Hey JavaScript chat, I come from the far land of CodeReview.SE, and I recently put up some Node.js/Socket.io code which I'm looking for a good review on. If anyone wants to chime in, below is a link to my question! (If you're brand new, check out our answering Help Center.)
@AlexL Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Sorry, if you were looking for fresh baked pies, I only have a web client to help you sell them.
I've recently picked up server-side JavaScript and have added it to my toolbox, and while I've had a great time learning so far, I've got some code which needs another pair of eyes to review it.
A ...
var arrayOfFunc = [function (a,b){return a+b;},function (a,b){return a-b;},function (a,b){return a*b;}];
for (var i = 0, l = arrayOfFunc.length; i < l; i+=1) {
if (arrayOfFunc[i](2,3) === -1) {
i = l;
that doesn't seem like a viable option for me. i push functions into an array and use them to execute draw functions to canvas. i want to pop them when i don't need them anymore
@GNi33 You have a large enterprise application used by 100s of clients, they want all or just 1 sql table out of your database or storage system
I need to provide them with an interface (UI more then 1) and options to let them choose what they want to extract (Naming will be different) and some business logic will be involved
then returning them a pdf, excel or alike report back..
@DenysSéguret I looked at SSRS and SharePoint business intelligence too, but I can't decide would it be better for me to just get data with Entity Framework and through in Html controls
I think am searching google with wrong keywords "reporting framework" "Exporting data for reports"
I need to see a reporting management system, but maybe it's not called reporting at all, let me try with business intelligence, but am not sure if it will get me what am after
I don't want end users to design reports, I want to create UI for them, all they would require to do is select what to include and just get the format in output
@Mathematics There are free libraries, too. But usually, even in a commercial software, you can provide the report templates and the users only apply them (with varying levels of customization)
In my experience many top level managers understand the SQL logic well enough to combine queries if the tool is well designed and there are easy to use SQL views
@Mathematics Be careful that there's a lot to do when building such a software, and BI tools also targets dummies (via a customization made by programmers)
@DenysSéguret I agree, your opinion would 100% going to work in an enterprise software, but we are selling our software to 1000s of these enterprises that shares databases, maybe am just getting paranoid for security
dys@dellette:~/vm/share/share-dev/superpos/src/main$ node --version
dys@dellette:~/vm/share/share-dev/superpos/src/main$ node
> var a = [1,2,3];
> var b = Math.max(1,5,3,7);
> b
> Math.max(1,1,1,...a);
@Boris Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Is it possible to import javascript module from external url in ES6?
I tried (using babel-node):
import mymodule from 'http://...mysite.../myscript.js';
// Error: Cannot find module 'http://...mysite.../myscript.js'
All these days, I was maintaining two directories in my local. one for my colleague changes(git directory) and other for my own changes(working directory). I used to pull in git directory and compare the git directory with working directory and make necessary changes to git directory. and later I used to commit the git directory. This was the safest one I ever known.
So, the git directory used to do the communication work with git but not working directory
I find no flaw in this method but now other devs are forcing me to have only one directory in my local. So, I am asking is there any way to diff the server and local changes before pulling?
Anyone knows if I can use any of this to abort a jqXHR? `ajaxRequest Object {always: ()done: ()fail: ()pipe: ()progress: ()promise: (a)state: ()then: ()uniqueId: (...)__proto__: Object}`
@FlorianMargaine You should look a little in the big enterprise world. Many things have a shortened name or an acronym, you can't just play with cute names like Greasy Bear
var firstName = document.getElementById("name");
firstName.innerHTML = "Mahadevan";
//I am getting the entire tag not the value
<label id="name">Mahadevan</label>
@BenjaminGruenbaum has node's TC considered switching to rethinkdb's API style for native modules? i.e. return a promise if no callback is passed. That'll keep BC and things...
@AwalGarg it's a guy popular in a completely unrelated field posting about his experience when switching to Linux as his main OS. Not some programmer posting about this solely to other programmers in this "ecosystem". It's not news, not at all, it may reach some other people than the usual suspects though.
just like when you reverse an array in place: swapping
but the JS world of performances is sometimes hard to predict, especially with optimized array functions, it's possible reverse() is faster on big arrays
@karanvirsingh Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.