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@KendallFrey "code is self commenting"
pretty good video imo, from one of the creators of Agile
@SterlingArcher Lately I've been feeling the opposite. There's a lack of organization, because everybody does everything and there's so little actual communication.
i.e., I don't have time to do my job, so you do it
@ssube EXACTLY
the developers end up being the mules
3:01 PM
Don't get me wrong, agile has its place
I think that place is maintenance, not development
> Just design what you feel makes sense, requirements are self explanatory, don't worry about spelling errors on our part you know how to spell right?
I'm definitely not working for a company that talks about doing agile again
heh also having managers in retro, and standups being a place where you basically tell the manager what you're doing instead of the team
@Loktar Usually it's because the person who wrote it forgot the difference between requirements and design
/me would rather work in shitty waterfall than shitty agile
3:02 PM
so often the requirements are basically the design
and then the requirements end up in the user story
@KendallFrey yeah in the end it just comes down to people being lazy
knowing the developers will just do it anyway, and if wrong you can blame the devs! :p
and agile training teaches you how to be as lazy as possible
> So here's how you can sit in a conference room all day and make marketing happy.
So I often end up changing the "requirements" because the design needs changing
@SterlingArcher just go around teaching other people "agile" now. You don't need to teach them the same thing, just make stuff up.
Now meetings are just an excuse to phase out for a while
3:05 PM
@Loktar In terms of what you actually do day-to-day, agile is easier because of the quick feedback. It's the actual software part that I don't like.
I just realized the English language already has a word for "shitty waterfall"
@KendallFrey "agile"?
Hint: it's in the sidebar
agile: jQuery for managers
That's... not incorrect
3:10 PM
it doesn't work very well, but it looks easy and lets you half-ass your job
So I like the 15 minute scrums, it keeps you updated, and uncovers issues quickly. I like that every sprint should have a production ready feature done at the end
In theory, agile is awesome in my head. In practice, it's hard to do it right
but those are the obvious goals of software development
agile is the structure and process and gimmicks
@ssube LOL
I think it can be done right. The place I colocate at does scrum. they have daily FAST meetings, seem to be productive and happy.
I'm not in those meetings.. but.. from the outside it looks like it works
@SterlingArcher We never did the thing of connecting features and sprints. It's always just "these things are what we'd like to happen in the next 2 weeks"
3:21 PM
we used to have weekly meetings to discuss projects.... but they always seemed like a waste of time and probably were
Now that work is all done through trello/email
yea.. i've been in those. I've been reponsible for regular useless meetings.. :(
There's also the thing where depending on your definition, we have anywhere from 1 to 4 different teams.
That's why I got out of management. I sucked at it.
I've actually started using waffle for my personal projects recently, and it's pretty dope
3:22 PM
Promoted to incompetence and all
@ssube seent it
it's the good, useful part of agile (tracking) without the bullshit (product)
here it's really easy, 1dev, 1 designer, request comes in, it gets sorted into data entry/dev work/design work/back log boards, and we work on what we want
@KendallFrey why does "did somebody see it fall" point to not a meteorite?
Did you see the xkcd?
3:24 PM
yep, that's where I came from
I don't get space
All is right in the world gents. Lounge is back to getting flagged
It might have to do with the way all the aliens "someone saw" don't exist
and... we don't allow anyone else on these boards to avoid the "why isn't my project higher on the list?"
"Because your project is boring."
@KendallFrey that actually makes sense
3:26 PM
we did that once, and it was a mess
How do you prioritize work? Is it revenue based?
Omaha after dark lol
There are a total of 1147 people who have seen a meteorite fall
either we choose based on which one we want to do, or which one is more important for the company's operations
3:26 PM
howdy! is gulp.js off-topic here?
@MassDebates absolutely not
wow, that was strongly welcoming!
I'm having some trouble getting gulp to play nice and watch my images.
if gulp doesn't want to watch your images, have you tried being prettier?
show us you ti^H%H gulpfile.js.
For some reason, it doesn't seem very interested! I tried messing with the directories and glob patterns but I can't seem to get it. Here's my file
3:28 PM
also, yeah, post the gulpfile
although watch is very dependent on the OS, so that could be breaking it
@KevinB within a project, who gives task priority? How do you plan it out?
it's probably long enough to use a paste site, fyi, but if it's short (and formatted) post it here
noone does, that's for me to figure out
@KendallFrey Wait I don't get it. Why does someone seeing it fall mean it's not a mteorite?
3:29 PM
@SterlingArcher product/marketing/the stakeholders should be involved in priority, but not sizing
@Jhawins Jesus, we just went over that
you can tell me it's super important, but you can't tell me it will take 5 time units when it will actually be 13
No you didn't
You just said people see aliens and that makes them not real :/
if it's super important, then you accept the estimate of 13 and actually scheduled around that
3:29 PM
Since y'all hate agile, how do you plan your projects and adapt to change?
The point is, anecdotal evidence isn't evidence
here's a copy of my directory
Oh so someone seeing it fall doesn't inherently mean it's a meteorite.
But it doesn't disqualify it in any way either. Flow chart is broken
3:30 PM
@SterlingArcher ever used waffle?
A meteorite didn't fall on Newton when he realized what gravity was
it's the column-style issue board
@ssube nope. It's not blue, is it?
I thought it was saying if someone saw it it immediately ceases to be a meteorite lol
i'm using Notepad++, windows 7, gulp, and a few others like handlebars and whatnot
3:31 PM
@SterlingArcher it can be...
@ssube Are my globs right?
but it's the idea of status, issues flow right, they have prime-number weights, etc
but you can use it without letting product tell you what those weights are
hastebin sucks:
I don't know why it mangles shit so badly
@Jhawins As I said, there are a very few actual observed meteorite falls
it looks normal if i switch it to raw text.
3:32 PM
Another thing to notice is that the flowchart has no option for No there
alot of money to be made in agile consulting
basically you repeat back to the client what they tell you
You would be more likely to find one that was observed falling. So I don't see the sense in it still.
I'm not sure if line 104 points to the right spot. from what I've seen, 'src/assets/img/**/*' hits everything in the img directory, recursively, according to some stack overflow answers
@MassDebates it does
3:34 PM
Hum! So why doesn't it watch? They are awfully beautiful images.
have you tried picking out just that watch part?
You mean removing it?
oh the terrible chairs at offices:

1) seeing something fall doesn't make it more likely to be a meteorite
2) if you get to that point in the flowchart, it's not a meteorite anyway
3) they're probably doing that as a joke, rubbing it in about #1
I'll be fucked if I'm going to sit on a 10 year old $50 chair
Fucking pamper me bro
3:36 PM
why are chairs worth spending money on? it's not like you spend most of your life there..
@KendallFrey I'll be fucked if I'm going to sit on a 10 year old (source)
@SterlingArcher actually, it's less. These are chairs*, not just a single chair*
i've been sitting in this same chair for 8 years, and it's still in great shape... why don't my home chairs last this long
@SterlingArcher so some of that budget is getting split between your chair and my collection of chairs
3:37 PM
@SuperUberDuper get a better job :)
Does anyone know what @ssube meant by "picking out just that watch part?"??
Why are you collecting chairs you freak
@SterlingArcher I don't collect them. They're all actively used. My ass is just that phat
I thought your name was MassDiabetes for a moment
3:38 PM
@MassDebates test that part in isolation
devs should just be given a budget for monitors/etc.
@ssube how do I do that?
let them choose.
@ssube You don't have to tell me exactly how, if you just want to mention something that I can google & research
I don't want to be a help vampire. Just can't figure this out. It seems so correct.
Hey guys i'm having an issue with something I am working on. Anyone mind helping out?
3:39 PM
@MassDebates remove/comment anything unrelated so that you can isolate the problem
where possible
oh boy
IF possible.
Okay, I'll try.
What's plan B for after?
keep guessing :)
i like coding lying down, great for back
3:40 PM
@SterlingArcher we're just very open with the projects as we progress through them, the person who wants it can walk by any time and ask about it or for a demo. Hasn't really been a problem. I'll usually call the people who will be using it over for a quick demo at my desk when the basics are in place to catch anything that's missing, then make tasks for them. The primary thing though is we don't have hard deadlines on most of our projects.
the web isn't the primary focus of this company
gulp.watch(['src/layouts/**/*', 'src/partials/**/*']).on('change', gulp.series(resetPages, pages, inline, browser.reload)); This just has an array, right? An array of 2 entries?
within the gulp.watch()
certainly looks like an array..
I feel like on('change', gulp.series(...)) might not be right
it's not for me.
gulp.task('dev-server', [ 'server'], () => {
    return gulp.watch(paths.src, [ 'server']);
Debugging algorithm: 1) Change some code. 2) If the issue remains, that code is not part of the problem and can be ignored. 3) If you still don't know where the problem is, go to step 1.
3:42 PM
I am trying to write an object but its not working how I want it to. Here is a working example - jsfiddle.net/breezy/bpegfvk4 - I am trying to convert this into an object - the select dropdown functionality works but when i check items from the checkboxes it is not selecting the correct item from the dropdown - codepen.io/BryanBarrera/pen/JKQmBL?editors=0011 - @ anyone who can take a quick look. Thanks
I might of asked this here already... any good npm lib/module to create downloadable CSVs?
@BryanBarrera it doesn't make much sense to change the value of a select based on an array of checkboxes if the select isn't a multi select...

Otherwise i don't see what you're describing as a problem.
the select is changing.
@ApathyBear Which part are you asking about? Downloadable, or CSVs?
@rlemon its a shame a text node doesn't have a getBoundingClientRect
@KevinB the problem is, if you look at the working example (and then the codepen) - when you 'check' a checkbox the dropdown should change to that same value/name of hospital.
3:45 PM
and it does.
ah, you mean, the fiddle works and codepen doesn't?
@KendallFrey I suppose its two part 1.csv 2. ability to download :P
@KevinB yes, exactly. I am trying to convert it into an object
@ApathyBear Yes, exactly. So which part are you asking about?
@SuperUberDuper wrap it in a span
will then
@KendallFrey I'd like to take javascript objects and transform them into CSVs
3:47 PM
hmm, not sure I can do that as it would be to introusive
btw love the dark theme! @rlemon
11 mins ago, by SuperUberDuper
oh the terrible chairs at offices:

LOL My chair sucks too
@BryanBarrera i don't see where you're adding anything value related to an object..
I need a DX Racer like @Loktar
probably getting another :P
the DXRacer HQ is closer to my house than town
3:48 PM
@Jhawins Mine is a folding chair
I'm fine with it
@KendallFrey how can you sit in a folding chair all day?
unless by adding to object you mean you redesigned the code to use an object rather than a main function...
can you look at the selectOption function is that wrong? the way i am referring to this.selectDropdown and retrieving the value ? @KevinB
@ssube I have an ample bum.
yes that is what i am trying to do @KevinB
3:49 PM
I actually find normal office chairs aren't that comfy for me
if you're going to do it this way at least make less use of this
gets really confusing trying to figure out what this is what.
is that not the best approach? @KevinB - there are multiple functionalities on the website, so i want to keep every component segmented.
Right, but you could replace this.whatever with theobject.whatever
it's not like you're dealing with instances of a class,
@Loktar I can't work without a DX Racer, boss
3:51 PM
@Jhawins well we just hired a new guy who can
I'm going home.
@Loktar Lol
chairs there are hit or miss
He crept the whole office to find the best chair lol
3:52 PM
hah really?
I want to go steal one from E347
A leather one
do it!
LOL that would be awesome
Lol people would so notice
I need to move to a more secluded cube
3:53 PM
ok thanks @KevinB - i will look into that. just not sure if i should declare the variables in every function or keep them outside.
@BryanBarrera $(this).val(); doesn't do what you think
in the checkbox callback
@KendallFrey have you seen the new space posters yet?
because this isn't the checkbox.
@ton.yeung Definitely.
If you have something to improve upon the existing answers, post a new answer
For best results, make sure your answer is significantly better than the existing ones
@ssube cheeesy
3:56 PM
@KevinB - thanks, still don't quite understand this but i will do more research and see what i can figure out.
@ssube OMFG what is this crap haha
> Mars needs YOU! In the future, Mars will need all kinds of explorers, farmers, surveyors, teachers . . . but most of all YOU!
You bound the callback of that event to the categoryDropdown object, so this is categoryDropdown
@KendallFrey I think they should have made them more simple
I don't think we're close to needing farmers and surveyors lol
3:57 PM
I love the old soviet poster style
Not layman ones...
we're not even actually going to mars
@Jhawins Farmers? Are you kidding?
Those are cool asf posters tho
especially if we elect trump
3:58 PM
@KendallFrey More like biology professors
Or something
Not my Grandpa lol
How long does light take to reach Mars?
@Jhawins So... really smart farmers
Not my brother the surveyor haha
3:58 PM
Just like they need smart engineers
@MadaraUchiha Depends where it's coming from
@KendallFrey min/max?
@KendallFrey -_-
Go away
@ssube no, other way around. if we elect trump i'm moving to Can.. Mars.
If this is what you meant:
> Therefore, a light shining from the surface of Mars would take the following amount of time to reach Earth (or vice versa): Closest approach: 182 seconds, or just over 3 minutes. Farthest approach: 1,342 seconds, or just over 22 minutes.
4:00 PM
@KendallFrey Indeed that's what I meant
so ping times would reach up to 3/4 hour
Yeah, so no FPS games :D
Lag lol
hi my problem is this: if i get 180 minutes (integer) how can i convert it into string "3 hours"? Or 150 minutes => 2 hours and 30 minutes? with jquery, javascript?
4:01 PM
This could potentially work on Mars.
@MikeVinyl with division
Hi guys :D
@MikeVinyl / 60 ?
@Luggage o/
and a date formatting library
4:01 PM
you in MD, yet?
@MikeVinyl Look into the division operator (/), and the modulo operator (%)
ah ok...
I'll be in < 24 hours :D
is there a fast function ?
And I found out am a good drinker
4:02 PM
good at what part?
drinking a lot
getting it all in your mouth? being a funny and not asshole drunk? not puking?
when are you going to just move to the states and stop diddling around?
> being a funny and not asshole drunk? not puking?
@Luggage ETA Feb 17
that's not < 24 hours
thats when I move to states for longer term
4:03 PM
can you work here?
not yet
so this will be a short and sweet dc vacation :D
but you can in Feb?
well, you, @SterlingArcher and I will need to meet up. Be gentle. I'm old.
4:06 PM
@ssube LOL what is this
@Jhawins Airplane
That's a drinking problem.
great film, first of the famous spoof movies
okay guys, thanks for the help so far! I've figured out what I can do to test to see if it's actually picking up files but I'm not sure how to fit it in with the syntax
Leslie Nielsen was one of the better comedians
4:06 PM
I was gonna use console.log() with the .watch file
.watch line
but I'll try some code. I'll be back with what I come up with
@Abhishrek We can try to make Sterling lose his clearance.
anything exciting happening?
@Luggage He doesn't even have it yet, so that makes it a lot easier.
slip some dope in his dope
ooh, what if you just tell him drugs will make him more agile?
> I dare you to go steal that cop car to increase your sprint velocity.
Just slip some THC into his booze.
Make an anonymous phone call to work, he'll pop positive.
4:10 PM
anyone have exposure and know if "Eloquent JavaScript, Second Edition" is worth reading?
@rlemon can you make the dark theme hr's less bright?
and the grey background more dark
@Claies 11/10 worth it
it's on my book list, right after I finish learning me some LISP
@KendallFrey that would imply it runs on one thread - but in node that's not true - your code runs in one thread but framework code runs across multiple threads.
@Claies Common Lisp?
4:15 PM
yeah, I figured I finally need to get my head around this whole functional programming thing, and seems like Lisp is the best way to get there
wow that ted talk
11 months, sheesh for an apple
@Claies that's nice!
@Claies yes
@SuperUberDuper fork and PR.
ugh, there are a billion different SaaS solutions that advertise to do what I need, but every time I talk to one of them on the phone or install a trial, I find they don't do what I need at all.... it's getting depressing
4:26 PM
@Claies Who needs paid CSS libraries haha
no, not CSS... I wish it were that simple
software as a service
@Claies It was a joke because Sass vs SaaS
Software as a Sass
4:27 PM
yeah I got it
Jokes are like a UI. If you have to explain it, it's not very good. :)
Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets as a Software as a Service
@Luggage It was better than that lol
@ndugger Sass as a SaaS
3 days to first gold
4:28 PM
jQuery as a Service
I know too many people that think jQuery is a service already
> New! Plagiarism Checker for Students' Code
Lol Codio's new features
I don't use jQuery. I'm an atheist.
4:30 PM
jQuery is my only friend
jQuery taught me a lot
Hello jquery my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
I've come to $.talk() to you again.
jQuery RegEx is my favorite
damnit, too slow
I have to look up the lyrics
4:32 PM
!!> "stuff".match(/f/) // pure jQuery OOP Symbol.Iterator QwertY
is there a way to find a PDF file of exactly n KB size?
@Jhawins ["f"]
find it where?
@AydinÖzcan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
4:33 PM
@RahulDesai find . -name "*.pdf" -size 134
@MadaraUchiha do you like 1 punch man show?
check the man page for find
!!> $.talk()
@Jhawins ["f"]
@teivaz "ReferenceError: $ is not defined"
Anyone look into Elixir at all?
is it worth checking out IYO
4:34 PM
@ssube there's none in my system
!!> var $ = require('jquery')
@teivaz "ReferenceError: require is not defined"
where can I find it online?
you need a random PDF from the internet that is a certain size?
or the find command?
4:35 PM
he needs a jquery function that will generate random PDF's for him so that he can later find them in his desktop folder
@Luggage it needs to be 1015 KB, doesnt matter what content it has
well.. wtf.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Clearly we're not talking about the same thing
you are better off generating a pdf and using some sort of metadata feature to pad the size
content doesn't matter, but source of pdf does? lol
4:37 PM
@RahulDesai Make a file that size and name it .pdf lol
@RahulDesai I have to ask.. why?
The suspense is killing me.
@RahulDesai I can make a webservice for that
But I need smb for SMM
4:53 PM
So my supervisor just asked me if I could standardize everything that's in vanilla JS to jQuery so it was all looked the same. I politely informed him that I'd rather chew through my own arm, and that decision would be a very poor one.
Send me .5 bitcoins and I will send you a 1015kb pdf full of pictures of rotting food
@Trasiva he should be fired immediately
@Trasiva Tell him that vanilla JS is already standardized and link him to the standards documnetation
@ndugger I broke it down Barney style and told him that jQuery is JS, and there's very little that jQuery does better than vanilla JS now.
There's nothing jQuery does better, imo
4:55 PM
@ApathyBear Since he's one of the three owners of a seven man company...hard to fire him.
unless your goal is to slow down the page
@ndugger Pain and suffering?
I haven't done anything with it, but I thought ajax was technically still easier?
Hmmm, fair enough.
Like I said, I haven't done anything with it. ASP does some wonky stuff with AJAX for update panels, but that uses pre-built in functionalilty.
4:58 PM
ew, asp. Been there.

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