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I may get a tooth or two pulled today. Taking votes on what I should do with the teeth
@RoelvanUden Yeah Nuviz and Skully both tried but both failed haha
Hey guys
@DarkMouse Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Jhawins Did they ever go into production? I did keep track of them for a while, but didn't hear anything after that. Why did they fail?
@RoelvanUden Nuviz flopped never really made progress and Skully went into production and sold out pre-orders for $1,500 each in the end but it started higher I think.
Well they are on their way to production. But having everything built into the helmet without being modular doesn't work... Not at that price. One mishap and you can't trust the helmet for safety anymore. So fuck that whole thought
Yeah that's absolutely true.
@rlemon now compare those to programming languages...
make a blog post about it
Don't forget the pretend phillips head
Stupid japanese motorcycle...
@NathanJones Umm, well the bloody mess is definitely [insert least favorite language here]
Actually the xkcd image is totes wrongs. That a JIS not a phillips
anyone see this yet? muut.com/riotjs
> Human readable

Custom tags lets you build complex views with HTML. Your application might look something like this:
I'm not a huge fan of this reactive dom nonsense
/me waits a week until @NickDugger likes it
lol you said the same thing about js modules :P
lol, sometimes that happens
@Loktar What were the classes used on that code you posted yesterday?
posted on January 22, 2015

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} New exclusive comic at The Nib!

@Jhawins oh jesus dude I dont even remember
I feel like it would be a lot harder if you let some idiot use custom tags everywhere too hahaha
they are so long...
I didn't like gulp or browserify, and now I can't live without them
heh well yeah I mean thats why you need to have coding standards
@NickDugger yeah I was the same way, especially for css preprocessors
I was like "These are dumb, I write css I don't need this extra shit"
but yeah idk
I adopted scss pretty quickly. I had been wanting variables in my css for years
scss is nice
I use LESS, since it's what we use on my project at work... but I hate the name so I might switch to SCSS out of spite.
phpcss is nicer
I prefer less now, but scss and less are the same thing if all you do is compile it to css before it even hits the server
yeah I like less as well
@Retsam hah
My inner grammar nazi cringes every time I or a teammate says a sentence like "we've got some less issues"
my issues with scss is needing ruby unless you want to use libsass..
but libsass still isnt on feature parity
I just compile it like a noob, and include the css file on the page
It's easier that way
  function phpcss($target, $rules) {
    echo '<style>' . $target . '{' . $rules . '}';
  return 'document wrecked successfully'; // no end style because it's better
@NickDugger what do you mean?
@Jhawins ewwwww dude
You mean precompile to a css file right?
oh yeah thats the best way
realtime compilation is silly
Idk somebody said phpcss
@JecebahnYaledimacOndestal once wrote a css preprocessor in php
@BartekBanachewicz I would totally like, use that or check it out, but haskell
@Jhawins it's pretty straightforward to read I think. I used mostly very primitive language features for the main logical part, and the state transformer just to get nice syntax within do notation
the example below is even simpler, because it just sorts the command basing on priority; the coloured version inserts the actual color change in front of the blocks of consecutive commands using the same colour
in a real rendering scenario it would become a hypercube instead of a list I suppose.
Haskell sounds fun now
@Jhawins it's not a haskell concept. What I'm talking about is something similar to OLAP data model
OLAP doesn't sound as fun
Bro you're over my head
it's not that hard. Consider that colour example: add bold and italics to it.
so you have 3 dimensions : bold (yes/no), italics (yes/no) and colour
the data you're printing effectively becomes the 4th one
I suppose that's one way to look at it
Go on
it's an useful way if you're doing batching.
when you're using a GPU, or even in that simple console example, you want to minimize the switching in the global context
we assume that the commands can be issued in any order (in 3D rendering this is guaranteed by the use of Z-buffer)
so by sorting by different dimensions in succession, you can reduce the number of total state switches
of course to use that in a real game or engine you need to know the costs of changing colours, changing buffers, changing shaders and so on.
NVidia's shaders do that to some extent, but Intel's drivers don't.
@BartekBanachewicz :/ (sorry, was reply to wrong message)
as in, an NVidia GPU typically doesn't actually do anything until the actual draw call is made
only then it looks at every scheduled operation, removes the redundant ones, and produces a batch to be executed
but it doesn't know everything about the user code and it can't optimize as much as user can, so userspace batching is still viable
if I removed "sort" from my code, it would keep the order, but still removed the unnecessary color changes sent to the terminal
@SecondRikudo best. comment. ever.
Anyone in here use jscs?
!!google jscs
(javascript style checker)
I'm thinking of using it alongside jshint to keep a standardized coding style for a project but configuration is kinda confusing if you want to modify a preset.
we need to jshint here.
/me fears the thousands upon thousands of initial errors.
Error: crappy variable name
@Loktar so far mine is silent :D
@darkyen00 lol our current project has like 30 js files with some containing over 3k lines of code :/
My current has over 40 and total they are about 2k lines of code :-(
Ill get the "too many errors to continue" for a while I'm sure lol
Am i dividing files too much :-/
How is this a security risk? It's creating an element, switching focus and triggering a draggable event. — Sterling Archer 13 secs ago
Security risk????
@Loktar That's my nightmare.
I'm working on a project where the entire backend is essentially 2 massive python files
> "Kinky Whale Master"
When I open the file in vim, it always almost crashes from trying to run flake8 on it.
@MikeNolan lemongrab?
Um... I'm not sure that that has anything to do with your hardware... But back on topic ...I think you guys are on to something here... If I trigger a mouse down event, will it 'override' the existing one? — DigitalJedi805 1 min ago
pretty sure he is responding to my comment
@ziGi 10 years dungeon
RIP mice.
RIP this chat because who the fuck pings ziGi?!
haha why rip man?
I'm out :D
I am not here to create confusion
Really Insanely Petrified
just wanted to come and say hi
oooh shit I didn't even notice
Someone does not want me to star
@MikeNolan bro. wth are you doing
has anyone seen lemon recently?
Can't we star a message with "fuck" in it? seriously?
if (!bore || !stroke) {
  // error handling
  return 'you done fucked up';
I suck
no you don't
Thanks @Zigi
Zigi is our ruler
Since when was I crowned ruler?
@Loktar writing javascript
What are you doing?
lol I was refering to your ping
now I see a very small manface in my user list
/me gets back to working
Anyone here from the UK/Netherlands/Nordic countries here that can tell me how one can cope with the darkness, bad weather, and the insane amount of rain during the winter?
By not talking about it.
@ziGi move
@MikeNolan that's a good solution but in a way it is a problem, since it rains a lot and I am constantly wet. What do you propose?
Did we unpin the link to the monthly challenge?
@ziGi move to like... California.
or India
or Syria
@MikeNolan haha I am from Europe, how can I move, I need a visa
hmm seems so @Retsam weird..
@SterlingArcher omfg I lol'd
always feel like an idiot when I laugh for real at work
> he missed the high five that chick offered him
Lost it lol
@ziGi Snowden moved to Russia without a visa. Just steal some info from the chinese or something.
I... I'm not sure how I feel about this.
@MikeNolan haha, he's a spy after all and has training
@ziGi lol Snowden was just a sys admin.
@SterlingArcher I'm not sure what the background really adds to that joke.
who knew how to use curl
friggin Snowden
not quite sure how I feel about him.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think what people often forget is that SOLID is meant to be a toolkit to fix a problem, not a set of universal rules to be applied unthinkingly.
@SterlingArcher hahah
@Retsam yeah, it feels like a strawman to me. Also what he's describing is kind of silly - he is saying less state is good (duh) but not addressing how to really manage it.
> Not only did he crash his car, he missed the high five that chick offered him
top comment of the glove one
It's like he was unthinkingly applying SOLID; then realized "hey, maybe this isn't always the best approach" and decided to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Also I hate SOLID as an acronym because it was coined by Bob Martin and that guy is so populistic...
Why have I never seen this comic before
Those shades though
you fooking wot m8
I've found myself calling functions with bracket notation and it feels so wrong :/
@Jhawins there is actually a solid use case for that. The pattern is called a "decision map"
arrOfFunctions should usually be a dictionary but it makes sense and is even common to have something like:
I have something like
({"+":add, "/":div, "*":mul,"-":sub})[input](arg1, arg2)
(of course that is oversimplified, but you get the idea)
Yeah, @rlemon's example is probably better than mine
@BartekBanachewicz did you see the new one of those gifs?
Hello people
generator = {
  auto: function(which) {
    // do all of the things
  aThing: function() {
    this.blah; // make the object
  anotherThing: function() {
    this.other; // blah make a different object
@SterlingArcher might've missed it
ES5 looks so outdated :D
Lemme try and find it for you
@BenjaminGruenbaum hurmpfh, because it is?
@BenjaminGruenbaum drink more
when did ES5 come out
So I could manually generate the objects I need or call auto with an object and create everything it says it needs
it isn't even fully implemented yet is it? (in all major browsers)
I this gross?
> On December 3, 2009, ECMA-262 5th edition was published
guys, it's two years older than C++11
lel, it's even older than Haskell2010
I end up with generator[key]() because I am iterating the function names, because I have no way to know for sure what needs made without passing an array of strings
yes, it takes a while for all vendors to implement the spec. it's always been this way with js
I might not even need the flexibility but I want it
lol. You're not of the YAGNI types are you
Well I can't find it but I found this
user image
@BartekBanachewicz also, the 5.1 spec was released in 2011, which is what we should be comparing against
@rlemon fair enough
:( why en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ajax_frameworks#JavaScript why is 'framework' so overly misused?
I am trying to access the names of my friends, but I am only getting the first letters of their object. The function search takes in as a parameter the name of a buddy, e.g. Bill and returns the info on them firstName: "Bill", etc.. I have to compare the input name to firstName but I am having trouble accessing fisrtName.
the code is 20 lines. dpaste.com/0W1K7MN
*trouble accessing fisrtName.
i just had an awesome discussion about why I wanted to refactor the js on this page using framesets, and got yelled at for wanting to use something a little less geocities....
it was awesome
how do I access the firstName key
your code works mate
!!> var friends={bill:{firstName:"Bill",lastName:"Hunt",number:"(508) 544-850-7420",address:["Willow Road","New Port","MI","10221"]}};var search=function(name){for(var key in friends)console.log(key)};console.log(search("Bill"));
@rlemon "undefined" Logged: "bill","undefined"
but then I flashed a page saying they arent supported in html5 and got an awesome apology
mornings going well
but I wouldn't use for..in I would use Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(key) {
Its returns bill when I am trying to get Bill
because you're looking at keys
obj = {
  a: 1
for( var key in obj ) {
  console.log(key) ; // you get a
well I tried key.firstName but that doesn't work either
because it is the key
it is a string representing the property name
I see
a.b = c;
you have 'b', how do you get the value of c ??
so I have to do friends[key].firstName
also on a side note why is the last line of output undefined
@SomeKittens evening
because all functions return something
console.log() returns nothing, so undefined is returned.
!!> function foo() {} /* I do nothing */ foo(); // undefined is returned
@rlemon "undefined"
oh I see, so if I return something that undefined will go away.
@rlemon thanks
@CapricaSix arn't you a bot?
> "Brave jogger dubbed a hero after fighting off sex beast..."
... sex beast.
what do you expect from imgur
The amounts of even right now is I can't.
big bad sexbeast?
@SterlingArcher Have you seen Sex House?
No lol and I'm not sure I want to
@Loktar imgur.com/gallery/o5HQ8pv no thug life video but the sauce is still lol
Oh it's the onion
it's great
@SterlingArcher there is a thug life video of it
@SterlingArcher oh dude yeah..
that is so crazy
@Loktar @SterlingArcher
yeah thats the vs I've seen lol
that kid is crazy, and a little ass.
Yeah if you talkin like a thug at 10 years old theres something wrong with your life
@Loktar @rlemon real talk. Im considering going to the doctor for anxiety medicine
Is this a bad idea?
seeing a professional with a concern is always smart imo (if you have the money or good insurance ofc, otherwise it sucks)
in cases like that though id try to get 2 opinions just to be certain
"What have you tried?" --> Comments can't contain that content. Why is that?
I've never made a doctors appointment (I have excellent insurance) so I'm not sure how all that works
@Jonathan Because SO won't let you correct the most basic of noob mistakes
fml meeting, i'll ping you when i get back
!!afk meeting
the only concern I have with anxiety meds is that they are super addictive
three people i've known who take them are all dependent on them
I was on anxiety meds last week
just smoke beer and drink weed bro
and I feel really relaxed right now
but I don't feel dependent
that kids face
@rlemon I'm kind of over birthdays too
Speaking of which...
my 9th birthday party was my last. no one showed up. I said fuck it to birthdays after that
made my mom sad
Happy Birthday me
@KendallFrey happy birthday man
be healthy and stay alive for a long time
I guess that's the most important thing I can wish you
If its really your birthday happy birthday.
@KendallFrey you poor, sad man.
@Loktar It is, lol
@SomeKittens ikr
ah nice, well happy bday man!
Hope you create many wonderful rockets in KSP
@NickDugger C(sharp)y da?
Good Morning
@Loktar lol
C(bang)Y day?
@KendallFrey what is your steam id?
no don't
o i found it
Thanks for reminding me to clean out my wishlist
Happy Birth Day
any experienced angularjs guys about?
hi guys, i need a help in javascript
i have a string like this
green open stocksummary 1 0 3 0 8.6kb 8.6kb
i need to extract only stocksummary
i know to do with c#
how can i do with js?
The same way. :)
@KendallFrey update it as well
@rlemon eh, i don't really have anything I really want
@KendallFrey well, want something !
@rlemon methinks you moved the wrong message
The Imitation Game is a 2014 historical thriller film about British mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst and pioneering computer scientist Alan Turing who was a key figure in cracking Nazi Germany's naval Enigma code which helped the Allies win the Second World War, only to later be criminally prosecuted for his homosexuality. The film stars Benedict Cumberbatch as Turing, and is directed by Morten Tyldum, with a screenplay by Graham Moore based on the biography Alan Turing: The Enigma by Andrew Hodges. The film's screenplay topped the annual Black List for best unproduced Hollywood scripts in...
@SomeKittens nope, I binned a message that was said like 8 messages ago
maybe more, I'm not counting
@rlemon I want KSP 0.91 to be released
@RishitBansal Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Immutable-js <3
@RishitBansal please don't like w3schools as a resource developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/… is a much better resource
cant we use index and substring?
Immutable.Record is implemented a bit inefficient, I hope they'll fix that soon
@Sajeetharan RE is the right tool for this problem
@Sajeetharan it matters if you know the position of the text or not it i think, so you can index or substring it according to the position only, while regex just matches patterns, so position of text in string wont matter
@copy @RishitBansal thanks guys
:( my neck is killing me
moving from left monitor to right is killing me
why do you have to move your neck to see monitor?
first world problems
@Sajeetharan Because it's 5 meters wide
@rlemon I think he need to move the moniter to suit his neck @Sajeetharan
is there a monitor with 5 meters wide?
have a moving chair and a remote
@rlemon how do you keep your hands on the keyboards in such a way that they don't get tired?
My moniter is messed up, the wire's kinda loose, keeps making these weird scary sounds like a shot circuit or something, until i waste all my duct tape on it
@ziGi I stand
@rlemon do you use one monitor for so chat , one for code , one for server one for mail?
@rlemon just wondering, whats all the code on sublime text on the right most moniter about?? Making something?
one for code, one for preview/chats, one for server, one for w/e
@rlemon you stand all the time? Isn't that tiring?
@ziGi no
@rlemon ?
am getting tired after seeing your pic itself
@RishitBansal It's a GUI interface using visual basic to track the killers IP
@rlemon do you have any articles about your way of work and if it is good and why?
Standing is so healthy for you. When I was working retail, standing behind a counter for 8 hours a day, I was losing weight. Sitting in a chair kills you in multiple ways
@ziGi there are lots of studies and articles on it
I've asked my boss for a standing desk a few times and he just shrugs it off :(
standing desks are proven to make you more productive
is it productive only for developers?
Productivity? I'm more interested in the health benefits
@rlemon, you built it? and yeah why killers
@NickDugger well that is a clear benefit
productivity is not
@RishitBansal he found them on IRC, now he has to track their IPs
that's just how it goes
!!youtube two idiots one keyboard
still my fav
I love the slow glitchy power down as well
lol, I remember that scene
recommended videos reminded me of this
this is a must watch.
@rlemon Is that a sequel?
I'm pretty sure I've seen his first
holy shit reading back through chat to my last message is always........ tiring
I think he's just telling the story again
!!youtube programming is terrible
^ SUCH a good talk
Any reason why service in Angular give Unknown provider: DataProvider <- Data error in one controller and work in the other? I copy pasted the code and it works on my login page but not on later page. In the controller i did add the factory name etc
@rodling they are both part of the same module?
!!tell Zirak mdn Object.defineOwnProperty
TypeError: t is undefined

...ata.results[0];bot.log(t,"/mdn result"),o(t.url)}function o(n){t&&t.call?t(n):e....
@SomeKittens it just a factory providing data, declared in the controller and all..
inb4 "that is not the function name" I know, but the error is still a bug

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