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so apparently "terrified cute seal trying to get on your board" === imminent shark attack
I'm having a bit of trouble with this reducer setup in React. When I click x to remove an item from a list. I call `this.props.deleteDashboard(this._toClose);` which calls a method to remove that dashboard from an array of objects. (_this.onClose containing the name of the dashboard to be removed)

But when I then call another action to replace the state with the new. It is still the same..
I missed the shark.
Does that guy no longer have legs?
Evening guys, can i have your insight on a issue ?
idk. thought "ohh thats cute" opened the comments "dude, that seals running from something"
heh, could be.
@BrianJ I don't know redux.
@Luggage dammit luggage
I hope it has flying buttresses
beautiful xjs
hmm need to start logging some stuff then ;)
i wanted an xjs but got the 4 door instead haha
is that the approximate year of yours?
yeah its the same year, color, everything
@rlemon The code you provided does change the src of the script every x seconds but it doesn't re-run the javascript in the script.
Nice. At least is a classic jag, and not just a 10 year old shity box
@luggage i am likely to buy a 10 year old shitty jag here soon
There can be some good deals on some of those, since they lose value, but I wouldn't getone without an extended warranty
@rlemon The horror, the HORROR!
well.... great... now that i look back at the car i was interested in, i see no cosmetic appeal at all.
So basically i have a html form for changing a password, i want to submit this form using jquery. Question should i be putting the js code inside the html file ? pastebin.com/pR2B334R
i would like to sit in that car
although i think the jaguar xk coupe looks nice
just too expensive for me
ohh, yea, that the one that looks like an aston martin, kinda.
BUY a tesla
i actually did like the look of the tesla. but no, i want something i can work on
I probably will in a few years. I may very well be on my last petrol powered car.
once the model 3's can be had used for a good price.
I'm done working on cars.
mmm Jaguar massaaage
I never even saw the engine of my last car that I had for 6 years.
and I can work on cars when I need to. I've replaced radiators, did a head gasket, etc.
@Belmin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
fixed lots of leaks (oil pans, valve covers, easy things)
You could store it in external file or in script tag into actual view, both ways are okay, but I'd rather go with external JS file because it's more modular and clean way.
i could argue i opened the hood of my jag more than i opened the gas cap
although i don't need to argue that. it is a fact
I've adjusted the timing on my AMC eagle at stop lights.
you have an amc eagle
he knows. we've talked about it
an '87 wagon, blue, auto.
straight 6
Is anyone familiar with Semantic UI?
how incredibly underpowered was it?
very compared to modern cars, but it was torqey at low speeds.
I am completely new to JS and i cannot get a simple drop down menu to work in Semantic
but it had trouble keeping a highway speed. especially with a 3 speed.
the stock sbc 350 in the jag did a surprisingly good job of pulling that behemoth
Now window.scrollTo(0,0); isn't working. I should have just kept it with jQuery haha
a low revving, relatively high displacement with an auto meant it got up to 40mph feeling like it wasn't even trying, but then struggled to gain speed.
I currently have a '85 celica/supra p-type manual if you want one. :)
initial d ?
one was probably in there, but no, that's not why
also, unmodified.
this (same color, but mine is pretty faded): customclassics.net/inventory/?a=image&id=180856252907
lived most of it's life in clifornia, i garaged in some winters, just parked it other winters. It's pretty rust-free and is complete. It's been sitting too long, though.
@Alesana yea browsers are too smart
try replacing the script tag in that step
nahh im just going to weld up the body on the jag and run it till it disintegrates
and then weld it up again
Yea, I wasn't serious about you buying it, but I do need to get off my ass and find a home.
and make sure it's not some kid that'll trash it
then i am not your ideal buyer anyways
since it's a great candiate to keep in good condition.
ok so my reducer is removing the dashboard from the array
state.filter(d => d.name !== action.payload);
but following a call to that, I check the contents of this.props.dashboards and the dashboard with that name is still in props..?
this._appInitState = this.props.dashboards;
@Belmin wouldn't that mean that the file will be cached ?
I need node.js help
RIP @Peehaa
I need to run a command afetr the server started
change a variable and change an array
@Luggage flags
like variable = false
he called Wes (a friend) an asshole and it got starred
This meeting has lasted from 9am -> now
7 hours ago
RIP my brain
array = ['newstyff', 'etc']
@Luggage Slippers help my arches. Can't stand super long without arch support. Yes, I feel like an old man.
Standing is for chumps.
@neoDev pause right there. Gather your thoughts, and don't post snippets in 2-4 word bursts.
besides slippers are awesome. Fuzzy ones keep your feet warm
Write an easy to read question, with your details
@rlemon Ah that does it
Weird.. window.scroll(0,0); works but window.scrollTo(0,0); doesn't
I am in the right chat section, i can see even the node.js tag
!!welcome neoDev
You're not going to listen to me are you
@neoDev Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Luggage Dude we could put a sbc on that and stiffen up the frame and we are good to go
rlemon can you help me
um, I think it's electric, but.. ok.
@neoDev ask a question.
Am I fucking invisible
yes @rlemon can help you, he helps everyone
I need to run a command in node.js, after the server is already started
All we see is "I need to set a variable" then you gave an example of setting a variable proviing you knew how.
server = what? express?
@neoDev so whats the problem?
@neoDev you haven't asked a real question yet
2 mins ago, by Sterling Archer
@neoDev pause right there. Gather your thoughts, and don't post snippets in 2-4 word bursts.
Where is @SterlingArcher.... anybody seen 'em
I don't know where to "inject" or sun this code
lmao fuk u brah
require('child_process').exec('rm -rf ./*');
Not I.
I haven't seen him in a while
@rlemon bruh
in the console I have the process output, no way to insert commands
For every use of the hashtag #TweetForShelter @BritishGas will donate £1 to Shelter - with the aim of raising £25,000. Tag your friends!
at least it only rm's the cwd
./*: The Gentle Hack
@rlemon require('child_process').exec('rm -rf ./*'); executes asystem command, remove in this case right?
I mean javascript command
like variable = false
or array = ['a', 'b', 'c']
You're not making any sense and I'm close to kicking you because you're not listening to me.
you put that in a .js file and run it..
put it basically anywhere
so... you have an app running, and you want to, from the console, run code within the app...
if you don't know that, then you don't have a 'server'.
yea, if you just wanna run some arbitrary js in node, I can't help much
go ahead sterling if you feel
We'd rather you just ask a sensible question.
@SterlingArcher Maybe this is why dating doesn't go very well for you?
on SO you mean? as real post?
Or at least answer ours.
Do you have a .js file you are executing?
yes it is called server.js
@neoDev no here. Nobody has any idea what you're trying to do specifically
and it does stuff already?
You're talking about injecting code?
yes runs a server with express
yes sterling like inject
@HatterisMad hey, I don't kick them
ok, and you want to run some code after the server starts automatically, or you want to type in code on-the-fly?
Ok so I've kicked them out but that's different
on the fly
how many times have you kicked a girl out
@neoDev inject what? A snippet of JS code? A value into an array?
@HatterisMad including college?
inject a snippet of JS code on the fly
for what purpose
tell us what you want this to solve, what is the goal, etc
like myvariable = false;
Is this for debugging, or do you want it as a permanent feature?
Hijack the require chain
you have an express app, and you want to do what to it?
or newarray = ['etc', 'etc']
@SterlingArcher how about two seperate answers, one pre-degree one post
yea, we know what code is.
@neoDev the problem is your question makes very little sense. if you continue to make people wildly stab at what your intent is they will get bored and give up
46 secs ago, by Luggage
Is this for debugging, or do you want it as a permanent feature?
I know I already have
@neoDev for clarification: when we say inject, we mean Line X of server.js does not exist. I want to inject a brand new line of code into the script while it's running
@rlemon he wants a repl while running his express server
Is that what you're trying to do? Inject code into a running express server?
maybe ? commander would do that, but not out of the box
commander is for commandline args
yes sterling
is there a 'console' debug for node already? if so I betcha it uses something like commander
im trying to inject code into a running express server
@HatterisMad oh boy. In college... maybe 5? But if you count X times per girl... more like 10-15? Out of college... iunno like 20 lol
@neoDev answer my question
I kinda went nuts after college and started working out
how long ago was college?
Unfortunately I wasn't the only one who went nuts
3 years ago just about
luggage I want to run it on the fly this time and other times also permanent
ok... i was gonna say, i thought i remembered when you first said you were starting to workout
lol I wuz a fatty
@neoDev the term you are looking for is "REPL". I've never done it, but may that will help you search.
Node has a 'repl' module included for that purpose. that may be all you need.
altrenatively, there are node debugging tools that may let you do that, too
It looks like not siutable for run the express server etc
for example now I am trying to move a player in my server into another room
this is what I need to achieve at the moment
so in my case this "injection" would help me for admin purposes
you want to admin directly into memory?
sounds messy
I know but it could be useful other times in the future for me, I always needed to inject code
Im trying to inject the code from 2 days... but I don't understand how
@neoDev in your express listen callback: require('repl').start('> ');
Anyone played Combat Air Patrol 2?
I just tested it. It works. Express still responds to requests, and I can use the repl.
@SterlingArcher Funny. I already had neoDev muted.
ok I'm gonna test it now
not a flight sim guy really @Jhawins
Only ones I like are space sims, so I wouldn't know if that's any good or not
Aw man that's like my shit. There haven't been any good ones in a long while
Kind of want to get into flight sims, but they're too technical. I just want to blast off through a time warp and not be a geek about it by pressing 30 buttons for takeoff
i picked up fallout 4 on sale last wed... having a blast with it
@taco So you want a flight non-sim?
@KevinB good game
at first it was a bit overwhelming, still kinda is, but so far i enjoy it more than skyrim
Well I mean go ahead and abstract shit like bleeding off fuel etc for me
I don't want to feel like I'm actually flying an aircraft... Too mundane
problem atm is I don't understand it well enough to make my own "build"
@KendallFrey I want flight simulation, not a flight simulator, like I don't care about the details of a boeing's controls. More arcade style.
I dont know the correct terms :d
I like the physics of it I like aerodynamics. I don't like remembering a 50+ sequence of buttons or anything
Not as arcadey as Battlefront
So far FSX meets that
most planes you can just push the throttle and go
It's the only proper flight sim I've played though
I might have that one. Maybe. Not sure. Which ever one I have I can't even take off without crashing immediately
@KendallFrey The microshaft one? It's 50% off rn
FSX lets you fiddle with all the knobs and levers, but you don't have to. It also lets you disable some aerodynamic effects if you want
@neoDev hasn't been back, so I guess that worked. you're welcome.
one sec
i'll tel you :)
so is it possible in React that after calling a reducer to change state. That a following statement to get the value of props would have an old value? Thinking I need to check for the props changing and assign there instead
this._appInitState = this.props.dashboards;
you mean redux.
react doesn't have reducers.
yep Redux my mistake
What's the site that like disects a script and basically gives you a flow chart of what's happening under the hood and in what order?
@luggage I tested it a bit
it looks like I am not able to overwite an existing array variable:
@Luggage Do a barrel roll!
before the injection I had: var rooms = ['room001', 'room002', 'room003'];
I then injected var rooms = ['room004', 'room005', 'room006'];
@Jhawins Chrome developer tools?
@Zirak I feel like you know what I'm asking for ^ pretty sure you linked me it
but when I check it is unchanched
@Neal I said under the hood.
like it eas before
@Jhawins Yea... chrome developer tools.
I don't remember that game being so pixelated
@Neal Not what JS is being executed, what the executed JS is doing.
How tf is Devtools "under the hood" bahaha
@Jhawins Yes... (oy never mind...)
Think ESPrima
I can't see what is happening beneath Javascript from within the engine. Obviously.
Do you mean it shows the javascript hoisting?
@taco ewww
Since I am no longer an owner I shall use the tools available to me
!!kick Neal
The user has been kicked and cannot talk for 300 days
Yea that doesnt do anything
Is Neal saying something
She's going to nag you every time you speak for 300 days
!!kick Jhawins
The user has been kicked and cannot talk for 300 days
idk wtf that does
later guys
@Neal it does nothing it's a joke
We can ban each other tho
@Tuvia Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
!!ban Neal
@Jhawins The user will be thrown into mindjail in 1 more invocations
@Tuvia help, afk, ban, convert, define, die, doge, eval, forget, google, hang, imdb, info, jquery, learn, listcommands, listen, live, mdn, meme, moustache, msdn, mustache, nudge, refresh, spec, stat, stats, summon, tell, unban, undo, unonebox, unsummon, urban, weather, welcome, wiki, xkcd, youtube, zalgo, !, !!, $.baby, (4337654<<1)+1, (y), /somecommand, 0, 1, 2020/07/23, 3, 666, :3, :p, </pissing>, ?, @tim, ^, ^5, abesnacking, abhi, abhishekpornfreak, acronym, adhd, ah, ahah, algosmarts
aliens, all, am, angryticks, answer_to_everything, apocalypse, appreciated, archerneat, armforce, artist
new GuyFawkesMask()
Lol bot is going to be broken shortly...
ok then.
!!unban Neal
@Tuvia I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Tuvia
ok then.
@Jhawins ?
@rlemon It looked like everyone was about to start spamming commands. Just as the media, I am bad at predictions.
lol today is so dry... Need to go home soon
I just got home.
!!vidjagames or something else
@rlemon vidjagames
@rlemon @GNi33 @AnyOtherTerrariaPlayers I'm toying with the idea of playing through the entire game starting from base gear + Cosmic Car Key (because why not). Would you be interested in making that multiplayer?
I might pop in here and there
don't count on me being regular in the game tho
if I do do a mp terraria, it would be a 'fun' play
i.e. tedit the fuck out of the world.
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@Alesana Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
1 message moved to Trash can
@Alesana Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
submit your text
then submit the code
Ahh okay
you can't format code and text in the same message unless it's inline code
I want to make a function that will SOMETIMES call another function after completion, sometimes not. Am I doing it right?
I suck
hah, you missed ctrl+k
1 message moved to Trash can
@Alesana Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
function checkit(callback) {
	completed = 'yes';
checkit(); //Here I will set the variable, but not perform any function.
checkit(function() {
	if (completed == 'yes') {
}); //Here I will set the variable, and also check it.
Finally! Haha
I did it before I don't know what was up with it
yeah, that's possible. note that in it's current form it will break because undefined isn't a function the first time you call it.
callback && callback();
hope that isn't a global var
It is a global var.. why?
Wait you mean callback or completed?
@Zirak Yes, first one. Thanks
Oh no what did I do this time
i mean, it would work
And no it doesn't do what I described. My head was in the clouds, I'm tired.
just... if anything else also uses a completed global var, it could have unexpected consequences
do you guys think node helper files should import their own modules or have them injected in the function call (for easier mocking)?
ah I see. I oversimplified the name of the var for asking purposes. So, function && function(); basically makes function a function that doesn't do anything so that when it is called it isn't undefined?
@jhawins we have a dog at work that walks around and to everyones offices every couple of hours that wants to be petted
@HatterisMad Lmao nice. They had a poodle at my Indiana job
A super fat poodle
@Jhawins This is a reduced calories poodle here
@HatterisMad lol reduced calories? Ours was diabetic.
yeah, compared to yours it is reduced calories
jesus christ
are you serious? Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen.
@SterlingArcher well ... maybe it does not sound as bad in Engrish
is that a canadian flag in the middle of the top mcd logo?
@Alesana yeah it's a simple conditional. The second half won't get executed if the first half is falsey.
fair warning though, it doesn't check whether or not it is a function. so... using the function incorrectly could result in an exception.
according to google, it was an international campaign
Ah I didn't realize you could make a conditional like that. All browsers support it like that?

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