have at work I end up with a bunch of weirdly overlapped windows that just look messy
@Florian sometimes forgets to hate.
@david my widescreen is useless without some sort of window grid tool
@FlorianMargaine explain this phenomenon of a whole country of player haters, please
@ssube do you split it into evenly sized blocks or do you have one main block with smaller blocks that you can swap in and out of the main block?
I've never actually looked at these tools till I saw a workmate doing it
it felt too laggy :S
It's on an 8x6 grid, but I might change that to 4x3
It's more like, saying that everything is shit is their way of going through life.
but they make such artistic movies
A normal conversation will feature what might be insults in other contexts
like what?
But it's all ok, it's just casually telling your friends they're an idiot in a casual way
Well in America, east coasters are seen as pompous, and arrogant. so ...
O_o I am assuming this room is full of east siders.
I'm just joking by the way.
anyone here happens to be familiar with linux?
I break it on a regular basis, yup
i got a linux vps with literally nothing on it
but i want to use it with a graphical user interface
but so far, i have been trying for 2 days to even connect with it properly
im afriad it will take me 2 months to understand how to get a gui working on it
any suggestions?
export TERM='xterm-256color'
do you have virtual box?
might be XY. Why do you want a gui for it?
the latest in fancy linux vps ui technology
no i dont, but if it works nice, im happy to download and install any (trusted) program
hm.. so you want to install X and a window manager and configure it for VNC and not a graphics card..
or you want to connect a local x server (the display part) to a remote headless server over ssh?
@towc i want it because im not familiar with linux that much
using a good gui will allow me to do most things much faster than googling all the time
using graphical linux from the cloud is a special case, not what people do.
if you want to learn linux for server use, jstu use commandline.
@Luggage i want to connect (ssh) from my laptop (windows) to a linux virtual server
you're going to find much better documented cases using the cli
if you want to learn it for desktop use, use a local VM.
then just connect with ssh.. that's not a graphical user interface. Are you saying you don't know how to use ssh (that's ok)?
(i cant say I have done much networking stuff :D)
The machine is empty?, even if there is a gui, I don't see it being that much easier.
not literally empty
it's got a bunch o' zeros in it
but its mostly being stripped from all stuff it doesnt really need to run
and some ones
Putty is a windows ssh client. Also, you may even have an ssh client already installed if you have git installed.
i can connect to it with putty, but that still leaves me with the console
i still prefer a gui
i think i have git installed
are you learning linux for server or desktop use?
I find the cli to be much easier than putty
then skip the gui. all the server work is done on the commandline anyway.
so, that means that the gui is useless?
servers don't have GUIs. (they CAN, but generally don't, especially in the cloud)
server, lol you are going to have a hard time with that buddy
i prefer it has
so, if it can, i want it
well, that's advanced terrority, to get a gui for a headless cloud server.
@david could be
but then i still need a client that uses it
Perhaps you want Windows Server. :)
perhaps yes
@Luggage im not sure if it actually is headless
there are free windows X clients (technically they are called X servers) for the method david linked.
i just assumed it is
just install an operating system on the thing. I think that's what you're asking for
it's headless in every way that matters
it has ubuntu 16 installed
@Luggage btw, I was told you use bookshelf/knex, I have some queries for you, if you don't mind. One thing I'm kind of really confused about is what the preferred way of declaring normal (like string) columns/properties. The few examples I've found seem to be doing that in migration files, but they were mostly half-mocks of a real scenario
do bookshelf models only define query methods and relationships? It seems like a huge mix of really weird stuff
you don't really declare that in bookshelf. it just uses the types returned from the table at runt time.
yea, just relationships and queries.
I used my own schema in JS to do run-time type checking / enforcement.
I find that really confusing :/
it's a pretty raw library...
so the main difference between bookshelf and knex is that bookshelf provides a standard way of building more complex queries?
@Luggage do you have a sample?
const schema = {
    SomeTable: {
        column1: { type: 'string' },
then pick a validation library you like and loop over that to make things..
or.. use json schema.
ok, that makes some sense
the "parser" would be in a knex migration file?
knex is an abstraction layer over the different SQL database drivers. It lets you make queries in a programatic way that is still just SQL in a JS api. bookshelf can make some queries for you to automatically handle the normal operations on an object (insert, update, delete)
yea, you can use that schema to make a migration or create a datbase from scratch. i might have some code to paste.
i hate knex
i thought it abstracted away differences between databases
but it doesn't
things break... in weird ways
that require me to actually learn about differences between sql servers
and that makes me unhappy
I don't think I see the appeal in bookshelf at all :/ I get knex, but not bookshelf
@david examples?
Then don't use it. It only has value if you see the need.
I guess, sure. I've been hearing so many good things about it, so my main thought is that I'm not seeing something obvious
it does give objects a 'lifecycle' and a place to put business logic. But you can do that your own way. bookshelf is not really that big of a deal. skip it.
@Arrow don't you dare correct our Luggage's statements
@Arrow ty :)
Luggage doesn't make mistakes, it's english that is wrong
gist.github.com/luggage66/8d0855b0b0603c6857ecb4c46178c5a5 is some old code that makes db tables off code liek the schema above.
you'll see it's nothing special.
just loop over structure, call appropriate knex method.
there are likely better ones online. some of that was pasted from someone else.
@Luggage oh, cheers
do you actually get to programmatically migrate databases?
is that for an admin panel or something?
this doesn't, this just makes create table statements from nothing.
oh, some of the functions do set the database up for migration
to migrate you need to determine changes between versions and apply those. many are hand-written and mad need to be.
going on a tangent here
yea.. might be some extra code in there.
I love how you partially gave up on typescript :P
I guess the pasted code
anyway, thanks :)
that's old code that was coffee-script.
I'll go forth and forget about bookshelf for now
i converted some to TS.
typescript booo
typescript rulez, flow droolz
I listened to Douglas Crockford yesterday, it was the happiest moment of my life when he talked smack on typescript
did he?
I want to hear it. I don't have any really good counterarguments to typescript except that I'm too lazy to do things properly (in the typescript way. Of course I'm careful about most things), so that might help
on the other hand, I might come off as sexist if taken off-context
If you don't see the value, skip it. You'll just be unhappy fighting it or mis-using it if you don't see the value.
@towc have you heard of Jesus, sorry I mean flow before?
oh no, I genuinely respect who uses typescript
I use it for some team projects, but most of the time what happens is that things aren't done consistently and properly typescript becomes an obstacle
@Arrow aye
yea, but TS can be used to simply tell you WHERE you were inconsistent. You can use it as a fancy linter against code you know doesn't follow all the rules.
So it can be added to existing JS projects and you can choose the level and type of involvement.
in my cases, I know I spend way too much time deciding how something should be treated semantically, and with normal JS, most of that doesn't even matter, and all I need to do go get closer to being done is remind myself of that. With typescript, however...
@Luggage and that works most of the time, when done well
all languages that have some type based system are burdensome
I'm confused, @Arrow, don't you like flow?
@Arrow not necessarily
C++ is heavily standardized, and I like that typing system
java is worse, but still ok
typescript/javascript are maybe too young to have a common enough ideology of how things should be done

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