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It was weird coming from rdbms to nosql with mongo...
I made a fun way to learn mongo mongo-cli-spring.herokuapp.com
@crl gonna fork that, thx
one thing that's a bit frustrating is that on heroku it seems to say you need to put in a credit card to configure a mongoDB. Which is expected, but postgres is free and without credit
@corvid That's because Mongo is provided by a third-party
I get a free employee server :d
There is no way in hell I'm watching a slow motion 7 minute video on spaghetti
@taco I get unlimited free servers
@rlemon my code visualized
slow spaghetti
was thinking of re purposing my raspberry pi to a web server
arms are sweaty
@corvid adafruit has a cloud9 ide for it
If I want to hide a div after the whole page is loaded (including body background stylized with css), shall I use $("body").ready(); ??
!!mdn window.onload
I installed it on my beaglebone black and you could turn pins on/off via the IDE. So you could write a webapp that does something like turn an LED on or feeds your cat
\o/ BBB
hate cloud9
I don't use it
my cats dead though. my code was buggy
@rlemon Sadly it's not working for me
that's a damn shame
> Workaround: there is no need to write such idiotic code.
so, in angular, would you use a directive if you wanted some kind of error handler that updated the DOM?
bleh man webpack config is a pain
well webpack + wepack development server
webpack docs are half-arsed and half missing. I decided not to use it because I couldn't even figure out how to...
I just got it working bleh
Can you help me? alert show undefined pastebin.com/zBni7jYF
the webpack dev server is actually really nice
@corvid the idea is to keep your controllers light, so yes that's a good idea
@Zirak ok, skewer mode + trident is awesome
@MGE You're not passing your json into the method
you literally are passing an undefined variable
@NickDugger lol
which is why you get undefined
sorry is not json the var name is data
make a jsfiddle
What the hell did I just find while browsing the recent pastes? pastebin.com/kZ5B9Vms
something about a mafia
Just downloaded vanilla.js framework.
Looks like a DMCA takedown form @NickDugger .... nevermind, sounds like a nutjob : Are there witnesses or other victims to this crime?
Bill Gates, victim number one, as well as his children. All the victims I indicated in my other complaints. In
fact the whole world.
Have you reported this crime to any law enforcement or government agencies?
Better Business Bureau
> If people in the know are perfectly aware that it is behind 9/11, MH370 and other recent
false flags, the public opinion ignores it for its habit is to stay hidden.
Still getting past the learning curve
@MGE You're trying to parse what's already javascript.
use your dev console next time
> If you lost money from the incident you are reporting, please specify the total dollar amount of your loss.
@MGE slow down and look at your own code
Yes hello DCMA, I lost $999,999,999 to a mafia
yes, sorry I have the brain freezed
@SterlingArcher He took a billion, then I sold him a hot dog
@MGE you are a brain freeze. Try using the this keyword
> I googled Hans van der Broek, and found informations on the roundup he presented as containing some
polonium 210:
Immediately the icon of the tab went on F5 mode. It still turns continuously today.
F5 Mode: Enagage
@NickDugger this? where?
> It still turns continuously today.
I loled
@MGE you have a severe lack of the very basics. Try heading over to codecademy.com
okey thanks
> Bill Gates, victim number one, as well as his children. All the victims I indicated in my other complaints. In
fact the whole world.
@MGE ^
@taco a little late.
We're past that part
lol oh
now he needs to learn how to use the 'this' keyword
I still like to rub it in
$.each (json, function (bb) {
alert (bb.title);
no errors in console
@MGE stop. go learn about the 'this' keyword.
I know what is this keyword, get the current element
but now I'm like a sweet retarded
If you had to just take a guess where you would use 'this', where? Just try some things
needed more arrows
I replaced data taco
Are you sure?
See pic
just want to make sure
ok cool
So apparently deadmau5 made donuts at Tim Hortons today
TIL high treason is a valid form of payment
thanks @NickDugger
@MGE you would have this figuired out if you read the jQuery doc for it
"If an object is used as the collection, the callback is passed a key-value pair each time"
I wonder if MGE is trolling.
Me and my dirty mind
:walks away:
It's just so flamboyant
@Matt I'm not trolling :(
@MGE right now^
Lol @taco also I'm hungry.. Looks at @taco with a devious look in his eye
Fun fact: I've never had Taco Bell
Fun fact: I've never had Bell Taco
@KendallFrey you're not a teen anymore are you dude?
Fun fact: I eat taco's in a bell.
@KendallFrey it's shit anyways
I've also never had Poutine and I would very much love to try some
My mom makes the best flour tortillas. Taco bells are like wax paper. Mexican food is the only thing I'm snobby about, I think.
I would very much love to try some with you
no homo, it's just tasty
heh webpack is no joke
I met this girl called Nutella on Suicide girls like 10 years ago... didn't try it until a year ago. It's awesome
@SterlingArcher it's super gross
suicide girls? What the hell is that?
reloading only react components vs the whole page is pretty sweet
@NickDugger you trolling?
cold gravy with mushy frenchfries and something else that's gross
Suicide girls are sexy as shit
dont look them up at work ^
(note: not suicidal)
I honestly have no clue
@SterlingArcher s/sexy as shit/vary widely
@NickDugger bunch of angsty girls get naked on the internet
@ssube CHEESE IS NOT GROSS cc @towc
@KendallFrey poutine is
Why does it have to sound like a cult?
@KendallFrey I would love to Poutine with you one day
poutine is... mmmm poutine
@NickDugger my roommate was Amber from Suicide Girls. But she did nudes for other websites so they kicked her off after one or two albums
That means nothing to me, because I don't know what it is
you can't do porn, it has to be exclusive "art" for Suicide Girls
it's a soft core porn site
but it had meetup groups
probably still does
mucho tattoo
meetups for sexing?
The Atlanta group could be snobby, they would decide whether to let you in
Im a sucker for a tatted redhead
That's like.. I'm gagga, drooling, staring, making an ass out of myself
@NickDugger well I met my wife through my friend Molly who I met via Suicide Girls, so I guess that counts?
That's a bit weird
@SterlingArcher Making an ass out of yourself? Like, clay?
$.each(jQuery.parseJSON(json), function() {
making an ass out of clay?
solved, sorry
have a good night
@NickDugger it's "art"
my profile is still live suicidegirls.com/members/luis NSFW
^ I wouldn't click if you're at work
I'm assuming I shouldn;t click that at work
@taco thanks
@SterlingArcher Stop saying that, you're making me click
We actually hosted SuicideGirls, so I can view them.... well I could
@KendallFrey likes to play the game "Click NSFW at work and try not to get caught"
I have come to clean zeh pool.
Dammit I lost. ^ @jAndy sorry
@SterlingArcher I have a private office, of sorts
So do I, it's just missing a whole wall
@SterlingArcher Lost what? THE GAME!
@SterlingArcher At leas it's not missing a wall hole. That might be a bit too private
Also important to mention - asyncBananaRequest must not throw synchronously. — Benjamin Gruenbaum Mar 26 '14 at 8:20
Such a wonderful sentence
Damn, those people forgot to put a wall whole in my house
You mean a door?
Wall hole.
asshole, anus, what's the difference
Hey, what's a good use for two used skate laces? They're strong enough it seems a shame to not put them to use.
is this a trick question?
I just re-laced my skates
please say roller please say roller please say roller
@NickDugger We didn't meet up for "sexing". We'd meetup for parties, music shows, cabaret, to drink at bars. Though girl-on-girl happened alot more than guy meets girl.
I am hoping he says roller too xD
just keep em incase one breaks
backup laces
@SterlingArcher f u
@rlemon I not that strong
Use them to bind the stick to your hand so when I cross check the shit out of you, you don't lose it :D
Don't be mean :(
@SterlingArcher lol
You don't even know what a cross-check is, silly American
I'm from Minnesota, thanks
Actually I went to hockey games all the time when I was a kid
Went to the Caps Panthers game recently too, was awesome
I love hockey
> Before we can walk we can cross check properly
I think the amount of work I did today could fit in a teaspoon.
@rlemon whats with the Lemon Pledge? xD
YouTube Interview with President Obama
@taco The chat is quite high quality
I don't think it's started yet...
the chat has
@SterlingArcher Greatest sport on earth
@KendallFrey oh boy... smh
god that chat is worse than twitch
what did I join o.O
hmm... in angular-route, can you change the url based on the resource being fetched?
i want him to address berta lovejoy
@corvid huh?
@corvid generally you'd do it the other way around
(sorry @taco)
yah ^
function($routeProvider) {
.when('/foo/:abbreviation', {
templateUrl: 'partials/foo.tpl.html',
controller: 'fooCtrl'
.when('/foo/:abbreviation/edit', {
templateUrl: 'partials/foo.tpl.html',
controller: 'fooCtrl'
redirectTo: '/foo'
@corvid docs.angularjs.org/api/ngResource/service$resource to talk to REST API's
talking about weed now in the obama live chat
Two testicles walk into a bar. The bartender says "I can't serve genitals here, you guys are nuts!"
Nice one, dad
I dunno, my brain just made that one up
omg, this girl interviewing obama looks crazy
she's got a painting of herself behind her...
the last guy was okay
she's .. umm .. interesting
why is there a thing of cinnamon on the table?
I swear she has a curtain around her neck
This girl is cray cray
she just said popo to the potus
gotta get a screenshot of this b...
Newb question, but you know how you can do element.classList.contains( 'class' )? Is there a way to be like "doesnotcontain"? No Code Vampire.
@carb0nshel1 look at the ! operator (not)
I know but...so element.classList.!contain( 'class' )
@rlemon I !will
that looks very wrong
! always goes at the start of a statement
Oh, for real. thanks
@SomeGuy medium.com/matter/mr-bad-weekend-a9f275e216ce (just in the middle)
!I love you
This site is actually better than 4Chan i love you guys.
@monners !clever
1 message moved to Trash
@rlemon Drunk yet?
not quite
I think she's the daughter of Ted Danson and whoopi goldberg
That is some spectacularly bad lipstick
Dang, this last girl is bangin'
who she bangin'?
not me, but I have a good imagination
The comments are the best
i had to close those
So in this chat room is there some type of mechanism to prevent spamming?
f her right in the p
Ima test this.
@carb0nshel1 yes. Flags.
@carb0nshel1 yes, we will kick you.
well, that too.
youtube chat sucks then
i love how only 82K people are watching
turn down for what has ~170million views
Just read with word Obamunism for the first time.
What is this that people are watching
no thanks
it's almost over tho I think
That guy wants to arrest journalists and destroy encryption tho
you gonna show some sources for those claims?
Err.. the fact that Glenn Greenwald can't enter the US?
Here lemme get some links
Lots of people can't enter the US.
He's talking about how Obama thinks the government should be able to crack encryption
Anyone with a criminal record.
@phenomnomnominal Glen Greenwald is a journalist who lived in the UK
President Barack Obama said Friday that police and spies should not be locked out of encrypted smartphones and messaging apps, taking his first public stance in a simmering battle over private communications in the digital age.
shit, I'm a Canadian and even I can be turned down at the border for shit reasons
Who was a civil rights lawyer
"taking jobs from Americans" has been one of them
customs can do their own thing most of the time
@MikeNolan I know. And I'm sure it is right from Obama's mouth that he can't.
@phenomnomnominal yeah he actually made a statement about it
you know... the whole snowden and nsa reporting and all that
^ the 2nd one is about the imprisoning of journalists. The first one is about his security proposal.
Both of those are by very respected authors as well.
Pretty good reads if you're into that stuff
I don't want to start a flame war tho.
There's no doubt that Obama hasn't had the perfect presidency. He's a lot better than the alternative though.
ohh god... Romney
Any tip on how should I handle touch and mouse events in browsers that support both? isTouchSupported = 'ontouchstart' in window; will return true in most modern browsers since they support both touch and mouse. I'm trying to detect mouse where mouse is used otherwise touch
@easwee use Hammer.js
US Foreign Policy interest > 1 person. No president would compromise this stance. It would be stupid
@phenomnomnominal true dat
Snowden should've released all of those papers anonymously, imo
just wait until the next election
I doubt much will change
@phenomnomnominal Hillary Clinton vs Jeb Bush
So little will change that it's almost funny
Republicans will have a ridiculous candidate. Dems will have a reasonable candidate. And still almost 50% of americans will vote for Rep.
@phenomnomnominal thanks - will look into it, I see they detect way more than I need so will have to dig in the code to just detect touchstart
as an outsider, Obama has appeared to do a shitload better than Bush
@easwee touch/mouse events are a nightmare, I wouldn't try to roll your own.
@rlemon agreed.
@phenomnomnominal yeah - looking better - it's only 3kb
the Patriot Act is still there. I'm not jumping for joy over him
but dammit, Bush pissed me off
@rlemon he has done alright. Bush had the benefit of 9/11
Patriot Act expires this year, i think
It's sad but all of those crazy laws that he passed, everyone supported
like 100%
they have to vote to renew
i hope that is true and it doesn't pass
9/11 was traumatizing is why
it is a shame that Americans have to be possibly subjugated by it
Still aint nowhere as bad as the UK
GCHQ called facebook "Terrorist Sympathizers" last month for encrypting chat messages
It's kinda silly.
I'll give it to Obama tho, dude is fucking charismatic as hell
How does one partake in a traditional "gunfight" in the UK
See, I do have something to hide
@MikeNolan Because who needs online banking right?
so encryption is nice
Fuck yeah he is. He still gives me fuzzy feelings in his speeches
@phenomnomnominal it's okay the nsa will just create a system that can find criminals before they perform the crime and execute them
and then skynet will go live and it'll all be useless anyways
One can only hope
hammer.js is awesome
how have I only just found out about this
The Singularity would thank them for all the mined data

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