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9:00 PM
Or maybe it's the other way around
yea, not sure..
Hey folks, I'm wondering whether JS is a solution to my problem, and how to properly ask about it. I'm trying to make something like the table entries in wals.info/feature/2A#2/19.3/152.9 and would like to make it so that when you double-click a cell, it prepares a form in another window accumulating all changes. But it's been ages since I last tried my hands at JS, so I don't really know what kind of cool stuff/frameworks/tools/etc. I should be looking for and what would be overkill.
20mm sounds right for an APC
@Luggage You seen the Stryker class US APCs?
If it's more than that it becomes an IFV or whatever maybe these are backwards
I've seen it, but don't know much about it.
looks about like the pandur II, only pointier
9:01 PM
And it can take a better beating than Kendall's mom.
I almost typed "gorgon", which is what it's called in Arma 3
They can take a direct IED blast and no one gets hurt.
Usually need to be rebuilt, but the important thing is they can take that shit and give the troops the chance to unleash hell.
like an IED crumple zone
Sorta, but those are mostly on the MRAPs
Which I wouldn't mind having either.
that new oshkosh one?
9:05 PM
Nah, the Navistar older ones.
ohh, those. they look more "meaty"
Damn right, room for more personnel as well.
Plus, you can toss a full sized .50 on the top to say hello to the neighbors!
can they have the remote controlled gun the oshkosh have?
The TOW? Uh..yea?
.50, controlled from inside
9:07 PM
You know what TOW stands for, right?
no, but i thought it was a rocket/missle/rpg
Tube launched, Optically Tracked, Wire Guided
yea, ok, that's what i thought it was.
yea, tow is cool, but a .50 is more useful in my daily life.
like for opening doors, etc.
Dude, TOWs make a great welcoming gift.
Welcome to the neighborhood, mother fucker
Plus, less mess for you to have to clean up. I hate policing brass.
that .50, with it's thermal site.. great for hunting deer.
9:09 PM
@Luggage Lol fuck yarr
Not if you want to actually eat the deer tho haha
aim for the head.
Maybe like half of it...
then it won't have one.
9:09 PM
...you don't aim for the head with a .50
it's humane.
you do when you want the rest of the body intact
Yea, good luck.
Why would he need luck
.50s aren't inherently inaccurate...
9:10 PM
Ever heard of a beretta ;)
yea, but my beretta was no .50
There's a difference between the sniper rifle, which is designed to reduce the vertical kickback to almost 0, and a .50 machine gun, which utilizes tracer rounds so you can point in a general vicinity and just tear everything up in a foot plus area.
is the first shot pretty accurate?
cause.. only need one.
Never heard of anyone trying something so silly, especially since there's no scope or iron sights.
9:12 PM
anywho.. i gotta go pee, and since i'm at a bar, i should put the laptop away, now.
that one has a camera inside
Guys I have a quick question to ask
I got a text file of 250 mb with a list of names stored on the server
I'd like to use these names for autocompletion via js except that the list is so big that it could take hours to get to the frontend
How can I do that ?
@ndugger Hah, I saw that. He's such a good boy!
> 250mb of names
Is that before or after you nuked all the duplicates?
9:17 PM
@DeltaWeb Then do it on the backend
Useful answer is useful.
Basically it's a list of all movies on IMDb
Then you need to do Zirak's suggestion and run it off the back end.
There's no reasonable way to justify forcing that kind of load on your client's browser.
Okay, could you explain it a bit please
I've never done it before
9:20 PM
If you don't want to do it on the backend, then there are things you can do to alleviate some pain. For instance, did you check how big it was gzipped? Because that's (hopefully) how you'll transfer it. It's also possible to maybe further encode the data into n-grams or something similar, maybe get some space saving on that.
@DeltaWeb Google's your friend on that one, look up on autocompletion
I think I'll get to backend because I've tried most compression algos and no one worked out
is there a way to refer to an iframe element directly from within the iframe?
The smallest I could get to is 180 mb
I hate big data :/
@DeltaWeb 250mb of data isn't big data.
but she told me it was
9:25 PM
@DeltaWeb that's.. not what she said
that joke was a bit of a stretch
You make an endpoint that accepts a substring as a parameter, and you search for matching entries in your data, then you return only matching ones, and only a few, from the server.
Can I do that in milliseconds ?
I need the ux to be smooth and fast
@ndugger lel. i'll take the down vote
I was talking about my joke, but we both had the same idea
9:30 PM
@DeltaWeb it depends what your stack is, there are some very fast fuzzy search algorithms
Python, I'll look into that thanx for your help everyone :)
is there a way to disconnect a MutationObserver from only one of its targets?
@ndugger heh, great minds and so on
9:47 PM
My network speed goes to shit (ping times to my router can go over 1000ms) when I open iRacing (requires low latency but not much bandwidth). What can I do to diagnose the problem?
@KendallFrey what network hardware do you have?
Not sure what else you're looking for
I'm fairly certain the router has problems, and I suspect my wifi card has problems
Can you hard wire your PC?
Try removing the wifi card from the equation first?
@Trasiva I'm gonna see if I can do that, trying ethernet
If it's still slow past the router, don't forget about tracert.
9:56 PM
The odd thing is that I never notice the problem with other applications
I can download files at the full available bandwidth
Is it when you initially open it?
Or is it the entire time the application is open?
@Trasiva The entire time
I ran ping -t and the point where I closed iRacing was clearly visible
Have you tried using a network monitoring system like wireshark?
ethernet seems to have improved it dramatically
@Trasiva no
iRacing might be using up more bandwidth than you think.
10:02 PM
Not according to my router
or your wifi is crappier than you think
Or it could be your wireless card is a piece of shit and doesn't like it.
or Windows
emm ... guys?
how do you use google fonts with webpack?
I think I'll have to try and get a statistically significant result on whether other machines are affected (router) or just mine (wifi card)
10:04 PM
@tereško Google search's top SO answer lead to this
bleh, I've got so little time tonight
@Trasiva lemme guess: you have no idea what webpack is
You mean the module bundler?
I still think you'd google it but w/e
@ivarni yeah, I looked at that article. It seems really wrong
it starts out with "download all the fonts by hand"
10:08 PM
Well the way I did that was by using the google thingy, look at the network tab and save the files it downloaded
Or I suppose you could just ignore the whole webpack aspect of it and pray the users have it cached from the google cdn
Most browsers run, what, 6 concurrent requests? You don't have to bundle everything into one file
Also, for MutationObservers, is there a need to manually call .takeRecords()? Does it store records even after they've been passed to a callback?
10:28 PM
!!afk Time to ride.
mm, i guess no one here's used MutationObserver before :/
oh there's an undocumented method .getObservingInfo(); there's my answer
@rlemon where do you live again?
like, city/town
10:47 PM
@BenjaminGruenbaum could you please link to your async iterators presentation again?

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