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grrrrrrrrrrrr, I will never going to get callbacks in JS !!!!
i do love me some code issues in the mornign
@Maurice in this case i need to delete the file each time after download
@Kob_24 why? then do a second sever request and delete it.
i dont want to save the zip file on the server
rm -f file.zip
yeah after the response is succeeded
sever request (create zip) -> client response (window.location path) -> server request (delete zip) -> client response (do whatever you want to)
i will wait to see if the front end guy dont solve it so i rethink my backend part
@Maurice thx anyway
Are you a trainee?
@rlemon your selfmade bench is awesome
@Maurice ty
we have 26000 stars even!
@MPMP Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@littlepootis you got #26000
I don't know what that signifies, but it is cool
do you track that ?
@KarelG look to the right. "show all 26001"
I am working in twitter show user, I got authenticatoin using some plugin. but when i send http get request to user /show its give me error.
26000 is way better than 26001
nice :P
Is there some reveal-js'er in the room? :) Suggestions how I can add 1 custom slide and bind it to a control ?
ah... i don't look at that. seriously
@KarelG most people ignore the side bar links I think
I'm user here since years and never discovered this
I've taken 4 days off and i'm now crawling through 100+ mails from the past 4 days.
I'm probably going to take next week as a vacation
work problem + senior (me) not available = mailbox madness
maybe make some more benches :D
anyone want a bench? $300 CAD
free delivery to Germany and I'm with you. (HA)
@rlemon what's so good about it ? just bit refactoring and a new tag number ? oh and adding +$50 to price...
@Maurice he's talking about the new i7
not my bench :D
@rlemon That's cute
why are you making benches?
to sit on it
easy enough to make if you have a chop saw
!!wiki chop saw
@jAndy because I wanted a seating area in front of my pond that would also cover the filter pump
The terms cut off saw, cutoff saw, or chop saw can refer to two distinct classes of power tools. A miter saw, typically used in woodworking An abrasive saw, typically used to cut hard materials, such as metals or ceramics...
@JanDvorak miter saw
i use a table saw instead of chop saw :|
How to saw a saw
@jAndy Use a see saw
it offers more functionalities than what a chop saw offers IMO
yea, I have a table saw as well and would probably use it for future builds.. but then I have to build a jig to support the 2*4
chop saw was easier for a single build.
Can I see you saw a see saw?
Ok, im totally stuck on this one dammit, I have almost finished my presentation in Reveal.JS. It works but at some point I need to have specific interaction. I want to have specific slides when pressing the ">" right button.
Now it's just general moving to an other section which seems the default of reveal.js
How am I possible to get a specific slide 'shown' ..
I once saw a saw that saws a saw
@rlemon would a wearable saw not more sufficient ?
*be more
@KarelG having both I can attest that the miter is very handy for certain cuts
Yes i think it would not more sufficient Kappa @KarelG
!!wiki kappa
Kappa (uppercase Κ, lowercase κ or cursive Ï°; Greek: κάππα, káppa) is the 10th letter of the Greek alphabet, used to represent the /k/ sound in Ancient and Modern Greek. In the system of Greek numerals, Kʹ has a value of 20. It was derived from the Phoenician letter kaph . Letters that arose from kappa include the Roman K and Cyrillic К. Greek proper names and placenames containing kappa are often written in English with "c" due to the Romans' transliterations into the Latin alphabet: Constantinople, Corinth, Crete. All formal modern romanizations of Greek now use the letter "k", however: T...
god. damnit.
/fail ?
!!urban kappa
@Neoares Kappa The main symbol/emote of Twitch.tv. It represents sarcasm, irony, puns, jokes, and trolls alike. If you see this term used outside of Twitch.tv, then this is not the correct definition. Usually used at the end of an ironic or sarcastic sentence. Sentences that contain a Kappa should not be taken seriously. If you search "Kappa Twitch.tv" in Google you can see what the emote looks like, and why it is used (snip)
not that kappa
Ah there we go, lol
this oneN
> a kappa is a japanese water monster.
Why does everything have to be so weird in Japan
> v. The act of putting something on your father's credit card or having your daddy pay for something.
> A face that certain people will use to cover up their sexual and creepy jokes.
!!youtube human tetris
@JanDvorak Something went on fire; status 403
oh my god
> Producer of tight, Italian, sausage skin, football (soccer) shirts.
Who the fuck produces SAUSAGE SKIN
sausages have skins bruh :-/
I know but..
One more ASCII art and I'll start flagging for flooding
a foreskin too
oh my god lol
Damn, chill @JanDvorak :P
I mean I see why people get annoyed by it, but thats only two
But..but do people just produce sausage skins, import sausages, then "flop" them ontop of them and export them further?
Im not a little scared to google on sausage flopping
@BenFortune i know that alligators can be 4m but i never have seen it myself or by a vid. That one is an old guy
The office is rather quiet and im sitting here chuckling like im choking, LOL
@KendallFrey :( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bagel_head "pioneered in Canada" :(
@JanDvorak "hole in the wall" is the right program name
Holy..shit this JQuery is acting odd
One second its working one second it isnt, all im doing is refreshing
@Xariez apostrophes, please
We got a grammar nazi in our midst, eh?
hey, guys! does anybody have any suggestions for this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/37543933/… :)
pastery.net/gstccc ok like this I am able to detected the current slide.
That indentation.
@MadaraUchiha @Zirak you coming to YGLF this year?
Someone at our company is going to visit that conference in Tel Aviv
are you going to be a speaker?
Ok, the annoying thing is I can grab the current state current slide etc etc, for my reveal presentation. Based on that one I would like add a button to show custom slides but im totally stuck on that one :D how to 'overwrite' the controls at that state.
@rlemon ah! Nice!
what is the best place to change order of these column headers ?
should I do it, after table is created, or modify the logic ?
@Mathematics do the ordening in your dataset. More easier. But it should be done when retrieving the data from db
@KarelG dataset is really complex though
it's nested, so I can't change it @dataset level
is that json string your data? If so, do you want to order it by what?
it's just an array of objects once you parse it. Then lookup for array sorting algorithms to sort your data
I want it to be MainTable.Name, then Product.CurrencyId, then Currency.Symbol
but I can have tens of columns, I want it to start from the last column
I want it to show columns of main object first then get into child objects/arrays etc..
@BadgerCat it was awesome! I took her out for a couple drinks, we talked about programming and linux and watches and other stuff, and I kissed her and we're going out again soon
And her meme game is strong
@SterlingArcher \o/
@Mathematics something looks off in your data.... you sure the querying of OData is correct..
@SterlingArcher 6/10
she's got room for memeprovement
@rlemon pepe approves
> memeprovment
but i wouldn't talk about Linux with a female
Iunno, she recently took her sisters mac and installed Centos7 on it, so that's a solid deal
I'm melting my face off with rage atm
@SterlingArcher until she needs help with xorg.conf, then you fukin run man
@SterlingArcher woah
LOL I don't do conf files too well so she can Stack Main that one
@cswl what do you mean
dude, there is a chance she is on SO
what's her handle
lmao I have no idea, I'll ask when she's off work
> Kirsty Harris
tell her to come to the JS chat
I've got pictures I need to show her
Hell no, if she doesn't know about the JS Chat, she will never know
ok, this is the most stupid question ever..
I'll install a userscript to remove all chat.so links
are your ready for it ?
how to write else before if/if else :|
You can't
else must follow an if, or else if
it makes no sense to require that
absolutely none
well, my code should go through all elses before if/else if...
@Mathematics $select=Name,Products,Products/Currency/Symbol
then your logic is seriously flawed
@Mathematics something is horribly wrong
@rlemon you have better suggestions ?
An else before an if is just nothing.
change the code
I want to show main table columns first
@BenFortune r u listening to da soonnngggg
no hard coding !!
@SterlingArcher nyet
hurryyyyy it's heavy and awesome
@cswl yes, what's wrong with thtat
@SterlingArcher well I told you :)
i do heavy coding !
oh I'm talking about a song lol
i don't do songs :p
  "Products": [],
    "Name": "Meat"
  }, {
    "Products": [{
      "Currency": {
        "ID": 47, ....
@cswl oh that's a typo I THINK, not sure why it's showing ID as well
other then that can't see any problem
@SterlingArcher really?
@rlemon am I correct in assuming that u r look at my fiddle :)
She's been here
@KarelG he knows that. probably b messing around
@KarelG that was a joke :P I'm not her biggest fan
@KarelG She's like 5 miles from me
@BenFortune thought u r from UK
It could be that she's for females btw
@Mathematics no, your logic is wrong if you need the else before the if. I am doing other stuff right now and don't feel like wading through 100 lines of jQuery
so you've got a big hint there. stop trying to do what you are doing because you can't. figure out a new approach
May 12 at 22:47, by Kirsty Harris
wished the wife would let me have a turtle, closest i got was a pandora charm
@rlemon I know that already, I was using scarcism so someone to have a look at my fiddle..
Mhm, I recall that sentence.
@KarelG she's always been open about that.
@KarelG i do know ?
or I don't know ?
"if a man is gay, who am I to prejudge that"
I postjudge
@Mathematics I am...
@Mathematics you can sort it from the, OData query.. odata.org/getting-started/basic-tutorial/#orderby
> It's not because he's gay, it's because he's a asshole
@cswl that won't help here :)
^ postjudge
> a as[...]
!!s/'s a/ likes/
@KendallFrey It's not because he's gay, it's because he likes asshole (source)
@cswl I am not trying to change the order of rows but column order
!!s/he's/Kendall is/
@KarelG Indubitably
You forgot the / but I'm impressed how she parsed that
@SterlingArcher awesome!
@KarelG @KendallFrey It's not because Kendall is gay, it's because he likes asshole (source) (source)
Are you guys renewing caprica's source code, to transform to ES6 ?
@SterlingArcher what is her twitter sn?
lol I don't know
morning everyone
on twitter she is @LanaKane
they're a match made in heaven
@SterlingArcher How did you meet her? Tinder?
@BadgerCat yup, if you don't save it I'll snapchat a picture of her to you
@BadgerCat she works for the secret spy agency his mother owns
@SterlingArcher sure
can I change order here ? Object.keys(rec)
@SterlingArcher you're saying like badgercat saves incoming snapchat pics
Badger saves everything lol
But she doesn't photoshop them XD
looking to rlemon? :P
I really don't! I just remember a lot of things
@KarelG hey now :P I use GIMP not PS
@SterlingArcher she's so pretty!
@SterlingArcher pft. you didn't send me any pictures, just semi-dank memes
I know right? She's 10x cuter in person too
@SterlingArcher send photo
@rlemon I'm terrified of what you'd do xD
using PS or "PS'ing" is a term for editing images. Doesn't matter of the tool
@FlorianMargaine add me on snapchat!
GIMPing, pls
I don't have snapchat :/
I thought it was for the younglings
@SterlingArcher but you have lots of laughs when rlemon posts his GIMP'ing work
@SterlingArcher oh hey, I'm at arena 5
it's how we send nudes
woooo, last day at this place.
It's for the GILFs too
well, kinda. I told them I would come in Friday and help.
Nice!! I can't make it to legendary :(
grandmas I'd like to Fuck?
grandpas too
but tinder isn't so safe if you ask me
so, redux question... why can you not bind action creators to nested structures? For example:
@KarelG oh yeah, Tinder is definitely risky. I could have easily been robbed by a gang of bros last night lol
Went on a date with someone whom is 28 on Tinder. But i guessed that something isn't wrong.
I got really lucky
Corvid wins the award for the most people knowing the details of his stack.
apparently she is 35+
// works
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
  return bindActionCreators({
  }, dispatch);
// does not work.
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
  return bindActionCreators({
    steps: StepActions,
    cartridges: CartridgeActions
  }, dispatch);
she has a very young appearance
i was impressed. And she has a kid too. So a MILF
@Luggage Isn't react+redux+express like... the most common stack?
tried my best and got laid
no, php, mysql and html 1.0 is probqably the most common 'stack' :)
Well I mean in 2016, not 2003
In 2016, yes.
who went on a date?
@MateenMomin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@MateenMomin not you
> "I had a million reasons to lose the weight which drove me to continue. Truthfully, the number one reason was so that I could gain the confidence to talk to girls."
from the reddit post you sent me
It's like he's reading my mind
I thought you might find it inspirational
dude went from not to hot in 8mo
@rlemon I've been watching these videos on youtube of some guy that lost 170lbs. That's been a huge inspiration to me
!!youtube obese to beast loose skin
@ndugger Something went on fire; status 403
fine, I'll do it the hard way
!! google how to reverse a table column order ?
@Mathematics so you want to prepend the columns not append them?
@SterlingArcher awesome!
grats man, hope it turns out well for you
Thanks! Too soon to tell, but I'm hoping the same
Pressed enter too early :0
that song kinda reminds me of My Ticket Home and something else I can't put my finger on atm
premature enterculation
@SterlingArcher Super happy for you! Keep at the nutrition and working out, though!
@ndugger It's time to skin away the obsolete ones.
@ndugger oh god my diet was awful this weekend. I had so much shrimp
I got so drunk I fell off a dock
always a risk
I did 1950 calories 2 days in a row, which is 150 over my caloric goal of 1800, but I ran 2 miles yesterday, so it more than evened out.
Unfortunately it was low tide so I didn't fall in water, I fell on hard sand LOL
I saw my PT today, and we did upper/pull today
@SterlingArcher Did you died?
I'm seeing my PT again Thursday. We'll either do legs, or upper/push if I can convince him.
I'm doing cardio every day in between. I've had amazing success so far.
@SterlingArcher It might have been lucky. You did't drown.
@rlemon yes
but when I try it, this is what happens @rlemon
@SterlingArcher this is 999th time u claim u are...
@JanDvorak ehh not really, I'm an incredibly strong swimmer lol
Hard sand on an 8ft drop hurts pretty bad
even when drunk?
!!convert 8ft to cm
@JanDvorak 243.84 cm
Yup, I spend about 6 hours drunk swimming in the ocean on sunday
How do you stay drunk for six hours straight?
Mainly by continuously drinking in the ocean
step 1: get drunk
step 2: continue drinking
We played "body surf chug" where you find a good wave, ride it in, while chugging a beer. If you finished your beer, you won and the loser had to get new beers
@SterlingArcher you've also lots of luck. Some people falls on their neck or back :/
Also that ^
@rlemon How do you keep drinking while swinming?
grrrrrrrrrrrr, it never going to work
just prepending rows instead of append
@JanDvorak oh I don't need my arms to swim. I can frog kick and tread water without my arms for quite some time
@JanDvorak same way you drink on land
i need to google that "frog kick"
@KarelG fancy doggy paddle
So you're swimming like that
@corvid did you figure out your issue?
@Mathematics who puts entries in the database?
I am not sure the spread operator works the way you think it does, your objects are different in those 2 examples
@JeremyBattle Not quite, not sure why it does not work... I assume it tries to bind but binds to the first-level objects only
Yes, I know, the first one is flat and the next one is objects. I am saying that bindActionCreators is only one level deep, not recursive
duckduckgo's image search is just running a bing search

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