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it is not nice to say when girls present in places like this
or @jAndy or @ThiefMaster
it is bad don't you understand
@BadgerGirl do you give a fuck about the word fuck?
@Eliza time to log off the internet. your self worth has exceeded the daily limit.
she isn't german
@RyanKinal Fuck no
@Eliza That's bullshit. I know more than enough girls who use the word, too.
wow what the fuck
@FlorianMargaine But she is female
Ich kann sprachen deutsch
@rlemon They insult instead of punctuation
o/ @ThiefMaster
codepen.io/anon/pen/svljF //rlemon's spongebob looking avatar thing
I know girls that cuss more than me, and I cuss without boundaries.
@SomeKittensUx2666 ha! that was actually to @SomeGuy
@SomeGuy which part doesn't work?
\o hoooooo @ThiefMaster
@ThiefMaster in the Haüs!
@Jhawins so fancy
Just the text editing
!!afk fucking coffee
@RyanKinal ...ow?
@Eliza see, at least i'm speaking fucking english
what is that? freaky deaky dutch?
@RyanKinal *cringe*
@rlemon Haha, more likely a perversion of German.
@rlemon freaky deaky dutch xD Im done. That's too much LOLOL
who said "ow" ?
@RUJordan that library sucks ass
it is Sinhala
for not supporting touch + mouse interfaces
i had to turn my mouse off to enjoy it in full potential
@Eliza did you even read the room rules before you joined and started speaking?
@AbhishekHingnikar what library?
@Eliza I like you, can we be friends?
that too with emulated mouse i guess
My XY problem was something other than javascript :)
@AbhishekHingnikar \o/ yay simple demos
@Eliza what was your XY problem, please do tell
@AbhishekHingnikar I don't think I suggested that library to you. I'm not sure what it even does
also @user3503511 if I find my code line for line on your homepage next week i'll be coming after you
@BenjaminGruenbaum His XY problem is lack of XX.
ask @Eliza, i'm pro hacker.
@RUJordan the demo -_- on codepen
@rlemon u are ?
@rlemon ghosthacker was it?
@AbhishekHingnikar where have you been man.
bitchhacker maybe?
@rlemon hospital
@SomeKittensUx2666 nice
bitchchecker? Can't remember.
@BenjaminGruenbaum ohh I remember some website ice fortress?? maybe?? idk. but the entire website was a game to see how many levels in you could have their auth system
it was fun
got some part of my leg removed because it got infected.
@AbhishekHingnikar dude, leave india man
wanna see pics ?
hell yes
bash.org fun
@AbhishekHingnikar yeah
I just ate so no
dude we need spoiler tags
Although I remember that from before I knew bash.org
ping timeout
black box, and you have to hover over the image
that would be saweet.
Oh! Eliza is Jenny, isn't he / she?
why do you want him to leave india
if you onebox an infected leg I will flip shit
@AbhishekHingnikar the "before" part not the "after"
@rlemon:where are you inviting @AbhishekHingnikar
Canada of course.
Ohh finally I realized I have come to a GAY chat room this is not a community helping room. GAY people bunch of. Enjoy yourselves
best place there is
Cock of the infinite one is funnier.
very good night
Mar 18 '13 at 20:08, by Loktar
I've been to gay clubs more than regular clubs lol
@Eliza see that will just get you no where
yeah baby.
@Eliza I'm gay? My wife will be shocked!
@Eliza we're all gay for JavaScript
!!doge gays everywhere
very gays everywhere
@Eliza I'd go gay for JavaSript every day.
@Eliza have fun in the 90s where calling somebody gay was actually offensive.
@Eliza remember, you came in here and started accusing memebers on your first visit. I'm pretty sure you were the running joke for the past two hours
lol we're gay for not falling over a random avatar with a somewhat feminine name?
Oh yeah dem object literals, fuck yeah, mmmm, show me your first order functions.
^ oh jesus
@BenjaminGruenbaum I love inserting values into arrays
and then taking them out
and then reinserting
@Loktar in "Eliza" world you should be
I PUSH so hard.
@BenjaminGruenbaum hey baby, my properties are enumerable... wanna iterate me?
Also, I'm not sure why gay is supposed to be an offense, it's like "you're a leftie" but meh.
Fucking lefties, man
var vagina = []; var penis = function() { return new Baby(); } vagina.push(penis);
@rlemon I'd for... in you all night long baby, no hasOwnPropertyCheck needed with me.
Totes gay for JS
@SomeGuy please tell me you say "Jay" and not "gay"
baby callback
Ohhh this is old
while(!loktar.pop()) { OmahaHomeHunt.push(); OmahaHomeHunt.pull(); }
lol, flaggots.
@SomeKittensUx2666 LOL
What got flagged?
@RUJordan you did
Your message.
guys "penis" and "vagina" are not offensive. They are parts of the anatomy. you all have at least one of them, some people have both!
oh son of a bitch @AbhishekHingnikar
wtf @AbhishekHingnikar ?
@rlemon the average person has one testicle and one breast
thats not as bad as I thought @AbhishekHingnikar
@rlemon you should've moved that to "Java"
@Loktar thats the before part
Hey flagger, sorry you can handle the human reproductive system.
oh wtf really?
it went worse later cause i ignored it
@SomeKittensUx2666 no, the average person has less than two
Cause you know.. that's sex. Sex sex sex. Grow up.
just like the average person has less than two eyes
and three testies is not uncommon as you would think. I would like to think 2 is the average, or closer to two
@AbhishekHingnikar What happened?
@Jhawins it was a scratch
i ignored
got slight infected, I still ignored
@rlemon I'm no canvas guy... At all. But how hard would this have been without the library he used? codepen.io/anon/pen/svljF
Went outerageous infected.... -_-
@Jhawins I already posted mine
How does this have 4 upvotes?
Q: can someone tell me in XAMPP where I should save my php files?

ElizaHi someone said me it is good to use XAMPP to learn php. But I don't know where I can save the php files... can someone tell me the folder please?

13 mins ago, by rlemon
@rlemon Yours... Doesn't quite accomplish the same task.
In the meantime i learnt something.
@AbhishekHingnikar so did the doctors cut a piece or ..?
eh its still not hard @Jhawins @rlemon just needs to add tweening and his would be the exact same
That's from recently... it's a really stupid question too...
nahh, I didn't like the volatile nature of his. so I simplified it
but yea, Loke is right. it is a few lines to change
not bad at all
@BenjaminGruenbaum i'll downvote it later. I'd rather her not come back and accuse us of hacking her reputation
no library ftw
I don't even easily comprehend yours :(
and yeah I like @rlemon's better
because liek he said less volatile
@ThiefMaster @Jenny and @Eliza wanna check them for voting inconsistencies. There is good reason to believe they are the same person
@Phoenix they cut open it
@rlemon good call, I just noticed Jenny was the answerer
and made the bacterially digested meat or whatever the word is for the very foul smelling yellowish fluid come out
and removed the infected <whatever the hell is under skin>.
guys don't flag it
he is talking about his cut
flagtrolls in da house!
@AbhishekHingnikar at least i hope you learned not to ignore common cuts : |
I wish he would shut up, because I don't wanna read it. but don't flag him
How is that even remotely offensive?
@Phoenix yeap. Never !
"Dude, I broke my arm the other day" FLLLLLAAAAGGG
someone read "puss" as "pussy" maybe?
KendallFrey is that you, or your cousin ?
@AbhishekHingnikar yeah I bet lol
Hi Simon!
^ dont flag me D:
oh man i wanted to flag
but didnt want to abuse the system :P
i wanted to flag ?
@Jhawins I can explain how that demo is done if you'd like. it really isn't bad at all.
Guys :(
Chat sends a new request for avatar in every message?
@Jhawins yes.
its cached so only 13 B transfer
even facebook does so iirc
ask @balpha
no nvm they dont
No don't bring him here while I bitch haha
why do you want to destroy our bandwidths
'MURICA nvm he isn't in murica iirc
? -- savvy ?
@rlemon I put off playing with canvas forever ago so I just need to put in the time to actually read some
well having someone to hold your hand for the first bit helps
its not even canvas related as much as graphics programming
I had @Loktar for that
the canvas part is easy
the maths part is meh
I had you both.
it is a new mindset
@Loktar the maths part is the best man !
was a little harder for me to get behind, but once you do it is easy peasy
if you're good at math! :P
@JoshTilles Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Yeah the math part is hard for me to understand when I'm reading someone else's code and don't really know what they're trying to achieve.
@Jhawins learn maths !
I mean there are things to learn about canvas sure, I guess maybe because I learned it a while back I forget idk
the math is what I always struggle with
psh i barely ever saw the math i studied at uni being used in code
I mean Taylor Series and stuff @BenjaminGruenbaum ... have u ever met those rascals in code ?
@AbhishekHingnikar I know maths!
@Jhawins Calculus ?
Some ha.
@AbhishekHingnikar of course...
All the time.
@Jhawins i studied engineering math
god like Ana Tudor
math genius
@BenjaminGruenbaum i want to see code with such math
Ah yeah that's a bit more in-depth :P
Just not in web development.
she went to school for engineering and look what she does with CSS lol
and which is not games !
@AbhishekHingnikar read up on machine learning :D
@Loktar .. yeah yeah
thats basic engineering math :$
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naive_Bayes_classifier <- that is what i am talking about
@BenjaminGruenbaum psh for snapick am reading theories but want to see a complete product in action.
I guess at tipranks you guys do something like ?
Yes, we have a lot of complex math.
Snapick is getting more and more intersting. I might hire people :P if i get sponsorship by Microsoft [ cause well i am incapable of handling it myself ]
@JoyalToTheWorld Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
,p(F_i \vert C, F_j,F_k,F_l) = p(F_i \vert C)\,,
^ my favorite formula
I sometimes just sit back and think of it
on hot summer days.
!!should i make a kickass codepen demo or make a kickass snapick app
@AbhishekHingnikar I know just one thing, and that is that I'm a lumberjack
!!should i make a kickass codepen demo or make a kickass snapick app
@AbhishekHingnikar You should make a kickass codepen demo
@drautskis Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Loktar gimme something kickass to make xD
see if that helps
Perhaps i should make a decent version of snapick using just 500px api
make it rain for dem bitches
^ thats all I got dude.
@Loktar rain what ?
idk thats where imagination comes in
make a boob shower
(There's gotta be a joke in the relation between "XY problem" and "XY chromosome", right?)
@rlemon make a boob shower
@rlemon Haha, debating on asking for something like that but figured that was overbearing. Sweet.
boobshower was my first ever canvas experience
hmm nice suggestions
@Jhawins nah man. the more people into Canvas the better it is for everyone
I hope you excel and I can vamp stuff from you in 6mo
and sadly I lost the link to boobshower :/
if anyone remember when I nuked my server
yea. it was on there
I don't see any actual use for it in my future, or desire for use. Hahaha but I want to play with it and it seems to be a great demonstration of coding ability/competence. Canvas shit takes competence I can tell that at least, even if it isn't that hard.
@Arman Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Canvas isn't as forgiving as jQuery, which is why it makes you look much more competent.
eh idk, I mean its just JS
the canvas part seriously isnt hard
its just like hey, draw some shit
I think the ideas/creativity/math are the difficult part
canvas is just a tool, kind of like saying Divs are hard when you create awesome animations using them idk.
So the job hunt is going great.... Not
whered Simon go?
dangit Mr. Sarris
Feb 27 '13 at 16:01, by rlemon
boobshower is not useful
@SomeKittensUx2666 are you pretty confident with writing tests?
@rlemon jsfiddle.net/rlemon/4kbqA //lost no more?
your comment the other day seemed pretty true - I don't want to be one of those guys writing scrub tests
who fucking wrote this?
> Game emulators are certainly controversial and I do not advocate them or recommend them.
no they arent. The roms are
@m59 Question 1: Which of the following is evil? (A) eval (B) jQuery (C) Dart (D) All of the above
Haha I will put the images back. Lol
the emulators are perfectly fine
My test-writing skillz are epic
@m59 which one?
@rlemon Hahahhahaha I hate you!
A :)
@user1816464 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
<aside>The moment I've been dreading has arrived. The Rolling Stone list as reached *Miley Cyrus - "Bangerz"*</aside>
@SomeKittensUx2666 that most people are doing it wrong
Oh, with slideshows?
Link to comment?
Apr 3 at 22:00, by SomeKittens Ux2666
@Mosho Unit testing is like teen sex. Everyone's talking about it, most who claim to be doing it aren't, and those who are are probably doing it wrong.
Honestly, before I started actually making targeted cover letters I would at least get a phone screening almost all the time. Now no one has replied.
@m59 ooh, that one
And I actually applied to the places I would realistically move to work for right now :(
The only incentive I had to go to college was that they'd possibly help out with this. Haha
join the Airforce for 4 years
do some tech job, get the sweet GI bill
go to college for free while you're in
@Loktar i wish i was american. so bad xD
@Loktar lol I already make almost exactly what I would in the AF.
@Jhawins jsfiddle.net/4kbqA/13 I couldn't find the shower stall image
but I still had the cropped breasts on my pc
why should someone join Airforce ?
I'd rather move to a more serious job now, rather than 4 years down the road. But who knows, maybe I'm just fucked and will have to.
@Phoenix get respect!
@Phoenix because they want to be a flyboy, baby.
@Phoenix well I said AF because they are a bit better on the tech side.
imo it would make sense for any Americans in the chat to join the AF over any other service.
fly planes, tech training, get the bitches.
Imma have to meet someone in a company around here or something. There's just no way I'm going to get a job like this at 19. I feel like they just laugh at my cv haha
@Loktar did you actually fly anything?
so everyone wants to be Tom ?
no, wasn't an officer
I was the web admin/developer for the base
ahh, thats a shame.
not the web stuff. the no flying
nah I didnt want to fly
I hate flying
I wouldn't mind going on a few joy rides
looks like fun
I'd be all about the flying
haha idk I cant stand flying man
But my current job is literally going to disappear from under me one of these days I think...
I can't stand flying internationally with the stupid ass TSA
@Jhawins another reason I mentioned the military is because you mentioned a degree
but in a fighter, might be fun
military is awesome for getting a degree
idk I was lucky in my job though, it was a 7:30-4:30 job everyday
I was || this close to joining the Canadian military for the same reasons
heh and I rarely stayed until 4:30
but got a job offer at a respected company at 16
more like 8-2:30 :P
so said fuck it.
@Loktar Ah yeah. I'd rather not honestly.
yeah its not for everyone for sure
I got this job and thought at the time it was going to be this great awesome thing. Turns out it's a fucking dead end.
@Loktar so how long were you in? here it is/was 4 years in (education and training) and 4 years mandatory service afterwards
I just did 4 active, when you sign you make a commitment for 8 total
so I did 4 active, 4 inactive
8 years but a nice education (free) and a good start on your pension
meaning if shit got real they could call me to come back at any time
ahh yea for us over the remaining 4 you are "working" for them
I honestly would have gone had Desire2Learn not given me a job offer
Honestly I don't want to be a part of America's military in any way :P. I see nothing wrong with others doing it, it's cool.
the experience and top secret clearance were huge benefits
@Jhawins ouch you had to go there.
My best bro is in the Marines stationed in DC..
I forgot the US is so fucking terrible, always killing babies and shit.
But I personally would question everything way too much.
yea, nothing in Canada is top secret except the maple syrup recipe, but every Canadian knows that already
we just hide it from you Muricans
@rlemon Stab tree -> lick
@rlemon I read an article that Maple Syrup is in trouble actually
@Jhawins enjoy your sap, animal.
@Loktar We're killing babies?
forget exactly why, but it was on a list with Banana's (another fruit to soon become extinct)
@Jhawins depends on who you ask
that would mean maple trees were on the outs
and that is a big nope
I think your sources were mis-informed.
the "old" way of harvesting it is about to die out. and synthetic is taking over. but that has nothing to do with being able to get it
@Loktar You mean like unborn baby argument? Or you mean the military is?
there's a ton of news on it @rlemon
> an average tap is yielding about a quarter less syrup than in the 1970s.
@Jhawins lol I was talking about the military in relation to your comment about being a part of "America's military in any way" :P
@Loktar yea, but think about it
the trees are not going anywhere. they will always produce sap.
we're seeing a decline in recent years.
yeah but climate change is apparently affecting them
does not mean the trees will up and stop giving out sap
lol yeah I agree with the lemon. Sure maybe it'll decline but it's not like we were only getting enough anyway.
just less now, and maybe more later (climate change is huge on this)
Shit man, I should make some maple syrup. I've never done it.
Taps into wrong tree and accidentally discovers the next marijuana that goes on your pancakes
@BenjaminGruenbaum got an angular question if you have a couple mins
I hate maple syrup
my family likes it, but I cant stand it lol
@Loktar sorry, overall yes we are in a decline. do I think for one second that maple syrup is in danger? no way man. You have to have a shit tonne of maple trees where you are, in Canada we have like 100 times that :P
I use Aunt Jami-ma
I think we're good.
or however its spelled
@rlemon yeah just could see the price increase I guess.
@Loktar Yeah I buy that
Maple syrup is about 2X more expensive than normal syrup here. Fuck that.

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