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@BenjaminGruenbaum Click "I finished installing"
Why are you disobeying the banners?
does ff 22 have web audio api yet?
Still only in nightly
Have I mentioned I hate windows 8?
but that may be out of date, I would have thought it might be needed for WebRTC
Had to use it today for a few hours... :(
It's a bit shit aye
It reminds me of a jagstang
Ok, I'm in IE11 speaking right now, anyone want me to check anything?
They should stop making changes for the sake of changes and just push the performance /stability upgrades in 8 to 7[.1?]
@BenjaminGruenbaum State of Harmony support?
@NetProgrammer Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Shmiddty weeeeeee
did you know that the text area I'm typing in right now is laid out in a table?
@RobW Like what?
@BenjaminGruenbaum, FPS?
@Shmiddty yes only the textarea of the whole page though

var w = new WeakMap();
w.set(document.body, 1);
console.log(w.get(document.body) === 1);
@phenomnomnominal like 5, but the VM has no GPU accel
oh of course
are switch cases still the way to go?
@jbolanos decision maps
function chartHeight(count){
	var setHeight;
		case(count <= 3):
			setHeight = 200;
		case(count >= 4 && count <= 8):
			setHeight = 250;
		case(count >= 9 && count <= 14):
			setHeight = 300;
		case(count >= 15 && count <= 25):
			setHeight = 350;
		case(count >= 26):
			setHeight = 400;
			setHeight = 200;
	return setHeight;
yes no maybe?
@jbolanos Definitely no
@jbolanos that looks like it could be broken down into a one-liner formula
IE11 dev tools are much better than IE10 dev tools. They're actually fair now.
That's cool
I'll never support any version of IE
@jbolanos that's retarded
Are you going to blog about new features of IE11? I would read it.
@jbolanos That's fine
I support latest version + 1 previous (usually)
@BenjaminGruenbaum AudioContext?
my boss is anti-IE so whenever I do any web work for work work he jokes that I should make it break IE on purpose. "just to teach those IE morons a lesson"
IE is the bastard child of the web - best ignored and only paraded out when you need to make a point
I say he jokes, but I think he is serious. He really doesn't care to support IE at all
IE is father child of the modern browser.
IE is what you use to get a real browser
unfortunately, like most parents, it's offspring soon overpassed it
like on a highway, obv
@BenjaminGruenbaum WebSockets seem to be supported, I'm on it
I thought maybe he was going for supassed
which is to say, there was a time when IE was the bees knees, and other browsers emulated them. Then the other browsers surpassed IE by leaps and bounds.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Does IE still throw an error for jsfiddle.net/uqcFM/36 (from stackoverflow.com/a/10372280/938089)
IE was never anything great - it beat the contenders of its time through marketing and OS support - once microsoft tied it to the OS directly it gave up the war
IE was great in 1997/8/9
NN was taking speed around 1999
only because netscape wasn't that good either :)
@jbolanos where do you work again?
kitten farm
and then there was aol...
there were no 'good' browsers compared to today. aol was so shit
they had to give it away door to door
I like how your "Experience page" is blank
but IE led the curve into 2000
there is doubt about that.
I remember trying to play quake team fortress when we had aol
I had to log into aol
The Mozilla project changed everything if you ask me
then minimize the "browser"
then connect to the qtf server
its blank because that's not my portfolio page - I need to do something with that - vanity pages really only count when you do something with them :)
if I closed aol, it would disconnect me
AOL only existed to get people on the web. Once the dial modem died so did AOL
ohh god, I remember the days of "FUCK NO! MOM! I SAID I WAS GAMING! YOU CAN'T PICK UP THE PHONE! NOW I LOST!!!!"
trying to download songs on Napster
UGH now I have to start over!
<div class="container skills" style="display: block;">
    <div class="pane" style="display: block;">
        <h1>Skills Page</h1>
14.4k modem. :/
anyone old enough to have actually built their on BBS?
@jbolanos AOL is still posting record profits in 2013Q1
then I started working for a company called World Without Wire (2001/2ish) and instead of paying me they gave me a private T1 O_O
napster was all like: connecting... connecting... connecting... complete!
profits don't make you relevant :)
no, but profits in business terms makes you successful.
there is always pride in that.
So, the chat stopped working -_-
I have no idea what's going on or if someone is getting these messages
did you try test test test?
Has anyone seen @BenjaminGruenbaum recently? I haven't seen him in a couple of hours.
@Antonis Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Shmiddty Mediocre troll, 3/10
hi everyone
Hi Dr. Nick!
but that should be "Hi, everybody!"
My internet broke :/
you really liked it
@RobW No, it does not.
@rlemon you her?
@phenomnomnominal How do I test?
me her?
here* ?
@darkyen my best friend is a friggin math wiz, he doesnt program often but he made this codepen.io/yutt/pen/rICHm
might be useful to you since you were looking for a good perlin implementation
Im sure you could clean it up/optimize it
@BenjaminGruenbaum, either new AudioContext or possibly new msAudioContext, but I'm doubtful of both
@Loktar should offload the heavy lifting to a worker so the UI isn't locked up
IE just did what IE does best, crash :P
@phenomnomnominal sorry, no :/
I didnt look at his implementation, but Im sure it could be optimized, JS isnt his first language or anything
he's generating perlin noise, then smoothing it
I need to look at how he smooths since thats the part where i get lost
@BenjaminGruenbaum hows the dev console?
@Loktar Very improved
@BenjaminGruenbaum didn't think there would be. Maybe in 12
I still can't believe they're not going with WebRTC
@Shmiddty I've looked at that.. but idk, I still am a bit retarded on the math front :P
I need to spend some more time with it
Nice autocomplete and all
@Loktar damn, that is nice.
which one the scrolling terrain?
or yutt's
where is the other?
I did that earlier
modified my old one
havn't I seen that ohh ok
yea looks sweet man
yutt decided to create an accountand posted some of his old stuff's
needs moar trees
thanks the colors make it pop way more
yeah I was thinking about doing that
genning pines or something
maybe the moon rising idk
and the occasional wolf pack running then howling at the moon ;)
Can someone point me in the right direction to execute a function from a jquery plugin outside the plugin itself? I want to call adjustActive() from jquery cycle's center plugin: malsup.github.io/jquery.cycle2.center.js
hah should just make a terraria clone at that point :P
@Loktar i'm in
that would be pretty cool
seriously. I wouldn't know where to start but I would put my entire ass into this one. not just half like usual.
adapted.PriceDisplay = adapted.Price === null ? "Free" : (item.PriceDisplay !== "$0.00" ? item.PriceDisplay || "" : false);
Yay readability!!!
@phenomnomnominal makes sense to me :P
if two or three of us actually put together a project plan and worked on it in our spare time i'm sure we could make something playable in < a month
@waffl what did you pass in as the container in opts?
I vote we port journey to the center of hawthrone.
@phenomnomnominal if you would check out terriara. making this platform would be the first step
try that
I will tomorrow! Finally have some goddamn free time
don't know if webrtc datachannels could reborn p2p
you will see similarities
the gameplay could be adapted
So keen
JS would be perfect for the in game scripting language.
what would be the hardest about hawkthron would be the in game scripting
@Shmiddty unfortunately I get the error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'autoHeight' of undefined
@rlemon just have to create a massive library of shit to do
you have to make it easy enough to get results without much programming knowledge
have fun writing that api
It is me. Dr Eval! Want to get a variable with a dynamic property name? No problem! var res = eval("obj."+propertyName); Muhahahaha.
hahaha, nice
@waffl can't help ya boss
please.. never change the gravatar.
@dr.eval It is funny, because wang means penis!
@Shmiddty :( okay, thanks for the help.
Want to parse JSON? No problem! eval('('+yourJson+')') Really easy! Muhahaha
@Loktar also, dude. did you see Simons post.. he mentioned us in his book!
1 min ago, by dr.eval
Want to parse JSON? No problem! eval('('+yourJson+')') Really easy! Muhahaha
hold on
sorry that one @Loktar
> Many thanks are due to the StackOverflow JavaScript chat room crowd for their encouragement, friendship, and expertise during my research and writing. Among many others I’d like to thank are Jason Brown, Robert Lemon, Abhishek Hingnikar, Amaan Cheval, and Florian Margaine.
thats badass man
yea man
!!> eval('this')
@cx [object WorkerErrorEvent]
@SimonSarris you are a badass :)
thanks for the acknowledgement Ill frame it
I love CoffeeScript:
@rlemon Achievement unlocked!
!!c> options = (width, height) -> { width, height}; size = options(5, 5); console.log size
@phenomnomnominal "function (width, height) {\n var size;\n ({\n width: width,\n height: height\n });\n size = options(5, 5);\n return console.log(size);\n}"
bah I'm already on HTML6
@Loktar I was at work when he showed me, first thing I did. Show everyone else :P
"Look! I'm mentioned in a book!"
haha yeah thats awesome
2.9 Simon
@phenomnomnominal That's what your precious cfs compiled it to: coffeescript.org/…
@Zirak I know!
options = (width, height) -> { width, height} is so nice
god I just realized how much 2.9 makes me a nerd
2.9 is the best
!!c> options = ((width, height) -> { width, height}); size = options(5, 5); console.log size
@phenomnomnominal "undefined" Logged: {"width":5,"height":5}
!!/eval "Muhahaha"
@dr.eval "Muhahaha"
!!> eval = null; // What now, Doctor?
@SomeKittens null
dude Im so adding that to my resume
"recognized in leading html5 experts book"
My resume: "Knows recognized HTML5 experts"
Who is in on making a terriara clone in js? (I don't know where to start, but I am not an idiot at the same time :P ) - I figure a solid plan and a few weeks and we can put something together that is not terrible.
expand from there
I added the "not an idiot" because I'm not asking for a 'partner' or anything. :P
like we've seen in here before
just some dudes making some cool shit :P
no one? thats cool. it's a lot of work.
bleh I would man
but then I would be not working on games I want to
I tell myself, oh tomorrow ill work on my foodfight clone
and then I dont :P
Chrome I hate you
How the fuck did you mess with my alsa-mixer settings?!
Just spent 15 minutes trying to figure out why I had no sound coming out of my earhpones
that is pretty crazy @IvoWetzel
more like a harware pb
And of course, all of Ubuntu's control panels showed stuff being active and making noise
@Loktar because I don't just want to use code ...
      // generate
      this.points = [];

      var displacement = options.displacement || 140,
          power = Math.pow(2, Math.ceil(Math.log(width) / (Math.log(2))));

      // set the start height and end height for the terrain
      this.points[0] = this.mHeight;//(this.mHeight - (Math.random() * this.mHeight / 2)) - displacement;
      this.points[power] = this.points[0];

      // create the rest of the points
      for (var i = 1; i < power; i *= 2) {
          for (var j = (power / i) / 2; j < power; j += power / i) {
^ where did you figure this out? tutorial? trial and error?
that link you sent me?
that site
did I just fuck it up :P
@Loktar Tried to watch a mp4 movie right inside chrome, after that I had no sound
the one I linked yesterday
i'll go back to it :P
take a line, cut it in half
avg that point with the 2 anchors
i was doing point by point. I think that was my problem.
now youll have 2 lines, and 3 points
cut those 2 in half, do the same, rinse repeat
the displacement is there for the bit of random variation
and the displacement controls howw much total deviation it can have
so like a displacement value 160 means it cant go higher than 160 pixels from the first point essentially
so you only move up?
from the start position*
it goes down and up
so 160 total I guess
i'll go re-read that site till I fully get it
yeah that was the best tutorial I found on it
theres not too many tbh
I didn't read the entire thing, just the top and felt like I could just figure it out :P
got cocky
eh yours was pretty close
in yours all you needed to do I think was make point 1 == the last point
and you wouldnt have that cut or whatever when it scrolls
I tried. but because I could never really get the 'jitter' right and it was nothing or big spikes, I blur then metaball it
I cheat
oh yeah thats what the displacement val is for
so like a displacement value of 5 would give you a more rolling effect
since the max deviation is so small
Q: FormData wrapper

Hiro ProtagonistBecause you can not easily inspect a Form Data Object using console.log or similar, and it is based on key/value pairs. I wanted to wrap it in something that would store the key value pairs, so they would be consolidated in to one place. Here is a start: /**************************************...

and I don't generate points on the fly, I generate full canvases each time the previous runs out
that was also just being lazy.
I dont gen on the fly either
it would seem that would be the best way tho?
I do it all at once
so which is better?
that would be cool, but I havent tried on the fly, since the way diamond square works you start at the edges and work your way in
I suppose it doesn't matter as long as it doesn't lag.
perlin you can for sure
you could do whole chunks on the fly I suppose
and then just append them
yea, like 1/8th canvas
Id prob do the whole width at a time
I think itd look more natural
fuck I hate this project
everything is just wrong
ok, well at least I know if I do it right it won't lag. yours doesn't
then just make the new terrain start with a seeded value of the prev terrains last point
so it matches up seamlessly
yea, that is what I tried to do.. but again.. i fucked it up
if you look at my code I run +2 spots ahead in the loop
well lol yours ended up looking cool anyway besides that one point
and so I take the -2 spot behind?
yours isnt on the fly right?
let me look at yours real quick
generate binary perlin noise (black/white), then sort each column of pixels, fill the bottom part, random terrain!
var i = 0;
for (; i < this.points.length - 2; i += 2) {
	var from = this.points[i + 1],
		to = this.points[i + 2];
	this.context.quadraticCurveTo(from.x, from.y, to.x, to.y);
anyways, hometime xoxo
see ya @Shmiddty
@Loktar this is drawing the lines
var frame1 = new Frame(width, height, height - 200);
var frame2 = new Frame(width, height, frame1.points[frame1.points.length-2].y);
var xpos = 0;
function run() {
	context.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
	context.drawImage(frame1.canvas, --xpos, 0);
	context.drawImage(frame2.canvas, xpos+width, 0);
	if( xpos+width === 0 ) {
		frame1 = frame2;
		frame2 = new Frame(width, height, frame1.points[frame1.points.length-2].y);
		xpos = 0;
@CapricaSix Hey babe
^ relevant code for the reset and the initial generation (which for the most part seems ok?)
I got something real special for you
@rlemon Thanks bro
 this.points[0].y = this.points[this.points.length-1].y;
that didnt fix it like I thought so its in the drawing
I think I know whats happening
but im not sure.. looks more
I think I fixed it?
it's better tho..
it might be due to using quadriatic curve
I cheat in mine
all I do is shift the array points around
so it draws the whole thing as a solid shape
ok so a frame is a whole section of terrain?
@RobW are you still here?
@RobW Regarding your answer, IE11 still throws a SecurityException from Blob URIs
oook I understand now
yea i'm no closer... codepen.io/rlemon/pen/eHayp
hmm canvas
If I were good with them, I'd use them to visualize financial ticks and bars
ok so yeah its the framing thing
and quadriatic curve basically
what I would do is maybe have another "drawing" array
and thats just 0 through width
and you populate it each update with frame 1 and 2, whatever portions need to be drawn
i'm going to play around with it, I changed to just lineTo and still not lining up
so itll be drawn all in one go
codepen.io/rlemon/pen/eHayp yea, the shadow isn't being applied
if you remove the metaball effect it is obvious
its because they are diff paths
you need to make them all one path
its basically drawing 2 shapes each time, frame 1 and 2
I see where you are going
I think I can do that
say for instance on the scroll 33% of frame1 is showing, and 66% of frame 2, youd have an array that like 0-33 would be frame 1's vals, and 34-100 would be frame 2s then youd draw that array as a full shape
yea the 'frames' shouldn't be canvases, they should just be arrays
I like how you're doing it otherwise, smart idea
I didnt realize it was genning more on the fly
i'm a misguided soul :P
eager. but misguided. :P
not by you :P, by other interwbz
@cx we are working on that right now
!!/nudge 5 "fish food"
@rlemon Nudge registered.
@rlemon nudge fish food
I'm curious of how DB's are structured in webapps. Is it 1 table per user or is it usually organized by the type of asset?
Definitely not one table per user
And a lot of web apps are moving away from traditional RDBMS to key-value store (which makes more sense for people who want a table per user)
@crowder thanks
See redis or membase (couchbase, couchdb) for more info
@crowder But what is mongo for then?
psh, yeah not one table.
One field comma delimited dude
per user.
Mongo's another NoSQL db, same philosophy
:P I've seen that on some corporate apps.... done with access....

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