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eh, 8 gigs is even getting close to too little
I don't want an SSD, 6GB RAM is more than enough, and I don't really care about the IPS
6GB is less than just enough
but it is not running windows... hrm.
For a laptop I'll mostly be coding on?
no gaming ever?
I have desky for gaming.
I'll never leave desky.
no doing 80 things at once like a programmer normally does?
@Zirak SSD is a must, it's a big difference between slow and fast
And it's running on 20% (out of 8GB) with shittons of things open.
I'm just saying, I had a system with 4GB (running win7 tho) and i was at full usage with like two things open
VS + Thunderbird + Chrome and I was out of memory :/
I don't consume a lot of RAM. awesome takes very little, emacs takes very little, the most expensive things I have are Chrome and Firefox.
Yeah, for anything professional, SSD is a must have. Though it might be better for you to get an aftermarket one
and I don't count thunderbird... it's a mail client
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't really care.
Chrome is a memory hog.
very much so
@Zirak Yeah you really really do. I checked. If you don't get an SSD you'll end up eaten by a flumbersnapper.
@Zirak I do advocate SSD for all systems
free RAM also speeds up your system, smart OS's can cache what they think you'll do next.
@Zirak SSD is crucial , also, no swap.
SSD and at least 8GB of ram is my weigh in, but you are running linux and no games + no IDE so 6GB may get you by
Why no swap?
wouldn't get me by tho
SSD is a must have for power users
@copy Swap is pointless with an SSD
SSD is just a must have if you don't like to wait
At least with a reasonable amount of RAM
No, I refuse. I'm not running on an SSD, and my file operations never bothered me.
Get a SSD, and at least 8 GB of RAM
You're forgetting that we're using different things
Then create a tmpfs in your RAM for /tmp
@Zirak waiting for my HDD to spin up to get file is painful after 2+ years of using SSDs
@Zirak Also, SSDs get murdered by swap
idk, for any application (like I mention above) I recommend a SSD. no moving parts > moving parts
I have a 500GB HDD. 400GB are the windows partition, 100GB linux partition. I'm quite content.
I have 8GB memory. I only ever got close to the 6GB when running the bot on FF and playing Planetside.
$ / performance means you still need a HDD yes, but SSD is just so nice and not that $$ anymore
if they are for you I can ship you a 256gb for < $100
@Zirak You still play Planetside?
I've played games while compiling while watching a movie and my computer didn't blink. I'll be fine with 6gb ram.
@Zirak Imagine everything loading instantly, imagine no loading screens at all.
@BenjaminGruenbaum How so? Swap is used when the memory is full, an SSD is perfect to use as a swap
anywho - 5pm, i'll be back in a little.
@riemon What a 256GB SSD for < $100??
@SomeKittens Not lately, not enough time and bandwith (it really, really started being laggy once enough people are in)
I can often get OCZ Vertex4 / Agility4 for < $100
@BenjaminGruenbaum That sounds a lot like the present
local stores have nice deals
@BenjaminGruenbaum Do you mean it's useless if you have 16GB ram?
@copy You don't need to cache nearly as much in the RAM (or swap if the ram is full) since the disk is fast enough for most purposes
@copy SSDs still have a limited number of writes
OCZ has a bad image imo
Also that ^*2
My first one was an OCZ and it was unreliable
@RobW yea, but I've had 5 of their drives and never a problem.
my take on scrolling terrain :P
@Zirak No, not really, when I say instant I mean instant.
I had problems with one Intel.
@SomeKittens Swap is many small writes
I think it's luck of the draw?
idk, home time.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Dude...again, we're doing different things. My usual routine is writing on emacs and on a terminal. I sometimes don't even start X
So I really don't care
Hey is anyone in here fimiliar with TypeScript?
Not me
@Zirak So buy a lighter computer with more battery and a better screen.
@RobW I've got an OCZ no problems
@BenjaminGruenbaum But programs aren't written like that, the OS needs a space to put data if memory full (which might only be happen if your ram is small)
So I and my brother just had bad luck?
Both of us got an OCZ, and both died
How long ago?
Does anybody here understand this:
I can click on the image but not on the object .. Why ?
Last year (15-18months?)
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm also mostly around a power supply, max 1 hour on the road so battery and weight isn't the real issue.
Why are you fervently trying to keep me away from buying the Gazelle?
@Zirak Why get a computer with a bad screen, that's heavy and clunky and isn't particularly cheap when there are better alternatives?
@Kasper You've got two elements with the same id. Could that be causing your problem?
Eventually, you'll get whatever you want, however if is my opinion that you'll find no comfort in the Gazelle.
@BenjaminGruenbaum For instance (has to play nice with linux)?
@Zirak The Dell, or the UX31A
@Kasper Not sure, but probably because it's an <object>. Usually <object> and <embed> embed objects which are handled by an external plug-in, outside the reach of the browser.
> Nearly everything works out of the box with Ubuntu 13.04. Correct behavior of the display brightness keys (Fn-F5, Fn-F6) could be enabled as described below.
@BenjaminGruenbaum The dell has worse specs than the gazelle at a higher price, and the UX31A has a much higher price, and I don't know about its linux-friendliness.
@Zirak The Asus runs Ubuntu like a charm from personal experience, it also has a lower price tag of ~1000$ including shipping in taxes.
@SomeKittens I changed the names, but still same problem http://jsfiddle.net/fbUPa/3/
@RobW Hm.. So there is no way I can click on this object ?
Well if anyone is interested in answering a typescript question:
@Kasper Oh, yes
I managed to click it with vanilla JavaScript (=no jQuery)
@BenjaminGruenbaum I probably won't be running ubuntu, and where did you find that price?
aw, it has UEFI
But the arch wiki says it could run fine
Hey guys!
@Kasper As a side note, you can embed SVG in HTML in modern browsers.
@RobW hm.. I'll look at that, thanks
@MikeNolan how are things at Edge Hill University?
It also has a 13.3'' screen instead of a 15.6''. You liez to me, @BenjaminGruenbaum
I have a simple regex like this: [0-9 ,] I'm wondering how I can specify the max number of digits while allowing ` ` and , between them.
@Zirak It has an ultra awesome 1080p display
any ideas?
@Shmiddty I think you got the wrong guy, I don't go to that school
But all that lost realestate.
@SomeKittens Is that windows-specific? Never heard of it
@Parris /^([0-9][, ]*){1,99}$/ for max 99 digits
ahh cool
@Zirak Pixels matter more than actual size, the keyboard is very reasonable too
@copy It's been around since Vista: codinghorror.com/blog/2006/09/…
Hey, that band rocks.
because you're in it?
my terrain was featured
I gotta admit that shit does look nice
@SomeKittens Not bad
@SomeKittens btw, How are you doing?
@copy It's a neat idea, and a great excuse for having incredible amounts of RAM.
someone, please stop me from strangling one of my project managers
@Kasper Have we met?
@nderscore Don't think of it as murder. Think of it as helping the economy by opening a new position.
How is it a good idea for him to write a complex analytics integration script from scratch on his own and publish it to a client's site without getting anyone to review his code... the horrors....
@Shmiddty Doe the guy in that band look like me?
@SomeKittens Hm.. I thought I remembered your avatar. Didn't we talk about textbookrad and my experiment about making a online textbook with annotations 2 days ago ?
you look like a lemon
@Kasper RIGHT! That was it. Hi!
haha, so how are you doing ?
textbooktrad.es status: Waiting for internet at my apartment so I can develop on my personal machine (Current laptop is work-owned so I can't do personal business-type stuff)
I'm installing windows 8.1 with IE 11. If anyone wants me to try things in IE11 let me know.
I should do that too
Ill install it in a vm tonight I think. So cool that IE11 supports webgl
@Loktar You have a license?
I thought it was the rc vs
I have win 8 though
@Loktar You need an msdn subscriber download account.
so ill get the free upgrade whenever it comes out
@BenjaminGruenbaum ill just torrent dat shiz :P
actually I wont, not worth the effort, let me know how it is
@Loktar $5 says it will be buggy as fuck (WebGL)
@SomeKittens ah okay I see
@phenomnomnominal probably.. but this is a historic moment
MS using opengl instead of DX
@BenjaminGruenbaum Did you have to sign a NDA in order to get access to IE11?
@RobW No, the company I work for works with Microsoft. I don't have any NDA signed and I can disclose anything you ask for.
What Harmony features does it support?
@SomeKittens Can I ask you some advice ?
@Kasper sure, though I can't claim to be an expert.
@RobW You ask me to run code, I run it, right now it's doing :
That fish got nicier
that fish is cool
The Win8 RP fish was not as colorful
How much RAM did you dedicate to the VM?
Well, this website I'm making is my first real programming project. I learned almost anything I know about html/css/php/jquery just because I wanted my idea to work. If I look now at my code, it's just one big mess, and most I don't really understand. I just try 100 times, and the 101 time, it suddenly works.

I'm thinking about, should I go on like this, and just learn it this way Or should I pause the project , and take some time to really learn some languages first. And then making something more sophisticated.
If you've got time, start from scratch with a fresh mind.
@RobW chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/32525/… (if you're interested)
@BenjaminGruenbaum can you post things to twitter about IE11 for me?
#IE11 is a prime number!
for IE11?
Wow, 8 GB for a single VM?
For W8.1
VM = Virtual machine btw
that's... small
@Shmiddty 8 GB RAM
60 gigs of storage, that should do
!!> Math.sqrt(-1) * (Math.pow(10, 11))
@SomeKittens "SyntaxError: missing ) in parenthetical"
my dev VM has 6 gigs of ram allocated to it. my server VMs have about 2, generally
@SomeKittens "NaN"
iE11 (scientific notation)
huh, did not know that str.replace can take a function.
comes in handy for golfing sometimes
yeah i bet
guess what it does
In node --harmony?
Without moz/es6 extensions it would throw a syntax error
syntax error, where do you define a?
do you mean readline(a=0)?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Function argument :p
@Shmiddty Show the first of each letter.
Though I can't get it to actually run here
technically correct
@BenjaminGruenbaum Use Firefox
@Shmiddty "undefined" Logged: "bangrm"
@BenjaminGruenbaum What's that text to the right?
oh, The Raven
Apparently windows imports settings across computers
@BenjaminGruenbaum does the taskbar start on the right? or are you just silly?
@Shmiddty Imports default settings, I have a 3 monitors in my normal set up
Windows imports the monitor count as a setting? Makes sense ...
IE11 looks a lot like IE9
too much shit around the edges
@Shmiddty IE10 looks like IE9, IE11 looks like IE10. Looks like a step in the right direction.
At least no-one is surprised that Firefox 22 looks like Firefox 20

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