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I never got into RPGs and FPSs, nothing I can do about that
I've played plenty before and understand how they work, but nah
@tereško : do you recall that 1000+ dump wallpaper? There is another one with 1000+ wallpaper for 1920 x 1200 (well at most): imgur.com/gallery/vbyI9
@KarelG I have 3440x1440
Dual screen :|
Is there an upper limit on how many images can be in a gallery in Imgur?
are you using a TV as PC screen or somewhat?
if anyone is lightly familiar with angular and has any input on this question i would be very grateful. I have been playing around with this code since last night and cant seem to figure it out stackoverflow.com/questions/37553240/…
@ngnewb Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@tereško me ish jelly
At one point you start having the problem that it becomes difficult to enter the area enclosed by all of those monitors
how's working with curved screen if you compared it to flat screen ?
@SterlingArcher >:(
@KarelG it's awesome
would the FOV not being fucked up if you play games ?
@BadgerCat too soon?
No, well played
@ngnewb Looks like your question was just answered stackoverflow.com/a/37553678/1507941
hehe :D
> Game Mode: Instantly adjust your monitor settings for an optimised gaming experience through the on-screen display. Game Mode improves the darkness of the picture so that you can see all the action vividly.
did you have tried that?
yes, it just auto adjusting for screen resolutions
Does it mean it burns your eyes out?
not all games have 21:9 resolutions available
default price: 999 US $ (on amazon)
A bit high for me
A year ago I picked it up for 750 €
thanks @Pluto still trying to figure out the answer. Im a bit green on promises but reading up on it now
All promise objects are is a way to capture the request so you can modify it as needed, but the work to do an AJAX request is done in the background so the request doesn't finish until later. The .then(...) functions passed in handle the downloaded data
Hello guys
to split a string I use split(/(\s+)/)[0];
but it splits a single space
Because you're not setting the global flag
I want to split there can many spaces between 2 words
even a enter carriage also
use global flag /g at the end
in that case what should I do?
use OR to add an enter carriage
@ndugger use-OR-to-add-an-enter-carriage (source)
That's not the problem, all you need to do is remove the parentheses
That, too
I did
but it did not work
the brackets only groups a pattern
'saj s dfsa'.split(/(\s+)/) returns // ["saj", " ", "s", " ", "dfsa"]
'saj s dfsa'.split(/\s+/) returns // ["saj", "s", "dfsa"]
@SpringLearner ... !!s is not how you do regex in JS...
@ndugger sorry not able to get you
He doesn't want to be got
Just remove the parentheses so your regex is just /\s+/
in PHP, 3 mins ago, by Ekn
https://atom.io/packages/activate-power-mode lol
that's old
@Pluto thanks
@rlemon show you hba_file
Note: the order does matter
@DenysSéguret sorry ended up fixing it
@JanDvorak thats not correct,I did not understand that what I said
[email protected] was the problem
any way thanks
One usually understands the things they say
@DenysSéguret old installation candidate
not sure why it all of a sudden broke, updating the package to 4.5.5 solved the password issue
But I thought that pg directly jumped from 1.x to 6.0
(20 years ago)
@JanDvorak I am poor in english and my native language is not english. I dont sometimes fully.
(I'm probably drunk. I can gather that from the amount of understanding I have of what's said here)
(or the universe is. whatever)
I can see that, but at least a person should be able to understand themselves.
@JanDvorak read your old code
@DenysSéguret node-postgres
thanks again for the explanation on the promise pluto
so... I'm trying to install ubuntu on another computer... version 16.04
only connects to ethernet for some reason, so I was trying to fix that
after trying some things it looks like installing bmcwl-kernel-source would fix it...
but by looking at the package resources on packages.ubuntu.com there doesn't seem to be one
is it outdated or what?
where's @AwalGarg or @littlepootis when you need them
in India
fucking indians
that's sexist
Whom else would you like to fuck in India?
dunno, not indians?
can anyone recommend the best learning resource for angularjs 2?
@towc You forgot Shrek!
because indians suck
@im1dermike Google
very helpful
Stay away from w3schools, though
perhaps some non-useless dickhead answers?
I'm sorry, all of our dickhead answers are useless.
@im1dermike The fact you got none means we don't have better answers to this question
@im1dermike Assuming you tried Googling, what was wrong with the results?
@im1dermike Here
@SomeKittens: they're not vetted by people who hang out in a javascript chatroom all day?
@Megaplex: so tutorials = laziness?
So, ask for references about specific tutorial sites
@im1dermike No, not bothering to read the material that's available by using basic google searches is lazy.
@im1dermike No, asking us for some when you know that you can just google for them yourself is what's lazy.
But honestly, the best resources are the docs. Go read the docs.
That. You don't need a tutorial.
@im1dermike the top result is the Angular 2 site itself, which, last time I checked, was 'vetted' (i.e. made) by the core team.
also, you're trusting some internet randos over Google?!?
I mean holy shit, the second link is a quickstart guide.
top result for you
@SomeKittens: trusting people who hang out in a JS chatroom over whatever SEO returns? absolutely
Like I said, go read the docs
@SomeKittens I for one welcome our (not) new Google overlords.
@ndugger: and that's a fair answer. "go google it" isn't
why did google have to make scraping google images such a pain
@im1dermike Google didn't make hundreds of billions of dollars to be tricked by some SEO shenanigans.
I can get their cached version of the file fine
Ghost got memed!
@im1dermike Then clearly you don't understand how fantastic Google's Penguin is.
@im1dermike They're both fair--stop complaining.
@im1dermike "Go google it" leads directly to the docs
@im1dermike more than fair. unless you're paying
then my time is all yours
If you want to read a book on AngularJS that you'd normally pay for, there are plenty on it-ebooks.info
@ssube Did y'all have any over the top raves with the three day weekend?
All raves are over the top.
plurasight has a video on angular2 i believe. I would check out egghead.io if he has anything
but for now i think the top google result is the best place for angular2
the two i mentioned have way more angular 1.X material
@rlemon How's the welder and head-pro working out? All you hoped for after the long wait?
need to move some power around
no 220 in the garage yet
@ndugger that's because they keep taking too much drugs and the drugs don't work good much anymore so they have to top the rave because the drugs suck because they took 50 pills one night, snorted a marijuana and got felt up by Grover but it's ok, because the lights and foam and wub wub make it better
Did I get the jist of raving correctly?
!!afk walkies
@rlemon Ugh, depending on your garage that could be a bitch too.
@rlemon i had to scratch my hair on that. Do you mean that there are different voltage levels at your house? Heck?
@KarelG house hold stuff runs on 110v here
so only heavy duty appliances get 220-240
(fridges, stoves, washers, etc)
@Megaplex nahh, stove is gas so I don't use the line going to it
and it is on the wall touching the garage
so I'm just going to pull it through and re-connect the stove when I move out
@rlemon Oh, that's not so bad then. I've helped granddad on some jobs where it was just...terrible.
so you have two kinds of appliances: one that accepts 110 volt as input and another one that accepts 220~240 volt as input ?
@KarelG All electrical outlets in a home are 110v. Only large factor appliances like your fridge, stove, washer/dryer are 220v, so that power is specifically ran for those utilities.
didn't.. didn't I just say that?
they're all at same level in my house
@KarelG North America is different than EU in this regard
@rlemon You did, I tried to explain it a different way.
which sucks when I buy something from eu and it only runs on 220
because everything here runs on 220 :P
As for as 99% of home residents are concerned, their house is 110v. You can't even plug a 110v item into a 220v outlet.
@Megaplex nah, there was just a garbage boat rave
@ssube That just sounds trashy.
@SterlingArcher close enough
@ssube SterlingArcher is afk: walkies
@Megaplex it's just weird to have two voltage levels in a house.
does it mean that your house is connected to two different electric networks ?
or is there a transformer to get 110v ?
@KarelG no, it's just easier to set up small things on lower voltage lines
@KarelG No, it's just run differently from the breaker is all.
It's 220v into the house.
@KarelG I think 120V outlets have a neutral wire instead of a negative wire, so it's the same grid, but divided the voltage in half
geez. it's just so strange for me.
i'm not really sure what neutral is though since it's definitely different from ground, and definitely dangerous to touch
@KendallFrey You've looked in your breaker box, right?
@KendallFrey both outlets have all 3 wires
@Megaplex who even does that?
@Megaplex Not recently
So when you look in your breaker box, most of it has one 'pole' or switch.
@ssube which 3?
I thought there were 4
That's a 110v line. If it has two poles, or switches (like in your kitchen or utility room), then it's 220v.
positive negative neutral and ground
@KendallFrey All outlets have hot (black/positive), neutral (white/red/negative), and ground (green/stripped).
and just to make it more confusing there's also three-phase power
@Megaplex i'm curious if that's more or less efficient than keeping it at 220 volt at the whole house (which is common here)
@Megaplex so 240V still has a neutral wire?
how do they convert between 120 and 240 without a transformer then
ground cables should be green/yellow striped
i've the same question as kendall
@KarelG generally higher voltage is more efficient
@KendallFrey 240v is different, that doesn't involve a neutral, no. The neutral is the step down. When you were talking outlets I thought you were talking conventional home oness, sorry.
though I have no idea if it's noticeable in this case
@KarelG 220 is more efficient, especially over distance (which isn't a bid deal inside), but 110 has a hard time killing people and is less likely to spark
@Megaplex oh yeah the 120, yeah. I thought you were including 240
if you are worrying about the sparks, then there is a big issue with the infrastructure
@KendallFrey No, because like I said previously. Most people don't know or care about 240 in their homes.
@KarelG Clearly you underestimate the stupidity of the average North American.
twice the voltage, twice the fun
@KarelG at the plug
110 plugs are half the size of 220 plugs
@ssube In america, yes
Remember those neat spheres that you could touch and the electricity inside would go to your fingertips?
@Megaplex plasma balls?
@ssube we have an universal plug and socket :|
Yea, those.
I had one once
I have plasma in my balls

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