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"Make sure this file is writable" - What permissions?
@BillyMathews Writable to whom?
I don't know
Holy fuckin shit! What the hell is Billy talking about now??
it's for a WP plugin to modify wp-config.php
This is absolutely ridiculous.
that's kinda my question :p
user, group or world?
A: 'chmod u+x' versus 'chmod +x'

Octavian DamieanThe man page of chmod covers that. u stands for user. g stands for group. o stands for others. a stands for all. That means that chmod u+x somefile will grant only the owner of that file execution permissions whereas chmod +x somefile is the same as chmod a+x somefile. The chmod man page sa...

@JosiahSouth You're ridiculous
My head can't take this.
@OctavianDamiean ^
@deep start with understanding the relationship between the different parts of an HTML document.
JS and CSS should come next.
@BillyMathews I asked what's going on. I was going to help... You have a compromised server right? That's my field.
"The relationship"?
paste.ubuntu.com/5645417 this should work
you were also using VERY old standards and attributes / tags
@deep Yeah?
@deep They work together....
@BillyMathews A brief chmod explanation.
it almost appears like you were following a tutorial from 1999 :P
w3schools -.-
@deep Never go there again.
rlemon, which were the worst?
@JosiahSouth I shall Repent My sins
they are bad now because we've evolved the web
@deep W3Schools is a joke. It's horribly backwards. We really need to find a way to get rid of it once and for all so this kind of thing stops happening.
@BillyMathews If you can't remember the numerical notation of chmod then you can use the r, w and x flags.
@JosiahSouth Sounds Good.
I really don't understand why people insist on flooring randomly generated indexes rather than rounding. You'll never get that last index unless you hit it right on the nose.
Well thats annoying.
@OctavianDamiean I have a wp plugin, and it want's to be able to write a file on my server, I just don't know if it is group user or world
and @rlemon, what did you chnge out of interest?
@BillyMathews Set it to writable for all then.
I've said it once and i'll say it again. W3Schools is only bad because of their flaky information. about 70% of what they offer is good, but as a "newbie" you are locked into the belief that it all has to be good and you learn it all. and they are not fixing their false information or bad practices.
so you learn 30% of bad stuff assuming it is good stuff.
as a teaching facility this should all be good information
chmod +w file
@BillyMathews ^
@rlemon That looks excelent :) Thanks
Im assuming i can change controls to WASD ?
what do i search for to find the list of numbers?
1) added DOCTYPE
2) moved all js to the end of the </body>
3) moved all css to the <head>
4) removed invalid HTML attributes
5) cleaned up a few other tags.
@rlemon I don't like how they pretended to be related to w3c.
They even marketed that.
which bit made it work? and Thanks again
@deep I just open the console and test it
And the codes?
@deep the main issue was you had my js code BEFORE the <img>
Hi. I have a doubt. should I write the ajax calls in the head section? is there any advantage or disadvantage in performance ?
Herpety derp.
@Rohith None whatsoever.
Why didn't i think of that? its obvious now.
remember HTML documents are parsed top to bottom... if you have a line of js code being evaluated before the parser has seen the element it cannot be found
Will do.]#
anyone know any good open source text effect plugins?.. I want to make a password guessing effect kinda like the one at the end of the movie war games where the computer tries to guess the password to fire the nukes..
you can use typesetting.js and write your own cool effects with css animations
I don't know what that effect would look like
Me neither.
@rlemon this might work, thanks :D
@rlemon Hahaha. The "SIMPLY BLUE" example raped Safari...
@Rohith head is loaded first, and the parser waits for everything to be loaded and parsed before it moves on to the body - the body on the otherhand loads top to bottom in the order it is seen and downloaded. so like Octavian said the performance of the AJAX call itself is not changed, but if you have large blocks of js code in the head that are being called by a DOM event then there is no point making the client wait to parse that code before the DOM
@JosiahSouth blame @OctavianDamiean he wrote that demo
Actually, blame Apple, it is their crappy browser.
@OctavianDamiean Thanks. Are there any types of permission for SQL Databases?
<!DOCTYPE html>
... all style information
... polyfills libraries and shims
.. content
.. all javascript that interacts with DOM elements.. i.e. the app code
^ my general structure
@BillyMathews Those are to be defined within your database I guess. I'm not an SQL guy.
I'm the NoSQL guy.
I keep getting "Uncaught ReferenceError: rgb is not defined"
@KirKill Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@OctavianDamiean Me, too :/
@BillyMathews You're into NoSQL?
I don't know why it isn't working
@DemCodeLines what is the issue?
@DemCodeLines So you join the chat, post an error message and expect us to know? :D
I'm going to guess. the variable rgb is undefined... where do I collect my prize
out of interest, what would happen if i told the bot to do a while (true)
!!> while(true)
the bot executes in a webworker and kills after like 30 secs
@SomeKittens "SyntaxError: syntax error"
!!> while(1){}
@rlemon Maximum execution time exceeded
^ that
Anyway, the bot ruled that it is ktor2 time. BAI o/
The page background color is passed from the previous form and stored in a php variable. That variable is used to set the next (current page) page's background to what was selected from the previous form. I also have a javascript variable
PLease someone help me quickly with an SQL query?
The JS variable holds that same color information and I use setAttribute to style a specific part of the div
SELECT * FROM users WHERE clue > 0
# zero rows returned.
@OctavianDamiean I thought that was a joke "I'm a No SQL guy"
> I use setAttribute to style a specific part of the div
Except, I am trying to change the background of that div to the background of the page, which is stored in the JS variable
already you are doing it wrong.
@rlemon very funny
	var elem = document.getElementsByClassName("myTag")[0];
	var backgroundColor = <?php echo $backgroundColor; ?>;
	elem.setAttribute("style","background: none repeat scroll 0 0 "+backgroundColor+";border: 1px solid #A5D24A;border-radius: 3px 3px 3px 3px;color: #638421;display: block;float: left;font-family: helvetica;font-size: 13px;margin-bottom:5px;margin-right:5px;padding: 6px 5px 5px 5px;text-decoration: none;	vertical-align: middle;line-height: 18px;height:18px;-moz-transition: border 0.2s linear 0s, box-shadow 0.2s linear 0s;box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075) inse
div.style.backgroundColor = window.getComputedStyle(document.body).backgroundColor;
@BillyMathews for what?
to do what?
I need to change table prefix. all tables begin with wp_ and I want to replace with rjrdk_
> elem.setAttribute("style","background: none repeat scroll 0 0 "+backgroundColor+";border: 1px solid #A5D24A;border-radius: 3px 3px 3px 3px;color: #638421;display: block;float: left;font-family: helvetica;font-size: 13px;margin-bottom:5px;margin-right:5px;padding: 6px 5px 5px 5px;text-decoration: none; vertical-align: middle;line-height: 18px;height:18px;-moz-transition: border 0.2s linear 0s, box-shadow 0.2s linear 0s;box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075) inset;");
must be a rename kinda command?
@BillyMathews Nuhuu, it wasn't. NoSQL is a real term. :)
today is just annoying me
@KendallFrey How so? 5.56 USD is (was) 3.59 pounds
@rlemon dat is one sexy codepen
Im on Navicat for windows
ALTER TABLE table RENAME TO prefix_table;
Loktar, that will rename one table?
ALTER TABLE clients RENAME TO assholes
I have a lot of tables and about 1 minute
@rlemon If I use your code, wouldn't that overwrite all the other styling stuff that I put?
no, it just sets the style rule
your code over-writes it all
@loktar ^
and it doesn't so much over-write it. inline has higher specificity
^ super quick google...
> rename multiple tables mysql
/me assumes you're using mysql
V that guy is a troll
regardless its the same thing. Make a script to pull all the tables back, loop through and alter the names
@Shmiddty who?
loktar, apparently
@loktar THANKS D:
np @BillyMathews
How the fuck am I trolling?
^ ^ v v < < > > b a
@rlemon Sizzle is awesome :D
I just helped the guy
calm down
Instead of saying "IDK DOOD GO FIND OUT BWHAHA"
I'm falling into darkness...
Seems people don't know what a troll is. Too many young internet users.
@TheSnooker eh, i'm not a huge fan
@Loktar don't worry, you're still the most handsome
@FlorianMargaine Dont do it man!
it doesn't offer me anything QSA does not
@Zirak Maybe it has something to do with "5.56$"
I was using V as a down arrow
AH lol, well You said me apparently
I was just like wtf..
@Shmiddty That's wrong.
OMG!!! OMGOMGOMGOMG!! Starship Troopers at 23:05!! (ノ^_^)ノ
V has a tiny amygdala
^ ^ v v < > < > b a
@KendallFrey No, <unit><number> is a stupid notation.
@Loktar he did. because you were the next message
@FlorianMargaine yeah but now I understand :P
I will have to make it of Loktar
Befitting of Americans, of course
then it will be Loktroll
@KendallFrey dmnt
@Zirak Only because your bot doesn't support it.
I dont want to come to the room if its considered trolling to help people :P
loktar is obv an orc
he knows what a troll is
Orcs and trolls are close enough
Whaa? Not even man
trolls and goblins... eh .. not so much
trolls are kinda like orcs that smoke a lot of weed
And weak
Trolls are weak as hell
(in the WoWniverse)
in middle earth trolls are stronger than orcs, just less organized. :/
same with Harry potter
@Loktar U JELLY BRO? :D
@rlemon yeah good point. I was sticking with the WC universe
obviously nobody has seen Troll Hunter, or they wouldn't be taking trolls so lightly.
I know nothing of this WoW universe you speak.
Ok I have been trying with no luck all day yesterday and today to do a simple hide div and show on form errors
@Shmiddty isnt that movie CRAZY long?
@Shmiddty Trolls are nothing to take lightly
@OctavianDamiean I hope you're peanut butter, because Im SO JELLY
@Loktar I don't remember. But that movie is awesome.
and i'm the bread! hope on in boy!
They are gigantic and dangerous
What's the lightest part of your body?
@KendallFrey tongue?
@KendallFrey Clavicle.
only 103 minutes
@KendallFrey eyelashes
short, actually
A hair.
@Shmiddty ah maybe its not the movie Im thinking. Is it a foreign film?
Your penis, because it only takes a thought to lift it.
!!/imdb Troll Hunter
@Shmiddty Command imdb does not exist.
@KendallFrey I was going to say my penis.. but refrained
eh, actually it takes a lot of blood and energy to become erect.
@mikedidthis It was awesome
@rlemon "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'style' of undefined."
Yeah thats the movie I was thinking
I watched the trailer seemed meh
Maybe ill check it out
@rlemon Energy? All my energy goes into after it's up.
@DemCodeLines then the element is not defined.
I can't lift my penis with a thought. Unless it's a really dirty thought, which takes some creative willpower on my part.
I literally used exactly what you gave me @rlemon
	var elem = document.getElementsByClassName("myTag")[0];
	elem.style.backgroundColor = window.getComputedStyle(document.body).backgroundColor;
Here is my script I have so far and now I just need to make #errorbox hidden and show on form errors
@Shmiddty yeah, I thought it was well worth the watch
@ShotgunNinja You think to move your hand, do you not?
talk tomorrow guys im off home
@mikedidthis i fixed my issue if you didn't see hee
the element is not picked up
damn... I'm at my mom's for the week end
console.log (elem) it will be undefined
god her internet connection is slow
see ya @BillyMathews
@Shmiddty No, I flex my muscles. Different level of abstraction.
I can flex my ....
@benlevywebdesign get a goat.
@ShotgunNinja Your brain controls all the things
@KevinMurphy I missed it. Sorry, dinner time and kids bed time.
haha no thanks
@mikedidthis no worries :)
I seriously lack the ability to type today.
> Cannot call 'X' of undefined <- means the element you are trying to set 'x' on it undefined :P
I'm impressed you can type with your penis at all!
@Loktar Thanks
(cause fucking, type)
@Shmiddty Oh yeah? Does a piece of software or a computer lift heavy machinery, or do the attached electronics and mechanical actuators?
hungry lunch food time eat eat brains
@Shmiddty ;) It has taken many years and many messy keyboards to get right.
so idk what to do now
@ShotgunNinja So you are saying that you're a mechanical device?
anyways, lunch foreal
@Loktar I seriously dream about code..
@Loktar Again?
17 when he finishes his masters
@Shmiddty Yep. Electromechanical, to be precise. I just have a decent head of wetware and autonomous central nervous system managing it.
finally a good indian
idk about 'in code'
@KendallFrey ah someone posted it? It was randomly recommended by google
He sounds weird
Someone posted it in chat not too long ago. And I saw it long before that.
Like the way he talks I mean, sounds different
Well, he's not... how to put this nicely...
@FlorianMargaine Ahem.
@KendallFrey he sounds like hes partially mentally handicapped
@AmaanCheval I was expecting some reaction :D
but.. hes crazy smart
I'm just going to forget about now then
Must be autistic.
does anyone else dream about code?
not so much 'in code' just dream about your own software
I dream about layouts, if that's even a thing.
@rlemon That is even worse in Safari.
Safari sucks though.
my gf makes fun of me for it. I'll wake up at 3-4am some nights and pull out my phone jot down some notes about some code.
@rlemon nope :(
@JosiahSouth it's not my fault you browse it in a sub-par browser
@rlemon I think about it when falling asleep... but that's it. I don't remember any of my dream, if I make any
@Loktar eh, but you just 'get it' more often than I do
@rlemon I don't normally. Our standard at work is Safari, though.
@rlemon hah whatever you give me too much credit
@rlemon Oh sure.
@rlemon I used to do that. I ended up getting stuck at a terrible job that didn't appreciate me, and now I don't do that anymore.
Im jealous of your large amt of projects.
I wake up with the solution to my logic problems all the time.
it's mostly my ADHD
I have like 30 90% complete projects right now :P
@ShotgunNinja then change your job
@rlemon See, I have ADD, but I got taken off of Adderall, and now all I want to do is sleep all the time.
I'm the guy that has a song running through his head all night and into the next morning.
Come to work the next day and I have it all figured out... Boss man asks me if I've been working from home, I say "No, I woke up at 4am this morning and new what to do."
when I was a kid I smoked a lot of pot to deal with it, as I got older I got less hyper so the ADD aspect is more manageable without any prescription or illegal drugs.
@JosiahSouth this is me all the freaking time
@FlorianMargaine Working on it. I'm doing e-commerce web development (blegh) but I'm also working on a game project with some guys I know.
the only dreams I remember are about code.
or about technical problems where in my dream a solution was found
I have ADHD... I enjoy it. I feel like I notice more tiny details because of it.
I never think about work outside work, if I can help it.
I have lots of apocalyptic related dreams
wake up shaking.
lol hate them the most
@ShotgunNinja magento?
^ too much Zombie shit man
@FlorianMargaine Custom stuff.
Java/Struts related.
@rlemon yeah probably
I hate Java so goddamn much.
@rlemon dude did you see the other day how my zombie obsession is paying off
I've never taken any medication for it because I simply don't want to. As a kid my parents tried to get me to take something once when I was about 14. I ran off and came home a few days later and told them I don't want any drugs. They grounded me for the only time in my life, but I never heard anything else about the drugs.
My earliest dream (also re-occurring dream) was me being chased by giant strands of DNA around my house. I was pretty into genetics at the time (thankyou XMen)
@Loktar ohh I know it's paying off. :P
an enterprise license is fucking 8kEUR/y
^ I got into the walking dead comics when they first came out
/me doesnt really read comics
now they are selling for decent amts
@rlemon My earliest dream that I remember was me on a roller coaster.
That ones up to $150 already, Im sure itll pass $200 when the auction ends
@KendallFrey I've had recurring dreams about rollercoasters.
I was like eff yeah, I can sell all these!
I had dreams about tornadoes for a while.
the only recurring nightmare I've ever had was in a circus, I had to walk down the stairs, I helped an old man, and he fell, and he died
After a tornado went through near us.
Usually around a big turning point in my life. Parents' divorce, start of middle school, robotics competitions, etc.
and it repeated over and over again
Freudian interpretations be damned.
damn I hate the slow internet connection here
I had a dream about riding a motorcycle on a roller coaster track once.
and damn, emscripten is interesting...
my only re-occurring dreams were about the DNA - one was me walking in a field with snakes and they kept biting my legs and I was beating them off with a stick, but at no point would roll my pant legs down :? then there was one where I'm driving on a long ass bridge and the wind sucks me out of my seat and I start falling to the water below - always wake up before I hit
basically if it's not one of these or about code - it might have happened... but I never remember them
I gotta do some actual work today. Later guys.
They say if you don't wake up before you land, you die.
how can you make the BG of an image see through?
@Zirak might want to be pinged, to collect data about recurring dreams of the room's members
@KendallFrey in that dream I am me, but not. I see me from a 3rd person perspective.. but I am terrified as if it were me actually falling
@deep Make the image less opaque?
Ever notice an Inception-esque slow motion effect when you get close to landing?
@rlemon Yeah, that's how my roller coaster dream was.
I saw myself (a kid at the time) standing up and crying.
the chasing dream I am for sure me.. the snake dream as well.. maybe just falling dreams you see yourself falling as opposed to falling yourself.
Yea, not that won't work like that.
can you have multiple settimerout's in the same script?
gonna be hard to have settimerout
@deep Command newcommands does not exist.
lol setTimeout();
@FlorianMargaine I ignored the typo
@rlemon the room name says it all :P
@deep help, listen, eval, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, purgecommands, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, awsm, beautify, convert, define, get, google, hang, inhistory, karma, learn, 420, 5318008, bewbs, i_am_a_robot, aliens, ym, format, 3point14, camel, ihatelanadelrey, fa, vk1, vk2, rlhd, popcap, knock, say, heybuddy, codesnotwork, lick (page 0/3)
Florian is a douche
@KendallFrey Command purge does not exist. Did you mean: parse, nudge
@KendallFrey The deed has been done.
oh lol you were serious
@KendallFrey help, listen, eval, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, purgecommands, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, awsm, beautify, convert, define, get, google, hang, inhistory, karma, learn, mustache, nudge, spec, stat, timer, todo, undo, weather, welcome, youtube (page 0/0)
new commands should be invented
My god, it actually did it.
@KendallFrey WHAT DID YOU DO!?
yea you just killed months of user submitted commands
What did you do!
There were like 5 games by Lawm (i think)
I had like 30 commands in there...
Great job, dickbutt.
not cool.. not cool at all.
DUUUUUUUUUUHAUAHAJLFHDSLJöfhdljdsfhslkajfhsaghfklasjdh sdj2h935939zt3t2´+75ddgsf DE!
Maybe purgecommands should not be a command.
!!/ban KendallFrey
@ShotgunNinja I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Shotgun Ninja
@deep Registered; need 0 more to execute
idk if you can ban Kendall
he is owner
@ShotgunNinja help, listen, eval, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, purgecommands, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, awsm, beautify, convert, define, get, google, hang, inhistory, karma, learn, mustache, nudge, spec, stat, timer, todo, undo, weather, welcome, youtube (page 0/0)
!!/ban KendallFrey
@rlemon Cannot mindjail owner KendallFrey.
... @SOChatBot but but but he's an ass!
!!/nudge KendallFrey
@ShotgunNinja Many things can be labeled Not a Number; a delay should not be one of them.
!!/forget purgecommands
@KendallFrey You are not authorized to delete the command purgecommands
  |   |

ugh. @Zirak do you by chance have a copy of the localStorage for the old commands Kendall just nuked
!!/hang c
  |   |
  |   |
  |   O
c, o
!!/hang KendallFrey
!!/hang d
You killed the bot, I take it?
Does the bot keep backups of previously-learned commands?
@KendallFrey Repents and you may yet live
I can't imagine you don't have a log of those somewhere on some system.
!!/hang s
@OctavianDamiean Did you check it out
I won't do it again.
If purgecommands is removed.
I just saw the worst JavaScript code in my life in an interview :(
Did he really fucking delete all the commands?!?!
@BenjaminGruenbaum dont tell them all about our interview sheesh :(
@JosiahSouth Only the lame ones.
Only the good ones....
So @rlemon what was I doing wrong?
This is why kids shouldn't be given root access
@KendallFrey Lame by your definition. You don't speak for all of us.
Guy imports jQuery, just for kicks, uses DOM methods where jQuery methods would have saved him time and jQuery methods afterwards for no reason, puts all his handlers on the dom like onmousemove= , all the css embedded and no methods except for ones he had to create for embedding the js in the html
@rlemon My whole point.
He used a table to design the thing instead of proper css
@Kendall you are hereby hated until tomorrow
@KendallFrey Can I get on your website and delete all the scripts/pages I think are lame?
@BenjaminGruenbaum ouch...
He used a table to design the thing instead of proper css
@JosiahSouth If you can get access, sure.
Dude with 3 lines of code... I would say your problem is lack of bananas
@BenjaminGruenbaum Gotcha.
I mean that.
@rlemon it said element could not be found
@ShotgunNinja Perhaps you didn't hear me right.... :/
when I declared right on top of it
@KendallFrey I'm asking you for access so I can assert my opinion on other people.
You'll get a bigger audience here.
@KendallFrey If that's a challenge... I need an address.

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