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Nothin like some gangsta rap during work
@Loktar in other news. the old tap and line method is being replaced with some hi-tech stuff. the farmers are a little upset because the job of 5 people is now the job of half a person
!!youtube me so horny
also the sales of synthetic are higher now
Not sure what to do about this. I've got a vulnerable version of OpenSSL, but it was built after the fixed version was released.
also, nothing in apt-get upgrade
@SomeKittensUx2666 Ask @rlemon
He might pretend he doesn't know the answer but he does
@Jhawins you just reminded me to bug my co-worker to do it
@SomeKittensUx2666 build from source?
Is there a way to make a title attribute pop up faster?
@rlemon guess that's my only option
@RUJordan use custom tool tips
@SomeKittensUx2666 lol no there's another way hold on
@rlemon I was afraid you'd say that
@RUJordan why?
u using jQuery boss man?
@RUJordan gist.github.com/Jhawins/9622463 //uber simple tooltip
I'm critiquing a drupal module and making notes on what should be changed/what is broken
title attributes are dumb (imo)
posted on April 08, 2014 by Victor A. Rodriguez

Tesla Model S Ethernet Network Explored, Possible Jailbreak in the Future? While we’re testing the performance capabilities of the Tesla Model S by running it down the 1/4 mile in heads up races such as Tesla vs Corvette Stingray and Tesla vs Viper, others are digging deep into how the Tesla Model S functions internally. Being the technical marvel that the Model S is with it’s 17″ multi-

I wish you had more flexibility with them
@RUJordan you can do it REAL simple with pure css actually
Well I guess I did this with jQuery haha but it's incredibly simple to change. Tooltips are one of the simplest things.
I'm not the developer, these guys are kind of bad quality so I don't even want to throw "speed up title tooltip by 1 second" at them
[data-title]::after {
  content: attr(data-title);
  // style info for the tool tip box
<a data-title="some custome tool tip">foo</a>
@rlemon +1
doesn't work on self closing tags (single element tags like img)
::before and ::after pseudo content needs an 'inner' on the element to append itself.
Here's a couple notes I'm sending to India (where we hired our drupal developers)
Format HTML in view source
Browse button does not look like a browse for file uploads
table borders not rendering
long dropdown menus still dont scroll and hide links that extend past page height
Seems like pretty simple stuff but it's like it's the most complex thing for these guys to do =/
format html?
@RUJordan why are you guys outsourcing this haha. In the long run you'd be better off just paying for real development ;)
in all honesty the html should be minified.
Problem A) Drupal
Problem B) Outsourcing to India and not @SomeGuy directly.
@Loktar hell yes
@Loktar oohhh good catch.
I need to reword that one
I hate when I see "how can I format my html from php"
yeah, I mean who cares, as long as the source you're working in looks good
the client sees the webpage, not the source.
Not the page view source
and if they are viewing the source, any good dev expects to see it minified / compressed
It's a rich text editor, so when you click "view html" it's minified and a pain to read since you are editting it
> format HTML in the views source file.
@RUJordan ckeditor?
Should that still be minified or is that ok to ask to be formatted?
okay not even what I imagined
fuck dude.. good luck with that :?
@Loktar not 100% sure
wysiwyg tools are shit for editing HTML
Yeah you're essentially screwed
default for Drupal is ckeditor
speaking from experience with ckeditor and tinymce... fuck.
markdown WYSIWYG are better imo
reading markdown source is WAY easier
yeah but then the people need to learn markdown (excuse I've heard), but I agree @rlemon
learning markdown === got 5 minutes to scan the docs while you take your next shit?
Yeah thank god I wont be using this drupal, because it's.. conflicting to my ideals
eh yeah but people working in marketing don't have time for that
although.. they know html? lol
But I'm keeping my mouth shut. I don't wanna be the one to fix it lol
yeah just to follow up I 100% agree with you
but that was what I was told when I tried to replace TinyMCE with a markdown editor (at Stratcom)
any "authoring" now a days for text should be done in markdown (for the web at least)
if the client needs to author it
yeah definitely
Woke up in time :D
lets play counterstrike
I love that about Ghost
blogging in MD
@OctavienDamien now i have a mouse.. come at me bro :P
so sweet
once I get a blog up the comment section will totes support markdown
i killed u a few times, with a broken hand and touchpad. I demand a rematch octavien :D
@rlemon Was supposed to be doing some freelance with this but he kinda lost interest I think... lol
ghost.org/features once that dashboard lands I'll be installing this on rlemon.ca
Not a single good question today yet =/
@rlemon ^ with that being launch partner
@Avery Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AbhishekHingnikar I'm going to star that, but only because I want to unstar it.
Ah, that felt good.
@RUJordan what are your tags?
php javascript jquery coldfusion node.js angularjs
about to remove php, coldfusion just because I work with it
I removed a while ago
I may keep it just to "keep up" in case I need to use it in the future.
@AbhishekHingnikar so it has a chance to work in IE! wonderful
> I develop sites tailored to IE7 and IE7 alone.
psh IE7 is easy mode
IE5.5 bitches
lol showoffs
I luckily never had to target IE < 6
I did. but it was for a friend of my parents gardening site
I think I got like $30 for that site
what's the parser used for the javascript bot in this room?
@DaveChen javascript
!!tell DaveChen help
@DaveChen Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
@SomeKittensUx2666 lol interesting
it is all online
@SomeKittensUx2666 Geography is not a friend of average American
@DaveChen although I warn you... adapter.js contains dragons
US wont get involved in a conflict in a while I imagine
the population is pretty war weary
oh no, I mean in javascript parser, which is !!>
!!> true
@DaveChen true
its interesting. I think of Russia Ukraine/Georgia as WWII was
world was war weary, and just let Hitler take the countries he wanted for a bit.
@DaveChen the bot runs in FF latest stable. the code eval is done in a webworker with some stuff stripped / not allowed from the get go
Caprica is an avid user of eval()
thanks, I initially thought this bot was running on like nodejs
@DaveChen working on that
yea the chat doesn't make that as easy as you would think \
a lot relies on the DOM
I've been searching for an irc implementation of so chat for ages, but then I just gave up, they just don't offer any api or w/e, and dom is a pain to parse
I wish this was all on IRC
and this was just the front end to it
@Loktar meh, I'd miss a lot of things, direct replies, edits, etc
edits are nice
direct replies can be achieved, just not to the message
thats why I do it to the person always regardless lol
@SomeKittensUx2666 the frontend could handle that
actually true, direct replies could be implemented
edits though not really
youd break whoever wasn't using the front end
One could always just implement edits as a re-broadcast and thereby allow failbacks for IRC users while keeping front end functionality.
some of us edit 5 times within 30 seconds or less
or edit messages that are a minute or older, and there's already 5 new messages
would look really weird in IRC
True. Still possible, just ugly.
one huge benefit. Private messages
with no google indexing
so many times Ive wanted to PM people
Isn't that what private rooms are for? Not super experienced with them
eh kind of but people can see you're using them
they seem like a lot of overkill just for a quick pm or two
this fucking bug
using angular with coffeescript can result in some creative bugs
stackoverflow.com/questions/22947669/… like.. post some code dammit..
@RUJordan cv'd - no-info
@JanDvorak beat me by 5 seconds. btw hi!
How's the grind to 20k?
@RUJordan his probably passing directly the resource instead of array
> You've signed out of all your accounts

We've remembered your accounts on this device to make your future sign-ins easier. Choose an account to sign back in. Learn more
Wut why?? I was writing an email
I need to go into a room and scream.
@RUJordan I'm not rushing too much
Just spent 10 minutes figuring out why dev went down.
@Phoenix oh I don't care about the actual issue. lol I just respond to bad questions
coworker pushed syntactically incorrect code - and it got past all my tests in the pre-commit hook.
> Oh, I deleted the [.git] directory when github went down thinking it was me somehow
@JanDvorak have you been busy? You've been a bit quiet lately lol
@SomeKittensUx2666 oh man that sucks
@SomeKittensUx2666 holy fuck
@SomeKittensUx2666 watch out, System32 might be next
@RUJordan I've been restarting my PC a lot; updates, slowdowns, crashes, random crashes...
So that hearbleed am I right?
@JanDvorak yikes -- have you tried hardware diagnostics or a temp folder wipe?
Maybe Eliza & Jenny hacked you <.<
@RUJordan I don't think it can fix those constant updates :-)
True, post updates maybe. Hopefully.
random crashes are probably caused by the battery driver or something like that
!!afk decompressing
they don't happen when I'm running off mains
@SomeKittensUx2666 Well, after a long morning of being accused of phishing, I can't blame you.
Damn, I guess she's down again.
Caprica sure likes to go down
I always forget
It amuses me that we depend so heavily on the bot
She is our lifeblood
@Mosho doubt I can help with it if it's too angular specific but sure
!!afk food etc.
@RyanKinal Read above, about git
I work with friggin' Wheatly.
So many unexplained answers D:
sorry guys, replaced a switch in my office
!!are you alive
@rlemon Certainly
she should go down less now
hopefully the switch was the issue for my connectivity problems.
!!afk beer,food,code,TS
!!afk when someone asks where I am Caprica, please ping @rlemon too. Thanks.
@BenjaminGruenbaum is there a nice way to do something if a promise isn't resolved?
@phenomnomnominal BenjaminGruenbaum is afk: when someone asks where I am Caprica, please ping @rlemon too. Thanks.
other than checking the state
@CapricaSix yes yes.
Although I personally never had to do that
@BenjaminGruenbaum google maps api doing funky shit.
!!afk when someone asks where I am Caprica, please ping @rlemon too. Thanks.
Totally going to ping you in 2 minutes
@JanDvorak do you have a girlfriend?
@RUJordan BenjaminGruenbaum is afk: when someone asks where I am Caprica, please ping @rlemon too. Thanks.
@BadgerGirl why; has @copy left?
(Might be interesting, not jsut to spam you lol)
@JanDvorak No, just wondering
@RUJordan Huh?
@BadgerGirl I'm not actually looking for one
@Jhawins it's a duplicate question -- Benjamin has an answer to that and Felix linked to it
copy is coming next week :)
Are @BadgerGirl and @Copy together?
From what I gather, yes
Or do they just collab on sex projects?
She does have an unhealthy addiction to the word penis..
!!urban penis
@Jhawins Penis The tool used to wean and convert lesbians and virgins into useful, productive members of society.
Oh my god
!!afk home time : Running from the feminists!!
May 20 '13 at 23:39, by Josiah South
@BenjaminGruenbaum Most girls are easy... Maybe it's just because I live in the US? Maybe it's just me ;) I'd like to believe it's both.
So we'll send you postcards :)
If we can find your address on the internet.
That's pretty funny haha
@BenjaminGruenbaum Command playerpimp learned
May 20 '13 at 23:38, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
@twiz What we know about it here is that jewish american girls come and that they're easy.
wrong one
!!forget playerpimp
@BenjaminGruenbaum Command playerpimp forgotten.
Yeah, try again.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Command playerpimp learned
May 20 '13 at 23:38, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
@twiz What we know about it here is that jewish american girls come and that they're easy.
I blame linux
!!forget playerpimp
@BenjaminGruenbaum Command playerpimp forgotten.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Command playerpimp learned
May 20 '13 at 23:39, by Josiah South
@BenjaminGruenbaum Most girls are easy... Maybe it's just because I live in the US? Maybe it's just me ;) I'd like to believe it's both.
You get .5 internet points.
And a possible sloot!
@BadgerGirl Could not process input. Error: Unexpected end of input: Expected " on line 41 on column 88
@BadgerGirl Command installjavascript learned
May 20 '13 at 23:53, by copy

<h1><font color="black">If you would like to see the slideshow <br><br>please <a href="http://www.java.com/getjava/"> <i>Install JavaScript</i></a></h1></font>
im dumb
oh yay 68 links to compare
@RUJordan What's your address?
Would you like my social security number as well?
lol i'll get on TS when I get home and give it to you if it's for a valid reason lol
No, I need your address to send you a postcard.
May I email it to you?
Oh, I need your email lol
Shouldn't be too hard to figure out, or send it to copy.
Or DM on twitter
thats a better idea
Got it :)
Hope you and copy have fun
Here's the card I got the last time @BadgerGirl did this drive.google.com/…
Yea mine is somewhere.
Imagine having to explain to your parents why strangers on the internet are sending you pictures of women in bikinis
@copy is shooting for at least 7.5/10 this time.
@BadgerGirl I want a postcard!

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