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look at the domain name
@AsafFisher Aye, looks like a DNS problem
@AsafFisher It's almost like....there's a dns DDOS going on.
set your dns to
@Trasiva Is there?
google loads fine for me
He either knows or is incapable of understanding english. It's been the conversation for hours.
@MadaraUchiha 'Top sticky by Lemon.
yeah google loads fine for me as well. might be region specific
@SterlingArcher that first one has nice shading tho
10/10 would go to him for good tattoo
1 message moved to Trash can
@JoJo Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
lmao the fucking title of the chat
all these sites are down @CapricaSix
only gist
hiya, do i need more than return false; to get out of a for loop?
    for (var i = 0; i < paletteObj.length; i++) {
        var _customName = paletteObj[i].CustomColorName;
        var _colorHex = paletteObj[i].CustomColorCode;

        if (_customName == customName && _colorHex == colorHex) {
            util.ShowError("A swatch of the same color has already been created.");
            return false;
@JoJo Nope. return will exit the loop and the function
@MadaraUchiha ty
I will try incognito mode
@rlemon @KendallFrey New lamp?
@JoJo thats fine you dont need to use break with it
@JoJo Take note that you should use .every()
@MadaraUchiha ok, im on it
@rlemon still the sickest drop
@Trasiva drools explosively
@KendallFrey Yea, I want one.
this room name is awesome. just saying
var price = amount * 2.3 * 100;
        var amount = req.body.amount;
and amount is 100
const {amount} = req.body;
@rlemon aww yissss
but var price is now = 22999.9999999999996
@rlemon Hush
Welcome to Floating Point. Population: 999.999997
@PomeGranate Yes, dealing with fractions will do that.
@MadaraUchiha as such?     paletteObj.every(function () {

@MadaraUchiha did 9/11?
omg why have I no idea about that
Go with var price = amount * 230; // 2.3 * 100
Round that mofo.
round it!!
but how should I round it?
its money... realy money
@PomeGranate Careful though, when dealing with money you may want to go more than 2 decimals places or else money is going to disappear and nobody is going to know why. I know this because it happened here. Thousands were missing because money wasn't going 4 decimal places like it should.
what @ndugger said
@JoJo You want to iterate the entire array, and ensure that all of the elements satisfy some condition
@ndugger that is everytime correct?
haha what
If one of the elements does not, you want to return false, right?
@PomeGranate every time that I've tested it, it has been, but I can't guarantee it
@MadaraUchiha yes
@JoJo That's what .every() does
ok I'll use Number(price.toFixed(2))
!!> [1, 2, 3].every(function(n) { return n > 0; })
@MadaraUchiha true
!!> [1, 2, 3].every(function(n) { return n > 1; })
@MadaraUchiha false
@MadaraUchiha I love it, so the end of for loops?
The first returns true because all the numbers are greater than 0. The second because no all of them are greater than 1.
Fractions of a penny is still money and 2 decimal places hides that, but over a big enough set that shit adds up.
@JoJo for loops for collections died years ago.
@Waxi omg, what should I do? what should I read to understand the problem?
@MadaraUchiha i bet.. I got sooooo behind.. blah
@PomeGranate If you can, avoiding fractions is your best bet.
is parseFloat redundant on Number().toFixed(2)?
@KendallFrey workin on my future house plans i.imgur.com/cYQQS1i.jpg
Instead of * 2.3 * 100 use * 230
@JayLane Yes, the Number() does the coercion in that case.
@MadaraUchiha ok - what is the difference?
@rlemon better deal with that tree.
@Waxi if you have fractions of a penny, you have other problems
instead of 230, you can look like a complete dbag and use 2.3e2 :D
@MadaraUchiha good to know thanks
@PomeGranate One has floating point arithmetics, and one doesn't.
@PomeGranate Well I don't know how your money is being calculated, but here hours were being turned into dollars causing fractionals and when the system was rounding at 2, costs were disappearing that were actually there. Just be aware of that.
@rlemon I've never met someone with a ladder fetish before
@MadaraUchiha aha yeah make sense
It's the fact that you have numbers with floating points in your expression that does the problem
@KendallFrey I do have a hammer fetish
Guys i got the full list of all the websites... do you want to see?
So unless you have to, avoiding it is a good course to follow.
It's a wart of JS
@Waxi the user select 100 images and my system says 1 image coasts $2.3
@MadaraUchiha No, it's the nature of finite computation
Well at least they took ActBlue down with them
@AsafFisher whats that for a list?
@KendallFrey No, it's the nature of the choice JS made when the number type was chosen.
@rlemon So I guess the idea with the rocket is a one way trip? 'cause that shit's gonna like...cause that whole thing to cave in.
if you want, move it to a document somewhere and I'll pin that
Sites that are down but nbm
There are ways to accurately represent floats in base 10
The sites that are down keep changing and they are different to everyone. Stop, @AsafFisher
DNS is fun
@Trasiva it's built with Canadian wood, will be okay
@rlemon sure ill put it on gist
I don't care what site @AsafFisher can't get to this minute
@MadaraUchiha They are non-standard or uncommon. IEEE floats are the standard.
oh wait a sec
@PomeGranate All I'm saying is 2.3 and 2.29 are not the same when you times that across a large amount. That missing .01 adds up.
@KendallFrey Yup
And that's the consequence.
npm is down, I am no longer a software engineer
@rlemon Oak-ay!
thats funny
It has it upsides and downsides
@Waxi so using *230 is fixing it - I'll try that
@Trasiva I choose Bulbasaur
If you have such a problem with approximation, why not use base 60 instead of base 2 or 10?
you mean I am going to have to write code? Myself? Without someone else compensating for my astounding incompetence?
@KendallFrey I'd love it if we all moved to base 12
@KendallFrey because I HAVE NO IDEA haha
Seems like a much better option.
@PomeGranate I actually don't know how to help you lol, I just know that when dealing with money, assuming 2 decimal places is enough could cause you problems.
But reality is different, we're at base 10
Most calculations are done in base 10
Its kind of funny that every time there is a DDoS PSN get the hit
Money is counted in base 10
Base 12 only feels natural for like 1-48
I'm writing my Bachelorthesis and had those basics 4 years ago and already forgot everything
Base 10. Best Base.
@MadaraUchiha Bullshit. Most calculations that require floating-point are using real numbers and don't need to be exact.
base 10 in base two which is base 2
@KendallFrey That's right.
It doesn't make 0.1 + 0.2 != 0.3 any less confusing though.
Money is the only major situation where base-10-ness is an advantage
in the boring business application world, we want currency more often, though
@KendallFrey To be fair, in the vast majority of use-cases, you could just count in pennies instead of dollars
And eliminate the fractions altogether.
also true
nah.. you need to keep the fractions until the end.
@MadaraUchiha that just reduces the problem very slightly. 1/3 + 2/3 != 1 is still an issue
@rlemon If we're going first gen, I'm going with Charmander then. Them fire types are hard to come by early on.
That doesn't work in stock exchange or forex though
like, if I am charging $0.023 / GB, i need that to be accurate until I complete the calculation, then round/truncate.
@Luggage Right
@Trasiva I'm not training, I just want that little plant turd to do my gardening
But even then you can take a small enough unit, and proceed from there.
but i guess floating point is usually good enoug, there.
@rlemon I...that's fucking brilliant.
"1,000,000 microdollars"
I'd still rather have a Decimal type, like .NET.
@Luggage Oh, sure.
It's such a common problem.
@Luggage why would you charge that exact price?
That doesn't even make sense
Absolutely, and also a Ratio type
Like in most Lisp languages
A person works 2.14 hours at a rate of $56.34. He cost the company $120.5676, but if you round to 2 decimal places, you're effectively changing the actual cost and you do this over and over and over, you now have thousands unaccounted for.
@ndugger got me.. jut an example. look at amazon cloud prices for similar
They do fractions of pennies?
That just seems absurd to me
@Waxi Right, but what you could do is take 214 * 5634, then divide by 10000
That also avoids the problem
change your units and minimum values rather than charge fractions of cents
per unit. if you are buying 1000's of hours, then a fraction of a penny matters
@MadaraUchiha I was just trying to show where it's an issue, but glad there is a fix, wish I knew about that sooner!
@Luggage Again, so you work in microdollars
@MadaraUchiha yea, i'm not arguing against that
Like.. cmon
Instead of in pennies, as your lowest unit.
@MadaraUchiha Of course then you forget a conversion factor somewhere and end up charging your clients 10 million dollars
> $0.0065 per Hour
@KendallFrey Yup, that's why you don't actually do that like I said in the example
I can just imagine their developer's frustration
But you have a proper abstraction that remembers how many orders of magnitudes you moved around
no luck: is this syntax even close

    paletteObj.every(function (n) {
        var thisthing = n;

@ndugger Nah, they just don't do this calculation in JavaScript, but rather in a language that has a proper decimal type
Ratio type is the best numerical type after uint, except when you are doing calculus in which case float with floats.
Yet another example of why I wish popular programming languages (and stdlibs) had built-in dimensional variables.
@SterlingArcher haha
I'm gonna have a node project that makes requests to a C# server just to make decimal calculations
@JoJo You're expected to return a boolean from the callback function
The callback gets executed for every item in the array, and if one of them returns false, then .every() returns false.
@MadaraUchiha ok, that makes sense so I will give it a value it needs to find then
If all of them returned true, then .every() returns true
@Waxi I used your solution and it works (for everytime I tested)
@SterlingArcher I wish I could whore out
@PomeGranate I don't think I offered a solution lol, I was just telling you be careful with money.
@SterlingArcher I wish I could go through life that ignorant.
oh cool, powerful
Life would be so much easier if I just sucked the life out of everyone else and sat around all day
hehe doesn't matter - money is flowing now
@SterlingArcher jesus...
s/the life out of everyone else and sat around/dick/
!!s/the life out of everyone else and sat around/dick/
@SterlingArcher s/dick/dick/ (source)
I aint scared
@SterlingArcher rekt
@Trasiva I don't think that's ignorance, that's gold digging gone wrong.
@SterlingArcher neither are you intelligent
@Waxi No, that's ignorance. She didn't finish school, she has no work experience, and she doesn't know if cheating on her husband to have a baby will get her ass dropped like a bad habit. Clear lack of common sense and foresight.
go drop some goldfish or something
@SterlingArcher someone should suggest if the father is not the same race there is less chance the DNA test will come back as a false match
-money problems sovled
-now to the heroku and file upload problem - anyone already done something with that?
I like the part where she just wants to provide for herself and her child that doesn't even exist. I'm glad she's in that situation, but feel bad for that guy.
@PomeGranate whats the issue
I don't feel sorry for him; he's friends with her dad. He should have known she was a gold digger
I feel sorry for her dad, he must get teased at the boys club because his friend is married to his daughter.
I assume because of the ages involved he still attends those types of things
When naming things, do yall prefer hyphen or underscore?
for me
@SterlingArcher fun story, trainer asks "so, do you live alone?"
is localhost:3000 down for everyone else, too?
I wear my ring on my left ring finger...
I'm like.. umm no, I live with my SO
@Luggage lol
@Luggage yep, for me too
@rlemon are you guys engaged now?
no, but it's the only finger the ring goes on
@JayLane I use skipper.js for express (actually sails.js) for uploading to the local server
Q: Why auth.isAuthenticated() is not working in MEAN.JS?

ko001I have made simple signup, signin and article using MEAN.JS with jsonwebtoken. In signup page after user entering all values i am passing values to server through signup api. The server side I am creating jsonwebtoken and am passing to client side exports.create = function(req, res, next) { ...

so I just roll with it
he wears a wedding ring, the liar
Pls help me out I'm not able to solve
which daemon is good for django for production
I read that all wrong @rlemon lol
Any recommendations for a javascript calendar?
Yeah the green one
@GandalftheWhite belphegor is decent. Can get annoying though
it is pretty nice
@Loktar tl;dr my gramps recently (last year) passed -- my grandmother gave me his wedding ring.
so I wear it
@GNi33 annoying as in?
@JayLane on localhost everything works, but on heroku the upload doesn't work - let me see the logs, what its saying
Fuck you man
trolling and shit
demands blood sacrifices and all that from time to time
I've noticed two things so far: 1) women give me a weird look when they notice Holly isn't wearing a ring. 2) no one hits on me anymore
that can become cumbersome after a while
No Python folks in here?
It is strange
although I don't Python
@PomeGranate are you using s3 with heroku?
Before I build my own, anyone use a calendar library in js that they wanna give their blessing on?
@JayLane no I'm not - should I?
I thought its a dependency more - why should I do that?
@PomeGranate its not necessary i was just wondering if it was an s3 config issue that could be causing the problem. post log and ill take a better look
@rlemon wears a fake wedding ring to pick up guys at the gym
@SterlingArcher doesn't everybody HAAAAYYYYY
I have my code + the heroku log
Holy shit, are you still on that heroku nag?
@PomeGranate have you been having this issue today strictly or was this pre-existing
logs are showing a request timeout
could be due to the issues with the DDoS
I started today for the first time with heroku - haha and today of all days the ddos happened
so I have no idea if that is normal or because of ddos
@PomeGranate headers and everything generated look fine, and since its working on yr local you might want to wait until this attack his eases and try again. heroku has been one of the big outages today due to this shit
nothing else out of the ordinary besides the request timeout
@JayLane you mean I don't have to use some of those "plugins" just like the mongoLab thing for uploading?
ok cool
I can't wait for mine to ship :D I backed it 2 ish months ago
what is the advantage for using s3? why not just heroku? is heroku more expensive for filespace?
@SterlingArcher couldn't understand that this thing is so liked
when you restart your dyno the filesystem will wipe
@PomeGranate do you fidget a lot?
and you cant share across dynos
Drum fingers, pick at your fingernails, anything "ADD" ish?
so if you want to retain the uploads you need to use a passthrough filestore
unless this has changed

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