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40k should net between $100-150 just for one day based on my experience
@Loktar No blog, the emulator project
yay 23 upvotes on my question :D
its a record for me :P
inb4 downvote war. Well nah I won't go that down
ahh it was just directly linked to the emu thats right
Interesting how there have been a lot of biologists posting questions over the past few months.
haven't you heard @Zirak
amirite @connor.js?
TIL aliens have trouble grasping Python and numpy
Hi all
am back on windows :P
@AbhishekHingnikar yo
hey just saw India bought a third carrier
@Loktar and this is killing my eyes
damn asus faulty hardware kings
your military is getting modern man!
@Loktar nah :P
apparently worried about Chinese expansion
compare to America and China and Russia we are 20 minute war
Army vs Army :P
and am not bullshitting lol
eh, you guys have a ton of people though
I mean granted the US has great technical capability, so does Russia
@Loktar you guys have better weapons and armor though
but China I bet you guys could take
not easily by any means
@Loktar in 1961 they attacked
plus the US would side with you anyway
Russia had to interfere to save us
that's when we lost Tibet :P
Oh and I think I am going to be using windows 8
with internet explorer 11
why ? I am in love with this nasty autocorrect
Have you noticed less typing mistakes
@AbhishekHingnikar ah I havent read mich about the Sino-Indian war but thanks for the info
I havent used IE11
@Loktar am in love with windows
I cant upgrade to 8.1... my friend gave me a win 8 key, but apparently its a network vs so I need a standalone update for 8.1
sucks. So basically Im going to have to pay $200 to buy win 8
Linux Tool [10 h] vs Microsoft Scan Disk [30 seconds!]
holy FUCK !
yeah its 199 for ultimate or whatever
er maybe they call it professional now
for a .1 upgrade?
well.. not normally
@phenomnomnominal its free for me 8-)
my friend gets a discount because he works for a school
will just take 3 months or so
it's free for anyone who wants to steal it haha
and I paid that price, but the vs isnt eligible for the 8.1 upgrade
I can upgrade, I just need to get a standalone download of 8.1.. which MS isnt offering on their site
which sucks
Did you guys see that most of the PS4 UI is WebGL?
pretty badass
would be amazing if they allowed html5 developed games
Most likely yes, but obv in future ... no ?
but they won't push it just yet :P
@phenomnomnominal IE 11 supports webgl right ?
so if... Microsoft is being legitimate, then they must have allowed to make HTML 5 apps in Xbox One aswell no ?
!!afk learning to fly
@Zirak Just go already!
X-Box runs on a windows ish environment now ?
so can't we have it ?
for X-Box one already ?
I mean html5 support is there since windows 8... that'd be badass !
well.. all the consoles are on x86 architectures now too which is also cool
Cant wait until someone gets the games running on PC's
write a game for PS 4 and Xbox One which runs on PC !
I imagine it will be a bit easier now, dont really need a full blown emu
Hey people, I there a way to get a date from +0 GMT from everywhere? instead of the localtime?
@Loktar give it 4-5 m ?
@AbhishekHingnikar heh I hope
how cool would that be, buying a legit ps4 game or xbone game and playing it on the PC :)
I like some of the xbones launch lineup but I dont want to buy one, so that would be great
@Zirak Tom Petty or Pink Floyd?
@Shea Zirak is afk: learning to fly
@Loktar for free ^^
@BenjaminGruenbaum haha yeah I know a lot would do that, however I havent pirated a game in like 10 years now
well.. shit I guess I cant totally say that
I have a ton of roms for retro systems
@Loktar I was talking about dream/bizspark , didn't even consider pirating it :P
but thats such a grey area...
We have all of Microsoft's stuff for free :)
oh are you talking about windows 8?
dreamspark is very damn cool
is that like MSDN licensing or something?
wish i was still a student.
actually thats a lie
@BenjaminGruenbaum :-)
well I have one good thing about windows :D
it fixed my curropted files out of the box
in < 30 seconds .. me was like wtf it just scanned and bam the hard disk was functional
or it could be that the ntfs-3g package might be nasty on linx :-|
I hate spending lots of money.
@BenjaminGruenbaum My college has dreamspark
yipieee !
Dropped over a grand today. Never leaves a good taste
He bought a ps4+oculus rift?
Idk. I don't like spending large sums of money.
^^ congrats @rlemon
@Loktar I was close to getting the ps4
Im with you btw @rlemon spending over 1k sucks generally
@rlemon What did you get?
why did someone star yeah?? lol
@rlemon your raffle should be robffle.com
ooh maybe he got rlemon.com?!
@Loktar no, just shit I needed. New jacket, two hoodies, jeans, wallet, new lighting unit for my fish tanks.
jesus dude
jacket $400, hoodies $80 each, jeans $125, lighting unit $375
that was the bulk of the money ^^
then little things
"shit I needed" added up to <30 here
Holy shit, you have expensive taste
haha ikr
shit I need cost maybe $200
jeans I can't find any that are less expensive that fit me right.
shit I want > $1k
and I've looked.
I needed a new jacket. the zipper on my old one went.
I can invest a good amount for a warm leather jacket.
although my hoodie was like $80, but its a 10 year hoodie made in the USA! (from kickstarter)
Was in Waterloo today. rlemon didn't kill me. <successkid.jpg>
and the hoodies are those super warm fur lined winter ones
My clothing is entirely free swag from startups.
like wearing a blanket.
on that note, tech companies need to give out more pants
I remember a time when I cared about labels/brands now they actually piss me off
@rlemon creepy. the zipper on my coat just broke too.
like North Face and people wearing them
no this is just some Danier leather jacket.
nice a double lined.
Im like oh wow you have a North Face? Im wearing some no name crap and make more money than you. YOU RIKE DIS?
@rlemon yeah jackets can be $$ last time I spent 400 or > on one was in college
@SomeKittens Not until they make full-body webcams.
@rlemon I think I could buy a cow for that much
@Shea actually.. you could buy half a cow for that easy
i want a puffer onesie, then I'm moving to Antarctica.
I think my wifes dad sells half cows for like $300
Alive or dead?
@KendallFrey ...isn't that just a webcam you take a couple steps back from?
alive! :p
@SomeKittens ssh
@Loktar We've done that, awesome deal, local meat.
@Loktar And which half?
actually people generally put the bid in when they are alive
actually no i dont
@KendallFrey I wouldn't ssh into your webcam. I like my nightmares to remain Kendall-free
I'm not f*ing buying a cow
I wanted to sponsor some cows
@KendallFrey Yeah, just marry her!
Yeah, it's all auction, unless you have the hook ups
@SomeKittens That's why they're nightmares. ba dum tsh
like pay for their food + upkeep and get a cut of the profits
I use to be in 4H
@Shea ah cool
@Loktar Yeah, but he's in Canada, where you're in (Virginia?)
Wow dude.. just wow, virginia?
At least you didnt say West Virginia I guess
I find the name Virgin ia to be ironic.
lol Im in Nebraska, but from Michigan
I'm from my mom, but in your mom.
I will go blind
I mean nothing against West Virginians, I love my sister and all just not that much
Stop fapping
cringes at joke
No.... man the screen brightness of this laptop is higher then a MacBook pro
@AbhishekHingnikar turn it down?
almost 3x of it
@Loktar cant ..
yea well it is a nice jacket.
@Loktar er, wow.
Then fap to African porno.
as a short slim man it is hard to find clothes that fit me properly
what kind of laptop doesnt let you turn down screen brightness
Even Linux has that
in terms of measurement offitude, that was the level of Windows file copy.
once I find a brand / style that fits I don't care how much it costs. I need clothes that fit
@KendallFrey That's not ironic, that's literally why it got it's name
@KendallFrey You know what the worst part of racism is? The good jokes people can crack
@KendallFrey @KendallFrey You know what the best part of racism is? The good jokes people can crack (source)
@AbhishekHingnikar You no have Fn?
@Loktar It worked earlier
@CapricaSix Don't be an idiot. Remove the double-ping.
@Shea only sound is working
maybe I should try rebooting ?
No, try finding the right drivers :D
I am hating this laptop now though
its too heavy.. hurts itself has 64 bad sectors (when my decade old spare computer has 1 )
bad computer -_-
No more Asus note for self
Transferring 2TB over wifi is taking a long time. I really should have just moved the HDD
Just macbooks and loktar made desktops
Wish I could list how much I can lift on my GitHub portfolio. How will recruiters know? :(
Sounds like something Jandy would post on facebook
@Loktar you will make a tower for me right ?
will you will you will you ?
</13 year old girl>
I really like Internet Explorer 11 :D
@AbhishekHingnikar Knowing you, in about 3 days you'll hate it :)
@phenomnomnominal Hahaha
@phenomnomnominal no I like it cause it downloads chrome faster !
PS I have to love it because I have to deal with it :-(
@rlemon I remember you telling us about how your vision fades to blindness for a bit sometimes because of some migraines. Did you ever know what the migraines were called specifically?
I just came across visual snow and that seems to be related to migraines at times too. Reminded me of your problem
Asus programs are now telling me this program only supports asus notebooks wtf
ophthalmic migraine
causes scintillating scotoma
all worlds I have to google to be able to spell
visual snow is very similar to the scotoma
@rlemon Awesome, thanks!
but I can tell you that over the years I have noticed a slight 'snow like' overlay in my vision
but I normally accredit that to the fact that hard contrast bothers my eyes
it does not effect reading or anything. so I don't complain about it
@rlemon Really?
It'd be strange if you had both conditions
@Dave Hahahahahahaha, only just saw the funny side of that
@phenomnomnominal Special treatment for Lemon!
@SomeGuy :-|
You suffer from that?
You've complained of migraines a lot of times
@Dave come back when you've actually seen an alien.
I don't think I do. and the first diagnosis was done by my family doctor and my optometrist based off the symptoms I described and a few tests. I never have done any neurological exams to determine this is the case. I've been advised to do so if it ever gets worse
also I still don't quite know the trigger - but the fact that these have been happening for 10+ years and the symptoms have never changed gives them their reasoning that it probably isn't anything serious
Bonus points if you find a little green one with one eye and the power to move anything with it's eye
@rlemon From the images here, what does it look like to you?
@SomeGuy yes but considering our line of work (according to my doctor) that isn't abnormal.
@SomeGuy Oh, that happens to me
a mix between the last two, but darker ... much darker
and it focuses into the center of my vision in one eye and to the inner part of my vision of the other eye
When I first learned about atoms, I thought floaters were atoms, and only I could see them.
haha awesome
I always thought as a kid they were DNA
^ thinking you have special abilities is a strong indicator of schizophrenia.
@phenomnomnominal Oh, but I knew I had special abilities! The aliens gave them to me
special abilities
2 words for asus
... fuck you !
ATK / ACPI driver not installed === laptop not asus
I also get general blurriness in my right eye thanks to thinking I could play Racquetball without eye protection
I wonder what will that do if I install it on a laptop not asus :D
@SomeKittens That must have sucked.
@SomeGuy suggest me an external hard-drive ?
@SomeKittens ouch!
It's not that often. 99% of the time my eye's fine.
Oh, does anyone remember the first time they were kicked in the nuts? I thought I was dying because it blew the wind out of me
@AbhishekHingnikar Don't really know, man. Never used one
I don't remember the first time but I do remember the worst.
I hoped u did :P
@All ping me with external hdd suggestions Fusion drive is an option budget $120
@nderscore I don't see a way to not hardcode the solution to the problem you posted
@Shmiddty Oh, it's you again...
Shut up woman
@SomeKittens Mine wasn't actually "kicked in the nuts". I was playing football (read: soccer) and I was the goalkeeper. If the football heads for your balls, you better let them score.
Guys, I forgot to tell you. I won't be able to come on at work any more, probably
@mikedidthis I'm just spamming you now, I think. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prisoner%27s_cinema
@Shmiddty me either. it's an embedded solution
and it wasn't my problem this time :)
@Shmiddty what happened?
Holy fuck. Lifehack discovered: Spot the difference images are easy if you cross your eyes
@nderscore that's good. I expect much from you, padewan
@SomeGuy The dust on my eyeballs
@kittyface new boss, he's under pressure, cracking down
I'm 6 mojitos into my night
What a coincidence, I'm 6 jagerbombs into my night!
Jager is gross
And for fratbros
Well I am fresh out of a party college..
Nuh uh, I love black licorice
Plus with red bull it's delicious
Lucky R U, Jordan
3 pizza slices and 3 garlic rolls into my afternoon
I drink Jager straight it's so good
Shea, try sambuca
I love Jager, it's great
@RUJordan Jagerbombs are the best.
You are all bros. Nohomo
I really am a bro, it's kinda embarassing lol
@Shmiddty Well, sambuca's good too, but nothing's better than a Jagerbomb.
If I'm socially drinking, hard cider or lagers
I have to party with the family tonight, in about 4 hours. I hope I don't get shit hammered and make a retard of myself
Cheap vodka is better.
Black licorice is the worst
^ That's what I usually drink
@Shmiddty no.
Licorice is shit. If you want Anise you want Arak or better Jagger or better Absinthe.
I can't do cheap vodka anymore. I'm taking a shine to Grey Goose now that I can afford a bottle
$3.5 pint of Bartons + Mt. Dew
@RUJordan Grey Goose and Van Gogh are both decent. Russky Standard is also a personal favorite.
I generally do beer, but I'm a Coloradan, so that's par for the courses
I mostly drink beer and scotch though.
@SomeKittens Yeah, usually lagers, or scotch. Jagerbomb's for the special occasions.
Also, someone should get World of Warplanes and be my wingman
If I drink spirits I tend to go for rum or Bailey's
Good rum can be decent :)
Peppermint Schnapps + Coke is delicious, if not that alcoholic.
I go into drinking scotch thinking it's going to taste like butterscotch, and am always disappointed.
I like Irish carbombs if I'm doing shots
I love irish carbombs, and I've also taken a shine to Vegas Bombs
Basically I'm dropping everything into jager lol..
redbull sorry
Vegas bombs have an egg on top?
Not that I know of
So just some roe all up in it?
> 1/2 oz Crown Royal® Canadian whisky
1/2 oz DeKuyper® butterscotch liqueur
Red Bull® energy drink
I can't do crown. Bad experience
Every time I drink crown, I throw up
Raspberry vodka for me
one shot and it's sophmore year all over again..
Old monk for me
I ran into some people from Colorado on my first night, they twisted my arm and got me to do a shot of crown. Threw up
Not until I was back in my hotel, but still
Shit just has too much sugar or something.
Also, drinking and smoking is a dangerous game
Too much smoke and I puke
I'm a delicate flower
Sounds like you're having fun
Define smoke? :P
@copy we are going to lose. I'm saddened
I told you it's a hard one
I have no idea what they're doing
For(i=41;i--;s-1||print(s))for(a in r=readline(s=''))i<11?s+=it[a]:it[a]=(r[a]-1?'':r[a])+[it[a]]
Something like that
Is my solution
for(a=[],k=i=39;k;i--)for(r=readline(j=50);j--;)i>9?a[j]=" "+[a[j]]+r[j].trim():putstr(a[j][k=i+(a<"'.-")]+["\n"[j]])
s+=it[a]||' '
Your solution is weird
Your solution is weird
Trim is probably shorter than my -1 thing
I think the short one could be one of ours with a single loop
Still trying to figure yours out, but I'm drunk
now I am confused.. windows why you no natural scroll
for(a=[],k=i=39;k;i--) I've never seen a for look like that before

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