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Anyone have a good way of getting a hash from JSON?
I saw the Oauth1.0 method and the bencode method, are there any others?
what sort of hash?
@ssube green
hey now, drugs are illegal, mkay?
call the cops
oh I meant, #32CD32
cd32 one of my favorite consoles actually
Sometimes Reddit comments are the best.
which is the module used in javascript for debugging?
@Ananthu Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
console.log() is your friend.
is it like pdb in python?
@Ananthu There's no module. You use the browser.
Browsed for a while. But now getting confused about the things i have read..
Sounds like you should go visit W3Schools.
slaps @Trasiva
check your browser console and create your debugs and exception handles in your js
is it possible to have a "$(function()" and have it NOT use a specific jquery file? i have two jquery files that are causing conflict but i cant change the old jquery (jquery-1.5.1.js) file but i can change the new jquery-1.9.1.js
actually i have no idea about javascript.. Just started python.. i need to clarify my doubts. Thank u all
@Luggage :trollface:
@anatp_123 What? Why do you have 2 jQuery files?
get off my lawn
@Waxi In case one breaks
haha, hope not
@TheDProgrammer Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Go home @CapricaSix you're here like all day every day, loser.
this ddos is serious this morning
our 3rd party search provider for our ecomm site is on dyn, really fucking up sales
I want to insert data using a GridView control on an asp .net webform, I want to use JavaScript and WebMethod to accomplish this.
@JayLane heh effecting my job as well
@Waxi not by choice,
npmjs.com is unreachable for me
@TheDProgrammer sounds like a noble goal, good luck.
@ssube can you help?
@Luggage Works for me.
i think its primarily east coast affected @Waxi @Luggage
@anatp_123 Well who made that choice? Maybe I'm dumb, but I can't see a good reason as to why you would load a library twice. Also, I'm pretty sure you can write JS to remove the old one before it even affects you.
I am east coast.
can anyone help me!
I want to insert data using a GridView control on an asp .net webform, I want to use JavaScript and WebMethod to accomplish this.
@Luggage me too i cant load npmjs either
You might get a better response if you actually showed some code to work with instead of asking someone to do all your work from scratch.
@Luggage I can tag it.
Access it.
My browser can obtain the bits and bytes.
It's a cold day here in MI.
the 1s and 0s
1s? 0s?
@ssube computers work by turning on and off little lightbulbs. We represent them as 1's and 0s.
@ssube the bits and bytes
which one is the bit and which one is the byte? I'm guessing 1 is a bit and 0 is a byte?
@ssubes bits can store a 0 or 1
one of each?
how can a bit store two different things?
wouldn't a bit store a bunch of 1s and a byte store a bunch of 0s?
I don't know, that doesn't seem right.
@ssube Any big shows coming up?
not this weekend, throwing a pre-halloween party instead
Oh nice
That reminds me, I need to finish up my costume.
@JayLane ha, thanks, but I do actually know how they work, I'm just being obnoxious.
@ssube checked your user profile and saw your rep and figured you were fucking with me
@Trasiva my roommate made the mistake of suggesting pumpkin spice jello shots, so we're making a bunch of those
Does anyone have an opinion? If I am considering transitioning away from Angular 1, would I be better going to Angular 2 or something like Reactjs? Or some combination?
@ssube Oh god, you're all gonna end up in uggs and not being able to even.
@Claies don't combine them. I prefer React because it focuses on a smaller part of the app and does a great job, but Angular 2 will be better than 1.
@Trasiva well the real goal is for all the uggs to end up on the floor
It looks like your token is a string used to get permission to use an API? If so, unfortunately, by posting it on SO, you have compromised the key - someone else can use it to impersonate you on the API. I suggest requesting a new API key. See help.github.com/articles/remove-sensitive-data for a related discussion. — Kevin 41 mins ago
helpme out guys
@ssube I...I got nothing to argue this.
Angular2 seems like a lot of re-learning how things work, but then again it would be a learning curve with react as well...
Brr, getting chilly
@ko001 is that a real key?
Don't go outside @KendallFrey
@rlemon Cold?
@Trasiva thanks neal
I carved a pumpkin at work
ohh fuck. github is unreachable.
@rlemon Don't worry, I don't.
!!weather Kitchner, Ontario, Canada
@Trasiva [object Event]
@Luggage dyn dns outage
How do I use github offline?! :)
@rlemon I was actually asking a legitimate question. I wasn't sure wtf was going on.
1 min ago, by rlemon
Brr, getting chilly
Uhm.. is there something wonky with github.com atm or is hotel wifi pulling a number on me?
Missed that :(
@SterlingArcher Nerd
47 secs ago, by rlemon
@Luggage dyn dns outage
Can't reach it and downforeveryoneorjustme.com/github.com is a 500 when I try
its a DDoS on east coast DYN DNS Servers
been going on since 7am EST
very lag, much slow :/
someone is pissing all over my frosted flakes
@rlemon It's 10c here.
@Luggage git remote add lorigin file://../good-enough && git push lorigin $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
@Trasiva 7, windy, no sun
and raining
it will make an offline mirror of your code :D
so feels like 4-5
We've got sun, little wind.
Is anybody here able to reach the website creditkarma.com ?
Lemon, pin the dyn dyns outage, holy hell.
I'm surprised how many companies use dyndns instead of a big provider
pornhub has better DNS than github
their mitigation plan seems to suck the hairiest of balls
  $ dig @ ns +short pornhub.com
Pornhub's DNS has some spunk.
were on ultra which is also owned by DYN but seems unaffected
@Trasiva i see what you did there
I'm gonna explore new territory; saving/storing attachments uploaded. My initial thought was store them as blobs in a database, but that's just me guessing. The other approach would be to actually put the file somewhere on the server and just store the path. The types of attachments I'm working with are PDFs, Word, and Excel. Any recommendations?
@Waxi Both are valid.
that's not what a database is for
BOTH are valid.
@Waxi server
but yea.. I migrated from DB to filesystem. I prefer filesystem
Also.. I was on MSSQL before, which had decent storage for blobs like that. It also deoends on your RDBMS
@Luggage That's what we're using. It works pretty well for the amount of files we save.
They all support blobs but none of them (except maybe MSSQL) do it well.
storing attachments in your DB may be VALID, but that doesn't make it SANE
i feel like there are more infosec implications with DB storage vs Filesystem
Keeping blobs in the DB leads to bloated files, poor allocation, all kinds of weird performance and memory problems...
Yea. Our main issue was backups. We only ever added files so the backups of the DB were way larger than they needed to be.
@JayLane filesystem is more complex, but obviously has built in security
I don't even fully understand what blobs are, that was just me putting 2 and 2 together from what I've read, but I would like to use MySQL since that's what I already have setup. If I don't store them in a database, and I just store the actual file on the server, what exactly would the directory look like to keep it organized and maintainable? Just folder them by dates, user, combination of the two?
definately don't do it with mysql
you can use the same key as you would in the database
@ssube my thoughts exactly
in fact, put all your data in flat files instead of mysql (just kidding)
@Waxi Here is what I do. The DB entry for the file (with various metadata) has a UUID.
Lets say the UUID is 12345678-0000-0000-0000-000000000000.
I'd store the files as: 12/34/56/12345678-0000-0000-0000-000000000000.pdf
* Filename has full ID.
* Path is split to prevent too many file in one folder (until you get into the terabytes, at least)
you can use that and swap UUID for file hash if you want free deduplication
^ yes.
and that mimics how a real filesystem works (a small database of metadata and pointers), so it's a pretty robust and proven way to go
Not to derail this discussion
Let me spit this back to make sure I understand. Store a record in the DB for every file uploaded, with meta information such as uid, who, when, filetype, etc. And then the path to the file is actually the id of that record, but broken up like you shown to allow it to 'scale'.
I used it for document storage at Xerox.
@Waxi exactly.
@ssube I'm out of my element, but what does that mean and does that apply to me?
which part, the hash?
@Luggage Thank you, didn't think about that approach and seems really easy. Gonna write that ish down so I don't forget.
@Waxi with a UUID, each file will have a unique name (a good thing).
nothing will step on each other, nothing will break, it's all very obvious
with a hash, you read the file and use a good hashing algo to produce a predictable (same input produces the same output) name to use
if somebody uploads the same file again, the name will be the same, you can see it already exists and skip it
Or create a second DB entry if you want the file to have two 'owners' or some such.
I'd just start with what Luggage described, it's easy and works well, then start using hashed names and stuff later.
A really thorough solution would use hashed names, probably store the files in S3 or Swift, allow multiple references to a file, maybe even support tree-like permissions.
@ssube Ah I got it, just another step to make things smarter when processing files that may have already been processed.
I used IDs, not hashes, but I would use hashes if I was to re-do it today.
I did add the hash to the DB though for this very purpose.
can someone tell me about this html or css thing ?
@jagdish html is unfortunate, css is lame.
No, but Google can!
@jagdish never heard of it.
@rlemon I just lost the fucking game.
OK, you guys just saved me hours worth of searching, now I got a good understanding of the concept...should be fairly easy. Much appreciated @Luggage @ssube
how do i make marwadieducation.edu.in leave a message thing ?
@Trasiva that's my secret cap, I'm always losing
@rlemon You win this round, Banner.
I store some generated files in a more human-readable directory scheme for archival purposes.
Like every time someone submits/edits a 'timesheet' in my app I queue up a process to do some Excel Exports and store them in (e.g.): /archive/2016/March/Sally 2016-03-01.xlsx
That's a good idea, might incorporate that as well.
It started just a temporary thing to let them use their old workflow while transitioning, but we decided to keep it.
dammit, just got my first foo’s server DNS address could not be found.
github.com works for me, but not gist.github.com :(
now I can't brag about being unaffected
They are back for me. It seems it's moving north.
all day I've been like, "ha, this all works for me! yay Canada!"
for some reason (using gdm) pulseaudio doesn't start anymore on i3, but it works fine in mate. Basic configuration files have shown nothing
@rlemon I've had no issues either fortunately I guess
I keep hearing about this DDOS and I'm just sitting here doing everything I normally do l ol
@Loktar yea gist is the first one I've had not come up for me (and it was working earlier)
but if it is "moving" then we should be seeing some slowness or downages soon
it worked fine until this morning, when sound no longer came through the bluetooth headphones
This DDOS is definitely the Russians.
yup. gh down for me now as well
ohh well, pornhub should still be up
github is up and running for me...
@Loktar educated guess or did you do some digging?
@towc it's not global
@JayLane everything bad is the Russians
@towc primarily east coast
being sarcastic :p
@Loktar haha i know
but interestingly enough a lot of Eastern Europe is having issues too lol
but surely they can counter it by redirecting you to other servers via the dns chain?
Eastern Europe is always having issues.
either gh is not doing a good job, or the attack is on your network directly
@towc TTL is a bitch
@towc and DNS caching
@JayLane that pic is damn near pornographic
@JayLane it surely won't be overcome by changing continent
@JayLane which has mostly always been a bad idea anyway, it's already disabled on most machines I thought
@Loktar btw, that was a mighty ducks ref. in case you thought I was just quacking at you randomly.
@rlemon I had no idea dude
@Luggage perfectly wired
I thought the Russians hacked you
lol but yeah I didnt get the reference
they've tried.
DYNs getting knuckle pucked so hard
few years ago -- only reason I knew was that our works shitty internet kicked them off in the middle of the hack.
oh, they attacked the ISP. Yeah, nothing much you can do :P
someday I will be a tinder match with ndugger
not isp @towc DNS
We can sit here talking about it instead of working..
@towc even worse
wired says dyn
dyn does internet infrastracture
@Luggage I legit need to install some packages tho
so I call it ISP
@towc fair enough
@towc if you consider dns a part of "internet service", i guess so
@ndugger I link him my chicken tendies.
WTB Chinese Botnetz
the idea is, what request has to go through dyn, if you use dyn, therefore dns or not, you can't do much about it
the attack wasn't on the sites, but at a particular network
@Loktar @ndugger I link him my chicken papers
I'm officially a hacker, I know :P
^ that's a cocky joke, don't take it seriously
You're a hack.
@towc don't worry we didnt
just to be sure ;)
npm is still working but hella slow. so that's a plus
i'm razor of razor & blade
@towc requests don't "go through dyn"
hack da planet with cookie monster gui viruses
neat.. never saw this error before:
@JayLane nahh, type "cookie" and you're good
@ssube they need information from dyn at some point, and if you don't have it, the network can't fall back for most people
@Luggage first the worst.
@towc dns != infrastructure, most things work just fine without it
if you know the IP
oh wow, npmjs.com is down for me too
dyn's gibson totally got hacked
wait.... is this how the hw based polymorphic dos based rootkit delivering platform based binaries is going to be trojaned to almost every laptop?!
Pushing down this 'hot project' on me, to build an attendance tracking system...yay.
@Luggage I love how your browser says it still managed the https handshake
@towc well the error came from NPm so it did.
@rlemon it already is :P
!!define word salad
@NathanJones word salad A nonsensical assemblage of words, typical of schizophrenia, Wernicke's aphasia, and some other mental disorders.
@towc it's a 503 error
@NathanJones Cabbage
!!define verbal diarrhea
@JayLane verbal diarrhea (slang, US) logorrhea
@Luggage Cabbage to you as well
oh, right, that was stupid
!!define logorrhea
@Luggage logorrhea (psychology) An excessive and often uncontrollable flow of words.
!!define eva longeria
@JayLane It means I aint got time to learn your $5 words.
you lose @CapricaSix
no you
I finally had to say we need another developer, badly. We went from 2 to 1 and the requests have increased, like wtf man.
It doesn't help that you suck
Yeah you're right, it doesn't help that I'm not amazing, but doesn't change the amount of work here.
oh, now the bluetooth headset works again. I got trapped here while I was trying to debug. I think we can use bluetooth status in debian to determine random numbers
We can use your current distro as a random number.
could those sites that rely on centralized dns move to a distributed dns system?
The only person I know that has a playlist of linux installers.
dns is distributed.
@NathanJones easily, they just went for a cheap provider
@Luggage won't argue against it
@Luggage isn't there still a single point of failure with dns, though?
But you local DNS server probably has that name timed out, so it's supposed to ask the authoritive server for an update, then can't find it.
@NathanJones anycast and friends solve that
@PeeHaa sup? And as I told you before - I am not working on that bot anymore. Not working on anything with JS at all. I can commence on rewriting it in Rust, Haskell or OCaml if you want.
@ndugger Bone Salad is my nickname for my grandma
because its the only 2 things homegirl eats
rip grandma
never forget
When you guys do your sw dev, do you do things like UML in the earlier stages or just wing it as you go along?
I don't use real uml, but I do occasionally draw something.
@Waxi wing it in my past but i highly suggest UML
Yeah I'm about to start something that could be disastrous down the line if I don't have a clear understanding of how it needs to work, so I was curious if UML was still something people seriously used or everyone is pro and draws from their big brains.
doesnt need to be strict UML but to draw up some type of flow control diagram is always good
and then hold onto that shit for documentation purposes
@rlemon god bless america
@JayLane Canada*
@Waxi I sometimes use gliffy.com. Don't get caught up with making sure you use the exactl right symbols for anything. As long as it helps you think or express an idea it's good
@rlemon I get the feeling you're now just showing me crazy food to see if I like it
@KendallFrey :D
@rlemon I'd actually consider trying that.
I'd eat that
looks like good depression food
my ass hurts just looking at it
@Luggage @JayLane ty
@PeeHaa ofcourse <3
@Waxi anytime
@AwalGarg :) Just annoying you
hi guys
@PeeHaa how is jeeves going btw? Can it play hangman like caprica yet? :P
is a dictionary what i need in javascript to add these values to something I can check against later?
            for (var i = 0; i < jsonData.dtCombined.length; i++) {

                var colorUseId = jsonData.dtCombined[i].ColorUseId;
                customColorId = jsonData.dtCombined[i].CustomColorID;
                var customColorCode = jsonData.dtCombined[i].CustomColorCode;
                var customColorName = jsonData.dtCombined[i].CustomColorName;
@JoJo an array?
@AwalGarg Nope. We support haskell eval though :)
a multivalue array?
fuck, I bet you this DNS attack took down hangman
  |   |

Wait wat
  |   |
@PeeHaa hang gets its words from a heroku app zirak wrote
heroku is 'down'
oh lol
thats a good write up
!!hang S
  |   |
e, s
!!hang n
  |   |
e, n, s
btw it's just down for all you on the wrong side of the globe :)
(btw, only one game)
Yea, I gotchu
@PeeHaa it's moving, and some EU is down
I was fine up until about half hour ago
!!hang a
  |   |
a, e, n, s
wait a sec.. I already have the data in JSON var jsonData = jQuery.parseJSON(data.d);
!!hang i
  |   |
  |   O
a, e, i, n, s
why would I take it out and put it back in something again
!!hang u
  |   |
  |   O
a, e, i, n, s, u
!!hang p
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
a, e, i, n, p, s, u
@rlemon oh god
are porn sites hit?
Asking for a friend
!!hang l
!!hang r
Yeah everything is down for us too. Can't get anything done. Don't tell the boss man
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
a, e, i, l, n, p, r, s, u
!!hang o
1 hour ago, by rlemon
  $ dig @ ns +short pornhub.com
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
a, e, i, l, n, o, p, r, s, u
!!hang unreasonableness
@PeeHaa ^^
@Trasiva Correct! The word is unreasonableness.
Is that even a word
Did someone unleash the Da Vinci virus or something?
I doubt it
It is now
Where does she get her words from
any other "Truthers" in here btw?
@Jhawins check Ziraks github once it is back up
hey heroku people here?
he wrote a heroku app
Oo who he?
@JoJo depends on what kind of truth
@PomeGranate not talking to you
@JoJo No, we usually show them the door once we see the tin foil hat.
@JoJo Like the Earth being flat?

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