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nah, i am perfectly happy with the amount of crazy i am currently
Yea.. bought a Jag. Now that's crazy.
function checkit() {
			var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
			request.open('GET', checkurl, true);

			request.onload = function() {
				if (request.status >= 200 && request.status < 400) {
					var javascriptdiv = document.getElementById("javascript");
					var widgetscriptnode = document.createElement("script");
					widgetscriptnode.type ="Text/Javascript";
					var resp = request.responseText;
					var javascript = document.createTextNode(resp);
@Luggage the frame broke :(
@Luggage fixing small electronics is a hobby for some people
I rest my case.
@HatterisMad wtf, did you take it off too sweet of a jump?
i don't think so
although maybe the railroad tracks weakened it
you would have known, if it was really a sweet jump
but to be fair it lasted 42 years before needing to be welded up
@Alesana types are not needed, javascript is the default. also, it's lowercase.
guys :\ given a list of users, is there any more efficient way than this to create a room between all users in a given list?
But.. at first glance it looks ok..
Ah I'm just in the habit of it.
I am not used to using vanilla JS, much simpler in jQuery
it is not simpler with jQ
@ssube well, jquery gives you a flag that says "execute whatever you get"
it's just shorter. not necessarily simpler
but keep on not using jquery.
You only have to write it once, so who cares if it's a few more lines.
@Alesana protip: textContent of a <script> works.
also, move that setTimeout to inside the onload.
Yes, what Kevin said.
Hmm I had it working with jQuery with many less lines.
Otherwise it may start firing evert 10 seconds and 'backing up'.
you don't want that to start backing up if the server becomes unavailable
so you have one script file you want to reload every ten seconds?
I expected my clip board to be on my phone when I walked away from my desk.
wouldn't it make more sense to instead request a value, and based on that value run some code?
@Alesana rolling your own makes you look cool.
<script id="foo" src="file.js"></script>
  setInterval(_ => {
    foo.src = foo.src.split('?')[0] + '?' + Date.now();
  }, 10 * 1000);
@KevinB we tried to cover that
Face palm. Now I don't have the info I needed for this phone call lmao
@rlemon so I can use widgetscriptnode.textContent = resp;
@Jhawins google Keep.
1 min ago, by rlemon
so you have one script file you want to reload every ten seconds?
@Luggage best app ever
Yup. Simple. Works.
has check boxes
@rlemon I kind of explained what happens earlier. The page it checks is a PHP page that checks to see if an action has been completed. It will continue to reload completed = 'no';until the action has been completed. Once it has been completed it will execute secret JS
I don't care what it does
you have /foo.js
or rather /endpoint
Nope it's a PHP page
and you want to load it every x seconds ?
He's saying that a url is a url is a url.
Okay so yes it loads it every x seconds
2 mins ago, by rlemon
<script id="foo" src="file.js"></script>
  setInterval(_ => {
    foo.src = foo.src.split('?')[0] + '?' + Date.now();
  }, 10 * 1000);
so it's a script, with a php extention.
don't over complicate things
and adding ?something-that-changes will cause the browser to re-request it.
"secret JS". Shh, it's secret.
then you load it into a <script> tag and let the browser do whatever it wants to it
<script id="foo" src="file.php"></script>
Okay yeah that makes sense.
You do get slightly better control of the timing with the proposed code, though.
but, meh.
ohh yea, your loading it and injecting the body isn't a bad idea.
just a lot more complicated than it probably needs to be
Well it is on a different domain
doesn't matter
That is, if the settimeout is moved inside the onload
different domain makes rlemon's code the simpler option, bypassing CORS.
actually that does matter. If it's an ajax request, it won't work with another domain you need to use a script tag like rlemon asid.
@Luggage sorry, I meant doesn't matter for my code.
@Alesana at this point, you are basically just implementing "JSONP"
Aahh right now I'm testing it on the same domain but I was going to move it.. I thought that an cross domain ajax request would be fine.
and by 'basically', I mean 'exactly'
Only if the server puts in a header to say it's fine.
Since you control the server that probably wouldn't be a huge issue
Otherwide the browser will throw away the response.
Yeah I will change the header
Now, this is all in a JS file and not a HTML file, so I can't just write out <script>...</script>
son of a bitch, I jsut realized I left my coffee in the car
like 4 hours ago
No, but you can create a script tag like you are and just set the src attribute
er property.
I will do that then.. it does seem much simpler
doesn't seem like you missed the coffee very much
var widgetscriptnode = document.createElement("script");
widgetscriptnode.src = checkurl;
cold coffee > hot coffee
I'd prefer no coffee to cold coffee
I should make a coffee...
@rlemon Tea?
who said anything about tea
@rlemon Thanks
I'm drinking tea.
Hm.. What to make for dinner..
so in a SPA I assume everything is handled via history API
in respects to routing
I didn't realize you could use setInterval(_ => { instead of setInterval(function(){.. can you use _ => { instead of function(){ in any situation?
if you don't use a high-level routing library, I suggest at least a lower level abstraction of the history api like: (one sec, getting link)
@Alesana depends on what browsers you want to support
app.get('/', handleHomepage);
app.get('/users', handleHomepageButWithUserData???);
and whether or not you are transpiling down to es5
@Luggage I'm like 100% confused how React works with the server
that is my main obstacle
@rlemon that's a router you are demoing, there. Also 'GET' has no meaing in a client routing lib since they are all gets
and I can't see to get a handle on it
Ah.. I couldn't find any documentation on _ => because it's not really a google-able term haha
so app.get('/' ..) once and make all api calls posts?
React just renders things. On the server-side it's just JSX in, html string out
1 hour ago, by rlemon
I don't think in SPA terms.
not an excuse, just really having a tough time making this click
@luggage Google keep doesn't seem to do anything related to sharing clip boards :P
SPA is on the client, app.get(...) looks like server-side
I just had to search for the email again lol
@Jhawins I just meant that you past in there and it'll be on your phone
@Luggage yes, but there is going to then be a required api to talk from the spa to the server
I FB message myself shit.
so app.get('/users', ...) would just be the JSON data?
in the past I've handled routes on the server and the api on the server. separating routes to the client but having it pull from the api is fucking me up
well, you have to decide what you want to happen when a user visits foo.com/bar. should it load up foo.com/ and let the client decide how to handle /bar, or should it prerender foo.com/bar and then let the client take over.
@Jhawins I do that with Gmail before Evernote was a thing
@Kevin B ah great thanks..
Most SPA's use the former
but the latter is more performant
@KevinB I think isomorphic will be tough right away, I choose the former
I agree.
I'm so confused.. 😬
If the site/app needs fast initial load times, i don't go with SPA :p
is /users the UI or the data?
Use react-router, you'll be less confused...... 😂
Joke because the docs are shit
And there's like 3 active versions lol
@Jhawins I started playing with 4.x.
I can't get the idea out of my head that the server does the routing.
Isn't 3 the one that's supposedly being fully released soon? Lmao but they also have 4.
if it's an isomorphic app, the server does do the routing
but so does the client
@rlemon picture hash links. That's it lol
Huh, we're getting we're getting a Trader Joes.
Just making them prettier by letting the server drop all routes to one
'spensive junk
@rlemon so.. /users is the UI and something like /api/users is the API (JSON)?
is there a "not a complete moron but all this new webstuff is fucking with me 101" course online?
@Luggage I suppose.. but does that make sense? how do other apps work.
Just like that.
in my mind /users would be a complete different ui than /admins with shared parts.
so in the SPA side of things, those are actual views on the server and I pull them in with a hr?
ok, so, as of today, when a user goes to /users, they'll just get the SAME app they always get, but the app will look at it's own url (history API) and know what to render
IT may get data from the server (/api/users).
In the future, when you want a fancy isomorphic app, going to /users may return a pre-build page for faster loading times
so i started summoners war over the weekend. i fought a battle in the arena against someone, lost, and now i keep getting this notification: 'arena defense: defeated'
idk what that means
i'm not playing the game at the time(s) it's saying i was defeated
@NathanJones Get used to that. Your arena defense is always open to be attacked.
@Trasiva do i lose anything other than glory points when i lose?
Hey all is this an efficient "flatten" fn?
function flatten (x) {
    // x is an arbitrarily nested, multidimensional array.
    // return x flattened (all items in 1 dimension)

    return x.reduce(function (flat, c) {
        if(Array.isArray(c)) {
        } else {

        return flat;
    }, []);
Going through @Zirak's js questions for the first time in a while.
@NathanJones Your rank goes down, but you want that for now. You want to be able to easily farm those glory points so you can upgrade your energy plant, and then your energy sanctum.
@Trasiva ah, ok. thanks.
@rlemon my express server has all the API endpoints under /api/*, all the static assets (fonts, pngs, JS files) under /assets/* and everything else just give you the SAME index.html
then, your local JS reads the URL and loads the approriaet page.
app.get('/', (req, res) => res.render('home.html'));
app.get('/users', (req, res) => res.render('home.html')); // but then the JS side of life would hit /api/users and populate the page with the appropriate UI?

app.get('/api/users', (req, res) => res.json(userdata));
yea, but instead of manually writing get(/users) just do "everything else"
app.use crap
okay. I suppose that makes more sense
just like you would with an angular app in html5 mode
pft. angular.
I'm old school cool lame
I still haven't really wrapped my head around react
@rlemon github.com/luggage66/tech-trial-1 is my trying our react-router 4 and some other things (react-mdl). It has a webpack config based on the one I use at work
I've used JSX files for templating in an existing react app and really liked it, but that's about as far as i got
I live and breath react.
I use JSX to make PDF files.
and SVGs
@Luggage will fork and peek around
I figure it will be like me and node. I'll struggle / fight / loath it for a bit
then it'll make sense and I'll use it for everything
So.. remember that react is JUST a view engine. Like a fancy mustache or EJS. I mean it's more but it just does that one area, so all the complexity of routers, etc is not react's fault.
most everything we have here is built in coldfusion, it tends to be faster to just use coldfusion, rather than trying to either rebuild an entire project with node or combine a project as half cfml half node. it's irritating
React is a solid way to work with the DOM and that's it.
Its starting to grow on me
had to switch over after another team member suggested it over my .net POC
nothing wrong with .net.
We now have a cfml structure that mimics how jsx files work
<cfdump var="#foo#" />
nope but I like the the setup of an express server handling our services and React doing the view stuff
ahh, cfscript, yes.
like JS, but will screw you.
there're also trying to come up with their own tag based language, .lucee files
var means something different.
haven't quite figured that part out yet
then there is 'local' scope, etc.
yeah the way variables are handled in coldfusion can really mess with your brain
can I just give up and play video games ?
Yea, it's broken.
I really need to invest in noise cancelling headphones, Monday just reminded me how hard it is to concentrate in an open office
@rlemon <No />
Can you not give something the id "javascript"? :O
cfscript has closures now though :)
It wasn't appending the child until I changed the name of the ID
and those closures can have local variables defined with var
@Luggage <No actually="yes" />
@rlemon go clone my thing, npm install, npm run dev-server and then look in /src/client
@Luggage yea I'm planning on it
look under /src/client/pages/index to see the routes.
right now I'm trying to device if Elizabeth Banks as Rita Repulsa is a bad thing or not
Rita Repulsa was also unattractive.
What's that from?
power rangers
they're making a new movie. supposed to be "dark knight" darkness
roll eyes
i.e. appealing to adults who watched power rangers 20 years ago
> Repulsa
all I know of power rangers is that one of them voices this guy (in the dubbed version):
> Bryan Cranston (born March 7, 1956) is an American actor, voice actor, writer, and director who provided the voices of Snizzard and Twin Man during the first season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. powerrangers.wikia.com/wiki/Bryan_Cranston
so much good talent
man, I was 6-turning-7 when that show came out
93? I has 13.
You're 30?
yea, you might not have had enough time to make it a show that means anything to you
@Luggage yessir
It's all downhill from here.
I know
I'm old enough I carry pills in my pocket.
I have indoor and outdoor slippers
I live like a bachelor.. I don't own slippers.
Or pants.
I got yelled at too many times for going outside / into the garage / into the unfinished parts of the house with just socks.
yea.. f that.
I can afford new socks.
take them off
more so tracking dirt back into the house
I can afford dirt.
> but it's my house
doesn't fly
i wish i could afford dirt :(
Shouldn't have bought a Jag. :)

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