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@Zirak did you see the issue with crashing the bot
Oh, yes, I forgot to comment on that
@rlemon is that lady alive ?
@rlemon is that lady real?
@AwalGarg How can ladies be real if our wats aren't real?
6:09 PM
@SterlingArcher nah, I'll shatter everyone else's lives aswell when that happens
@Zirak Sexy
@OliverSalzburg I wrote a script which attempts to fix the linting errors, and prompts you before it actually does. Over 90% of the fixes were handled by it.
@Zirak I meant the project in general. I wasn't aware of it
@Zirak well done man!
@OliverSalzburg oh! Well yes it is, thank you
6:12 PM
@Zirak You are such a programmer
important decision:
like that or:
6:13 PM
date tonight?
and you're asking a room of nerds fashion advice ?
and the first one
@rlemon almost
the former
Are you on a green screen or is that a real wall?
6:14 PM
@rlemon you're still better stylists than my parents
first one makes you look slightly older
@SterlingArcher reall wall (yeah, it's pink. It was my sister's. Don't ask any question)
women like that (until they hit 40)
If you really want to impress, you'll give yourself a much deeper v-neck
I'm talking deep. v. action. bro.
ok, I have to leave in 30 seconds. Thx!
6:15 PM
@towc I hope you chose the second one
Let me find that old picture I have lying around...
That's what I'm talking about
@rlemon you know the one
I do. it's pasted over my bed
6:16 PM
Sadly, I know the one too.
Why do I want to know
the one I did of @SterlingArcher was worse.
You don't
Oh god, not the banana hammock
I had to stare at a zoomed in dildo at work for like 10 minutes while I re-adjusted his fingers
6:17 PM
For the love of god no
@rlemon I know right.. and then after 40 its a young mans blood bath.
FTR - I replaced his cell phone with a giant dildo in one of his selfies
out of context that sounds wronger than it is
that sounds wonger than it is :/
i know <3
> while I re-adjusted his fingers
he is having a bad day for self control
6:20 PM
the way you hold a cell phone and a penis are very different.
forgot that my pc's clock is 10 mins off
who knew xD
News to me.
@Zirak chrome-devtools://devtools/bundled/devtools.html y this no work?
@BadgerGirl now I'm confused
6:21 PM
console gives no output no matter what I type...
she might have meant the second picture you posted to chat
@BadgerGirl are you serious?
> Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'frame' of undefined
@rlemon I see... what to do now?
use jsh
6:22 PM
@towc Is she ever?
!!water or tea
@rlemon water
@KendallFrey didn't get to know hermuch. Is she?
@rlemon I know, but I need one for offline usage and snippets support.
let's ask cap, she's the best stylist here probably
!!first or second
6:23 PM
@towc first
!!second or first
@HatterisMad second
lol for a second I thought cap was being a reddit commenter
yep she chose first twice
6:24 PM
@HatterisMad -_-
hahaha -- just trying to help :D
!!are you sure?
@towc Of course!
@AwalGarg then just open about://blank and hit f12
@towc wear the damn first one! I'm a hot chick robot and I command it!
6:25 PM
@rlemon superb! thanks dude :)
wait are you a hot chick robot?
@HatterisMad she's lying about the robot part
!!are you a hot chick robot?
!!google Caprica Six
6:25 PM
or are you a hot robot chick
there's a difference
Any experienced Marionette devs here?
chick robot === fembot === shut yer mouth
wait... the Lemon is probably sending in the commands for the bot... that means he just admitted to be a hot chick robot?
I send no commands
Zirak programmed sentience into her
Oh right
6:27 PM
he had a free couple hours last night
I wondered where her name and image came from
@HatterisMad from her
nice work, Mr 'MY creation must be the one to destroy the human race"!
1 message moved to Trash
To be honest. she is not my flavour... not bad but just not what i like
6:28 PM
Alison Brie and Lindsey Stirling. check em out
I guess the lunch hour has come and gone.. an hour and a half ago. Oops. Hungry
lindsey stirling looks so creepy and i don't know who alison brie is :/
At least I've been busy
yeah alison brie is kinda cute... i prefer non european girls however
salli richardson-whitfield is extremely attractive imo
6:31 PM
i.sstatic.net/wMFQt.jpg @SterlingArcher have you had your shots?
hahaha nice
ok, time to go
good luck @towc
@Jhawins I have a bottle of jager waiting for me at home :)
I'm not sure how I feel about this dance off, but she is stunning
6:33 PM
@SterlingArcher if I drank I'd come visit you
@towc is it for a date?
Speaking of which maybe I like it now, I'll try again.
forgot to google map the adress -_-
@BadgerGirl not really
Aren't you on your way already anyway?
@Jhawins it's an acquired thing.
I didn't like booze for a while
6:34 PM
Ah so I gotta do it and hate it to like it then?
I am still on the hating it part :/
I'm on the abstaining from it part
I'm still 20 so it's very convenient that I hate it.
no way
that'll get starred
ok, no joke now
6:35 PM
More stars now
Owners will see history to find out why hahaha
I realised what I'd done just quickly enough
@TomW the star came even before you edited lol
6:36 PM
i was on top of it man. got the star on it before you edited it :P
dude i know i posted that to chat yesterday!
i want to make one!
they want $50k for it lol
@Jhawins eh, booze isn't for everybody. I like being drunk, but I know exactly how much i need to drink to be silly, but not blatantly stupid and sick
6:38 PM
I like to drink beer. Some taste good. But I don't like the effects lol
I had one really bad night (entire day) where i puked for 16 hours straight... Since then if i start drinking i feel sick lol.
@HatterisMad eh its not for your home.... at all
@darkyen00 What are you trying to say about my home!
:-/ your as in its not for anybodies home
why do you think that?
6:40 PM
I have this thing where I just don't ever puke. I would imagine that it extends to me not having a gag reflex but I've never shoved anything in my throat that I wasn't actually swallowing.
But man that black label johnny walker was so good I kept drinking it
I drank half a bottle of makers and puked it up in front of a girl. Smooth.
When I ended up puking for like 10 minutes straight it didn't even hurt or anything? Why is puking so bad?
@Jhawins - I am more of a fan of Peat Scotch
6:41 PM
Honestly it just felt like I was drinking... Backwards
Easy flow.
@Jhawins the stomach acid that comes up when you puke destroys your throat and teeth
Also leaves you dehydrated
I just don't get why puking is supposed to be so bad haha. The last time I did before that was when I was a little kid
Oh well, acid sounds bad.
6:42 PM
Its not the one time deal that makes it that bad. It is more of the serial pukers if you will that makes it a health concern
@Jhawins puking isn't bad until your stomach is empty and you keep puking
That is why, if you are puking, it is good to drink water to induce it. That way you will dilute the acidity of your vomit.
in one week I will get to overdo it once again
Ok you are not supposed to brush your teeth after puking?
Yeah my puke was seriously mostly johnny
6:43 PM
uhhhh i would definitely drink water and brush my teeth :/
@HatterisMad science says not right away ok :)
@tomw why you waiting?
im not an expert :P Just dont like the taste of puke in my mouth lol
@Jhawins Stoptober. Raising money for a cancer charity
> I'm an alcoholic so I'll just get alcohol poisoning once a month instead of drinking regularly
6:44 PM
^ ?
the actual reason is that a colleague was being smug about it, so I thought I'd try and beat him. I'm not that bothered about the charity
I just don't brush my teeth ever. Solves that problem
do you even teeth?
Looks like stoptober is about smoking...
@darkyen00 you wouldn't want that for your home?
6:45 PM
These aren't as painful as last weeks
well ok, it's called Go Sober for October, but when I call it that everyone's like "what?"
@HatterisMad couldn't afford the axle but the guy offered me the whole thing for $500 and I'd get both axles tranny transfer case frame and other parts to scrap. I'm so pissed off that I can't afford it.. The C6 is probably worth $150 and the transfer case 100 so that's 250 back but I'd have to wait for it :/
so I just adopt the stop-smoking term
stop whatever you like for october
@Jhawins oh he offered you the whole friggin truck?
@TomW that sounds like a bad thing :( I dont want to stop doing the things i like doing.
6:46 PM
@HatterisMad Yeah dudee hahahaha I told him I want the coils and everything off the truck like the buckets cause they're what I needed to do the swap and he was like how bout a rolling chassis for 500 you can flat tow it home the brakes work
I like eating bad food and drinking beer. but my body disagrees.
@Jhawins oh god i love doing that its so much fun trying to not hit the truck towing you lmfao
When in reality I'm going to pay $350 per axle probably.
Just because I can't do it this week :(. It would've been 250 for both in the end
@Jhawins going to pull what parts you like then get scrap $$ from the rest of it?
6:47 PM
I'm giving healthy another try. I swapped out my (sugar free) energy drink for (real) juice this morning. I'm also gonna stop eating fast food (that's the easy part)
@AwalGarg Clone blink/chromium, run it from there
@HatterisMad I can't afford it :'( but that's what I would've done
Oh, I also quit smoking, so there's that too
@NickDugger cutting out snacking at night is hard for me
@NickDugger sugar free is bad
6:48 PM
I'm so used to just getting up and making a sandwich at 10pm
Nice @NickDugger permanently or just a for now thing?
For me it's bored eating
@Jhawins that's probably why he stopped drinking it
@Zirak Do you have any plans on adding support for snippets and the debugger in jsh?
hypoglycemia and "health nuts" don't mix. Sugar free for me means Imma pass out
6:48 PM
@Jhawins - Call him back. You know, I gave it some thought. I could buy the whole truck but it is going to cost me a lot of time to deal with more than just a single part. If I bought the whole thing it would have to be for $300.
@Jhawins sugar free is bad for different reasons thatn sugar
If I'm bored, I just eat.
@AwalGarg No
So if I keep myself occupado, I'm gravy
6:49 PM
@HatterisMad permanently until I decide to smoke again.
@TravisJ He wanted $350 for the single axle ;) no way in fuck is he going lower than 450 I tried
(7 ball is the natives)
@Jhawins - Be persistent :)
Time lowers value
Why does america have that hair xd
6:50 PM
@TravisJ waiting for my next paycheck works ;P. The whole truck is worth a lot more than 500 especially with the entire drivetrain.. So I'd honestly feel bad about buying it for any less.
@SomeKittens -_-
@SterlingArcher George Washington
Plus the dude just kept talking my ear off I was tired of talking to him after 25min on the phone
or judge
6:51 PM
I interpreted it as judge's wig
now that i'm lookin at full size
googles whether Canadian judges wear wigs
@rlemon I think you meant...
Wait for it
just offering up general private purchasing advice or are you another automotively inclined one in here? ;P
@Jhawins - I like haggling :) I also really like cars, but don't have much experience working on them as much as driving them
6:52 PM
@SomeKittens lol
@TomW In America judges don't dress like ninnies though
@TravisJ I hate haggling lol
Yeah america got over that lame weird hair wig thing centuries ago
so has Canada, apparently
unless you're in Walmart
then anything goes
Walmart is like a global exception
6:54 PM
catch (WalMart)
fortunately Walmarts in my neck of Ontario are no where near this bad.
Walmarts around here are pretty good too
But I live in a pretty wealthy area
I'm not wealthy, but my household income (3 full time working adults) is pretty nice
@rlemon I think I threw up a bit
bitbucket.org/gvol/emacs-achievements bboy360, get a load of this!
6:59 PM
res.redirect(path).end(); fails.
fuck that.

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