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damn, stupid Range .getBoundingClientRect return 0 for left and top when the range is collapsed :< ok the width and height are 0, but not the top and left :(
@DenysSéguret Hmm?
I bet it works well on FF
lol it does
total fucking chrome
it even works on Edge
so it seems like using the following flags lets me completely ditch babel on node 5.3.0:
node --es_staging --harmony_destructuring --harmony_default_parameters --harmony_rest_parameters
yea, if only we could set those flags on browsers too
@MadaraUchiha I was referring to that user (see image) spam-inviting many other ones to (presumably) beg for help (the overuse of "sir" making it even more offensive)
for browsers you can just switch to FF aurora
in Room for Learning and Rich Peck, 5 mins ago, by Madara Uchiha
@Learning Please stop harassing users in private chats.
I'll keep an eye out, but please do tell me if they continue.
@MadaraUchiha cool, thanks
It still sucks @Awal
@pootis what does?
@AwalGarg Doge 10
@pootis you know there won't be any further version, right? just be content with that fact :D
dow wins
Doge of War?
A doge (/ˈdoʊdʒ/; Italian pronunciation: [ˈdɔːdʒe], plural dogi or doges) was an elected, chief-of-state lordship, the ruler of the republic in many of the Italian city-states during the medieval and renaissance periods, in the Italian "crowned republics". == Etymology == The word is from the Venetian dialect, reaching English via French. Doge, along with the related English: duke and Italian: duce, descends from the Latin: dux, meaning "leader", especially in a military context. The wife of a doge is styled a dogaressa and the office of the doge is termed dogeship. == Usage == The title of doge...
I'm dying of hypothermia
chrome: crap horrible relying on missing expectations
what are those people even thinking? this is such a skewed view on the world it's sickening
just like those Fox guys publicly suggesting to fucking assasinate Julian Assange
I mean, what the actual fuck
@GNi33 I'm Kendall Frey, you're watching Fox News....
These are the same demographic as the people who want guns. By the way.
on a news show
You serious? Woman can't leave house because sexual abuse
@Maurize context?
And black teens are a confrontation waiting to happen
@Maurize where was that? That was about women in the military, right?
uno momento.
per favore
31.12 -> Cologne (Köln). (maybe) refugees were in groups. yelling and saying bad things to woman. touching their boobs and so on. several rapes.
and not a single news in tv is telling someone about them. finally it came out because blogs and stuff.
To prevent "hate" for refugees.
oh, yeah
Man germany is going to hell with all this politics and shit
maybe you got a translator.
That's ok because they're refugees and probably from a poorer and therefore more primitive civilization and thus they don't matter as much wtf are you even typing kendall
@KendallFrey lol
edit. 2 city.
I gotta love the refugee hate, so lame.
gta v is 60gb? oh god.
I doesn't matter where anyone comes from. If they are here, they have to keep our rules.
I see method to the madness there. First you bring in as many people as you possibly can and once enough people are in, you agitate against them and let your media make the dirty work.
@Maurize it's not that simple, but yes.
It's just as wrong to wipe all of this under the carpet (which didn't exactly happen) as it is to blame everything on the refugees as a whole
Germany is not like "Oh, nice butt, may I touch it? No? I do it anyway" :D
Yes, what @GNi33 said.
@Maurize but rlemon's gf-gma does
As of now, you have an uncontrolled amount of people coming in and being in the country for a short time now. Some of them will be complete and utter dickheads
this isn't that much of a cultural problem here
I'm all for giving everyone the opportunity to flee from their shitty situation and give them a chance here.
I like the idea to keep people safe. No problemo. But too much for us here. I mean what about other countrys -> "Nah, we don't wanna. They're your's"
But if you fuck up, you're not going to stay here
the biggest problem which arises is that this kind of behavior is against every law and especially the "constitution"
which declares, the country has to welcome any political refugee, but not if a person has been traveled through an entire "safe" country before, where he or she was safe anyway
and in many cases, it's not only one country, but several
"1000 men are responsible for sexual assaults". -> Just in cologne
There has to be a way to combine cultural integrity and a meaningful, successful together here
wysiToolbar.on('mousedown', function(e){
  if (e.target.nodeName!=='INPUT') e.preventDefault();
    setTimeout( _=>{
      var range = document.getSelection().getRange();
      if (range.startContainer.parent('#editor') && !range.collapsed)
        saveSelection(range); // save a selection when possible (no cross nodes supported atm)
    }, 10);
}); //meh :( the timeout is necessary :(
@jAndy which is an obscure law by itself and is essentially useless
@GNi33 the problem is they're not being integrated.
^ it's part of the problem
I'd like to see immigrants form communities in a way that's assisted by the host country.
@Maurize no, women are at fault in rape because they dress like sluts like duh
@GNi33 I think it makes a lot of sense, without such a rule, the country which had the most "success" will always be crowded to death in short while
look at Canada or Australia
They get papers to be able to visit doctor for free. They get money weekly. They can live for free. Dono. I think politics failed.
even Isreal
Mainly, free education, language lessons and so on in exchange for commitments to find work in the related field to your training (or you lose the social welfare).
you know how almost impossible it is to migrate to those countries ?
a EU - wide distribution would make sense
@jAndy Israel is very hard to immigrate to actually. Canada is actually super easy.
the Dublin - treaty is pure bullshit
if you are somewhat rich and well known educated.. maybe.. maybe
even is real
but without that, forget it
Israel if you're Jewish you don't only automatically get citizenship for you and your family. You actually get $15K per person to start your life, help with housing and a free education system with wide social net.
If you're not Jewish - Israel politely tells you to fuck off. Israel can come off as a pretty racist place.
I think that makes sense for a "country" as subject, so I really don't understand why Germany and Austria are now forced to accept hundred of thousands of people, which are also "safe" from the horror they fleet in countless countries before
@jAndy because they have a moral obligation. That's why.
it's not that anybody does not want to help
but you can't do it that way, it will ruin the whole region
Because we're not just a dog eat dog world.
true story, but then every single refugee should be brought to the USA and Isreal
wars are not initiated by Germany
Religion + Politics = Nope. <- is math right? //Many people say it is germany fault because weaopons and stuff. -> Heckler & Koch
Israel doesn't want refugees, and most refugees don't want Israel either, so it's a win-win (or lose-lose, depending on your perspective) situation.
@BenjaminGruenbaum am I a complete asshole if I throw the word "irony" in?
@Maurize You're off by a few orders of magnitude of "Nope", but almost right.
@Maurize Guns don't kill people, people kill people.
And while I always argue that less guns on the street = safer streets
@Maurize Heckler Koch is a Germany company which does not belong to any German really. Like every big concern, it's shareholders sitting all over the globe, pretty much but Germany
Can you destructure and get a reference to the full object in function parameters?
Like @ in Haskell that is.
That same principle doesn't apply for countries.
Like function foo({x}@o) for getting both x and the whole object in scope.
@jAndy You're now blaming Israel for the crazy US invasion of Iraq and for ISIS o_0?
@MadaraUchiha There are a very very small amount of guns on germanys street. It would be safer if there are more, I think.
anyone knows if chrome's fetch can serialize formdata now? I am too lazy to test
We're not even an involved party in that, except for getting shit for it - we're not benefiting from it - it was never our interest even remotely. @jAndy
And we actually are getting refugees.
@BenjaminGruenbaum no, but the war in Palestine is going on for decades and it brought a load of disavowal to the entire region. Also, US politics was always in strong agreement to Isreal's politics
We have over 60K refugees by the way, just not in Syria, from Sudan.
We got about a million refugees.
You have a much larger country.
nobody is really to "blame". It's not that the people of a country are responsible for anything
@jAndy we don't agree with those policies, and we don't agree with a ton of the US policies - even officially.
it's always about a very small group of insane people, who believe they rule the world
@Maurize There's a terror uprising in Israel at the moment
People grabbing makeshift weapons and stabbing people all on their own (not under some organization)
@jAndy when the US invades some place like Iraq, we get a ton of shit for it - but we don't really gain anything from it - it's not like they say "hey, let's give Israel some of dat oil money".
@Maurize 27 dead so far.
@MadaraUchiha is this still happening?
@GNi33 Yes
@AwalGarg Looks like it
ok thanks
The solution? Have more people (civilians) carry weapons
Fallout 4 becomes reality if this shit don't stop all about the world.
That will solve it, right?
We've had more than one case of misidentification and false positives.
By civilians carrying
More guns != more safety.
@jAndy and the "war in Palestine" (a funny term, given that millions of people are usually typically living peacefully) is a direct result of the US and Russian cold war. We're screwed. We're more like Iran than the US here - exploited by bigger countries in exchange for money. We just do our best to outsmart them and cooperate when it benefits us. The US is a big ally for us - but it's not like our interests coincide that much.
This will solve everything 2020 (haha): worldpeaceiscoming.com/index.php/get-informed/…
@Maurize Peace will never happen because war is very profitable to all the wrong people.
but back to the topic, I don't think it's the "right thing" to bring millions of people from entirely different cultures and different languages into europe (especially Germany and Austria), which is against the constitution. Most of those people are not in immediate danger a long time before they arrive in the heart of Europe also. What do we expect if you pack more and more people together on a limited economical area, which are so different ?
Really.. what do we expect from that ? Love and peace ?
@jAndy also we're a democracy so that's a pretty good way to balance off corruption.
I honestly think the kind of "democracy" we know is the best way to force corruption.
There is (was) democracy in germany -> More then half of the germans said no. What happened? "Yes".
@jAndy People always ask me why Israel are always perceived as bullies, and I always answer "Well, if we weren't the bullies, we'd be underwater by now"
@jAndy lmao, the world is totally at shock when it has to absorb refugees and suffer cultural shifts and terror. Europe finds it odd it has to adapt and sacrifice some comfortable things and shift its culture.
"It's not the right solution to save these people that need immediate help" isn't a valid answer.
Many people in Israel wished for this day, mostly right wing, in their opinion it's "time you woke up".
@MadaraUchiha never / nobody said that
In my opinion it's time you show us your true character and be the bigger people.
it's about about better or bigger
it's about losing everything what makes it worth to so many people to come here
We have millions of refugees constantly, and we take in tens of thousands (which is huge for us) from Africa (wanna bet how many of those get into Europe?) We just don't make a big deal out of it.
if you force that kind of migration in millions
We're not the only ones - look at Jordan, they took over a million Syrian refugees.
Israel's right wing always goes about "Europe talks to us like a patronizing adult would talk to a child, let's wait until they have to deal with all these arabs"
Suddenly Europe has to step up and live up to what's it has been criticizing us for and people lose their shit.
and again.. even if the people of countries are pretty much innocent, refugees should be brought to the countries which bring the war in the first place, what they were fleeing from
so again.. US and Isreal should be crowded by now
Now everyone (right and center) are holding their breath watching how Europe deals with it.
@jAndy they can't be brought to the countries which bring the war because those countries won't take them. You either take them or they die.
Israel typically takes them, and it typically doesn't bring the war.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Israel does not take refugees.
not a single one
Sure we do, tens of thousands. Just go to south tel aviv.
Fine, not Syrian refugees.
Of course we don't have Syrian refugees - they wouldn't want to come here.
The only Syrian refugees in Israel are those rescued that are in need of immediate medical attention (we have like 100 of those), and once they're released that won't stay here.
The only ones who come come for medical attention, and there are plenty of those - typically when they're good they return to Syria.
@jAndy The thing is, we do have refugees.
what kind of "country" or "politician" which signs the attack plans states after the work is done: "Now you (some entire innocent country" take all those people or they DIE - We won't take them, deal with it"
They don't want to stay here, because their alternative is Europe, and they're scared they'll be considered traitors when they return to Syria. We don't have a peace treaty with Syria after all.
Not Syrian, but Saudi, and Ethiopian, and from various other countries from that area.
why aren't hundreds of million of people on the streets against such warmongery
and such a tyran
@jAndy you're not "some innocent country", you stood by when it happened. That's being just as guity. You're a part of the world and you're as responsible for ISIS whether you like it or not.
@jAndy Because while I can use my cool smartphone to write a mean comment on YouTube while taking a shit, I don't care someone else is suffering far away.
Germany has nothing to say in that matter since 1945, you know that
in world politics
Why aren't most Americans uprising against child abuse in Apple's factories in China?
@jAndy Germany is one of the strongest forces in world politics and in EU politics in particular.
You're a huge economy, what are you even talking about?
what has that to do with that ?
Germany is a colony - pretty much
A lot less so than Israel if it is.
Also it's not, it's one of the largest economies in the worlds and it dictates a lot of policy, especially in the EU.
Germany was beaten, destroyed, crushed and rebuild under foreign leadership
You're the big responsible country, act big and responsible.
if you don't see that easy truth...
Germany is an independent and sovereign nation playing the same game as other countries.
that is bullshit and you know it
Then how do you explain the fact your immigration policies are so different?
Being independent is not the same thing as being an Autocracy.
Germans politics can say which color we paint on a new train, that is how far our independency reaches
what? oh come on
2 years till we, the people, can choose new politics.
But I think it doesn't matter WHO... It won't change anything
another example of, we can choose which color the train has, but never decide over it's direction
Am I in wrong chat room or the discussion is over the affects of JavaScript on the world politics?
@steady_daddy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
this chat is 90% off topic
@Neoares Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
lol xD
Nice to see you, buddy!
same! :D
@steady_daddy Is there something wrong with discussing politics in this room?
it has been a long time
Another thing which really is a good riddle to me.. most foreign people like Bejamin think or say Germany is such a "rich" and "independent" country, the biggest economic force in the heart of Europe. But I'm walking every day through my city and I see fucked up streets, public buildings look like 1970 and so on. Only the big cities are the exceptions to disguise from the facts, that there is a shitload of poverty in this .. ultimate rich country
how does that work, someone tell me
omg 4 lines of text
recap pls
@Neoares how was 31.12? :D sauce for the others: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politics_of_Germany#2013_-_present
@jAndy what about the US?
aren't they rich and independent?
@GNi33 I can't tell about the US I don't live there
@jAndy I've been in Germany 4 times, I admit that's not a lot but I've been in Berlin, Dresden, Bonn and a bunch of other places. Every country has poverty stricken regions.
@Maurize I only ate 5 grapes
yeah, but what would you say about them when it comes to these 2 terms?
and you?
@BenjaminGruenbaum those are big cities, but 80% of people don't live in the big ones
@jAndy I haven't visited everywhere - but every country has poor parts.
I'm just saying that, IF it was true, that Germany was such a big economic force, where is all the money ?
@Neoares 5 grape - fruit-wodkas :D Police told us to stay home because terror warnings...
Doesn't mean you get to shit on the world's problems north korea style.
@jAndy banks
@jAndy same place it is in the US - not evenly distributed.
either it's not true or we have to give it away, still as a duty of 1945
there is no other explanation
@Maurize you're a dangerous man :o
How do you explain places like Detroit in the US?
which then, makes as a huge colony
Awal - No dude. I just realized JS can be so much fun in a chat room.
oh wait, because terrorist warnings?
@jAndy what the fuck, seriously
where do you live?
oh I've heard something about that in germany
@GNi33 what's the argument ?
@Neoares Germany. News said that police got some information about some attacks in larger places... So yeah, the most people stayed home.
"banks" is your argument to explain the riddle ? Who runs the banks ?
@jAndy you're basically saying some higher force is taking all of Germany's money away because of 1945 because your part of town isn't shiny and the rivers don't run honey?
@jAndy you tell me
@jAndy bankers
you're answering to my question with "banks", which pretty much would say the exact same. "Some higher force"
it's called economy. I'm not saying everything is great, money is far from being evenly distributed almost everywhere. If I could solve this "riddle" I'd probably not be a web developer, but saying that Germany is piss poor because somebody else is mean to you is just plain wrong
I'm actually only saying, that even if Germany is such a strong economic and has tons of talented people.. nothing of all this really arrives within Germany. It should be an awesome, modern place... a place of wealth for everybody if that all was true, but it's not. Again, walk through "normal German cities", not the top-10
people come here to Barcelona
@jAndy so, what's the big problem in your opinion. or who is the big problem?
and lot of business set up here because people like to work in Barcleona :D
I'm not completely disaggreeing with you
People liked to work here, too. Before you have to fear about your life when you leave your home. Just saying :D
oh here we go
@Maurize well but that's only for now
yes. agree.
I don't think there was that fear before xmas
@GNi33 I indeed agree with you, that capitalism in general is the bloodsucker in this entire game. So "Banks" was actually pretty accurate. So I don't see how you can deny that truth. Banks are ran by private people, no democracy, not independent, just a few families which own the whole construct of central banks.
I fear every time I go outside, but not because of 'races' or terrorists
So indeed, I guess my biggest concern is capitalism in general
@jAndy there's way too much focus on economy and the capitalistic market. Socialism isn't that high on the to do list of governments, there are good and bad reasons for this
@Neoares It was. several warnings before football games. several warnings on chrstimas market. But let us finish this discussion. csv
well here in spain the police have arrested so many people too
terrorists actually
In Germany you can get arrested if you say something you better should not
so much for democracy and free speech
or Gemma can ban you
I've heard about gemma and piracy
Gema* and yeah. Hard times. :D
oh yes GEMA
Gema is just a little piece of this slavery
move 619 messages to politics
You want to listen to music? No. You want to watch a normal video? Even No. You want to pay money for stuff you don't want? Welcome in germany!
isn't GEMA spionage?
Google is spionage, too.
well we shouldn't move messages anymore, that' why we can't catch lounge
but how does GEMA know when you are downloading something illegal?
Privacy - More or less.
even better is that German people are forced to pay for public media. Even if you don't own a TV, radio or whatnot, you are forced by law to pay for the bullshit lies they tell you day in and day out. If you don't pay, you go to jail
welcome to independent Germany
well yes, privacy is more accurated
and the best part I didn't even mention
pay for what?
public media?
what is that
the company which wants that money, isn't even consitutional
it's just a company
I have to pay money. For watching tv and stuff.
Even if you don't own a tv. You have to or you have to go to jail :D
so sad :(
You get a letter: Please pay 120€ (don't know) in 14 days.
again.. from a private COMPANY, not anything from the state or whatnot
Germany is ran by bankers and companies, *since 1945
well, here in spain bankers have influence too
what country isn't?
actually bankers are the ones who fucked up the economy
The top is: If you got PAY TV (you pay for sky or stuff)... Guess if you have to pay GEMA :D
Germany is ran by idiots *since 1982
!!votekick merkel
@Neoares That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
it does
kicking merkel is like decapitate a hydra
well in spain we have a tradition that consists of killing bulls
thankfully in catalonia is now forbidden
Neoares, you got a guest room for me if shit is getting serious? :D:D
@ndugger I remember once when you said else if is very rarely used, I disagree, it improves performance when you can avoid unnecessary tests
yes, in front of my computer xD
@Neoares o'rly ? That's indeed good news, didn't know that (about the bull killing machinery)
so I'm proud of living in Barcelona :P
da hell is that urlencoded content type I keep forgetting it :(
!!google url encoded content type
this was a "plaza the toros" you know, where they used to kill bulls in barcelona
they turned it into a mall
more useful IMO
more consumerist, but useful yea
but even a graveyard is more useful

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