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@KendallFrey BROOOO
sup? I miss having you around
usual things, been doing a lot of internet spaceships
I do local spaceships
and cars
@OctavianDamiean Elon Musk plays KSP :D
oh no, EVE Online
That's ok, you're not Elon Musk
@OctavianDamiean \o/
@rlemon BOOOOOoooOoOooOOooOOOoOOooOOoo
cc @SomeGuy
@rlemon why a hyphen?
@FlorianMargaine near the 0
holy shit @SomeGuy
@rlemon what are your fav tech and programming related websites
@OctavianDamiean he's all grown up now
oh hold on, everyone mention atleast 2 of your fav tech and programming related websites
No No No - not google and stackoverflow xD
@FlorianMargaine I missed everything, didn't I? His first words, his first steps ... sobs
you don't get to pick my favorites
tell us someting unique
github.com irccloud.com stackoverflow.com and infoq
@CustomizedName we all use the same, nobody's unique...
@CustomizedName This will be sooo useful to you tweakers.net
@SomeGuy I promise to be a better internet dad in the future. Want me to show you how to shave?
@OctavianDamiean I've seen your idea of "shaving"
he's better off getting a goat
@OctavianDamiean oh btw, badger and copy are living together
somekittens got married
rlemon got a kid
you missed so much...
are you kidding me?
@FlorianMargaine don't you have news for him?
nah, just kidding for the last one :D
you better not be
@rlemon oh he told me already
but @FlorianMargaine, I forgot to ask, the mandatory question. Is it yours?
I'm sorry, you know I had to
@rlemon I figured out the difference between import MyModule from... and import {MyModule} from...
Isn't iojs going to fracture compatibility with nodejs?
hi all
@RoelvanUden yes, but not vice versa - node code will still run on iojs
@RoelvanUden How so ? By letting you use now features you'll have later in node if it doesn't die ?
@Julo0sS no one says hi here guess why ? because no one replies back to a hi here :P
So it's mainly up to library writers to specify whether it's compatible with nodejs or iojs. That said, npm (node package manager, emphasis on node) will start to contain iojs libraries that don't even work on node, right? Isn't that a bad thing? I get that iojs is the logical way forward but it will cause issues I'm afraid.
@CustomizedName :P (first i say hi, then i ask question :P )
I have a js object that i want to "fill" with an array.
My js object looks like :
    function testObj(){ var id,name; }
In this array, keys correspond to object vars names, like :
    var array = {"id":"test","name":"test"};
I get the "array" keys like this :
    var keys = Object.keys(array);
so, keys[0] = "id"; fine there. Now i want to loop on the array and fill my object vars with my array elements :
    for(var i = 0,len=keys.length;i<len;i++){
but not working...
@RoelvanUden If I were to develop a popular node/iojs library, I would refrain for a time to do anything bringing incompatibilities. Other devs probably think alike.
The real change is for applications now, not libraries
I'm a bit behind. What does iojs offer that node doesn't?
@KendallFrey more recent V8, and so some ES6 features
@KendallFrey iojs.org/es6.html
Also it's a bit faster but not much
Is node not being updated as V8 is?
not timely, apparently
node development has stalled for quite a while
it's why there is io.js...
@Julo0sS var array = {"id":"test","name":"test"}; is not an array
@KendallFrey and there's no visible downside. Miaou runs on iojs now
@rlemon yes, its not an array but anyway, keys[i] is the var name and "myArray"[keyse[i]] is the value... so i don't understand why it does not work... :/
where do you defined k[] ?
well it's mystype, it's "keys"
please make a demo of it then. you are showing us buggy code that is a typo? not going to be that helpful.
also, don't name your object 'array'
ok i jsfiddle now
@KendallFrey no, it is not.
@RoelvanUden it'll be merged back eventually.
neat, indeed
@rlemon Hahahaha
@OctavianDamiean BROOOOoooOOoOOOOoooOoOooOOOO!
Where have you been?
How are you?
in space
I'm fine, and you?
As rlemon would put it, I'm oooOoOoooOOOoold
hah, so old
Also, no need to shave yet. The pubes are just coming in!
@rlemon wth...think im on it... think only the this. is missing... ...
Are we all drunk today?
@rlemon makes me think about this one
We should be
@NickDugger never not be drunk
drunk all day erry day
@dystroy lol
Anyone knows why VisualStudio formats this code like here?
jsFiddle can format it right
looks fine
@Jonathan VS has less than great JS support.
oh wait, I automatically hit tidy up ...
it's a reflex because ~people~
@NickDugger it's true
It also has shitty Less/SCSS support
@Zirak written in artist-mode
  ___ _	__ ___ 	 __ _  ___ ___ 	 _ __ ___   ___| | _____
 / _ \ '_ ` _ \	/ _` |/	__/ __|	| '__/ _ \ / __| |/ / __|
|  __/ | | | | | (_| | (__\__ \	| | | (_) | (__|   <\__	\
 \___|_| |_| |_|\__,_|\___|___/	|_|  \___/ \___|_|\_\___/
oh the joy of fucking Android
@OctavianDamiean to each his own...
@OctavianDamiean says the guy that doesn't drink. Blasphemy!
@GNi33 hey I drank a little since I left, then stopped again
@FlorianMargaine That's pretty neat, actually
last week I found out that I have a histamine intolerance ...
so drinking is out again
@Jonathan It doesn't. It formats correctly.
@RoelvanUden that's not all the code
Well obviously my screen isn't larger.
@OctavianDamiean I found out I have an allergy for UI design.
I have VS2013
Sorry if I offended you
@rlemon I feel you bro
I use VS2013U4+ReSharper+Web Essentials
I do all of my coding in jsfiddle.net
When I do CTRL+E, CTRL+D in VS13 I get that messed up format.
future proof
You might want to reset your reformat profile.
Ah, now you mention it. I did tweak the JS formatting
There you go.
Is this question retarded or do I miss something ?
Q: why <pre><xmp> can display html code?

it_is_a_literatureThe HTML <pre> Element (or HTML Preformatted Text) represents preformatted text. Text within this element is typically displayed in a non-proportional font exactly as it is laid out in the file. Whitespaces inside this element are displayed as typed. <pre><!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> h1...

wait... why is he wrapping his entire document in a pre?
because that's what his teacher told him to do
just kidding; he's just dumb
I think he wants to display the code formatted?
wow, xmp tag is insane
deprecated, but insane
He's confused about why <pre></pre> works differently than <pre><xmp></xmp></pre>
what's xmp?
I didn't even know it existed
!!mdn xmp
@rlemon why insane ?
@dystroy because I didn't expect it to do what it did (I was unaware any tags did that)
@rlemon Well... that's the only purpose of the tag
I think you've misunderstood "insane" in that context.
it's insane, it's crazy, it's unexpected by me
that such a tag exists?
MDN seems down
This tag makes sense. It just doesn't make a lot of sense because of limits in real use cases and it's useless now with JS and AJAX and all.
@NickDugger I can't access it either
> Service Unavailable

The service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.
they dead
TLTRDR : xmp shows html as is, without interpreting it
Just serve the page as plain text then. Seems odd to have a tag for it
@NickDugger You don't always want the entire page to be like this. The purpose was to show some HTML in the middle of your page
makes sense, but definitely understandable why it's deprecated
MDN is back up
in the past I would use pre and replace all of the < with &lt; and > with &gt;
it was such a pain in my ass
I wish I knew about that tag
MDN drops down every time somebody opens the page about XMP. That's probably why they had to deprecate it.
@dystroy like <pre>?
pre does not do the same thing at all
@FlorianMargaine pre just preserves whitespace
@FlorianMargaine <pre> only keeps formatting, not HTML tags
i like to pretend that pre is short for preserve
it's also short for pretend
and prepare
peparation H
why not just accept it's short for Preformatted ?
because the truth is boring
cuz sometimes you just gotta enjoy the little things in life
I'm too used to getElementById and am passing in 'foo' instead of '#foo' to QSA :?
done it like 3 times now
I hate how ugly QSA looks, but I do tend to use it more now :(
!!google QSA
oh, got it
yeah, got it. I'm just not friend enough to call it by that short name
yea I just write an alias to QSA and work with that
I can't be arsed to deal with getBy's any longer
I'll extend document with a getElement method, and then die
tbh the real reason why getBy's suck
death by extending native objects
It doesn't autocomplete nearly as well
document.getElement = function(selector) {
    return document.querySelectorAll(selector);
why no bind ? and why put it on document ?
_         _
@NickDugger I just alias it as $
kill me
I often alias it as ù...
Some of us murican folks don't have fancy characters on our keyboards
@NickDugger yes, you won't find this in big international projects like miaou...
yeah but we have a FREEDOM key
Otherwise known as Ctrl+Alt+Delete
I might be silly, but I call it 'dom'
var dom = document.querySelectorAll.bind(document)
nah, that makes many of senses
Honestly, I'd even rather alias it as QSA than type out QuerySelectorAll
Is it bad practice to return an object from what could be a constructor function?
"could be" ?
I have a basic question that did server through cookie to browser?
@dystroy semantically
You mean is it bad practice to use a factory instead of a constructor ?
You mean var p = Point()
i know the different between server session and cookie
if it can fail use a factory, if not a constructor
It's okay, but I wouldn't mix in a project
Otherwise, var p = Point.create() or so
Or just make both work
I guess returning another object would ruin prototype stuff, right?
It's an almost common practice (that I dislike) to have the constuctor work if you forget new
If you create the object with Object.create, no
@dystroy Yeah, I kind of want that to align with common practice
The worst would be to do like Date
(that is do something different)
that's goofy
!!> b = Object.create(a = {}); b.__proto__ === a
@copy "ReferenceError: assignment to undeclared variable a"
I just talked to an Indian tech support guy. He was actually kind of good.
Well, you get the point
@BenjaminGruenbaum ...and?
If that's all you have to say, slightly racist :P
@KendallFrey was the first time I talked to a tech support Indian guy - all the rumors said they'd be ineffective (as well as SouthPark).
@BenjaminGruenbaum You may as well have won the lottery. Same chance I guess.
@KendallFrey no, it's fine. Just make sure to set its prototype.
I've had numerous terrible India phone support people, but I have actually had a few good ones. Once you get past the accent, it turns out they're just human, like the rest of us.
Anyone knows if its futile to test Geolocation and other Cordova plugins with Phonegap Developer App? Or its actually supposed to work
You should probably test anyways
It's just hard to communicate with someone who doesn't speak english well
doesn't matter if they're from india or somewhere else
Especially if all they're doing is reading off a screen
@Meredith Many Indians speak English fine, it just happens to be with a local accent.
@NickDugger I've been in India before and don't mind the accent at all. It was just pleasant to get a professional response.
Would you argue that Scots don't speak English very well?
@NickDugger ya its not working too well, just trying to scope out if its a broader issue or just local
@KendallFrey english outside of London in England is questionable for the non indocrinated...
I love the cockney dialect. Jason Statham could beat me up, but as long as he was talking while doing it, I'd be alright with it
That's actually weirder than it is in my head
actually, it's just plain weird
i bet you have it all planned out eh? :P
good morning javascriptorz
Heh, there isn't even anything but code in that last one.
Just merge the two, you'll get question+code
Q: I want to use multiple videos in bluimp video gallery using embed tags. What is the proper way to write the html code and the javascript?

user3285088<div id="blueimp-gallery-carousel" class="blueimp-gallery blueimp-gallery-controls blueimp-gallery-carousel"> <div class="slides"></div> <h3 class="title"></h3> <a class="prev">‹</a> <a class="next">›</a> <a class="play-pause"></a> <ol class="indicator"></ol> </div> <di...

Aaaand another that is only code
The dumbs are out in droves, today
Ugh, it's really bad right now o.O
@Cerbrus why would you reject my edit? It clearly improved the bastardization of the title field
Hm, I don't think copying the title to the question adds any value to the question.
No, but it cleans it up and fixes the title field. You should'nt put the whole of the actual question in the title
That's a fair point, actually
Doesn't look like I can undo my review...
That's fine, I was just curious about the rejection on it
Kinda surprised you aren't at 2k rep, though :P
Main is generally not worth the effort :(
Suggestions on best way to work with cordova/phonegap plugins to avoid long build times? Phonegap dev app, doesnt seem to load plugins so phonegap serve is out of the question I think
forgot cap will move it
not anymore
rlemon posted i.imgur.com/ZMbIuph.gif but it was moved to chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/61037 because gifs get annoying fast.
Better than google glass, but I'm not convinced it will be a success, yet
Windows 10 could very well bring life back into the windows OS, though.
@rlemon they should have bought Lego, not Minecraft, it would have been simpler
Buying lego would have been wayyyyy too expensive
yes but no need to waste time in developing virtual thingies when you already have real bricks
Hahaha @Dystroy I like your idea
I think the whole hololens thing looks great except the only thing I want AR for is my motorcycle visor.
Well. To be fair I think this will exist, because it brings many opportunities for fun and even more for design or remote work. Question is : when ? I'm doubtful regarding the current state of technologies but the guys behind kinect might be good enough...
whats up guys
any good read on webworkers?
Is there a lot to know about webworkers ?
I thought the MDN page was enough
Why to use it or not, How, which conditions, etc... I don't even know what it really does.
@Jhawins Oh hell yeah that's a great application.

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