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If objects are mutable why do primitives inherit object prototype?
It doesn't make much sense to me.
objects wrapping around primitives is magic
!!afk tsunami in hyderabad (hussain sagar; 2-15)
@uselesschien hahahahaha complete it atleast :D
!!afk tornado
Hello to my friends here whom have helped me in the past, everyone else please suppress any rude comments or negativity because I wont back down and will stand for whats right, I'd just rather skip all that and maintain a friendly, cordial conversation about an implementation Im working on
and plz rmbr, Im a slow typer
If you cannot see a function in your $scope, does that mean you cannot see the controller if thats where the functions are located?
Mainly, I'm wondering if the following is valid / correct or possivble
header("Content-Type: application/json");$BuyersIPDetails = json_decode(file_get_contents("http://ipinfo.io/$user_ip/geo"));
	$BuyersIPLocation = json_decode(file_get_contents("http://freegeoip.net/json/$user_ip"));
was trying to format it
I tried
Python if-statements + C if-statements = Go if-statements
	if err != nil {
Bottom line is Im wondering if I can use json_decode which I believe is a PHP function after stating
header("Content-Type: application/json");
Ive been studying everything I can on the www regarding JS, PHP etc
The real question is why are you asking about a php function in the javascript chat room
for years
Because header("Content-Type: application/json"); is JS?
I think?
oh dear
Ive been over analyzing the whole thing for so long Im lost
analysis paralysis
I'm creating 4 random numbers, and I'm pushing each one of them to a new Array, How can i write if the random number was already, change it
like with the continue in the for loop
Maybe I need to study more header("Content-Type: application/json");
@user4571629 "How can I write if the random number was already" ... was already what?
I was just trying to eek out some results\
@Squiggle Let's say the Array is [4, 4, 2, 1]
Ah ha
the second is 4, but number 4 was already in the new array
I know why I brought that question here
I forget and left out some "details"
@user4571629 array isn't a data structure you want to use if you want unique elements
I didn't ask what is it an array
@user4571629 this is by design
@user4571629 Recursion sounds like a solution
I want to push 4 random numbers to an Array, but if a number was already, I want to run the for again, "continue"
Im making a jQuery AJAX call from another page on my site which is retrieving info from the page which has
header("Content-Type: application/json");

$BuyersIPDetails = json_decode(file_get_contents("http://ipinfo.io/$user_ip/geo"));
$BuyersIPLocation = json_decode(file_get_contents("http://freegeoip.net/json/$user_ip"));
1 min ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
@user4571629 array isn't a data structure you want to use if you want unique elements
and Im wondering if those PHP functions are gonna give me trouble under the
header("Content-Type: application/json");
@BartekBanachewicz Wrong answer
@BartekBanachewicz You should look at his original question
So Im basically asking if my 3 line snippet posted above is correct?
function roll() {
    var newArr = [];
    while (newArr.length < 4) {
        var tmp = Math.floor(Math.random() * 9);
        if (newArr.indexOf(tmp) < 0) {
this is how I'd do it
keep checking if the array is at the length you want and only add values if they don't already exist
or if that's not gonna work and have me chasing my tail
@YourAdrenalineFix we're in the js room, not the php room
so we don't know if your code is correct or not
@rlemon new Set()
Its as much of a JS ques as it is PHP isn't it?
a little of both really
@FlorianMargaine yea ofc this is es5 only
@YourAdrenalineFix I see no JS
@FlorianMargaine something about fragmentation and reinventing wheels
@rlemon shimit
@BartekBanachewicz something about not being an ass
bartek's gonna bartek
I thought since I was retrieving this via AJAX that it'd be a JS type of ques
at least we agree on the solution for that problem :v
I see your point and thank you for correcting me
@BartekBanachewicz That's more than O(n^2)
To PHP I go...
That's O(∞) at the worst case
hi hi
I need a nice + svg for an angular material button, any examples?
where can I implement that? Does JSfiddle have generators?
@BartekBanachewicz please be lazy
@FlorianMargaine that's effort :S
I'm trying to render a long html string built over multiple loops.
1. If I use jquery object in each loop, performance goes downhill.
2. If I use string concat in each loop, readability becomes tedious,
any thoughts?
@s4san Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BartekBanachewicz both chrome and FF have generators for a while natively
@BartekBanachewicz that said, the unique() part will break the laziness :/
@s4san don't generate an HTML string :/
@rlemon but if I use jquery objects(im targeting IE-7) the performance is impacted by 10-12times
consider any machine running ie7 is going to be slow as balls anyway
also mucking about with HTML Strings is not a good idea
and consider the users of such machine to be quite used to things taking a long time, they probably think the web absolutely sucks
@rlemon that is not enough reason to justify my switching to jquery to my project managers :/
I never said switch to jQuery
you know there is ways to make Elements with vanilla JS
Does IE7 not support createElement
!!mdn document.createElement
!!caniuse createelement
consider dropping support for ie7, nobody relevant uses it
is any one familiar with VKontakte? (the Russian social networking site)
My event doesn't trigger when the script is loaded, even with the ready handler. When I use the code from the script in the console, however, it runs fine. One thing I noticed is when put in the console, the click event in the inspector has an additional VM6067 subline. How do I make this work onload?
@rlemon yup, but doesn't jquery not do the same, internally? document.createEleement?
i need to do a kinda FB sharer.php post to VKontakte :l
@s4san slower
I still don't know how to use caniuse :(
jQuery needs to do a bunch of checks and read your strings etc.
@Kippie caniuse is just for css maaan
if you're being anal about speed that is..
@AaronHarding no it isn't
!!caniuse audio
@rlemon okay ignore me then
!!caniuse promises
aha! vanilla js also there :D
Now that there's people here
Is there a mobile browser that supports userscripts/userstyles
not to my knowledge, but I'm sure there is
@Cereal what OS? tampermonkey is available for android
@rlemon I still need to add multiple attributes over different conditions, with jquery I can just chain them in as a JSON argument
Is it?
Apparently I'm blind
One secon
Avril Lavigne
I give you two.
Both of which are over.
Avril is Canada's gift to this world
She is top musics
@s4san reminds me of this: rlemon.github.io/FragBuilder.js
@s4san Yeah, at the cost of speed, which is apparently your problem
@s4san also, this: github.com/ndugger/HTMLBuilder.js (which is better than robert's)
sdm is not the best but worth looking at maybe :/
Need jQuery? I made a jQuery version too github.com/ndugger/jQuery.HTMLBuilder.js
@NickDugger just likes to clone my projects because he can't think of his own.
because I'm a professional
Has everyone written an HTML builder? lol
probably, lol
I've written one for a different project. Didn't think to put it on github
@KendallFrey not bad
@rlemon lol, so many html builders. so everyone has come across this issue?
@s4san I made it a long time ago, nick saw it and wanted to make his own
not sure if either of us have actually used them in a real project
I know I haven't
This was before things like React, mind you. I was getting lots of JSON, and needed to construct DOM elements from it.
Mine is in use at work right now
ahh, nice
React would be much better suited for it though
@KendallFrey I have no microphone on my laptop. Can you make it so I can use an input audio file (or youtube video) ?
I'm lazy
pleeaaaaaaase :(
use a driver to do that
or a cable from speaker to mic
@KendallFrey nothing happens
do you get a line?
my bad
export default post => $.HTMLBuilder({
	tag: 'article',
	addClass: 'blog-post grid third',
	attr: {
		'data-listing': true
	children: []
kinda shitty, but it works
it's kinda like having a templating system
kind of
the original idea behind mine was to reduce the amount of data you're sending to the client. but still be robust enough tthat the client doesn't need to know the structure beforehand.
@KendallFrey HAHAHAHA my niece is sitting beside me and doesn't want me to close that tab
to maintain readability I mapped to existing properties.. that bloats it a bit
Mine doesn't bloat, it's using jQuery's natural bloat
my non jQuery version does map simply to native properties, though, so also no bloat there
addClass vs class is bloat imo
@rlemon see deleted message
you're not on fb but you deserve to see it :P
because it's using jQuery's addClass method
@FlorianMargaine saved
will gimp later
@rlemon I was mostly showing you the comments
is it considered 'bad' to create a 100s of jquery objects to render your html content?
@NickDugger yea but in my vanilla version things like textContent: '' should just be 'text'
but someone convinced me to make it line up 1:1
mine lines up 1:1, and in my opinion, it's better
@s4san XY problem?
because all I do is assign the property based on what properties they put in their object
The only special case is the classList
@rlemon yup, but I do not have a choice here, hence the question
if (child.hasOwnProperty(prop)) child[prop] = childNodes[i][prop];
Normal Ajax or Jquery Ajax? Which is better when it comes to a mobile web site?
@WilliamsAbrahamPerezCrazut Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@s4san XY problem is you are asking about proposed solution Y instead of asking about problem X.
why do you need to render all of this with jQuery
how is the data coming to you
@WilliamsAbrahamPerezCrazut there's no such thing as "normal Ajax"
what does the data look like
It's a jQuery term
wtf @KendallFrey you are indirectly wasting my time :(
Yes I'm know but, with Jquery it's more simple.
@NickDugger That doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about javascript to dispute it.
But i dont know wich is more optimal.
@rlemon data is in JSON, I loop through it, run couple conditions here and there and then create dom. I can't use any other libraries other than jquery unless it's approved. Hence, the dilemma
@Kippie AJAX is a term coined by Microsoft, and is used in jQuery. Otherwise, we refer to is as XHR
@s4san and you can't write your own vanilla js utility to just power through it all?
@Kippie AJAX describes the technique, XHR facilitates it.
@rlemon Yeah, I know that, but it never struck me as simply a "jQuery" thing
@rlemon it just killed my chrome
@Kippie jQueyr popularized it
@rlemon well, that would be my last option, provided there's no other alternaive
@s4san if speed is your #1 concern, don't introduce jQuery there.
and smashing together HTML strings in JS is not readable
@rlemon so I guess, I go back to re-inventing the wheel then
you're not reinventing the wheel. you're creating a customized client side rendering utility
not using jQuery is hardly reinventing the wheel
In all fairness, when targetting IE7, it sometimes is.
for rendering HTML, no
Bartek can into JS /cc @FlorianMargaine @user4571629
other stuff maybe
I had to rewrite the thing because of the chrome crash though
@BartekBanachewicz you snake-casing bastard
I always thought: "Whats the problem if i want to make a better wheel?"
@FlorianMargaine why are you adding things to a const set
@BartekBanachewicz hehe
If you think your wheel is gonna be the best wheel out there, please, try your best, but it's a bit delusional
@BartekBanachewicz mostly showing that var is obsolete (the last one should be a let)
@FlorianMargaine no, really
what does const s = new Set(); mean
@NickDugger But we don't have one single wheel-design that's the best for every usecase so you never know if there's room for a new one that's better at one specific thing
@FlorianMargaine not that it changes much here
@ivarni as I said, try your best. I'd never tell anyone to not do something. Worst case scenario is that they learn something
anyway to make it lazy it could ie return a tuple of generator and metadata
like domain
@Loktar I made a picture of you being serenaded by a sasquatch
@FlorianMargaine ^
Hello, is there anyone who can help me on this??
@srikanth_naalla Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Q: Image Gallery in Masonary Grid with random width & random height

srikanth_naalla This is my gallery layout. I wanted to arrange images in the above grid style and responsive. It has random width & random height. But all of the images i have is vertical. So I need help to work on this. Thanks in advance.

@AwalGarg But why should default req. method be GET, and not POST?
@CapricaSix Thankyou
@srikanth_naalla Where is the code?
I'm using Masonary Grid. But i'm not sure whether it is right way to get it or not.
@srikanth_naalla I've voted your question to be closed. as it stands it does not fit the StackOverflow Q:A format. questions need to contain Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example
your question looks more like a work request (or a tool request)
No. I'm not asking for the code. I posted because which plugin can be used to my requirement.
which is not on topic
tool requests are off topic
Ok. Apologies for that. I'm not aware of asking a tool is off topic Stackoverflow
no worries. Just letting you know.
but i feel, it need not to be voted for closing. I will update with the coded, as am working on it
it can always be re-opened after closing
@rlemon LOL
shit, even in Canada you'd have the cops surrounding you in like 5 minutes after walking into public with that in your back pocket
You're allowed to if you have an open carry permit, though (at least in the US)
I suspect even with an open carry permit sticking a handgun in your back pocket like that would raise some eyebrows
that doesn't count as concealed. source: my father trains conceal and carry
Dat ass would raise eyebrows without a handgun in the back pocket
@phenomnomnominal New Zealand is round
I have a feeling lemon is browsing reddit at work again...
dat coastline
@Kippie jokes on you
I'm on Vacation
Aw shucks, now I'm jealous.
Also, when were you moving?
already moved
Then where is my pizza tutorial?
Are you still having people over on friday?
benny ben ben been beeno benboy
@BenCraig if I can find a BBQ I like
I didn't like my previous 2 commits so I decided to stash and then git reset --hard SHA to an older one, applied the changes and commited again, expecting it would ditch the latest and leave just my latest one. Instead, it kept all and put the new one at the tip. Now, if I push, all of them would end in the repo
did you stash the commits?
@uselesschien consistency with default methods in fetch and html forms.
I stashed the changes
how do I delete my entire log history?
or at least delete certain commits in the remote
> delete certain commits in the remote
don't modify public history
Right now, I'd like to push my latest commit only
I have 2 lined up
so you have stuff-A-B-AB in your history right now?
We all dance to techno remixes of Avril Lavigne
or what does your log look like?
whats wrong with this ng-class:
<p class="fa" ng-class="{'fa-align-justify': isGridMode, 'th-large': !isGridMode}"></p>
lack of jquery
+1 ditch angular, go jquery
@AwalGarg html forms? really?
Can anyone explain WeakSet and WeakMap to me?
+1 please
Because from what I understand, WeakSet is a set where entries can magically disappear at any moment
Which makes it not very useful as a set
@KendallFrey I did reset to where I wanted to, now it tells me the tip of my local is behind the remote, when noone else but me has been pushing there. When I pull, there's a ton of conflicts
@StevensHaen did you push?
It won't let me
I mean did you push at any point?
@MadaraUchiha They don't disappear when you keep a reference to them otherwise
after you'd made your commits A and B?
@AwalGarg ignore my previous msg pls
But IMO they completely failed when designing weakset and weakmap when they decided to take the easy path and make them not iterable
I'll stash my changes and clone the thing all over again. Would be cleaner
is it just me, or does everyone wanna punch their screen when watching bill o'reilly speak
In java weak references (and sets and maps) are terribly useful
@StevensHaen depends, might be easier to just fix it yourself
@rlemon Some countries are o'reilly free
If I knew what the history was, I could maybe help
@rlemon He intentionally makes people mad; it's how he stays popular. just don't watch him
@DenysSéguret reddit
@NickDugger well this was a post about someone saying fox is terrible to his face
Some browsers are also youtube free :)
but just watching him twist words pisses me off
@DenysSéguret And if I don't?
how the fuck do people respect him?
I have a set of stuff, I added a new object I just made up {x}, and returned the set from the function
That object I made up dies?
@MadaraUchiha If it's a weak set, yes
Don't use a weak set for that
@DenysSéguret Okay, what are the usages for a weak set?
@MadaraUchiha IMO almost none because of the poor design
Ben came up with a very constrained case where it kind of made sense to use one
@angular gist.github.com/argentum47/938412b25bf510c530e0 tell me this is wrong way to do ui.bootstrap $modal without using another controller, because without using the rootScope, its not simple possible to refer to the modalInstance, its like everything is reintialized
He probably has a self answered question on the use cases for weak sets
@BenjaminGruenbaum ^

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