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hmm.. so the cricket fever is ON on SO too.. :D
@AbhishekHingnikar Change ur DP please!! :P
@JuzzCoding Eeeeeeeee..... :-)
@CJRamki -_-
@JuzzCoding Why you suggest Abhishek to change his DP...? It's looking good...
@CJRamki coz my bhai looks much better than that!! :P
@JuzzCoding hmmm.... K, @AbhishekHingnikar Note it... Please change your DP as she said...
@JuzzCoding "bhai" means brother or gangster?
@CJRamki You call my brother a gangster ?!!!?!!!!!
@JuzzCoding He is having soft face, then how can I call him as a gangster... I just make confirmation for the literal meaning of bhai
@cj if we start salute army , we will have salute daily
@web2students.com We should salute daily to them...
@CJRamki lol, though at times, he may behave as a mobster too :D
@Zirak Haha, Reddit's awesome
@JuzzCoding did you mean Member Of Criminal gang
@CJRamki with no offensive i say, i don't agree, sachin is great, we should salute army but it looks like you are against sachin like opposition party
@CJRamki nope.
opposite of bhai is bahan :P
@web2students.com No no, I like sachin so much... He is having his own biggest and unbeatable records... He is great in cricket world
@JuzzCoding Then what?
@web2students.com what does ur * bahan * mean ?? -_-
@CJRamki ahh.. leave ! :P
@JuzzCoding K dont get angry... ;-)
if you don't know hindi then leave it
it means sister
@web2students.com so that's behan and not bahan !!
@CJRamki :P
@JuzzCoding sorry, spelling mistake and browser is also responsible for it, it didn't suggest hindi spelling else i get red underline if spell is wrong
@web2students.com Eeeeeee..... :-)
@web2students.com and how can call you a sister as an opposite to a brother ? :
@JuzzCoding opposite in gender
anyway time over of office
i am going offline now
@JuzzCoding R u working or student?
@CJRamki @JuzzCoding why change my dp ?
@CJRamki A student!
@AbhishekHingnikar just change it!! :P
u got much better onez!!
this is not facebook
hell this place doesnt even have more then 5 girls i feel this place sucks !
u seem to be a kid in this pic!!!
for good photos ;-)
@JuzzCoding But he is looking good in DP
@JuzzCoding i am a kid
@CJRamki @AbhishekHingnikar NOOO!!!
@AbhishekHingnikar who said?!!
@AbhishekHingnikar Why u telling lie in between conversation...
@CJRamki hahha :D
@AbhishekHingnikar But u looking very gentle in that DP... That's superb...
What is the max/min number of socket that a port may have in Win / Linux ?
@JuzzCoding I think, the limit of sockets, is actually 32768 per IP in linux
@CJRamki isn't that the limit of ports per IP?
per protocol
@JanDvorak oh thanks for the info...
Q: HTML to JS Object

Kamran AhmedI am using handlebars to compile and get the html from the JS object. Is it possible to transform (html) back to JS object (using handlebars or anyother library)? To be more precise; Using handlebars, I have the following template: <tr> <td>{{qty}}</td> <td>{{rate}}</td> <td>{{gstPerc}}</td> <

it's still a lot. If someone tries to open 32k connections to my computer...
Anyone please..
Hello everyone
Q: HTML to JS Object

Kamran AhmedI am using handlebars to compile and get the html from the JS object. Is it possible to transform (html) back to JS object (using handlebars or anyother library)? To be more precise; Using handlebars, I have the following template: <tr> <td>{{qty}}</td> <td>{{rate}}</td> <td>{{gstPerc}}</td> <

Anyone please.
Good Noon to all
@JuzzCoding AbhishekHingnikar is gone... I think he is going to collect a pic for new DP
@CJRamki okay,
concerning Java, can a complete object be send to a server ??
or do we just send the fields to server?
Q: How to Add a .js file Only in one specific Page Dynamically to Head

BehseiniI need to add some scrips for Google Maps only in my contact page and I do not want to populate it on all pages. I am not willing to create a custom header as well so I was thinking is there any way to populate the js file only on contact page? currently I am using this code to add javascript t...

@JuzzCoding My office time is over... I'm going to leave... Happy holiday ;-) bye
@JuzzCoding What it means?
@CJRamki Bye
@JuzzCoding Really... but, google says some other results...
@JuzzCoding anyway, Cya! (Bye)
@CJRamki See Ya!
2 messages moved from PHP
@Loktar Are you there? :-)
Thanks to whoever invited me to the room ^_^
!!weather London
@Zirak London: 6.5C (279.65K), haze
@Shmiddty So it does work...
@Zirak Shmiddty is afk: vacation
I have made this game divyanshunegi.3owl.com/Slingshot , it works in chrome but in firefox it does not show anything
can anyone please help me in this
It doesn't appear to be working for me
@jandvorak it works in chrome only
with HTML5 enabled browsers
I can see a bucket, half a flame and the background
I do have Chrome
you can drag the flame
I still get a broken texture
OK... the flame is out of the screen. Now what?
@jandvorak broken texture of what ? is the sling not working ? you cant drag it ?
only half of the flame appears
yeah that is a design issue
the problem is it does not show anything in firefox
center within center? WAT?
The tag is deprecated in HTML5, I think
is that the issue ?
i removed it it still not working
I don't expect currentElement.style.setProperty("-webkit-box-shadow", currentElement_boxShadow); to do anything on firefox
also, why use setProperty instead of [...]=?
new Array() should be []
Since you're relying on canvas, why not assume classList is available as well?
damn, I'm reading the wrong file, sorry. This belongs to the authors of adblock
i just modified the code
yeah :o
thats why
now for you:
inline scripts cannot be cached. Use an external file
only in firefox ?
that's a performance fix, not a bugfix
ok i did that
but what about the issue
still haven't found the cause
please check this link faculty.purchase.edu/jeanine.meyer/html5/slingshot1.html they have the same code , it works in ff and chrome both , i am using the same code and it did not work in ff
i think its because of layerX , offsetX
@BenjaminGruenbaum any reason why i wanna use azure ?
@AbhishekHingnikar BenjaminGruenbaum is afk: tomorrow.
except for its 1 click deployment ?
@Divyanshunegi haven't used these
!!mdn layerx
!!mdn offsetx
layerX appears to be cross-browser
sorry i dint understand
layerX causing problem
in chrome
while zoooming in or out , i cant drag the flame when using layerX
no experience using that, sorry
Can anybody find a point in using azure ?
windows azure feels really expensive to me
@JuzzCoding if you are still around sorry i had an issue with sneha so had to run away
@AbhishekHingnikar Hello
@AbhishekHingnikar whats going on
nothing much testing out visual studio online
i am so scared for github !
nothing much testing out visual studio online
online vs ?
no its not the ide its just team foundation server renamed
so from where ?
Guys, how can I make this script round up values to 3 decimals together with 0? I mean, if the value is 1, then print it as 1.000, if value is 1.234 then print it as 1.234
.toFixed(3) doesn't show up zero's
@AndyAndy +"000").replace(/(\d\d\d)\d+/,"$1")
there must be a better way, though
@JanDvorak if you could see my face when you wrote this...
:D there has to be a better way
@AndyAndy +"000").replace(/\.\d+/, x=>x.slice(0,4))
@AndyAndy maybe it's worth a question on main?
Damn, had no idea this well get so hard
@EnglishMaster Most people in here don't have a problem with "fuck". But if someone is just spamming a line full of fucks for no reason he'll be flagged rightfully no matter if it's "fuck" or "phuck". Especially if it's done by someone new...
can anyone tell me what's wrong with my code ?
@AndyAndy hmm. I find the code not exactly a perfect example of the issue. Is that the code which triggered your question? I think you should clarify that
Would the closevoters please explain to me how this question is "asking us to recommend or find a tool, library or favorite off-site resource"? — Jan Dvorak 8 secs ago
Issue solved jsfiddle.net/ybtwe/2 , Don't waste your time on that , Thanks :)
:D @chintankhetiya Great mota bhai :D
@TheLittleNaruto You are here !!! :D
@chintankhetiya Well! Yes. :) :)
@TheLittleNaruto Good Pro :)
@chintankhetiya Pro O-o o-O ??
@Zirak I noticed today, you have moustache too. :P
@FlorianMargaine sorry didn't intend to call u
<if i accidently mis-called u>
I have a simple question,

I wanna have dynamic routes on a distributed apps.. these dynamic routes have their own modules and are rather express.js projects instead
i wonder how to achieve it ?
2 hours ago, by Some Guy
@Zirak http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1qq1ln/you_are_now_god_for_one_minute‌​_what_do_you_do/cdfa61o
You and me both, huh?
Hello Guys jqueryui.com/show
I have check this animation scale its good but using same code i have build jsfiddle.net/ybtwe/20/embedded/result but its not smooth as original
why ?
user image
Anybody knows it ?
@SomeGuy hahaha
@AbhishekHingnikar wth? kya hua ab?
posted on November 16, 2013 by Victor Rodriguez

‘Force Field’ Could Protect New Weather Satellite, Future Human Missions A new Canadian satellite — should it launch — might carry a sort of magnetized force field on board to keep charged particles away from vital electronics. Its polar orbit will likely take it through clouds of charged particles high above Earth. If the particles hit crucial components on the spacecraft, it can short out

@JuzzCoding nothing she needs a lesson on those who complain are those who care others dont give a fuck
@AbhishekHingnikar uhmm.. did she understood that ?
@AbhishekHingnikar Xpected.. :\
@JuzzCoding :P
@FlorianMargaine any idea how to attain dynamically injectable modules with node.js ?
basically i want to be able to do this ,
have a url

the app_id refers to an installed app
i guess i can just use a version control like system to add these apps as modules in node_modules folder and run identical copies of servers for now
since express routing is amazingly awesome :D
but the developers should be able to create their own apps which get injected here :-/
the problem is if i do so :-( node.js will have to load dynamic code.... which makes it rather hard for me to create ... since node.js amazingly caches it
sandboxing express is a different thing :P , but i will get that done ... so node users @dystroy @esliaja @florian @loktar @whoever uses node here any suggestions ?
oh ivo if u can suggest :D most welcome
@AbhishekHingnikar If you can get it for free - it's good free hosting. If you can't it's still pretty solid and you don't have to worry about configuring shit you don't care about.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I already told you, nobody cares.
@AbhishekHingnikar You can load outside the cache rather easily - but node with dynamic code loading sucks - not because of loading but because unloading is hard/impossible to do right at the moment.,
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah its a pain in the ass
it doesnt matter if it doesnt happen at the right moment :D
atleast for me ... at a small scale, as we scale i might find a better solution :-)
i had an idea of running every route as a worker but the amount of procs working would nearly annihilate my server
posted on November 16, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} OH MAN, the BAHFest videos are nearing completion. WOOP

@BenjaminGruenbaum btw any other idea to have middlewares b/w apps
but still keeping them running on different servers
@TheLittleNaruto "Too"? You're the "two", I'm the "one".
$180.28/mo @BenjaminGruenbaum microsofts calculator :P i'd rather go for the free plan :D lol
@AbhishekHingnikar BizSpark
@BenjaminGruenbaum i actually am considering AWS
since AWS gives me s3 , ec2 and bunch of shit free !
@AbhishekHingnikar If you can get bizspark go for Azure. Otherwise consider.
but then i will have to keep my app windows only , to even compete
I can tell you Azure works really well, not sure about other technologies
@AbhishekHingnikar no of course not..
i don't understand how stupid microsoft is... they organize a competition
want people to build apps
but fuck you we won't help you deploy it
Project Proposal to compete against other students from around the world in the
Online Finals. This should be a Microsoft Word or PDF document no longer than ten
pages, or a PowerPoint presentation no longer than twenty slides, which explains your
project and your team: Who your team is; what your project does; who your project is
for; and how you will bring your project to market.
 Innovation Software usable by the judges.
 Innovation Software Instructions document explaining how to use your software.
I have no clue how they will use a web-app without real data :-/ and especially an innovative idea as mine
they would offer u somethin in return.., :P
might be they use your idea later own on their own projects.., if they find it worth ??
@JuzzCoding nah they are not Apple
i will go with BizSpark @BenjaminGruenbaum and will write my code agnostic of Azure / AWS
so that i can switch
@AbhishekHingnikar Sure, if you're writing an App you might want to consider AppCampus too, it has been working great for us
am gonna make my college get me dream-spark
@BenjaminGruenbaum i am writing an appcelerator
@AbhishekHingnikar Why not BizSpark? If you have a solid idea that'd be better.
@BenjaminGruenbaum for the competition ( :
i want to win this !
@AbhishekHingnikar AppCampus, seriously. They give you up to 70K euros and no less than 20K for your app and don't require anything in return, they don't take shares/equity either.
Wow fucking awesome !
They require you to do WP first, but after 90 days you can launch with other platforms too and you can have web versions any time
@BenjaminGruenbaum i am just building an android like ecosystem for apps :P
i dislike 1000000000000000000000000000000000 api's that use facebook
but can't talk to each other ... then factorial(10000000000000000000000) api's to talk to each other
i mean wouldn't it be nice if you can watch your steam unlocks like you see on steam on your social timeline :P
but wow node.js just feels like a wrong tool for this :P
@AbhishekHingnikar Why?
what if the developer wants to write his app in say python :-| also module reload's are a bitch :-(
and routing by express now feels a lil bit too strict ... i am thinking of using mod_wsgi and make it load dynamic configuration and routes but when mod_wsgi restarts its gonna again i amma have dynamic downtime
You can use IaaS in Azure and run whatever, if you use Node, PHP or C# you can run it like PaaS
you just git push and it deploys node
@BenjaminGruenbaum i am actually concerned about how i am going to do
i don't wanna proxy that request but run it on my server itself
( which means i will be hosting tons of apps ... .. i have completed sandboxing for it though but it requires restarting node.js )
Ah yeah, that's a nice trick.
More love for Github.
so @BenjaminGruenbaum any clue on how to attain that my friend ?
@AbhishekHingnikar attain what?
that routing is something i have never done... and hence i don't even know what its called
i think i will keep it node.js only for now though
my current solution is having these modules managed by version control's
like linked repos
which just get pulled installed and they run dynamically
but that means app developers can push any time... which is when node.js is a pita !
also all modules on same app-server could be a serious architecture flaw.. but fuck that am doing it this wy
room topic changed to JavaScript: Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules(rules.javascriptroom.com). Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. [ecmascript] [javascript] [love-4-all] [poutine]
!!weather San Juan
@Zirak San Juan: 23.048C (296.198K), Sky is Clear
So Shmiddty just caught their servers on a bad time?
> This question has been deleted - no more answers will be accepted.
thats the pits when you've worked on an answer.
OMG KSP is on sale!
!!wiki KSP
@cↄ KSP an attention-seeker: this term comes from the Tagalog (Filipino) word \"Kulang Sa Pansin\" which literally means \"attention-deprived\"
@cↄ My pocket dictionary just isn't good enough for you.
KSPN (710 AM) is an all-sports radio station based in Los Angeles, California. It is owned by The Walt Disney Company. It is an ESPN Radio owned-and-operated station. Play-by-play Current *The football and basketball programs of the University of Southern California, since the 2006-07 academic year. The football announcing team is veteran Pete Arbogast and Paul McDonald. The basketball announcers are Chris Fisher and Jim Hefner. In 2010, Fisher replaced Rory Markas, who died in January of that year. Starting with the 2012 season, USC home football games will be carried on ESPN Radio....
!!wiki kerbal space program
Kerbal Space Program (commonly abbreviated to KSP) is a sandbox-style space flight simulator with gameplay elements currently in development for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. The first public alpha was released on June 24, 2011 and updates have been continually released since. KSP has support for mods, all of which are hosted on an official modding website. It is currently sold on the official KSP Store or, since March 20, 2013, through Steam. Gameplay The game places the player in control of a nascent space program operated by Kerbals, a race of small green humanoids, who have constr...
I've been waiting to buy it until the Christmas sale, but I guess I don't need to.
@rlemon Which question?
!!should I watch a movie or code
@Zirak code
@BenjaminGruenbaum Huh
@BenjaminGruenbaum HAH
@Zirak it was a stupid question. but I mean I actually wrote code to answer it!
all those precious keystrokes i'll never get back
@rlemon I hate when you type and have no window in focus. Where do all them characters go?
@mikedidthis To your keylogger.
now i'm not going to sleep
I don't think keyloggers work on your brain.
they will some day
puts on tinfoil hat
What do you think Google Glass is, man?
Primarily because your brain doesn't have...well...keys.
@SomeGuy I feel sorry for that guy.
already wearing his
@SomeGuy Need tinfoil insulation for your cable to stop a keylogger.
@Zirak impulses are like keys.
@SomeGuy If you wear Google Glass, you're a fascist paedophile.
if you really think about it
also, everyone. @mikedidthis is winning Movember.
come at me.
@mikedidthis It looks like your chin is angry at your forehead
And wants to settle it outside
wow... so beard... majestic like... must stroke...
@Zirak they are competing with each other.
On the other hand, I have to shave. YAY.
Sadly I lack the ability to grow facial hair. I have to get @rlemon to fake my manliness.
@mikedidthis I really love the fact that you have your cheeks blown up in the original. it makes your face look all plump and jolly.
@AbhishekHingnikar dude still?!
@KendallFrey you didn't own KSP?
@rlemon yes
@rlemon :)
When i become a millionaire... well if i become one (rawr) .... i will ensure 1TBPS internet at my home
and lease you all 1GBPS
then we can live in the same house virtually lol
But then my ping time will be shite.
@KendallFrey lol
my ping is over 1200ms to google
.com - 1290 avg
.in - 180avg
I average 27ms on .com and on .ca, and 26ms on .in
@rlemon Its what you get when you use AT & T and that to the Indian Version
i am waiting my iPhone 5s it brings wireless internet with better latency :P ( sadly the company selling it is the only one with a private internet backbone ) and 8mbps :D wireless
Hey all, I found this javascript timer (it will count till each sunday, weekly): http://jsfiddle.net/foxbunny/xBE7L/
I was trying to make it work for Saturday 19:00. But it will display : -1 hours -XXminutes -XX seconds AFTER saturday 19:00. Is there some way to edit that script to make it work for saturday without problems? Or do I need to look for another script?
Nevermind, I got it!
@SimonSarris y u no liek latex
anyword for innovation which starts with an o ?
or creation
even french will do
@FlorianMargaine you... look different man
Movember ^
i have an entry aswell :-/ but i don't have a beard
What can make a select box value to be an empty string?
@Abhishek nobody wants to see your pubic hair
Microsoft - Mission Is Crucially Reducing Our Sales of OUR Faulty Technologies
I cannot reproduce the problem, unfortunately...
Can we set the value for a hidden select box?
I cannot reproduce. the problem, unfortunately...
@イオニカビザウ sure can
@AbhishekHingnikar ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum just saw funny acronym's of software companies
the micrsoft one suited a lot
Wow, why is it so slow?
I got it from MSDN subscriber downloads, took like 10 minutes
@BenjaminGruenbaum thats its top speed
if i go msdn subscriber it will take almost 5 days
20-30kbps on it .// latency
Woah? I get like 6 megabit per second there at the very worst, usually a bit more.
@BenjaminGruenbaum my connection is i think 512kbps down speed
should be 256 kBps
ah i should ask my friend to get me a copy from msdn
but meh india sucks
@BenjaminGruenbaum honestly speaking you can download and express courier me i think it will come almost in the same time lol
If amaan does it'd come in less time ha!

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